Chapter Three: Past Revelations

To Love You
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The minute Mingyu had mentioned Juns' name, Wonwoos' mind began to spiral into chaos as questions began flooding his mind; Where was Jun? Was he involved in the fights? More importantly, was he okay? - Wonwoo desperately needed the reassurance, he needed answers. It was only when Mingyu stepped out of the room, for his presence was needed for an urgent matter, did Wonwoo began to panic. The only thing that clouded at his thoughts were Wen Junhui. But how was it possible that he could be here? Wasn’t he at home, drunk? He was sure Vernon was there and that the conversation they had earlier on had happened, so he should be okay, right?   


He pulled his phone out of his pocket yet again, but hesitated when he saw the glistening of the silver band, perfectly shaped around his pinky - the present that Mingyu had gifted him earlier on. Was this too cruel? Too use him just like this? To make him fall in love with him and then crush him in an instant? He swallowed down his guilt. Sometimes he’d think to himself, was this one sided love for Junhui really worth it? It was clear to everyone that he was still affected by the death of his brother to the point that nothing mattered to him but vengence - but did Jun really not care for him? 


Wonwoo shook his head from the doubts and dialed Vernon’s number. The phone was answered on its fourth ring. “Vernon?” Wonwoo whispered into the receiver, afraid that someone might overhear the conversation. 


“Wonwoo?” Vernon was taken aback by his sudden call. “What’s...erm...up?” 


“Is Jun okay?” he muttered, concernedly. 


“Nope,” he answered bluntly which gave him a sudden chill of fright. “As drunk as a drunken man can be. Why?” 


He smiled with relief. “Oh! That’s great.” 


“Erm..what?” Vernon was left aghast - anyone could tell that he was surprised with his comment. 


“Oh no! He mentioned Jun’s name and I think there was some sort of gang fight going on outside. I just- I just thought Jun might have been there...” he trailed off. 


Vernon chuckled, “Yeah, about that, no need to worry.” Vernon paused and spoke into the background, “Get a grip of yourself, Jun!” he listened silently to their conversation on the other side however, he could only hear the quiet murmurs of who he presumed was Jun and that was it. “Wonwoo, is there anything else you’d like to ask?” 


“, sorry for bothering you. Take care of him. Bye then,” he replied hesitantly. Wonwoo heard a quick ‘bye’ from Vernon before the line ended. He sighed a breathe of releif as he clutched onto his phone, satisfied that he was not directly involved. He examined the room more thoroughly than before, but there wasn’t anything else needed to be discovered. A small yawn escaped from his lips. Wonwoo rolled his neck tiredly and positioned himself comfortably onto the leather couch. For the first few minutes, he gazed blankly at the white ceiling; his mind was surprisingly empty when there was so much to ponder about. Before he knew it, he closed his eyes and succumbed to the darkness that was lulling him into its trap. 





“Are you heading back?” Jisoo inquired, staring directly at Mingyu who was situated across from him. Mingyu took a quick glance at Jisoo, face void of emotion.  


When he didnt receive a response, Jisoo further expanded, "Yes, they did try to break in. It was a failed attempt,” he answered as if he knew what Mingyu was thinking. “Everything should be fine.” Jisoo stopped and made a distorted face. “If only Seungcheol would refrain himself from causing troubles.” 


“If only.” Mingyu playfully twiddled with the mobile device in his hand. “Have you…” He abruptly stopped the phone from spinning between his fingers and held it in one spot. “heard from Junhui?” 


Jisoo studied Mingyu’s expressionless face and responded with a straight-forward answer, “No.” Jisoo located his elbows onto the desk, chin rested on the palms of his hands and leaned forward. “Mingyu,” he started earnestly which fully gained his attention. “Minghao and Wonwoo...they are two completely different people,” he reminded. 


“I know,” Mingyu hastily answered and ran a hand through his hair, frustrated. Silently pushing the chair back, Mingyu stood up and spoke, “I will go see him now.” With that said, he spun around and wandered back through the door, to the room where Wonwoo was. When the door slid ajar, he spotted his figure sleeping on the couch, bundled up into a fetal position. Mingyu made sure the door made little to no sound as he closed it, afriad to disturb the peacefulness of Wonwoos face. He sauntered to his side and kneeled down to level with him. The rhythm of his gentle breathing seemed to have only exacerbated his addiction.  


