chapter 16

Your Answer




Said male woke up to a puffy eyed Hoseok in their favorite position: lay on top of Yoongi with their chests pressed flushed together, the youngers sticking out and waggling childishly. Normally Yoongi hates to be woken up, but with a wide eyed and chubby cheeked Hoseok whining tiredly on his lap, he starts to think it might not be so bad.  


Yoongi groaned, shifting slightly and balancing Hoseok upon him with a light touch to his outer thigh. "What is it?" He croaked. 


"You forgot?" The brunette laughed, "we go to Jeju tonight."  


"Oh , yeah." 


Hoseok chuckled at Yoongi's tiredness, he often forgets things like his name when he's sleepy. Hoseok can only count his lucky stars that Yoongi doesn't murder him for opting to wake him up in such a straining position.  


"Well, let's get a shower yeah?" Yoongi suggests, patting Hoseok's thigh as he waits for the younger to hop off of him. The elder pads to the ensuite, but suddenly stops upon failing to hear the little patter of Hoseok's step or the tug on the hem of his t-shirt. Hoseok was sat tugging on the hem of his own t-shirt, pulling the material over his briefs and his eyes shifting towards the duvet. "Seok?"  


"I—do you really want to shower together? it not too soon?"  


"Seok," he spoke softly, moving to stand in front of the small demeanor. He placed a firm hand on top of the surprisingly soft locks, watching the male jump slightly from the secure touch. "We've showered together before—in fact many times. So just don't overthink it, yeah?" He watched over as Hoseok nodded timidly, "but thank you. For taking things slow."  


Once they were in the shower there was nothing to worry about, it was like normal. The two would stand face to face, letting the warm water beat over them as if it was merely wind against their cheek. Things seem to just...disappear when it's the two of them: all the annoyances, the distractions, sounds, even certain sights. All they're drawn to is each other, and spending all that time away from each other seems pointless at this moment in time. No matter how long they're away from each other, they'll always be pulled together.  


Hoseok will be lathering Yoongi's hair, fingers causing the elder to be tantalizingly numb. Hoseok always has a way of doing that to him, of rendering him motionless with complete pleasure. He used to fight it—or at least tried his best to. But now he doesn’t, he stands head on with Hoseok and allows him to know openly the affect he has on him. And he could see Hoseok was starting to do the same. 


Despite the soap threatening to fall in to his eyes, he never looks away from him. Despite the water spitting into Hoseok's eyes, he never looks away from him. They were starting to see each other whole, accepting, embracing and enveloping completely into each others presence. And Hoseok has never felt so alive in his entire life.  



Yoongi was resting on his bed half , a pair of joggers hanging loosely from his thin waist. His hair was still a little damp, and every now and then droplets would fall from his fringe, causing him to wince as the cold water ran down the bridge of his nose. He was away on his phone though, amused by some ridiculous conversation Namjoon was spamming him with over a night out. The boy chuckled—keeping it fairly quiet of course, he found the antics that ridiculous he couldn't help but laugh. Plus, he's kind of missed just hearing his best friends tell him the most insane things.  


"What are you laughing at?" Hoseok asked brightly from across the room. 


"Just some dumb Tae's telling me about--" 


Yoongi could have swallowed his own tongue, the sight was enough to render him to that. He caught Hoseok in the cover of his eye over his phone—and my did he wish he'd seen him sooner. The younger had his back towards Yoongi, hovering over the dresser to pick out the last of his clothes for Jeju. But the thing is, the way he was wearing his bathrobe fell was just...breath taking. 


The bathrobe was pure white and fell just around Hoseok's bare, glistening thighs. Yoongi had forgot to swallow at the sight, and the fact Hoseok's back was exposed made it all the more impossible. His robe had fallen around the shoulders slightly whilst rummaging through his clothes, and now the robe was hanging around the crease in his arms. The only thing really keeping it up. His back was small, it's always been small and Yoongi loved running his fingers over the tanned and dainty structure.  


