chapter 15 [2/2]

Your Answer



What are you doing here?  


Leave, I don't want to see you again.  


Everything Hoseok had braced himself for upon seeing Yoongi, upon being stood opposite the male's family home in the evening silence—in awe. His body had become nothing but dead weight, the sight of a Min Yoongi who was in a much more weaker state than he remembers. Yoongi who was practically wasting away, his black, knitted jumper hanging off of him as if Yoongi's frame was a hanger for material to droop and fall around. Nothing fit him anymore, his hair was now an ashy (and damaged) blonde, his eyes tired and piercing (like usual).  


The expression he was wearing was oddly calm, as if he'd just opened the door to a—a stranger like he was collecting mail or something. It's the same deadpan expression he's seen only a few times, and it's the exact one Yoongi wears when he's in a situation he hates, as if he's trying to warn the person off. 


But this was Hoseok, none of that was going to wash with him.  


And then after two minutes of wondering silence, Yoongi stepped aside as a sign for Hoseok to step in. There was no going back now. This was it. Hoseok wondered around the open living room for a few moments, unsure of what to do until he saw Yoongi pad over and sit on the sofa, wrapping himself in a throw over he must have been using before. Hoseok's eyes glanced over to the TV mounted on the wall over the fireplace, a film was paused and upon further inspection Hoseok realised what film it actually was.  


It was the film he remembers complaining about at the drive thru cinema all those months ago, the film where Yoongi's eyes drifted and settled upon Hoseok instead of the giant screen in front of him, the film where Yoongi would laugh softly and smile fondly whenever Hoseok huffed over a certain scene. He remembers Yoongi saying he had no interest in the film, so why was he watching it now? 


Nevermind, he already knows the answer.  


Yoongi's eyes right now were settled upon him, but nowhere near the same atmosphere was emitted. That expression--that ing expression that Hoseok wants so desperately to change, he wants to see the warmth behind those eyes again, the look that Yoongi gives him that says okay, I may be a ing stubborn and cold guy, but I'm yours, I'll let you see everything about me.  


But Hoseok knows, he knows he has no right to tell Yoongi to stop it, stop looking at me like that. Because it's his fault their both in this right now.  


"What are you doing here?" Yoongi finally broke, throat dry and unused which alarmed Hoseok.  


The younger practically jumped from his voice, it wasn't as if it was a shock but it had been so long since he'd heard that deep gravel, scratching lightly and playfuly at Hoseok's skin until he was left painted in goosebumps. He sighed deeply, eyes fluttering shut for a moment to prepare himself, then his head rested against the palm of his hand, bangs shifting over his eyes. "Do you really need to ask me that?--" 


"No, but I want to hear it from you," Yoongi demanded, throwing Hoseok off a little with such a certain response—what else was he expecting?  

"I--" Hoseok choked slightly, looking down to his crossed legs on the sofa. "I missed you."  


"Mm," Yoongi hums quite quickly, "but that’s not why you're here."  


"Are you mad at me?" Hoseok asked suddenly, a whiny undertone in his voice that even irritated him, a look of sorrow and pity glossing his eyes. Yoongi's eyebrows furrowed at this, his lips tightening and Hoseok was quick to retract his question. "No, no I know that's a stupid question. Of course you're mad at me."  


"I'm not mad at you, Hoseok," Yoongi said. "I just want to hear you say it, I've been waiting long enough don't you think?"  


The brunettes lips parted as if he was ready to cry, but instead he shut them tightly and sunk his teeth in to his bottom lip. The pain, the tiredness and the overall hurt in Yoongi's voice was ing torturous, and Hoseok could only imagine how long Yoongi had been feeling like this.  


"I'm so sorry," Hoseok breathed. He tried his best to compose himself, he really did. But upon apologizing he finally cracked, tears streaking down his face in waves. "I can see what I've done to you—I've—I've broken you and I'm so, so sorry. How—how are you even talking to me right now? , Yoongi I'm so sorry." 