Jeon Wonwoo was his everything. There was something about him that felt like home; that made him nostalgic; it forced him to walk down memory lane. To Mingyu, he resembled a significant person in his life. 




He yawned aloud before gasping in fright and immediately shifted away towards the center of the bed. Surprised, Mingyu also took a step back. The other gazed at him strangely and scoffed. “Kim Mingyu, all the while I was napping, were you just checking me out?” 


He chuckled wholeheartedly as the other crossed his arms, accusing him with his beady eyes. Mingyu lightly patted his head. “I suppose you had a…delicious nap?” 


“What?” Minghao stared at him, wide-eyed and puzzled. 


With his thumb, he brushed the corner of his lips and looked at him, signaling him to do the same with the shift of his eyes. “You're drooling.” 


His cheeks immediately flushed a tomato red and he reached a hand to grab a tissue from the box as he hid his face, away from his vision, and frantically dried at the corner of his own lips. 


“Damn it." 


Mingyu laughed at his foolishness. Cute. 


“Is this really funny to you?” His voice sounded hurt. 


Upon recognizing his displeasure, he stopped himself. “I don’t mean it like that, love.” 


Minghao bit back a smile upon hearing the endearing nickname. He glanced up at him, suddenly with eagerness. “Were you here the whole time I was sleeping?” He nodded his head while he frowned. “So you saw me sleeping? Omg I have such horrible sleeping habits and you just had to discover one of them." Minghao whinned into his hands. 


“You mean there are more?” He jokingly replied. 


“Yah! Kim Mingyu!” Minghao retorted, displaying false anger, yet there was a sort of playfulness lingering in his eyes. In a low, almost whispering voice, he spoke, “Will you please wake me up next time?” Mingyu hummed in protest. 


“But I don’t want to make a fool out of myself,” he replied in a firm voice. 


“It's okay, it's just me,” he reasoned with a grin. 


“That’s even worse,” he made a face at him and playfully slapped his shoulder. 


“Why?” He was very curious. 


“Just because!” Minghao stuck his tongue out at him in a playful manner.  




The flashback made him think about Jisoo's words; Minghao and Wonwoo, they are two completely different people. Yet why was it that his heart ached a little when he looked at Wonwoo. Was he still stuck in the past? Was it because Wonwoo could always find a way to amuse him just like Minghao did? Was it the aura of his personality? His smile? His actions? Or was it because…he simply needed a replacement?  


But that wasn’t what he intended to do. Hurting Wonwoo was not his intention. He was trying his best - he was trying to forget, he was trying to move on yet he was human after all - he couldn't simply erase his memories. There were certain things that would forever be embedded within him. 


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nabxla #1
please continue this fic, im begging youuu
Oh it's been a long time :( I hope you can comeback and update this amazing fic :(
mansae_1717 #3
please update soon :((((
Chapter 4: Waaah I can't wait for your next chapter!! More MEANIE and JEONGCHEOL MOMENTS PLEASE;)
Chapter 4: Jeonghan is hilarious! And I love Mingyu, he is weirdly sweet towards Wonwoo. Not that I mind.
Chapter 4: Aww.. This is so cute even though its angst as well.. I can handle this fic well YAYAYAY.. How can I just have found the fic today? I feel sooo disappointed rn BUT ANYWAYS.. Can't wait for the next update!
_wonwoah #7
Chapter 4: dino is such a cutie here omgggg well i can really see that mingyu's head over heels with wonwoo and i really feel so weak whenever he calls wonwoo 'love' :((((((( why is it so sincere and ugh stop playing with my heart kim mingyu!!! well i ship jihan but i also ship jeongcheol so any ship will be alright. thank you for the update!
Chapter 4: yeeey! U updated :))) thanks for this. Please update again soon :))) dino is so cute ㅋㅋㅋ
_wonwoah #9
well i really think wonwoo and mingyu like each other...but some circumstances make it complicated. like how wonwoo have this one-sided love with jun and mingyu not getting over with minghao since he sees minghao in wonwoo... i really love mafia!au and i'm really glad you shared this to us! will be patiently waiting for your updates! thank you! ♡
Chapter 1: okay so basically Wonwoo is like a mole in Mingyu's gang but how the hell did he get in there without any suspicion at all and background check *scoffs* . I am afraid what will happened to him once Mingyu discovers it