8th Chapter-

You Only Live Twice [a.k.a. The One That Got Away] // 9th Chapter uploaded!//

8th Chapter- "I Promise."


Jonghyun nodded, thankful for Key allowing him to say goodbye... even though it wouldn't last for long. He hoped that.

"So, is there anything for me to sign? Or should I vow on something?"

At that, Key shook his head. "No, your word is enough. Now that you agreed, there's no way for you to get out of this, either." There was still one thing to be decided, yet he wanted to give Jonghyun the opportunity to think about this question after seeing her again. The guardian angel was sure that this last meeting would influence his friend's decision.

Both of them couldn't help it, but looked back for one last time, taking in the happy smile of their beloved girl, before Key finally worked his magic and changed the scenery again.


- Jonghyun's POV -

My head started spinning as soon as Key started changing the environment again. How could he stand this weird mix of colours surrounding us? Seriously, I do have no experience with drugs or smoking anything, yet if I had ever imagined what it would be like, it felt like this way of... travelling.
To prevent myself from throwing up I decided to close my eyes, and as I felt my body loosening up a bit, I had the weird feeling of someone whispering "What a weakling you are..." next to me.

A few seconds later, it felt like we were back in the patient room- and well, as soon as my senses came back, I knew I was right. The smell of desinfection and blood hit my nose, and I noticed the constant beeping of a machine near by.
I opened my eyes, expecting to see Minho still hugging her, yet I was surprised to see her alone in the room, the bedhead raised so that she was nearly sitting in her bed, a book in her lap. Obviously, it had fallen out of her hands, which where resting on her stomach- she was asleep.

I felt my mood lightening up as I turned around to see Key looking out of the window. "She really is... sleeping?" I saw his eyebrows twitch- the only thing moving. "Ehm... Key? Hello? Did you---"

"How long will you make me wait, huh? Just say goodbye, do whatever you want and let us go!"

...Uhm... wow?

"Hy-hyung, what's...?" Oh, seriously. Are we on our period again? I tried to cover my sudden insecurity with being funny, yet my joke was destroyed by the determined and... well, scary look in his eyes.

"Kim Jonghyun. Do you even know how much it hurts me to see her like that? How much I'd love ripping you into pieces for allowing you to confess to her once more? Tell me, is there a chance for you to know that?"

Of course, I don't. I couldn't stop my eyes from tearing up as I watched Key getting up from the chair he sat on, walking straight to the door and opening it. "Don't worry, there will be no one to disturb you. Oh, and about the recent events: She's been stable since three days now, and while Minho visited her each day, you were heartless enough to not even see her once. Tell her whatever you want, I hope she slaps you for not being by her side." While I was just standing there, my mouth open, ready to say anything crossing my mind -which unfortunately, was totally blank at that moment, he turned away and left the room, closing the door quietly. I shook my head, nibbling on my upper lip. Tse, our diva and his mood-swings..., I thought, followed by a sharp pain crossing my head. Jonghyun, I heard that.

Still hissing in pain, I decided to make my way to ___'s bed, where she still slept soundly. A small smile crossed my face and my heart started racing at this rare sight: Her hair had been brushed to the back of her head, only a few strands covering her for once perfectly calm forehead. Her eyebrows, which she had been knitting constantly during the last days, had their normal, perfect shape, and her beautiful eyes were covered with those pale lids, which formed a perfect contrast to these short, thick black eyelashes of hers. I noticed the dark circles underneath, yet withstood the need to touch them.
Her lips were parted slightly, and since the room was quiet enough to do so, I started counting the steady breaths she took. One, two, three... why didn't I discover the beauty of this sound before we had become like this?

My mind got cloudy again as I noticed the bloodlessness her body radiated, though. All in all, she looked pale. Weak. And cold. Instinctively I reached for her hand, feeling the way her muscles shivered, and rubbed the back of it with my thumb, making the cold sweat covering it go away.
I took a seat on the edge of her bed, biting my lower lip, worried since the first impression had just been blinding me. She wasn't okay at all, and I felt guilty as I tried to pull the covers up to her chin.

As I reached for the book she had been reading earlier to put it on her nightstand, I suddenly held still and looked at her- and again, my heart started aching. There she was, looking at me with these sad eyes, whispering as she slightly squeezed my hand. "Oppa...?" Her eyelids started to bicker, and before I even could respond to her, her beautiful eyes closed again, and her body relaxed once more.

