Warmth (2/5)


“I really am quite sorry for bumping into you like this, I should have been looking where I was going…”

“Oh, its fine Jaejoong-sshi, please don’t worry so much! You must have had a good reason for being distracted…this may be too bold of me, but would you like to tell me the reason over a cup of hot chocolate?”

Jaejoong’s face instantly brightened. Chocolate? His savior must have done some research on him, because chocolate (of any kind) was his ultimate weakness. Although Yunho, oops Yunho-sshi, was a complete stranger, Jaejoong did not hesitate one bit before going to the café with him.

As soon as they reached the café, Jaejoong was hit with the wonderful smells of Christmas. Although it was still four days away, all the shops had been decorated with the beautiful colors of Christmas and Jaejoong couldn’t help but cheer up, slightly, at the magnificent site.

“Jaejoong-sshi, would you like some peppermint in your hot chocolate?”

Yunho’s question brought Jaejoong back from the beautiful Christmases of his past that he had been reminiscing, and he was suddenly reminded of all the terrible events of the day. He’s probably be fired tomorrow…and one cannot have a happy Christmas with no job…

“-sshi? Are you alright? Jaejoong?”

“Ah! I’m so sorry Yunho-sshi, I was just…lost in my thoughts I suppose.”

“Oh, its quite alright. And please, call me Yunho. I really don’t mind.”

With a smile as bright as the sun, Jaejoong stated, “Same with me then, Yunho. Call me Jaejoong, Jae, Joongie, Boo…”

At the last world, Jaejoong’s eyes sparkled, and Yunho sure didn’t miss the sudden brightness.

“If I didn’t know any better, Boo, I’d say you were flirting with me.”

Jaejoong laughed, as he had not laughed in many days. It felt nice to have someone instead of constantly yelling at him. Stupid boss.

“I was only kidding Yunho. Now, tell me more-“

“No, Jae, we are not here to talk about me right now. I want to know why you were walking like a zombie out there on the street?” Jae’s smile went back to his frown once again, at the mention of his terrible day.

“Well, it started out with me being late to work, getting yelled at by my evil boss, doing a presentation on a topic that I was not aware even existed, and then having my oh-so-useful secretary drop a cup of coffee on my pants. As you have probably assumed, it was not one of my better days,” Jaejoong ended with a sigh.

“Oh, poor Joongie, I’m so sorry! That’s horrible. Hey, at least one good thing came out of all of those mishaps!”

Jaejoong tilted his head to the side. Was Yunho a runaway from some psychiatric ward? How in the world did he see good from the story Jaejoong just told him?

“You met me.”

Cocky son of a gun.

But Jaejoong couldn’t agree more.

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nahbrah #1
You write so good T^T <3. LOL THIS IS SO <3 lol.
Ah, I wanna read the last part!
hime-chan #3
ahahaha Yun-dog! The kiss was sweet!
absolutely adorable!!!!.. plz update soon!!!.. just like yunho brought a smile to jaejoong's face.. reading ur fic is doin da same to me.. :))).. had a very bad day 2dae nd came upon dis fic smhw.. soo update soon!!.. ty nd *kisses* fr da fic!!
Awwh... Isn't Yun so sweet~? x3
n'awwww.<br />
cant wait for the next update =]
hime-chan #7
Sorry I went MIA. This melted me into a puddle. Good job love!