
Kris POV

(04-13-11 12:23 AM)

A few hours had already passed since the unexpected events in the sacred cliff happened but here we are still traveling to the dark castle.

Our hands bind by ropes and the army's weapons drawn out incase we do something 'funny', as they called it.

It can be easy for us to defeat and escape them but unfortunately our two members is still unconscious namely Tao and Lay. So the army outnumbered the four of us, just imagine more than fifty of them surrounding the four of us. Yes, we can used our powers but we should be careful for there's a possibility that we may kill a few of them--which will bring no good to us. I can fly and Luhan can float the others but surely before we can take our feet out of the ground we probably dead right away.The only means of safe escape is by stopping the time and as stated earlier the owner of that power is unconscious. So all in all, we're hopeless by this time.

"Hyung." Called by Chen who is at my right side while his head hanging low so it will not be noticed that he's communicating to me. There's no order for us not to talk but it's better to be sure.

"eum?" I barely replied.

"Any plans?" He asked

A few moments I let to passed before I answer."Just keep walking and follow the orders will be given by them to us, that's my plan."

"That's it?" Chen asked, definitely expecting for a better plan.

"Yes, that's it." I deadpanned.

"I thought you have some acceptable plan than mine. We're hopeless."

"Come on, don't think for a worse." Xiumin abruptly said behind Chen. "Maybe they will just held us for breaking their rule."

I shrugged 'coz I'm not sure about that but I guess they didn't notice my action.

"Oh great maybe The ruler will just interrogate us and because of his daughter capability of reading everyone's mind he will definitely know why we're there ,every detail of it, and after that he will just imprisoned us for who knows how long. But I'm hundred percent sure that we will totally miss the eclipse.That's great. Nothing bad will happen." Chen sarcastically said.

Ok, that hit me so hard.

"I said don't think for the worst. You silly kid."

"Chen is right. We should do something now. As in now." Luhan said first time since we got caught. He's right behind me standing besides Xiumin. Tao and Lay are being carried by the two man in armor in front of us.

"Ok then, give me the smart plan of yours." I commanded. I may sound a little but surely I'm not. "You know that we can't escape and they outnumbered us, we can be killed and if we are stupid enough we may kill some of them, and I think we don't want that to happen, do we?" I said still keeping my pace and my voice low.

"I know." Luhan retorted, I can tell he's smiling ear to ear. Oh how I love to see that smile. "That's why I came to this plan to protect us first and escape later."

It took us a minute or maybe couple to sink in what Luhan said and when it clicked to us, we realized how stupid we are to think that escaping is impossible. But even though we love the plan the question is...

"How?" The three of us asked in unison, enough to get some attention of some members of army . And that's bad.

"Are you trying to do something?" One of them said while the blade of his sword touches the skin in my neck creating a small wound. Temper and my common sense are what keeping me for killing this man. My neck is bleeding!

"We're not stupid to do so, so if you won't mind put this thing away." I said with a hint of irritation. He was taken aback by my remarks but he composed himself immediately.

"Better to know your current state kiddo." He said standing more straighter if that's possible and turning his head ahead.

"That's close." Xiumin sighed.

"Now back to the topic." Chen started. "What we are going to do Luhan?"

"Simple as counting 1,2 and 3. Xiumin will just make an Ice globe that will cover us." Luhan explained --as if there's something to explain on it--.

"Eh?" Puffed by the high cheekbone guy. "Is that it?"

"Yes, that's it." Luhan mimicked my answer earlier. "Well based on my learning's the most simple plan has the less pressure and also that's the only solution we could do, unless you have something better than mine?"

"There's none."

"Then we're settle if you don't have another snide comment." Xiumin said. He was about to do what he has to do when I interrupt him by grabbing his wrist. "What now?"

I take my hand out of him and return to my normal composure. "What about Tao and Lay?"

"About that, Xiumin please include those two guards who carry them and make sure to freeze their lower half so there's no hassle to perform our second grand escape. Thanks kris for making me remember that part."

That's where our conversation died for when we took an another turn, the high elevated structure standing on the top of a mountain came into view. The dark castle.

"I think we need to do that big plan of yours Luhan. Because I can hear the time's ticking. Like Tick tock." Chen joked, slowing the tempo of the word tick tock.

The reflection of Luhan in the shining armor of the man in front of me nodded and gestured Xiumin to do what he had to do.

"That's what I'm waiting for." Xiumin cheered but not too loud. He closed his eyes and reveal the battle of dominance between blue and white color in his eyes after he open it-- I saw it by the means of his reflection on the armor--. One second everything is normal -- normal by this time means bright sun, cool air, healthy trees, sweet scented flowers, chirping of domestic birds, yeah in short a piece of paradise-- then suddenly the atmosphere around us become dry and the next thing I knew, a well sculpted ice berg encircled us, including the two members of army who froze on their spot, not literally not until Xiumin did so. All of this happens in a short period of time. Oh the perks of being able to master your power.

"Free us!" The one that holding Lay said. "We're going to beat all of you like a pulp."

