Chapter Four: Competition

To Love You
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"YES! Tsk, I won’t go easy on you just because you’re allegedly my boss,” Seungcheol warned and lightly flicked the tip of his nose with his index finger. He stood directly facing Mingyu; although Mingyu was taller, Seungcheol wasn't one to back down against the giant he called boss.  


Mingyu cracked a smile as he stared down at the prideful man and replied, “It would be ideal.” 


A bunch of men wearing numbered basketball jerseys and shorts, stood behind Seungcheol and Mingyu on either side. A large smile was plastered across their faces; they were excited for the basketball match to begin. The players were composed of those within the gang. Although it was thrilling to play along with their leader and his right hand man, they were still hesitant about the whole idea; the intimidating rivalry between the two were no joke. 


“Of course, with the last match won, we are now tied.” Seungcheol snapped his fingers, displeased that he was not in first place; competition was Seungcheols' middle name - it was simply in his nature to be number one. 


Mingyu threw his head back and chuckled. “It seems like everything is a competition for you.” Seungcheol lightly shrugged with a lop-sided grin as he readied himself in the position as a center forward. Likewise, Mingyu did the same on the other side, reflecting Seungcheol's position on the court. 


“Not everything, Gyu,” yelled Seungcheol as he lightly stretched at his limbs and waited for the referee to begin the jump ball. “Every man is competitive.” 


“True.” Mingyu acknowledged and then shook his head, laughingly.  


Off to the side, Wonwoo sat on the lowest level of the blue bleachers and watched with great interest. There were no signs of dark clouds on this windy yet still mildly warm weather. Mingyu and Seungcheol had chosen a beautiful day indeed. His eyes speculated the area as the players scrambled to their position. In the spacious grounds, he noticed that they were not the only ones present. Further to the right, there was a small group of kids who were having their own basketball match. The game was supervised by a slim male who was wearing navy blue track pants, a clean white shirt, accompanied with a white cap on his head. Stood by the males side was another male that was taller than him by a few centimeters. Unfortunately, Wonwoo could not see his face for his back was turned towards him. His attention was then focused back onto the game between Mingyu and Seungcheol. Jisoo, however, was not present for he had decided to skip out today which was unfortunate; Jisoo would usually accomany Wonwoo and they would share their interests on books or simply sit and read, enjoying eachothers presence. 


Wonwoo caught Mingyu beaming at him and he responded with an equally radiant smile. Just a short while after their small exchange, the game had begun. About half an hour into the game, Seungcheol’s team was in the lead, but Wonwoo was not surprised because he knew Seungcheol was the better basketball player. However, Mingyu was not so far behind; his height gave him that advantage. 


Watching the game intently, Wonwoo failed to notice another basket ball that had rolled towards the soles of his feet. When a scrawny looking boy around 8 years old came running up to his side, Wonwoo was startled. 


“Excuse me, can I have my ball back please?” He smiled an adorably toothy grin at him, a dimple shown prominent on his left cheek. Unable to control himself, he smiled back. Wonwoo picked up the ball by his feet and handed it to the charming boy. 


“Here.” he handed the ball over to him and he gratefully took it from him. 


“Thank you, Hyung!” He giggled delightfully. His eyes trailed over to the bunch of grown-up men whom were enjoying themselves and then back to Wonwoo. He frowned. “Hyung, how come you’re not playing? Are you not allowed to play? You can come and play with us!” He was proud of his suggestion as he puffed his chest forward and begun dragging at Wonwoo's arms. 


“Well, I—“ Wonwoo started shortly. 


“Dino! You’re not supposed to be wandering around! How would I find you if you were lost? Your mother would kill me!” The same slim framed male stomped over to where Wonwoo and Dino were with a frown of disapproval. 


“I’m sorry Han-Hyung, but I wanted to get my ball back.” He looked down and twiddled nervously with his fingers, ashamed. 


“You should have told me, Dino.” the older male bent down and patted his head lightly. 


He shuffled around on his feet as he peeked under his eyelashes. “Your not mad at me?” 


Jeonghan sighed in defeat and said, “No, I’m not. Just don’t do it next time, okay?” 


“Okay, I promise,” he grinned from ear to ear. Satisfied with his answer, Jeonghan straightened himself and finally noticed Wonwoo's presence. 


“Sorry, did he bother you?” he asked and took a peek at Dino. 


Wonwoo shook his head and reassured, “No, he didn’t. He’s really cute. Is he your brother?” Wonwoo examined, the male seemed too young to have a child at his age. 