Yoongi watched in silence as Hoseok sobbed, his eyes trailing the males frame up and down. The ticking of the clock acompinied Hoseok's whimpers and utters, he wasn't entirely sure what Hoseok was attempting to say but he knew it was along the lines of I'm sorry, sorry, sorry.  

"You broke up with him, didn't you?"  


Hoseok's crying became quieter—almost like magic. His teeth chattering against his bottom lip as he looked at Yoongi with a dumbfounded expression, "huh—how--"  


"You wouldn't be here if you were still with him." 


Hoseok choked at this, he wasn't used to being told so surely and honestly about himself. "Yuh—yoongi," he whined.  


"It's fine, Hoseok. I don't blame you, how can I when I know what he can be like?" 


"I—I just," Hoseok hiccuped with an arm raised to his eyes, "I couldn't do it anymore. Being with him, I was upsetting you and—and being around you was upsetting him. I felt so ing stuck, Yoongi. I love you both, I love you both so much. But—but I can't do this anymore, I can't be in a relationship where I'm ing fearful for my life." Hoseok swallowed dryly, smacking his lips before continuing. He rubbed his arm against his eyes, almost as if he was frustrated with himself.  


"I am so ing sick of hiding, of running away from everything—from you. I've done it my entire life, I'm so scared to be with you, Yoongi. It terrifies the out of me because—because I feel like I'm living, like I'm worth something just by the way you cradle me, the way your fingers press against my scalp lightly, the cute and bright smiles you give me when I do something completely ing stupid."  


Yoongi watched in awe as Hoseok rambled to him—or to himself. Hoseok couldn't even look him in the eyes, all of this was vented with the comfort of an arm.  


"So tired," Hoseok whimpered, "I'm tired of being scared! I want to experience new things with you, I want late night talks without the fear of falling too hard, I want touches that let me know my life has value instead of being a punching bag, I want laughs that last forever and I don't have to go long without. I—I want to be happy, I want to finally let myself live. And—and that's with you. Yoongi, I love you both so much. But—but it's you, it's always been you." Hoseok's arm finally dropped from his face to reveal rough, red and bloated skin. He forced himself to hold Yoongi's wide gaze, "I love you, Yoongi. I've loved you for such a long, long time."  


Yoongi's breath hitched, he couldn't even remember the last time he'd taken the time to breathe, he didn’t want to risk anything from Hoseok finally pouring his heart and soul out.  


"God, Hoseok," Yoongi breathed out, his own eyes glossy from the threat of tears. He pulled on the males arm so they fell in to a warm embrace, Hoseok gasping at the sudden strength in the older man. "How did we manage to end up like this, huh?"  


Hoseok let loose once he was safe in Yoongi's embrace, his head buried in to the crook of the blondes neck as he continued to hiccup. "I—I dunno," he cried, "but I don't want to give this up, not—not anymore."  


Yoongi hummed, his eyes shutting peacefully as his arms tightened around the brunettes frame. They were finally together, holding each other in unison and understanding. This was all Yoongi wanted--he just wanted Hoseok to give in and allow himself happiness for once. Stop punishing yourself, stop being this person who you think is a better version of Hoseok. The person I've know for 12 years is much cuter, he has more to offer.  



Out of all the situations they could have ended up in, Yoongi didn't expect them to be in this one. To have held each other for a good ten minutes, petting Hoseok's back until his whimpers finally turned into gentle whines. But for this to happen, for Hoseok to be straddling Yoongi's lap on the sofa with a gentle smile, Yoongi's fingers carding his hair and sweeping his bangs away from his face. Hoseok's slender fingers running from his rib cage to his waist, admiring the touch but a part of him winced from how thin Yoongi had gotten. But that conversation could be saved for later.  


Gentle touches of admiration led to something else—and now Hoseok was riding Yoongi right on the living room sofa. In any other situation—with anyone else, the two would have said this would be the last thing they would do. To have just after confessing with each other, they'd rather talk things through from start to finish. But at this moment in time, they were both just so tired of talking. Of having to explain their feelings again and again. was their way of completing it, of connecting with each other in the initimacy Hoseok had been lacking for so very, very long.  