We all gave him a damn look even though he can't see it because his back is still facing us, also the one who holds Tao.

"Seriously, where do you get that guts to threaten us when you're in that position." Chen cooly said while cutting the binding rope in his wrist by the use of the sword of the man who he implying at. Me, Luhan and Xiumin copied the action.

"Finally my hands is free before that rope cause burn marks." Xiumin cheered too loud.

I smiled secretively while taking Tao out of his guard's shoulder into my arms and settling him down the grass besides Lay who laid by Luhan.

Through the translucent ice we can see a shuffling figures probably readying to destroy our shield."Is this little shelter of us strong?" Chen asked biting his lower lip.

"Don't worry Chen, they will just tire theirselves. In every damage they made this ice shield will become thicker and thicker. Like it's healing itself." Xiumin said reassuring Chen that we are safe. Did I mention before how great Xiumin and his power are?

"Thanks all the good elements. I can now breath."

"Now what are we going to do?" Luhan questioned.

"Let's wait until Tao and Lay regained there conscious. So we can use our unicorn (Lay) to properly heal our panda (Tao),from then he will do his thing for our safe escape." I finally contributed. What kind of leader am I? Better set aside that question cause I'm sure Mama has a reason why he/she chose me to be a leader.

"Well good thing Lay heals himself when he's sleeping." Xiumin said sitting beside me.

"Speaking of him, he's awaking." Chen announced.

We all look to the stirring body and with a loud sound from outside he finally shot up. He travel his gaze around, oblivious to what happened he locked his eyes on mine and asks "What's going on?"

"First and for all, good morning." I started, but because Lay is born with a gloomy personality he didn't react to my remark. I heaved out a sigh, this kid should have a mental medication once we set our foot on earth. "Anyway, Maybe the last thing you remember is that you're being shot. Well after that you and Tao drifted into a deep slumber I guess because they putted something on their arrows. And because we thought we are hopeless we obliged ourselves to surrender. We walked for a few miles until Luhan came out to this plan. To protect us first and escape later. We're just waiting for you to gain your consciousness for you to fully heal Tao and after that we're going to do our safe escape."

"Pretty adventurous right?" Chen asked highly expecting Lay to answer him but when the latter didn't spare a time on looking at the lightning summoner and focuses his attention to the sleeping Tao, Chen mumbled something under his breath that sounds like "Yeah right Chen that's so exciting, you did a great job by the way." And Xiumin laughed at that.

A moment later the time controller's eyes fluttered open. He blinked twice, sat up and stretched his body as if the scenario of him being shot by an arrow from his back to his stomach didn't occurred. "What happened?" I let myself to groan in frustration. There's no way I'm going to be a story teller again.

Luhan may noticed it because he says to Tao "Later."

Tao nodded and looked at his surrounding. "Nice but not so nice." He said.

We furrowed our eyebrows at him. "What are you saying?" Xiumin asked.

"I mean this little place is cool but because of its coolness its freezing here." Tao explained while wrapping his arms around his body.

"Sorry for that, I can't do anything about it. Unless you stop the time now..." Xiumin exclaimed but in his second sentence his voice slowly died out with his eyes opening wide at something opposite from where he is sitting. I follow his gaze and I caught a figures of something flying and floating outside the Ice globe.

The others noticed it too and in sync we all stand up. Through the faint sound from outside we can tell that the army is being attack. "Xiumin make that ice more translucent." I commanded while pointing the part where the two members of army facing. Maybe out of his mind, Xiumin makes everypart of the ice globe transparent giving us a clear view to what's happening. We didn't point out his mistake cause we're too busy roaming our eyes in every direction. More than twenty black seems like smoke is attacking everyone in sight. My eyes follow one of it and I almost cursed when it enters a man's mouth and within a blink the man turned into nothing but an ash leaving the armor he wore to drop in the ground. The chaos continues, rest of the members of army is running away including the one who leads it. We --including the two outcast--stood in our ground utterly and completely shock. What to do is not a question for now to answer. We watch them how they die one by one. And the last one who still breathing turned his head while running and causing him to see us, he stumbled down. He's not caring to escape anymore, instead he gestured for us to help him but the next thing makes like everything in slow motion, the terror that plastered in his face when the red fossils finally entered him and totally turning him into dust is the last thing that we want to dream tonight.


07:24 PM

"It's not going to be easy for us from now on." I muttered but enough for them to hear. I took the flight of stair and started to harshly bang the front door of the shabby single tower-like house. Not a while later the door flew open revealing an skinny old man in a white cloak. Without waiting for him to speak and without us saying anything we barge in.

"Just take everything that's important." I ordered to them.

We started to rummage our things, giving no time to rest.

"What the hell is happening here?" Our Mentor --Eleonor-- asked.

"We're leaving." Lay said. Not caring what Eleonor will feel.

Eleonor is our mentor that guide us in our trainee days. Other than that, he is also our guardian since The Ruler killed our parents. Just like the other habitants in exo planets he doesn't had any powers, only the 12 of us and the rulers of each planet have the ability.