And his hair, his hair was the way Yoongi adored it the most. Whenever it was wet, it would hang so effortlessly. To YoongiHoseok seems so innocent with his appearance. Hair having a slight curl to it (that Hoseok always complains about) and seeming so natural with no products or anything involved.  


"Oh, another one of his stories?" Hoseok smiled to himself, "you remember the one he told us about that girl he met in Incheon? I swear she wasn't real, no way would a girl be so dumb to fall for Tae that quickly--"  


Oh? What was this?  


This feeling. 


It was heat, heat pressed against his back—his . It was throbbing, a throbbing chest pressed against cold skin. Oh, it was YoongiYoongi was stood flush behind him, a hand placed on his waist and a nose nuzzled in to his damp strands. Hoseok's body went stiff, fingers stilled on a t-shirt he wasn't even sure was his own anymore.  


"Yoongi," he broke with a whisper. 


"Please, just let me have this."  


Of course hed let him have it, he'd let Yoongi have everything and anything. He'd give him the entire ing world if he could. How could Hoseok refuse a Yoongi who sounds so delicate, fragile and vulnerable?  


"I—Yoongi I--" 


"Intoxicating, you're intoxicating."  


Yoongi made a move to rub slightly against Hoseok's , the bathrobe riding up slightly and causing the younger to moan and shift. There was no doubt about it, Hoseok could feel Yoongi's member pushed against him and he embarrassingly bit down on his lip to contain anymore desperate noises spilling.  


"Kiss me," Hoseok asked gently, "please kiss me."  


Yoongi didn't need anything more. He swiftly turned the brunette around by the waist, chest clenching at the gasp he educed as he pushed Hoseok against the dresser. Before they both knew it, Yoongi's lips were pressed against Hoseok's. Despite the lead up being quite sudden and brash, the kiss was attentive and soothing.  


Just how Hoseok likes it, Yoongi never forces dominance with him. He never tries to obtain something more, Hoseok gives Yoongi what he's wants and is willing to and Yoongi never asks for more. 


They didn't need anything more, a kiss was enough. But god, their bodies were definitely telling a different story. Yoongi had to be the one to pull them apart, to listen to their jagged breathing and feel their burning breath against each others flushed skin. They looked down to each other's lips, Yoongi brushing a thumb over Hoseok's plump and wet ones. 


"I love you so much," Yoongi gasped, gravel deep in his throat.  


It wasn't a shock, Hoseok's heard it his entire life. But for some reason, this felt different. This had his heart dancing and screaming painfully at his chest, it had his insides burning and bubbling. All of it should be uncomfortable, but it was so welcoming to his it was something he's been missing his whole life. 


Hoseok  his bottom lip, gnawing on the inside of his cheek before whispering, "I know, I love you too."  




"Yoongi, come on!" Hoseok called from the front door, Kanken backpack thrown over his shoulder and suitcase waiting patiently in his hand. Yoongi's mother waited along with Hoseok, smiling brightly at the male just like usual. Hoseok has always wondered how Yoongi ended up with such a cold expression, with a mother like his he should have ended up like the softest person there is. 


"Alright," Yoongi's voice was heard throughout the living room. The elder was dragging his bags towards the front door, an expression of gloom and an aura of tiredness being dragged along with him. Yoongi had fallen in to a nap and Hoseok had warned him about it, he warned him he would wake him up in the most loud and annoying way possible. And Hoseok wasn't wrong, Yoongi had (regrettably) woken up to Hoseok bouncing in his lap like a petulant child.  


"Oh, darling," Yoongi's mother cooed as she patted him on the shoulder, "you're going to have so much fun seeing uncle and aunt okay?"  


Yoongi mumbled some form of agreement, rolling his eyes at his mother's constant tactileness. Hoseok smiled at the sight, it was like witnessing Yoongi when they were kids again. Yoongi always had this hostility with his mother, but everyone knew he would die before anything happens to her. She's one of the most important people in his life, one of the people that's helped keep Yoongi grounded and sane.  