“Actually no, I’m kind of babysitting him and a bunch of other kids.” Jeonghan jabbed a finger in the opposite direction. He turned to look at the field where the others were and thought of how tiring it was to have the honor of babysitting these kids. However, they were still cute in their own way and it was way better than babysitting a bunch of grown drunk men.  


“They look like they’re having a lot of fun,” Wonwoo observed when he saw the kids running around happily with smiles and laughter. Wonwoo turned to Dino and playfully ruffled his spiky hair. “Are you having fun?” he laughed melodically. “You are so cute.” The little boy blushed a shade of pink as he gazed intently at Wonwoo with a goofy smile. Wonwoo may not have thought of it too much as just a compliment, but it caused Dino to become very fond of him. Dino thought he was pretty when he laughed and handsome at the same time. 


“You should come join us!” Dino jumped up and down in excitement. 


“Dino,” Jeonghan warned at Dinos persistance. Dino puckered his lips in defiance and put on his best puppy face, hoping that Jeonghan would ease up on him. Upon seeing the boy’s cute acts, Jeonghan and Wonwoo burst out into fits of giggles, smiles dorned on their faces at the boys innocence. 


“Come on, Han-Hyung! You should let him join! He looks really bored!” Dino reasoned with both hands on his hips as he continued to bounce up and down. “You always say we should be nice! You should too! We should be nice and invite him! Please, please, please?” Dino clasped his hands together and pleaded to Jeonghan like a puppy jumping for its treats. 


“I thought you’d never listen to me!” Jeonghan grinned and turned to Wonwoo. “You’re always welcome to come join us. I’m sure Dino would be more than elated. Right, Dino?” Jeonghan lowered his gaze to the joyous boy and it always brought a smile to his face. Occasionally, Jeonghan would bring the kids in his neighborhood out for fun day filled with curriculums – mainly on the suggestion of his mother so that their mothers could have a day off to relax. Though Jeonghan was not a big fan of kids, he could never resist Dino. In fact, he was his favorite out of bunch of rascals. “By the way, I’m Yoon Jeonghan.” 


“Jeon Wonwoo,” he replied friendly and as he was about to continue his sentence, Wonwoo stopped. At the corner of his eyes, he saw Mingyu and Seungcheol making their way toward them. It seems like they were taking a break from their intense match. 


“Hey, is there any water bot---CHEONGSA!” Seungcheols eyes widened when he saw Jeonghan and then a smirk slowly appeared on his face. Unfortunately for Jeonghan, he was not at all pleased to have met the flirtatious man again. He cursed at his bad luck. 


“Cheongsa?” Mingyu and Wonwoo dumbfoundedly asked in unison. 


“You again?” Jeonghan did nothing to hide his frustration and detest. Extending his hand, he waited for

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nabxla #1
please continue this fic, im begging youuu
Oh it's been a long time :( I hope you can comeback and update this amazing fic :(
mansae_1717 #3
please update soon :((((
Chapter 4: Waaah I can't wait for your next chapter!! More MEANIE and JEONGCHEOL MOMENTS PLEASE;)
Chapter 4: Jeonghan is hilarious! And I love Mingyu, he is weirdly sweet towards Wonwoo. Not that I mind.
Chapter 4: Aww.. This is so cute even though its angst as well.. I can handle this fic well YAYAYAY.. How can I just have found the fic today? I feel sooo disappointed rn BUT ANYWAYS.. Can't wait for the next update!
_wonwoah #7
Chapter 4: dino is such a cutie here omgggg well i can really see that mingyu's head over heels with wonwoo and i really feel so weak whenever he calls wonwoo 'love' :((((((( why is it so sincere and ugh stop playing with my heart kim mingyu!!! well i ship jihan but i also ship jeongcheol so any ship will be alright. thank you for the update!
Chapter 4: yeeey! U updated :))) thanks for this. Please update again soon :))) dino is so cute ㅋㅋㅋ
_wonwoah #9
well i really think wonwoo and mingyu like each other...but some circumstances make it complicated. like how wonwoo have this one-sided love with jun and mingyu not getting over with minghao since he sees minghao in wonwoo... i really love mafia!au and i'm really glad you shared this to us! will be patiently waiting for your updates! thank you! ♡
Chapter 1: okay so basically Wonwoo is like a mole in Mingyu's gang but how the hell did he get in there without any suspicion at all and background check *scoffs* . I am afraid what will happened to him once Mingyu discovers it