There wasn’t much talking, no need for senseless or cliché words to follow after one another. They wanted this to be as real as possible, solely down to their bodies and their feelings to pleasure each other.  


Never did their eyes fall from the other, something that should be a little awkward but was...endearing? Hoseok's hand was placed on the arm of the sofa beside Yoongi's head, his other interlocked with Yoongi next to the other side of the elders head. Yoongi's free hand was running along Hoseok's curved waist to balance him and the pace was steady, no rush for release or terrible sloppiness.  


Hoseok was now only in his worn out Marvel's t-shirt, and Yoongi's heart clenched at the overall cuteness Hoseok portrayed whilst being in such a position. His hand raked over Hoseok's thigh, thighs that were painted in scars and light bruises. The bruises looked fresh, how the hell did they get there? Did Namjoon do something? No Yoongi, stop for a moment and just look at him. Don't think about that, don't think about the scars that were a sign of Namjoon. Just think about now—the present.  


Hoseok could tell Yoongi's mind wandered slightly, and he gave his hand a reassuring squeeze and Yoongi was grateful, he really needed it.  




It was late, and Yoongi had opted to taking Hoseok out for a late night walk, instead of the two sat in with their minds still wondering over everything. Besides, it was 11pm and his parents were going to be home any minute, he'd prefer if he and Hoseok had just spent this time together without the questions or confusion from his parents.  


It was a peaceful walk, no destination actually in mind—but a peaceful walk. Hoseok was walking along the edge of the sidewalk, hands out as if he was walking a tightrope, his legs would wobble every now and then but he'd balance himself back out. Yoongi was walking behind him with a gentle smile, hands in his pockets and the warm, night air tickling his cheeks.  


"Daegu isn't so bad," Hoseok spoke over the evenings thick air, "it's kind of pretty at night." 


"Mm," Yoongi hummed, his head falling back to look over the celestial sky, "it has it's perks I suppose."  


As much as Yoongi loves to ramble about how mundane Daegu is, he can't deny the beauty of being in his hometown. He remembers the night his parents sat him and his elder brother down, his dad explaining how he'd received a job offer in Seoul. Before he knew it, they were uplifted and routed in the countries capital within two months. That meant leaving friends behind—or people you talk to just to past the time, but that also meant Yoongi meeting his best friends.  


Unlike Yoongi, his parents just couldn't seem to settle in Seoul, and ended up moving back years ago. Yoongi decided to stay and study in the capital that offered some of the best courses in the country, he and his parents couldn't allow him to miss that opportunity 


"Hey, Hoseok," he called and the younger hummed. "How long do you plan on staying here?"  


Hoseok turned around at this, a look of confusion and slight offensiveness. He stopped walking all at once, Yoongi doing so too so the pair were stood in front of each other with Hoseok having an (annoying) advantage in height.  


"What does that mean?" 


"No, no, no," Yoongi retracted, his hands reaching out to interlock with Hoseok's lazily. "I don't mean it like that, Seok. I mean—do you want to stay here?"  


"Well, I would be with you so I don't really mind?"  


"Then, no matter where we are it doesn't matter, right?"  


Hoseok nodded lightly with a pout, taking in Yoongi's delicacy and caress of his thumb over Hoseok's knuckles. Hoseok missed this, something that was so damn easy for the two to fall into.  


"So, do you want to go away for a bit?"  


"Away, away where?"  




Hoseok was quiet for a moment, his eyes resting upon Yoongi's dark orbs. "Jeju? To see your auntie and uncle?"  


"Yeah—well sort of, it'll be for us mainly. We can just work on us again, getting us back to how we used to be you know?" 


"Mm," Hoseok thought. He raised one of his and Yoongi's laced fingers to his mouth, his lips ghosting over the back of Yoongi's milky skin, "I think that's a good idea."  


"You do?" Yoongi asked, a little shock in his tone. He's not exactly used to Hoseok being so direct with him, and Hoseok could see that. The brunette nodded, stepping forward and closing the space between the two. He hummed lowly, arms wrapping around Yoongi's neck and locking into place loosely.  