She turned to face Hoseok, tight rosey lips and shimmering eyes. "Keep Yoongi safe, okay?" Hoseok nodded, but he was sure he wasn't just nodding about keeping him safe in Jeju. She means for life, and no more needed to be said to tell Hoseok that.  


"Yeah, I promise I will."  


She smiled softly before kissing Hoseok's and then Yoongi's cheek. "Go on, have fun you two!" 


"Thanks, and tell father I said goodbye?" 


"Of course, of course." She ushered the two out, waving at them lovingly as the pair placed their suitcases in the boot of the taxi.  



"Do you think aunt and uncle still remember me?" Hoseok had asked during the ride to the airport, the two were fairly quiet for the majority of it, but Yoongi was willing to answer or listen to any issues Hoseok has. He could tell the male was slightly nervous, he watched the tremble in his fingers and the occasional shifting his legs gave.  


Yoongi tried to reassure him, resting his head against his shoulder and sighing. He felt Hoseok jolt, "it's okay," he reassured him, "I want this." Hoseok had nodded to himself, gulping before muttering "okay, if you're sure." But Yoongi noticed he'd eased in to himself a little more, even resting his cheek against Yoongi's mop of hair.  


"Of course they'll remember you, they love you Hoseok." Yoongi had spoken before taking Hoseok's hand in his, watching how easily their fingers interlocked on Hoseok's lap. He noted the contrast in their tone, the milky paleness in Yoongi's own and the golden undertone to Hoseok's. Every now and then he'd turn their hands slightly as if he was examining something precious, watching the way the light bounced off each beauty mark, scar or scratch the two have. 


"Do they really?" He asked meekly, and Yoongi was so damn close to keening at it, how soft and child-like he sounds.  


Yoongi shifted to look up towards him, eyelids heavy and exuding sleep. "Yes," he said with a firm squeeze to the hand, "they love you Seok, and so do I."  


If anything was going to reassure Hoseok, than that sure as hell would. All of the affection, the loving nickname, just the attention – it was everything Hoseok needed, it was telling him that he and Yoongi were taking a step in the right direction. Even if everything was moving slow, it was really a blessing in disguise.  




"Aish, Jungkook you !"  


Taehyung had screeched, shaking his phone violently and grimacing at the words that read GAME OVER. Jungkook had chuckled, his cheeks full with fries. He was smiling with pride, pride that he'd just managed to nudge Taehyung and make the elder up the entire level. The level he's been trying to achieve for days 


"That's what you get, you ing finished my pizza last night even when I told everybody—especially you to leave me the last slices."  


"You're seriously still arguing?" Jimin had called out suddenly, heading towards the diner booth with Namjoon trailing behind. "Do you actually ever stop?" 


"Listen, he just made me lose this level and you know how hard I've been working on it--"  


"You're making out like you've done it all on your own, we all know you've used cheats, Tae."  


Jimin had laughed to himself, he couldn't believe his friends--his adult friends with paying jobs were sat here in a diner on their day off, arguing over a game 


Namjoon shuffled next to Jimin quietly, pushing his hair off of his forehead effortlessly. Namjoon's movements and presence is enough to shut up the youngest two, staring at him with wide eyes as if they'd just witnessed a superhero.  


"Hey, you dyed your hair back black..." Jungkook spoke softly.  


Namjoon made a noise in agreement, "felt like a change."  


"All thanks to me," Jimin intervened proudly, fingers roaming through the elders hair, "don't you guys love it? I did it all myself, told him to stop moping around and--" 


"Alright," the eldest spoke sharply.  


"Yeah, you look really good hyung!" Taehyung beamed, " are you doing?" 


Jungkook sniggered, "how is he doing? Pretty well if you ask me." Tae and Jimin stared at each other in confusion, totally dumbfounded by whatever Jungkook was attempting to get at. But Namjoon had an incline. "That girl you brought back to your apartment, she seemed quite nice."  




