Chapter 2. Outside

Dancing With Desi

Chapter 2 Outside

11 years had passed and that day had come rolling back again. It was the street art festival yet again. Year by year it passed by Desi; she was sick of it.

I’m 18 now; I should be able to go to an art festival

She kept fighting an internal battle of whether she should go or not.

But, Auntie would get upset with me again…

Last year she had slipped out of the front door, just to be stopped at the gate by Aunt EunAh. She had been spanked by the belt a few times but that was it; Auntie never believed in discipline too much.

Desi opened her window with a sigh. She crossed her arms and leaned on the window ceil. The boys from years ago had formed their own group, with the beautiful boy, who recently died his hair a certain blonde, being the lead. Or at least, that’s what it looked like from her perch.

They were practicing right next to the church, a perfect place for Desi to watch them dance. She sighed, the desire to be outside and feel the sun on her skin made another sigh escape her lips. They make dancing look so easy. Desi had tried imitating a few of their dances, but ended up on her rump with tears streaking her cheeks.

Their legs were moving with the breeze, their arms were in sync with each other and they looked so perfect.  She swooned slightly while admiring their dancing.

“Hey, why don’t you come down here?” A voice called out, grabbing her attention like a cane pulling someone off the stage. Her head shot up and she looked around; maybe they were talking to her!

Her eyes scanned the crowd and saw a few women trying to get her Aunt outside of her house.

Relaxing a little, she felt disappointment fill a pit in her stomach. She laid her head on her hands again and looked down at the boys again. They had stopped dancing and were chilling around a cooler, looking directly at her.

She felt herself blush and reel backwards in an attempt to close the curtains, but only ended up falling backwards in her chair.

“Aish,” She rubbed her head with the palm of her hand, and then moved to close the curtains.

“Wait, did you hear me; I asked you if you wanted to come down here?” The voice said again and Desi could’ve sworn that someone was talking to her this time. She poked her head through the window and looked around.

“Yes, you; look down!” The voice persuaded. She did as she was told obediently and looked down to see the beautiful boy with a smile on his face. His friends looked at her and made faces, making Desi shrink back into her room.

“Taemin, don’t do that, she’s…well…different,” A guy’s voice, probably one that was making a face told the beautiful boy. Desi bit her lip and pulled back into her room, shutting the curtains.

“Yah! You see what you did; you insulted her you pabo!” The beautiful boy, who I now know as Taemin, says unhappily.

Is he pouting?

No, he couldn’t be pouting for her; it’s impossible. She shouldn’t even have looked out the window today; too many people were out there.

“Hey; he didn’t mean it! Will you come outside and talk to us?” Taemin’s voice brought Desi out of her trance, “I see you every year; and I don’t want this year to be an exception!”

Desi’s heart fluttered; did he just say that he wanted to see me? Me of all people!

Slowly and hesitantly, she lifted the curtain from her view and saw Taemin and the rest of the guys staring at her.

“Look at her eyes!” One whispered to another. The other slapped him on the back of the head.

“Yah; don’t be insensitive!”

Desi had to suppress a smile at their antics. They weren’t so scary after all.  In the midst of all their teasing Desi had gone away from the window and into her small washroom. Aunt EunAh had once left a little makeup and other things in the church, so she had taken it secretly.

From watching her aunt do it so many times she had begun to learn how to put it on. Desi had never worn makeup; it made her feel so confined and a little too attention grabbing.

She looked in and mirror and dropped the makeup.

How could something so minor…change me so much?

The color of her face had changed from a wine colored maroon, to a slight pinkish tint. She touched her face slightly and shuddered; the difference was frightening. Realizing that she had spaced out, she put everything up and quickly looked through the other things in search of something to cover her eyes.

Pulling out whatever she could, she finally found sunglasses.


She ran down the steps of the church and ran for the door. As her hand touched the doorknob she froze.

I’m about to leave the church…

She told herself.

How could I do this to her? ...

Desi shook her head unhappily.

Aunt EunAh is at her house…

Her mind reassured.

I’m such a bad child….

The thoughts kept her hand inching away from the door handle.

There is no one to stop me…

A sudden surge of adrenaline coursed through her veins and in a flash the door was open and she was outside, out of the gate, and in the town.

The warmth of the sun, mixed with the slight breeze made for the most perfect spring day. Soaking in every bit of warmth she could, Desi stayed still, frozen in place. A few citizens bumped into her before she slowly starts walking  

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Your pretty good so far dude :)
Better be great at chapter 8, I'm liking your story so far. I WAN AN UPDATE!
This is a really good fanfic :D hope you update soon! >////<
shooriken #3
i wonder what's gonna happen with jinwoon and desi! i hope they both get to know each other more. :'D
update now!
you guys r so mean minkeyjong, atleast taemin and onew r sane.... this story is really good. plz update soon ne?
omo Jonghyun and Key I am ashamed of you! you to minho!
I feel so sad for the girl :( When her aunt said, "Great, now I'm the bad guy" I immediately thought of Tangled lol. Please update soon :)
@lauriiunnie A port-wine stain is like a capillary vascular malformation that is characterized by a pink or red stain on some part on the skin :)
Awww poor girl! But I can't see Taemin ever hating anyone! And this may sound a bit dim but what is a port-wine stain? And update soon! Hunchback of Notre Dame us one of my favorite stories ever!