I exhaled, noticing that I had stopped breathing for the moment, and still held her hand as I took a closer look at the book she had been reading... only to notice that it was her diary. My cheeks grew hot as I quickly closed it, desperate to put it away- as I felt the urge to open it again. To read it.
And so it was an act out of pure curiousity as I scammed through the pages, wondering if she had written anything about me...

"Page 24."

"24? But... ah, I see. Thanks." I smiled as I saw my name written in violett. "Sorry to say so, but I guess she was somehow obsessed with me." I snickered, counting the times my name had been scattered all over the page, accompanied by her own one, stars, hearts and flowers.

"Didn't your parents tell you to not read other's diaries?" I was about to reply, as...

"__-____?" Immediately, I raised my head- only to see her looking at me, her eyes now wide opened and curious. I saw a small smile forming at the edges of her lips, yet she tried to hide it. "Y-you... you're awake now?"

I saw her rolling her eyes. "Jonghyun. I'm talking to you, of course I'm awake." She was about to frown, as I felt the urge to... get closer to her.

"Wh...what are you doing? Jonghyun?" She squealed, trying to break free from my hug- yet she was too weak to even push me away slightly.

"Don't do that... not now." If I didn't keep her close enough for her to stop breathing... well, I did it now.

"Wha...what?" It felt nice, that tickle on my neck as her breath hit the skin.

"Knitting you eyebrows. I don't like you doing that." As she put her arms around my waist, I gave her some more space again. From what I saw out of the corner of my eyes, her cheeks had grown hot- and she was smiling again. Happy about that, I adjusted the cardigan which had been put around her shoulders loosely. "You don't know how much I missed that face of yours..." I wasn't sure about her even hearing what I had mumbled. She didn't even answer, yet she seemed comfortable in my arms, and that was enough for me.

- End of POV -


- Your POV -


I couldn't answer anymore.

How long had I longed to see him? I had been okay enough since three days now, and all he talked about were my eyebrows? I would have loved to punch him right into his handsome- no no no, his definetely not-handsome face... yet it already did cost me a lot of energy to speak and sit at the same time. Oh, and didn't he notice how hard it was for me to breathe?
I'm not saying that I wasn't happy about it, yet I had been visited by his friends during the last days... and no one even mentioned him. It had been like he had just vanished from the scene, as if he had never even existed. Each time Minho came here on his own, I did think about asking him about Jonghyun or not, yet as soon as I noticed his eyes giving me a sad look, I couldn't find the right words to do so. I didn't want to hurt Minho-oppa, who had been there for me since weeks, anylonger- and I didn't want him to feel like he meant less to me than Jonghyun, even if it was true. I had just started to get a hold of his feelings for me, and to be honest... it felt nice. We were able to speak about both, past and future, in a comfortable way without any mishappenings or disagreements. Oppa had told me about the feelings for me he had kept under the surface for so long, and he just radiated the happiness he felt about being able to finally hold or kiss me whenever he -or better we- wanted.
So thinking of Jonghyun had been a no-go for me during these three days, even if I hadn't really followed that rule. He had always been there somehow- may it be whenever I couldn't sleep or I started feeling cold again. I had tried to deny it for so many times already, yet each time I looked out of the window and let myself get carried away, I saw his face infront of me, heard his laughter, or even felt him gently touch my shoulders...
And now that he was finally here, even hugging me, it seemed as if I had found what I had been longing for during the last weeks. Even though I'd have loved to push him away and question him -about Jessica, about the reason for not visiting me, about... everything. Yet the more warmth he gave to me, the less I felt the urge to think of anything disturbing.

At first I tried to withstand the impulse, yet I couldn't- and so I raised my shaking arms to answer his embrace.

"I was worried about you..." I whispered, snuggling up to him, my nose now barely touching the skin covering his neck.

"You? About me?" I felt him shift slightly, his grip on my back loosening. "You should stop being so selfless. You were the one in danger, you-"

"There's no way I could do that" I breathed, not even sure if he understood what I was trying to voice out. My eyes were now flooding with tears, my chest was shaking- and the moment he realized I was crying, he leaned back to look at me, his fingertips now carefully my cheeks. Why couldn't he be like that earlier? Why hadn't he been there to make me feel better when I needed him a few weeks ago? "There's no way I could do that... Not worrying about you."

-End of POV-


-Jonghyun's POV-


"There's no way I could do that... not worrying about you."