Everyone turned to stare at Namjoon in shock, the chattering in the diner becoming nothing more than a meer sound. Namjoon was sat calmly, a blank expression despite everyone's utter shock.  


"Yeah?" He spoke, "I am an adult, I can whoever I want."  


"You ed her?!" Taehyung gasped, "but...she's a girl."  


"Well done, Tae." Jimin added, kicking the males shin lightly underneath the table. "He is right though, what about Hoseok?"  


Namjoon shrugged to himself, an exaggerated frown on his face and arms crossed. "A is a , doesn't really matter does it?"  


Well, none of them could argue with that. So they decided to leave it, nodding to each other and clearing their throats awkwardly before returning to a meaningless conversation about Taehyung's damn game.  



"So, have you spoken to him?"  


Jimin and Namjoon were making their way back to the elders apartment, Jimin taking wide steps in front of him on the sidewalk. Namjoon watched carefully behind, hands in his pockets and hood drooped over his head.  


"No, not really." Namjoon answered, needing no clarification on who exactly Jimin was talking about. It was obvious, it was all anyone seemed to talk about.  


"Are you going to?"  


"I guess I have to eventually, he'll be back in Seoul and I'll see him around."  


"And Yoongi?"  


This was the one that rendered Namjoon even more quiet than the first set of questions—and Jimin knew that. The younger turned around swiftly on the balls of his feet, hands behind his back as he came to an abrupt stop, causing Namjoon to do the same.  


"What about him?" He asked a little more sharply. 


"You going to speak to him?" 


"Why should I?" He snarled, pushing past Jimin lightly and continuing the walk.  


Jimin quickly caught up, keeping his balance on the sidewalk and arms stuck out for support. "Because you kind of owe it to each other, don't you think?"  


"Look," Namjoon started, this time he was the one to stop and he was the one to be directly in Jimin's face, noses dangerously close to touching. "The last time I spoke to him, I told him I ed Hoseok in his bed. So I don't think us speaking right now is a good idea."  




"Right," Jimin whispered, "didn't really see that coming."  


"Yeah, neither did he." Namjoon bites, turning around and leading the walk. "I don't know what you want me to say Jimin. I still love Hoseok, of course I ing do. That doesn't just go in a few days, but this is it—it's the end and all of us are moving on. I told Hoseok he needs to be happy, and that's what he's doing. And I can't hate Yoongi for being the one who makes him feel such a way."  






Yoongi gave a chuckle at the youngers fondness, stood on the balcony of the spare room with his arms wide. The two have been here for at least three hours, but Yoongi's aunt and uncle insisted on taking them out for a meal somewhere quaint and local. Everywhere in Jeju is quaint and local. Yoongi had noted his father didn't express to his sister about Hoseok and Yoongi's relationship, and really Yoongi took it as a blessing in disguise. Because really, what the would he say if they asked them about their status? He has no idea where they're at.  


Oh, I've been in love with him since we were kids, but he finally dumped his abusive boyfriend who happens to be my ex-best friend, now we're together and completely in love!  


Yoongi couldn't really imagine it going down with a hit, it would be more like going down with a sink. A long, choking and suffocating sink.  

"It's so pretty here!" Hoseok sang, turning around on the heels of his feet and exuding a shimmering, bright smile in Yoongi's path.  


"I know," Yoongi smiled, hands sliding in to his pockets subtly.  


"Can we come back again?"  


"We've only just arrived," the smaller chuckled. "Do you like it that much?"  


Hoseok nodded furiously, dimple displayed proudly around warm, puffy cheeks. "It's beautiful, Yoongi." Hoseok became a little more drawn, more timid with his movements as he twiddled with his sweater paws. "This—this can be our place," he looked up to Yoongi through his bangs, eyes wide and gleaming with hope.  