"Yeah, I think it would be good for us to have some time away."  


"Good," Yoongi said with a smile, pecking Hoseok's cheek in the process, "we'll leave on Friday, yeah?"  


Two days.  


"Yeah, sounds good."  


Hoseok turned back around, holding Yoongi's hand behind him. The younger was still playing his little balancing game on the sidewalk, Yoongi having the sense to stay on the flat concrete.  


The two ended up walking for a little while longer, Hoseok coming to a stop upon seeing a small café that was still open at 11.40pm, he practically jumped and tugged at Yoongi's arm for them to go. It didn't take much for Yoongi to give in, plus he couldn't remember the last full meal he'd hat, it would be nice to finally have one with Hoseok 


The café was quiet, only a young couple in the corner who were sharing coffees and grilled sandwiches, giving Hoseok the idea for him and Yoongi to get the exact same. Yoongi complied, his heart sinking little by little by the small bursts of giddiness Hoseok would get, or the hums of satisfactory he'd make around a bite of grilled cheese. He'd tear a piece off, holding it up to Yoongi's lips paciently as he expressed how amazing it tasted, Yoongi would glare at the gluey grilled bread, then back up to Hoseok. Hoseok knows well enough that Yoongi hates cheese, but he still insisted the elder tried it. 


"For me?" He asked with a of the head, tone high in innocence.  


Damn it, Yoongi thought. Reluctantly opening his mouth and wrapping his lips around the bread, catching Hoseok's slender fingers on the way.

Hoseok watched intently for Yoongi's reaction, it was a stiff and deadpan one that gave practically nothing away—as expected from Yoongi.  


"Well?" Hoseok hoped.  


"Like I said," Yoongi croaked as he reached for his cup of coffee, "I hate cheese." 




Yoongi woke up with Hoseok on top of him—literally asleep on top of him.  


Well, this was a first.  


He knew it was their favourite way to hug, Hoseok straddling his lap with their chests flush together, Yoongi's hands roaming around his thighs and to his . Hoseok would listen to Yoongi's heartbeat, notice the sudden changes in rhythm when his hands trailed along his arms. He couldn't help but smile to himself over it, Yoongi always looked so calm on the outside—little did everyone know. 


But this all happened when both parties were awake, and now Yoongi was slowly adjusting to the light with Hoseok's weight plonked on top of him. His hair brushed just underneath his chin, Yoongi's slender fingers carding the strands in to place. The elder heard the male groan from his touch, shifting slightly and their clothed members rubbing against each other.  


"Seok, you up?"  


He hummed, eyes fluttering and head craning to look up at Yoongi, "morning."  


"Morning," Yoongi smiled, "you okay?" 


"Mm, I'm a little hungry though."  


"So am I," Yoongi spoke, "come on" he patted Hoseok's , "let's get you fed."  


By the time the two were downstairs, Yoongi had realized it was 11am—meaning his parents were already at work. He and Hoseok managed to get home after his parents were fast asleep, meaning Yoongi's parents have no idea Hoseok is even here yet.  


Hoseok sat at the breakfast bar, legs swinging as he waited patiently for Yoongi to fry up their eggs and bacon. He began singing to himself, a song Yoongi soon figured out belonged to Taeyeon—what a surprise, Hoseok was always a er for SNSD.  


"So," Hoseok stared with a finger swirling along his glass of lemonade. Yoongi hummed, padding over with the two plates of eggs and bacon, Hoseok's plate almost covered in streaky bacon with a flash of eggs—it was clear what the male liked more. 


"So," the blonde repeated, sitting opposite Hoseok at the bar.  


Hoseok twiddled his fork around the scrambled eggs for a moment, a pout gracing his heart-shaped lips that Yoongi couldn't help but notice. He asked the boy to go on, say what was on his mind. "It's just...have you spoken to Seokjin hyung?"  


"Seokjin? Not since yesterday really, why?"  


The brunette shrugged, his mouth wrapping around his fork slowly. "He was the one who helped me get here really, just thought he'd check if you were okay or something..." Hoseok's voice was quiet, almost as if he was ashamed of something.  