My fingers stopped in the middle of carressing her cheeks, my eyes stopped wandering, my ears stopped listening, my brain... knew what to do.
Without thinking, I turned my head slightly while closing the distance between us. I could see the expression in her eyes changing from sadness to irritation as I stopped, only a few millimeters parting our lips from each other's.

"You know... even if Key wants me to stop, I won't." As expected, she was even more confused now, not able to get a hold of the meaning my words carried. "Listen, I wanted to tell you at least once that I... I also won't stop."

I felt her slim fingers tugging at the hem of my shirt. "Even if he turns back time, even if he seperates us, even if the two of us become strangers again... I don't care." I smiled at her with the most calming expression I was able to form at the moment, even if my heart felt heavier than ever.

"Jonghyun...?" she murmured, her eyes still glistening as she carried a questioning look on her face.

I drew away from her, my body relaxing again as I reached for her diary and her pen, skipped the pages until I noticed that the writing had changed into tiny, messier letters. I felt her eyes following each of my moves as I crossed out her name and replaced it with my own one. Kim Jonghyun.

"Wh-why...?" I practically heard her tearing up again as she spoke, now with more strength in her voice. I turned back to her and smiled slightly.

"Say... you trust me, don't you?" I had to suppress a chuckle as I saw her hesiation. Well, I had been enough of a bad guy to not be trusted. "I have to leave you today." Hands on her shoulders, I pulled her closer again, her shaking breath tickling the skin above my lips. "You read that, didn't you? You know what will happen if you fall for me again." I tried to a little, to make her feel the way we had conversed earlier once more.

"Who says I fell for you?" I barely touched her bottom lip with the tip of my tongue- she giggled, and at the same time, she cursed.

"Go to hell, and take your teasing with you..."

"Oh, don't worry, I'll move in with the devil today. I already packed my things." I saw her gulping, and after some thinking, she looked at me with an expression of disbelieve. I could practically hear her stuttering "Y-you're such a bad liar...!".

"Anyways", I chuckled a bit, "You don't need to worry, dear." I saw her adjusting her head, and shortly after, my lips were touched by a bundle of rose petals. I closed my eyes, my heavy feelings slowly vanishing as I drew her closer, into a tight embrace- and my heart started to burn. I opened my eyes once more, I wanted to see her blushing cheeks as she declined breaking that kiss- yet all I could see was darkness, and slowly, the warmth of her body started to fade. The last thing I noticed were her fingertips brushing across my cheeks for one last time. And even though I wasn't able to speak anymore, I knew that she heard my last thoughts- the last words directed to her before Key's spell was completed.

There's no way I'll stop loving you, dear. I promise.









Dear Diary,


With this, it may be fate that

Kim _____

Kim Jonghyun

will die after breaking the rules of a heaven-made contract.


In order to keep this contract fair,

he will receive this diary as a resource to change history.



Cause of death: Myocardial Infarction;





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Hey everyone~ Thank you so much for subscribing! Please stay with me from now on~ The next chapter's on it's way! :*


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Chapter 10: Omo omo omo! I can't wait for the next update :D
Chapter 9: Please, update soon! This fic is too good to be dropped ;D
Chapter 8: YAY I LOVE THIS STORY ITS SO GOOD!!!Update soon pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Chapter 8: lmao if you dont update soon i will find you and force you to write it
Chapter 8: Well well well Look who is updateing!!!*Arm crossed*
*Act like a mom*Did you know how worried i was?!
Did you know that i almost called the cops?!?!
Update soon or You will be grounded!!!:D
Chapter 8: FINALLY!!!OuO
You updated!!*Fangirl*
I started to lose hope a littel bit tho.....I'M SORRY!!!*Cries*
Nevermind me....Anyway update soon<3<3<3
Chapter 7: Hi New Reader here^_^
OMO key oppa was Kinda scary ......BUT I STILL LOVE HIM LIKE CRAZY :D
Anyway i really like you fanfic i hope you update soon :)
Chapter 7: Okay..i gotta admit key was...SO FREAKING SCARY!!!
But that did not make me hate him or somthing :)
and there is nothing to forgive
for the chapter it was AMAZING and i LOVED it!
keep up the great work...HWAITING :)))))
MissLocket #9
Chapter 7: It's ok, dear author, at least for me a hardcore locket, there is nothing to forgive. It's totally the opposite, thanks for Key's role. I love it. This really suits him.
Chapter 6: Aww.. I miss this fic... please update soon ;)