"Oh, Hoseok," Yoongi cooed. He walked over to cup at the brunettes cheeks and Hoseok keened at the touch, his eyes fluttering and cheek pressed against such soft, milky skin. Yoongi watched in awe, he was sure he had something to say—but suddenly he forgot. How could he remember anything when he was watching Hoseok melt in to his touch. Did he really mean that much to him? It was like watching a child, or a baby cub nestling against their mother. Maybe that was a strange analogy for the two, but Yoongi thought it fit Hoseok almost eerily perfectly.  


Promptly Hoseok's eyes had opened, dark orbs flickering against the evening light. Yoongi's breath hitched at the sight, the wind was knocked out of him and Hoseok could see that. He could see the effect he has on Yoongi, but it was no longer about using him to his advantage. Hoseok was tired of that, he was tired of it all. So he reached out with two hands to clasp at the one cupped at his cheek, watching Yoongi's eyes widen for a short moment before relaxing.  


"This can be our place, if you want it to be." Hoseok spoke quietly against the night.  


The wind picked up, warm against Hoseok's cheek just like it was in Daegu. But this time it was more airy, less thick and picked up against his soft locks. Yoongi's eyes fixated on the way strands of chocolate brown moved across the bridge of his nose, his forehead and his eyes. He noted how despite all of that, Hoseok kept his gaze locked on Yoongi, and Yoongi did the same. The wind whistled and chimed against their ears, only adding to the beauty of this moment.  


"Yeah," Yoongi cracked, "this is ours, Seok. I promise we'll come back."  


Hoseok cracked a faint smile, and the two were left to stare at each other for another few good minutes.  


"What do you think it'll be like in the future?" Hoseok had asked once the two were in bed, facing each other and with Hoseok's fingers Yoongi's bangs behind his ears. "Like, when everyone grows up and stuff," he added.  


"Mm, well Jungkook and Taehyung will still be chasing after their own tails."  


Hoseok giggled at this, "they are a crazy pair. I think they'll get on just find though, in a weird way." 


Yoongi frowned, eyebrows furrowed too. "I dunno, Tae can barely toast some bread without burning his fingers."  


"True," Hoseok smiled as he shifted on to his tummy, Yoongi watching his every move with loving eyes.  


"What about us?" Yoongi asked, tone soft but pitch slightly higher and filled with hope. It caught Hoseok's attention, his head craning to face the elder immediately. Did he really just hear that right? Yoongi was actually asking about their future... 


"Oh, well. I know what I want it to be, but I don't wanna freak you out or anything--" 


"It's fine," he smiled, "you can tell me." 


Well this was interesting. 


Hoseok pushed himself up from his elbows, sitting cross legged in front of Yoongi. His cotton tee sliding off of one shoulder, exposing prominent and sturdy collarbones that Yoongi found himself being a little envious of. Hoseok's body was always in much better shape than Yoongi's, but Hoseok has always been more active and positive about exercise than the infamous lazy Min Yoongi.  


"I want us to grow old together, like really old until you're all grumpy and moody in your armchair. And it definitely will be your armchair, nobody else would even dare to sit in it and it would have your cute little tooshies imprint. But—but before that, I want us to be able to move in together, for you to come home from a long day and just let me hold you, let me mold my fingers against your tired bones. Or maybe—maybe it can be the other way around sometimes." 


Hoseok gnawed on the inside of his bloated cheeks, his arms shifting as he wondered whether to go on or not. He did start off pretty heavily, and Yoongi was new to hearing all of this fall out of Hoseok so easily. 


The smaller reached forward, placing a hand on Hoseok's thigh firmly. "Go on, I want to hear it."  


Hoseok nodded with glistening eyes, eyes filled with tears he's tried so desperately to hold back. "I—I want to hear you say you love me every day, and I'll say it to you back like a mantra. I even want us to—to be married, but we can talk about that in the future."  


Yoongi laughed lightly, very lightly because he was fighting the urge to burst out into floods of tears himself.  


"Want to be able to kiss you, hug you, cherish you, make love to you. But overall, I just want us to be happy. We've denied ourselves from it for long enough don't you think? I want us to reach a place where we can be totally happy, I want to mend what I broke, Yoongi."  


