The extended family appears

Sadistic chemistry

Hongbin made his way through to the kitchen and gave into instinct as he hurriedly gulped down a cold bottle of water. The water started to drip down his defined jaws and collar bones. Suddenly, Hongbin flinched as he heard a thud near him. His eyes shot to the kitchen counter behind which he saw Leo and Hakyeon standing. Hongbin said “Hyung~~ why’d you scare me?” as he closed the refrigerator that he left open. Wearing the most expressionless face Leo said “I just came here attracted by the smell of popcorn which I was begging for when you came in a hurry and started putting on a show that made Hakyeon drop the steel bowl he was holding”. Embarrassed by this Hakyeon looked away, making Hongbin blush and say “Hyung~~ You can be so random yet remain blank—“.”Now! Now! Let’s drop this matter. Leo go rest for now since, we have the rest of the day off. I’ll call you guys for dinner at 8” said Hakyeon authoritatively as he interrupted the younger one. Leo nodded and left the two embarrassed men alone in the kitchen. “Hyung? You made me popcorn?” asked Hongbin. Hakyeon rambles, “Yeah! You love eating popcorn whenever we watch movies so, I thought you’d want some. But, now I think it was a stupid idea considering how you’re on a strict diet to maintain your body for the deb—“ “No! I want it!! Hyung, don’t worry about that I can lose these calories in an hour because of how much we train. Plus, if it’s the popcorn you made.. I’d love it!” said Hongbin as he interrupted the pouting leader. His words caused Hakyeon to smile as he poured the freshly made popcorn into the bowl.

Making their way to the common lounge Hongbin started telling Hakyeon all about his day’s schedule. Quickly Hongbin scrams to his room and begins changing intro shorts and a tee then hurries to the lounge where he saw Hakyeon standing. The common lounge was packed with all the other members sprawled on the couches as they watched the Vixx LR episode of ”A song for you” ending. “That was so funny!” screamed Hyuk. “I know right? I’m so proud of you Taekwoon hyung!!!” added Jaehwan. Ravi who was silent until then said “I’m off to buy a few things and have some coffee! Taekwoon hyung? Aren’t you coming?” Leo waved at everyone and walked out the dorm room. Jaehwan said “Those too are meant to be. Though it took them forever to figure that out —“, Hyuk interrupted “That aside, Hongbin hyung, Hakyeon hyung, are you both watching a movie?”. “Yes, we are! That’s why I want you both to scram” said Hakyeon. Hongbin shooed the two and sat on the couch. Jaehwan and Hyuk left the common room and went into Hyuk’s room as Hyuk mumbled “Let’s watch the new animation movie we bought hyung! That way those two can be alone…”



Sorry the chapters are tiny... >.<
My exams are going on.. 
I'll begin updating every 12 days from now on.. (*^^*)
Also, here's the link for the episode I spoke about:

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Chapter 2: These chapters are super refreshing~ I'm looking forward to the next ones!
Chapter 1: Looking forward to this ^^ update soon :)