Chapter 1. Growing Up

Dancing With Desi

 Chapter 1. Growing Up

Desdemona had grown so much in the years that she at the church, and the disfigurement had gone away some.  

Her arms and legs were long, her body was lanky, and her hair was an odd red color. One eye was light hazel-green and the other was a deep brown; a problem that mixed in with heterochromia, a disease that affects the coloration in the body.  The most prominent of her odd features is her port-wine stain that ranges across the left side of her face and reaches a little over the tip of her nose.

The young girl of about seven peeked through the curtain of the Busan church. Something was going on outside and she wanted to be a part of it.

 A festival

She smiled happily to herself as she realized that that started with an F.  Her attention was quickly brought back to the outside as a group of boys started dancing in the street, attracting a lot of attention. Many of the boys were older than her, but she could tell by the way they looked that five of them were around her age.

Something outside caught her eye and she quickly ran down the stairs of the church to the quiet room Aunt EunAh had let

Her aunt had begun to teach her the alphabet a few years back, and every day she comes in to help her recite it.





Beautiful her mind screamed, yet she ignored the annoying voice inside her head.

“Blasphemy” The girl replied happily as her Aunt gave her a cookie in recognition of her good job.



“Catastrophic” She said and another cookie came her way.


“Damnation,” She replied curtly.


“Eternal Damnation” She smiled up at her caretaker, who looked back in recognition.

“Good. F?”

“Festival,” The young girl smiled dreamily until she realized what she had said. Her aunt had always told her that they outside world was no place for someone as special as herself. Though she was sure she had heard the word ugly escape somewhere in her sentence.

Her aunt slammed down her the water that she had been drinking on the table and looked at all the windows that displayed happy children running around the block. Her aunt ran towards the windows and pulled the curtains in quickly, shutting out any light that wanted in.

“You were planning on going outside?” She asked scathingly. The little girl flinched at her tone.

“No ‘mmam,” She replied sadly as she looked down to her shoes. She heard a melodramatic sigh and plop on the chair next to her.

“Great, now I’m the bad guy,” Her aunt rubbed her temples and turned to the little girl.

‘Desdemona, I know you’re tired of it here, but I keep you here to keep you safe. People out there just don’t understand people like you,” She explained for the 100thtime,” Please, just go to your room, okay?”

“Yes ‘mmam,” She muttered and scuttled up the stars to her room. Desi sat on her bed and looked out the rectangular window that gave a beautiful view of the entire neighborhood.

She glanced out at the town with everyone smiled to each other and laughing like animated characters. Desi folded her arms up and rested her head on the window ceil. The five boys had stopped dancing for a water break and they were all talking and clapping to the beat of the older boys’ song.

A small smile graced her lips as she watched and waited, for something to happen. One of the boys turned around to get another water bottle and his eyes flickered across the church. He dropped his water bottle and stared as his eyes met Desi’s through the small window. This boy was nothing like she had ever seen; he was beautiful to say the least. His hair was perfectly straight and jet black like a raven. She wanted nothing more than to his hair once; it looked so soft.

Her eyes widened after she was shaken from her trance and she realized that they were staring at one another. She quickly moved away from the window and closed the curtains, dropping the small room into darkness.

He was surely to tell his friends that a monster lived up in the church…they were going to come see her, just like a few children did years ago. She remembered how hard she cried that day when they made faces to try and imitate her. 

She shook the thought from her mind and lay down on her bed, the darkness of the room soothed her; no one could see her, and that meant no one could judge.

I’m a nice girl…

They just don’t understand…

I promise…



Don’t run away…

Some of the things she had said in the past…nothing ever worked; they all ran, no matter what.  Desi looked over at her bookshelf, and in the dark she could barely make out the shape of her piggy bank, she had been saving up for a treatment for her port-wine stain. So far she had barely anything, but it was pretty rich for a seven year old with nothing.

She quietly entered a sleep with dreams of friendship and family, oh how she wanted a family of her own. If only someone was to love her as much as her aunt did. 

Okay so I had some problems with thinking up a title! So i asked you guys to help me! I decided to call it Dancing With Desi.

But, my twin sister suggested i call it "No one loves you...Not Even Taemin."

And there were a few versions of that too. (I.E: No one loves you; not even Rain. No one loves you...not even Ricky. No one loves you...not even Changmin) But this is a SHINee story i assure you. 

XD Anyway, wish me luck on this story!

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Your pretty good so far dude :)
Better be great at chapter 8, I'm liking your story so far. I WAN AN UPDATE!
This is a really good fanfic :D hope you update soon! >////<
shooriken #3
i wonder what's gonna happen with jinwoon and desi! i hope they both get to know each other more. :'D
update now!
you guys r so mean minkeyjong, atleast taemin and onew r sane.... this story is really good. plz update soon ne?
omo Jonghyun and Key I am ashamed of you! you to minho!
I feel so sad for the girl :( When her aunt said, "Great, now I'm the bad guy" I immediately thought of Tangled lol. Please update soon :)
@lauriiunnie A port-wine stain is like a capillary vascular malformation that is characterized by a pink or red stain on some part on the skin :)
Awww poor girl! But I can't see Taemin ever hating anyone! And this may sound a bit dim but what is a port-wine stain? And update soon! Hunchback of Notre Dame us one of my favorite stories ever!