Yoongi stayed quiet, listening to Hoseok's gasps and sobs. He watched the tremble in his body, the shakes and the timidness as Hoseok practically held his own body. God, this was ing painful to watch and Yoongi couldn't take it anymore. He leaned forward, wrapping two arms around Hoseok and pulling the body against him with strength. Hoseok gaspsed, arms falling to lock around Yoongi's waist. His cheek pressed against the males throbbing chest.  


"Stop it, stop blaming yourself," Yoongi grimaced, "you're forgetting what a horrible time you went through, why are you putting all of this on yourself?" 


"Buh—because I hurt you. No matter how hard I try, I can't fuh—forget that."  


"But look at us now? We're in ing Jeju together, we're here together. Hoseok, I need you to see that I am happy being here with you, it's always been you that's made me happy." Yoongi pulled away softly, Hoseok's cheeks wet with tears but thank god no new ones were falling. "Please, Seok. We're here for us to have some time away from all that , so start enjoying this week, yeah?"  


Hoseok didn't give an answer, he continued to whine and have his teeth chatter against his plump and swollen lips. But he did exert a noise, some noise as a type of agreement. Yoongi took that as a step in the right direction, down Hoseok's hair as he guided the two back to their now cold pillows.  


Yoongi spent the next few minutes calming Hoseok down, until he was simply giving gentle whines every now and then. It was still unnerving to Yoongi, but it was better than nothing.  


"It's 2am," Yoongi croaked upon looking at the clock on the wall. "I'm surprised my eyes are even still open." 


Hoseok smiled faintly at this, but it was a little broken.  


"Come on, we should get some sleep. I want to take you around Jeju tomorrow, okay?"  


"Mm, okay," he whispered.  


Good, Yoongi thought, at least that was something. He shifted against Hoseok, his arm around the small frame that was turned towards him, Hoseok's hands pressed against his chest. Yoongi couldn't help but feel like this position just oozed innocence, it was soft and fluffy, just like Hoseok. It was—it was everything he's ever wanted. Hoseok's full attention.  


"Goodnight Seokie," he kissed the brunette mop of hair. 


Hoseok hummed, pressing against Yoongi's warmth further, "goodnight."  




Yoongi had woken up alone, a little more colder than he remembers falling asleep to. His eyes stung a little from the white, Jeju light seeping through. He was willing to just fall back in to a slumber, but the warmth and homely smell of what seemed like bacon and eggs, came seeping through and practically dragged him out of bed. 


Yoongi was met with the sight of Hoseok in the kitchen, humming cheerfully with his back facing the elder. His hair was a little ruffled and rough at the back, his t-shirt hanging just above his boxers and his swaying lightly to whatever song he was humming. Yoongi chuckled lazily, sitting at the breakfast bar with his chin resting in the palm of his hand, watching Hoseok for a good 3 minutes before he finally turned around.  


"Oh!" He jumped, plates firmly in his hand (luckily). "So you're finally up? I made breakfast and I even unpacked some of our , you're so lucky you have me." He placed the plates down, one in front of Yoongi and one opposite. He seemed so proud with himself, rubbing his hands together and padding over to the fridge. 


"Is orange juice good? But you like coffee in the morning don't you—oh."  


Hoseok was met with Yoongi pressed against him, nose instantly seeking comfort in the crook of his nose, strong arms wrapped around his waist. He listened to the softness in Yoongi's breathing, the sound of him swallowing occasionally. He cracked a smile to himself, pearly whites on display but sadly Yoongi couldn't catch a glimpse in this position.  


"Is this your new favorite position?" Hoseok joked.  


Yoongi grunted, pulling him closer and causing Hoseok to gasp with excitement. "Shut up, just let me have this."  


Hoseok hummed, his head falling back effortlessly on to Yoongi's shoulder. His fingers worked their way up to the back of Yoongi's hair, carding the strands affectionately. "You said that last time, although I was wearing something much more ier than this."  