"Seok, I know he's been a little tough on you back in Seoul, but he doesn’t mean anything by it. You know that right?"  


Hoseok nodded to himself, "I know, I know but...I wouldn't blame him for hating me."  


"He doesn't hate you, you're one of his friends. He's just...protective."  


Yeah, because he loves you, you idiot.  


Hoseok just made an odd noise deep from his throat, tearing in to a piece of streaky bacon and chewing silently. There was still something the two haven't spoken about, something that was very ing important but avoided at all costs. They really didn't want to open this can of worms, but Yoongi can't imagine going away to Jeju with Hoseok before mentioning this.  


"Hoseok, we need to talk about Namjoon."


Hoseok continuing chewing with wide eyes, his cheeks like a rabbits that was storing away nutrition—if there is nutrition in fried bacon. "Okay," he spoke softly, "let's talk."  


Yoongi shifted in his seat, took a sip of his water, cleared his throat a little before resting his chin in the palms of his hands. "Suh—so, we'll have to go back to Seoul eventually. I have my job and there's only so long uncle will let me have off, you've got your job too and...well we can't run from our lives."  


Hoseok listened like an obedient child, innocent batting eyes and cheeks that nestled warm, heart felt food.  


"Actually I...think we'll have to go back pretty soon." 


"Pretty soon as in what?"  


Yoongi waited a little, eyes shifting down to his still fairly full plate and then back up to Hoseok's, "straight after Jeju, we'll have to go back." 


Hoseok swallowed slowly and Yoongi was sure he could hear it, a horrible and painful gulp of realization and fear. "Af—after Jeju?" 


"Yeah," the blonde whispered. 


"Well—well how long will we be in Jeju?"  


"I dunno, a week or so?"  


"A week?" Hoseok gasped to himself, because god he expected it to be longer, for the two to just escape from everything. How can he have time to escape with a week? 


"I'm sorry but it's for the best isn't it? I've been in Daegu for so damn long. But—but about Namjoon--" 


"I haven't picked up any of my stuff from his, I just—I just left and got the train here so quickly. I'll have to get everything."  


"Hey," Yoongi reached out for Hoseok's hand, thumb over his knuckles, "I'll come with you?" 


"No," Hoseok protested, "we both know that's a bad idea, it will only end up upsetting all three of us." Yoongi hated it, but he had to agree. The last time the three of them were together, things weren't so pretty..."I can handle him, I know he won't do anything to me, Yoongi." 


Hoseok was right, but they haven't even thought about how this will play out once they get back to Seoul. All of their friends are practically Namjoon's friends, they all live 10 minutes away from each other so how the will this work out? There's no way they can have nights out with friends as a couple if Namjoon will be there, it'll be too weird and a dickish move of them to pull.  


"Hoseok," Yoongi had called for the third time (luckily getting his attention now).  


The younger jumped, looking to him with wide eyes.  


"We—we need to talk about us as well, about what this is." 


"Oh, okay?"  


"I'm—you know how much I love you," Hoseok gave a noise in approval, "but this is still hard for me to deal with, I—I haven't seen you in so long so it's hard. I—I don't think it's right for us to just jump into a relationship, we should just work on us slowly yeah?"  


"Yeah, I thought that was the plan anyway..." Hoseok spoke quietly to himself, fingers fiddling with the bacon instead of planting the salty goodness into his mouth, "I did just break up with my boyfriend after all, this is a really weird situation."  


Thank god, Yoongi thought. He was honestly afraid that Hoseok would react negatively to his suggestion, after the male had broke up with his abusive boyfriend and traveled to Daegu to see him, how could he blame him? But luckily, Hoseok was on the exact same page as him.  


"Good," Yoongi beamed, reaching over to peck Hoseok's button nose, "we'll be away from all of this tomorrow."  


Hoseok lowered his head, nodding softly with a gentle smile, "yeah, just us."  




Hoseok didn't really have to worry about Namjoon for long, the male had texted him to say he'd dropped off the majority of the stuff at his apartment. Hoseok replied with a simple 'thanks', hovering and contemplating over the text for several minutes.  


Should I put a kiss or not? That's a little weird now, but it looks blunt if I just put 'thanks'?  


Eventually he had to just bite the bullet, it would feel like going two steps back if he sent a kiss, especially with Yoongi sat right beside him on the sofa. Yoongi was resting his head on Hoseok's thigh, his feet kicked up on the armrest as he scrolled through his messages. Hoseok had opted upon watching Catfish, and Yoongi hates the idea of the show—his phone was his only source of entertainment.  


"Erm," Yoongi slurred to himself, catching Hoseok's attention in the process.  


"What's up?" Hoseok looked down to the blonde, his fingers carding through the strands casually.  


Yoongi shuffled to sit up beside the brunette, eyebrows furrowed and face still glued to his phone. His body pressed against Hoseok's as he scrolled through the messages, Hoseok's hand now roaming around the back of his hair to soothe the elder.  


"I a really weird message from Seokjin?"  


"Huh, what do you mean?"  


Yoongi cleared his throat in preparation to read the text out loud, "sorry I haven't really spoken to you much over the past few days, just need some time to clear my head and some out. Please don't take this the wrong way, I just want you to enjoy your alone time with Hoseok without any distractions. I'm so happy for you Yoongi, you'll finally be getting everything that you want. Just enjoy your time, okay? I'll speak to you when you're back in Seoul."  


Hoseok let the silence waver over them for a moment, taking in everything that Yoongi had just slurred. Idiot, Hoseok thought. Seokjin is the one person Yoongi relies on the most, who he falls back upon after Hoseok had broken him. For him to turn around and say he needs space, does he have any idea what he's doing to Yoongi? Yoongi who is too naïve to see that the elder cares for him more than just a friend, Yoongi who will be left feeling confused and hurt over the sudden need for distance.  


"When I'm back in Seoul?" Yoongi questioned, "I won't be back for over a week, why doesn't he want to talk to me?"  


"I—I think he's just giving us some time, Yoongi."  


"But...but that doesn't make any sense, it's not as if everyone else has stopped talking to us? Even Namjoon texted you? Hoseok, what—what did I do wrong?"  


Damn it, Yoongi looke like a wounded kid who was asking his mother for guidence. Hoseok had no idea what guidance to give him, it was obvious to him why Seokjin was doing this. He was hurting hiself, it was hard for him to pretend to Yoongi he was just a friend.  


Hoseok sighed, pulling Yoongi beside him for a warm embrace, "you did nothing wrong, Yoongi. Absolutely nothing wrong, okay?"  


Yoongi knew that was right—he had hoped it was right, but he just couldn't bring himself to nod, hum or even speak. Damn it, it's always like one step forward and two steps back.  




That night Hoseok found himself sat outside Yoongi's bedroom balcony, wrapped in one of Yoongi's hoodies and his own boxers, bare feet tucked up on to the garden chair. Yoongi was inside in the warmth of his own bed, nestled in to sheets and pillows and calmly watching some movie from Netflix the two have never heard about before—usually that isn't a good sign.  


The air was fairy warm against Hoseok's skin, and Hoseok had learnt that nights in Daegu tend to be like this. He was a little jealous, Yoongi having such a calming and...soft night, why on earth would he want to go back to Seoul? 


Right now, Hoseok was on the phone. 


"This isn't a good idea," he voiced to Seokjin, "you can't just ignore him, hyung."  


"Why not? I'm giving you both space--" 


"But this isn't for me, or even Yoongi. This is for yourself, because you can't face yourself--" 


"Like I said, this is for you both. This has nothing to do with me, Hoseok. I'm just a friend looking out for a couple of idiotic friends." 


It was quiet, Hoseok gnawing on his bottom lip to fill his time. The wind would caress his cheek every now and then, his bangs tickling his skin almost teasingly. It was fine though, the wind was a comfort during nights in Daegu, instead of the sharp cuts they give back in Seoul.  


"He's special, isn't he hyung?"  