"So you know what you do to me?"  


"Of course I do, plus your was poking in to my . Not hard to miss."  


Yoongi grinned against his neck shortly. "I really love you, Hoseok."  


"Mm," he moaned lazily, "I know you do. I love you too."  


"I promise we'll get back to normal, just—just give me some time."  


"Take all the time you need, sweetie." Hoseok freed himself from Yoongi's hold gently, turning around and cupping his cheeks. God, Yoongi had forgotten how beautiful Hoseok's morning face was. So puffy, fresh and Yoongi could see every scar, pimple or discolouration in his skin. He adores it. "And what we had before, wasn't normal Yoongi. This is normal, this is real."  


"Yeah," he breathed before his head hung loosely, "yeah, I guess you're right."  


"Hey, Yoongi?" Hoseok sang teasingly, causing said male's head to shoot back up with large eyes. "Our foods getting cold," he grinned.  


Yoongi laughed, producing the gummy smile Hoseok cherishes so dearly. He felt that burning, bubbling warmth in his stomach as Hoseok tugged on his wrist lightly, leading the two over to their hearty plates of food. 


Everything was starting to fall into place, and Yoongi felt like he could start putting his complete trust in Hoseok once again.  



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Chapter 19: Hey. I found myself bathed in tears and giggles at the same time it's insane.
How could you write about pains and cotton candy in a fic ? Most angst i read would just scream "you think you deserve happiness hah f no" and i would totally went to bed crying.

I somehow could relate to this a lot especially on behalf of both Hoseok and Yoongi. Always being a support system to this one guy; a bestfriend as we both agreed to. He dated several girls but he'd always have to deal with this issue of "your bestfriend (me) should stay out of our relationship" but he cut them off, saying that they werent being reasonable. It was until i dated this one guy and he was so damn possessive that he practically told my bestfriend to off. It made me realised that my bestfriend left those girls who saw me as a threat, not minding about how he actually liked that girl in the beginning, for my sake. But i was all pliant to this verbally abusive boyfriend, it was some time later that i decided i dont want him as an exchange of my bestfriend. So we broke up. And now we're mending things. Not quite romantically tho. But maybe in several years. I dont quite know.

The point is, the pain Yoongi had to deal with is unbearable, he suffered too much and i cant help but to wish for Hoseok to kiss his pain away. He deserved that. The chapter where he met namjoon was the most painful one. I stopped reading several times, found myself some domestic fluff to ease my anxiousness before resuming back to this fic.

I really hoped you continue this fic, i'll gladly wait. And can i finally have my yoonseok for real ?

Have a good day !
Keep writing. Your writing is beautiful.
KingYoonSeok #2
Chapter 19: Please don't hurt Yoongi or Hoseok again... Things are going so well and they're so damaged that... If I think their relationship is going to get damaged again then they will part ways because someone can only take so much pain and suffering
Hyukjae4everyword #3
Chapter 18: I know you might feel like it's a good time for Hoseok to screw up, but please don't do it ;~; Please don't make Yoongi suffer again... I'm really content with the development until now and I don't want it to get screwed up ㅠㅠ
hoyabi #4
Chapter 18: omg i just came from a disgusting bad flight and this made my day
and taking this slow makes it even better because u can see how they heal each other ;0;
Chapter 18: UGHHH SO ING GOOD reading this fic it's like a rollercoaster of emotions i love it so much ;-;
Chapter 17: I want to print this fic, put a hard cover on it, and keep it on the bookshelf
Chapter 17: Bless this fic , I love it so much
KingYoonSeok #9
Chapter 17: They're finally together!! This is all I ever wanted, and even though they haven't labelled anything, they're already perfect;-; in only 2 days it seems like their relationship is even stronger than Hoseok's and Namjoon's! I'm just curious... Is this fic nearly over because they got together (I hope not!)? I love this so much~ can't wait for the next chapter♡
Anonymous1123 #10