He waited for Seokjin's response, but one wasn't given. It was clear the elder was still listening though, else the call would have ended a while ago.  

"You can't exactly explain why, but someone who's so reserved and desperate to blend in to society as nothing more than a piece in a machine, something that helps everything run smoothly in the background. He kind of...takes your breath away, this aura around him, the way he makes you feel with this aura. He's special because I can't even begin to explain why I'm so in love with him, we're really lucky hyung."


"No Hoseok, you're lucky. He's your boyfriend."  


Was he? Hoseok doesn't remember the two agreeing on such a status, in fact they had a conversation that stated them holding off on making anything official.  


Hoseok twiddled his toes against the cold, steel chair. His knees high to his chest as he sat through the quiet, just the cackling from the connection keeping the two comfort.  


"We're lucky," he repeated, "we're the most important people to Yoongi, whether you like it or not Seokjin."  


"It's not that I don't like it," Seokjin sighed, "it's just..."  


"Hard?" Hoseok suggested, hearing a faint hum from his hyung in response. "He has a way of making you feel like that," he laughed, "but he's too special to let go Seokjin, you and I both know that too well." 


"Mm, I suppose you're right—annoyingly." 


Hoseok laughed faintly, "just...don't ignore him okay? He won't be able to cope with that, he's already finding it hard and , being confused over it and all that. He needs you more than you think, he loves and cares for you more than you think."  


Not as much as he cares for you.  


"Yeah," the taller male mumbled through the receiver, "yeah you're right."  




Upon finishing his call, Hoseok heard the grumble from Yoongi within the room. He padded back in to see the sleepy male with a sour face, "isn't that a sight," he commented jokingly before shifting under the covers to envelop Yoongi's warmth.  


Yoongi groaned as he shifted to rest his head on Hoseok's shoulder, "who were you talking to?"  


"Seokjin," Hoseok answered honestly.  


Yoongi craned his head to look up to Hoseok with confusion, "Seokjin?" He broke, lips pursed slowly as if that name was foreign to him.  

Hoseok hummed, fingers returning to Yoongi's scalp, "he rang me about that text he sent you, he feels really bad about it, said he's gonna ring you tomorrow."  


"Oh," Yoongi mumbled, "should have just rang me instead."  


"Yoongi~" Hoseok whined, pushing the elders bangs off of his forehead to get a good look at his childish pout, "at least you can prepare for it? It's better that he rang me, you would have just gone mad at him."  


"Whatever," he spat, crossing his arms and forcing himself to focus on the film instead of the way his heart hammers from Hoseok's soft touches 

The two only had a few more hours of poor movies before Yoongi's parents arrived home, their welcoming to Hoseok in their living room was warm—of course it was. They’ve known the boy for years, his mother was thrilled upon his arrival, his father the same but a little more...cold. Hoseok didn't expect any less, like father like son after all 


The four of them sat in the living room to go over everything mundane, how is Hoseok's family, their friends in Seoul, his studies. And then it came down to him and Yoongi. He kept it vague, saying they were working on getting everything back to normal and how he misses the old times between him and his best friend. Huh, best friend—as if that's all he really is.  




"Aish, Hoseok," Yoongi slurred. His voice was thick with tiredness, it was at least 12am and the two had just returned to his room after a good talk with his parents. Hoseok was straddling Yoongi's lap, cuddling him in their favourite position again. But Yoongi was much too tired, deeply over Hoseok's excitable movements around his body. 


"What? We had a good day together don't you think?"  


"Yeah," Yoongi's hand ran through the back of Hoseok's strand, his head cocked to truly admire the youngers beauty, "we did Seok."  


Hoseok's head fell flush against Yoongi's chest the move was endearing to the blonde and really he couldn't be more grateful for having Hoseok in his arms. "I'm happy Yoongi—well, I think I'm becoming happy. And—and I can't wait for us to be in Jeju together."  


"Cute," Yoongi said monotonously, although he really did mean it. Just a force of habit. "I know what you mean though, I'm just glad I can hold you again."  


"Mm, you can hold me for as long as you want, you can tell me how much you love me, you can kiss me to your hearts desire," Hoseok raised his head to lock eyes with Yoongi, "because I'm yours." 


Yoongi's mouth pursed to begin something, but Hoseok quickly intervened. "And—and I know we said we aren't labelling anything yet, but we both know I've alwyas been yours, Yoongi." He reached out to interlock hands with one of Yoongi's, raising the laced digits to his chest, "we've always been close, nobody could break that. It's—you're special."  


"Oh, baby," Yoongi cooed softly, testing the pet name and getting an adorable blush from Hoseok in response. He raised their hands to his mouth, lips ghosting over Hoseok's knuckles, " I've wanted to do this for so long."  


Hoseok watched in amazement, blinking slowly at how much Yoongi cherishes and treats him like fine China. "You are mine," Yoongi said faintly. 

Hoseok nodded eagerly (even if Yoongi's eyes were closed), "finally," he gasped as he wrapped his arms around Yoongi's neck tightly, his nose burying in to the crook and slowly drowning in his scent, his scent that was ever so slowly mixing with Hoseok's own. "I'm finally all yours."  








A/N: I am SO sorry for how long I left this, it's one of my fave fics to write as well! I kind of had writers block, I've drafted this chapter so many damn times and nothing seemed to flow well for me. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed and as a sorry for just...dropping this, I'll upload part two to this chapter within 1-2 days. Thank you for sticking around! 

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Chapter 19: Hey. I found myself bathed in tears and giggles at the same time it's insane.
How could you write about pains and cotton candy in a fic ? Most angst i read would just scream "you think you deserve happiness hah f no" and i would totally went to bed crying.

I somehow could relate to this a lot especially on behalf of both Hoseok and Yoongi. Always being a support system to this one guy; a bestfriend as we both agreed to. He dated several girls but he'd always have to deal with this issue of "your bestfriend (me) should stay out of our relationship" but he cut them off, saying that they werent being reasonable. It was until i dated this one guy and he was so damn possessive that he practically told my bestfriend to off. It made me realised that my bestfriend left those girls who saw me as a threat, not minding about how he actually liked that girl in the beginning, for my sake. But i was all pliant to this verbally abusive boyfriend, it was some time later that i decided i dont want him as an exchange of my bestfriend. So we broke up. And now we're mending things. Not quite romantically tho. But maybe in several years. I dont quite know.

The point is, the pain Yoongi had to deal with is unbearable, he suffered too much and i cant help but to wish for Hoseok to kiss his pain away. He deserved that. The chapter where he met namjoon was the most painful one. I stopped reading several times, found myself some domestic fluff to ease my anxiousness before resuming back to this fic.

I really hoped you continue this fic, i'll gladly wait. And can i finally have my yoonseok for real ?

Have a good day !
Keep writing. Your writing is beautiful.
KingYoonSeok #2
Chapter 19: Please don't hurt Yoongi or Hoseok again... Things are going so well and they're so damaged that... If I think their relationship is going to get damaged again then they will part ways because someone can only take so much pain and suffering
Hyukjae4everyword #3
Chapter 18: I know you might feel like it's a good time for Hoseok to screw up, but please don't do it ;~; Please don't make Yoongi suffer again... I'm really content with the development until now and I don't want it to get screwed up ㅠㅠ
hoyabi #4
Chapter 18: omg i just came from a disgusting bad flight and this made my day
and taking this slow makes it even better because u can see how they heal each other ;0;
Chapter 18: UGHHH SO ING GOOD reading this fic it's like a rollercoaster of emotions i love it so much ;-;
Chapter 17: I want to print this fic, put a hard cover on it, and keep it on the bookshelf
Chapter 17: Bless this fic , I love it so much
KingYoonSeok #9
Chapter 17: They're finally together!! This is all I ever wanted, and even though they haven't labelled anything, they're already perfect;-; in only 2 days it seems like their relationship is even stronger than Hoseok's and Namjoon's! I'm just curious... Is this fic nearly over because they got together (I hope not!)? I love this so much~ can't wait for the next chapter♡
Anonymous1123 #10