"I'm sorry Eleonor, we have to take our different path now. On April 15 we're off to go to Earth. But surely we will meet again." Luhan said.

I heard Eleonor breath a deep sigh. "It's alright. Atleast the red fossils will leave also."

That caught our attention. "What do you mean Eleonor?" Chen asked.

"The red fossils' duty is to destroy the 12 of you, therefore when all of you arrives at Earth, the red fossils will follow you also." Our mentor answered.

"And what's good at it?" Xiumin asked.

"The people of EXO planet is dying because of the red fossils. They feed to the people whose soul is dominated by fear. This morning, the nearby villagers are attacked, none of them did survive. If this continue, our people will be washed away." Eleonor stated.

We look at his disturbed look. He's right. Our people suffers as long as we are here. And hurting them is not what we want.

"We got caught earlier Eleonor." Tao started and turned his body to face Eleonor. "But the Army that was send to us was also attacked, all of them was turned to ash. I don't get it how did that happen. The Army is known for their bravery and not being scared to anything."

"Tao, they're also a normal people. So if there's something they feared the most, surely it's The ruler. Everyone does."

"I still don't get it! Why all of them are being attack while the six of us remained untouched, I am also a coward, I fear everything that will cause harm to me and mostly I am afraid to The Rulers, so why! It doesn't make any sense." Tao argued.

"Kid, if only I know why, I would answer that. You know that we're lacked of information because our only source is some books."

Tao bit his lower lip and sulkily sat on the chair near him. "Sorry for my sudden outburst."

"It's alright." Xiumin said and patted Tao's head. "I know that you are craving for more information about our another major resistor in achieving our goal, it's a shame that we are facing this with only little knowledge."

"Not our fault, The one who knows everything is not among the six of us. Let's just wait, sooner we will meet him, and we will asked him questions about anything we want to know." Lay said, which is the longest throughout this day.

"Yes kids you should do that." Eleonor said while opening his antique chest. "Here Luhan and Kris, take this. I think it will help the both of you, I don't know what it does but I think it's important. These scrolls appeared on the day I started looking after all of you."

I took it from his hand same as well what Luhan did. I unrolled the scroll and find it blank. I don't know how but I know I will not use it sooner. I placed it inside my bag. "Guys, I think we should go now. " I announced.

"Eleonor take care of yourself." The oldest --Xiumin--said.

"Kid don't worry about me. Just keep in mind to do your best so my effort in training the six of you will not be in vain." He said with a hint of sadness in his smile.

"Yes sir." We said in chorused.

We walked toward the door, but when Luhan is about to open the door, Lay stopped him while looking outside through the window. "The army is here." The healer announced.

We silently peeked outside. By the used of the light of the red-blood moon, the same number of members of the army we encountered earlier is visible, they are all scattered to the lawn with a background of dead night.

"We are so screwed again." Chen said.

"Anyone inside the house by the name of The rulers I am ordering for you to attend us now." An unfamiliar voice boomed from outside.

"I think that's my cue. Go run now, and don't show yourselves to me unless you become a man, understand!" Eleonor said.

We hid when Eleonor opened the door for a while. After a silent debate at my mind, I turned my back and walked to the backdoor,the other followed me as well. But when we thought we can finally made it outside the house, a familiar sound of chaos filled the whole place.

Maybe because of curiosity, Tao ran toward to the place we left and urgently looked to the outside just like what we did earlier.

We Mimicked Tao's action, we see it again, the scenario we watched this morning. The gliding, running, crawling and screaming all of this we're seeing as if we are watching a replay.

My eyes automatically searched for Eleonor, he stood there utterly shocked.

Our eyes grew with horror when a red fossils glided to him he tried to run away but his chaser is fast. Eleonor stumbled and looked at his attacker. He screamed when it finally entered his mouth...

After that heartbreaking view, we roamed our eyes outside. Only the armors are left including Eleonor's unconscious body. We stared at him, completely confused. The rise and fall of his chest indicated us that he's alive. Why didn't he die?

We thought that the red fossils will leave now but unfortunately they glided toward the house where we currently are. Our body voluntarily run but we stumbled to the floor when a chunk of stone fell infront of us. The red fossils seems to be more solidified, because everything they passed through breaks. We tried to stand but we failed because of the falling debris. From the walls to the cealing, the whole house are starting to fall down causing us to be injured. Blood is gushing out from our wound. I tried to crawl but something heavy at my right leg is restraining me. I was about to pull my injured leg out when a big section of wall--enough to flat me alive-- fell toward me. I closed my eyes expecting for my life come to its end but after a moment nothing came. All falling object stopped at midair. My gaze landed to Tao, with his pureblack eyes I knew that he's stopping the time. The sigh of relief that I will breath out immediately drew back. Right above of me is a red fossils. I can't help but to look at its eyes drowning me at the past sinister events in my life that I keep out of my mind. Watching how The army brutally killed my family in the glossy eyes of the red fossil is enough for me to feel a rage...

One second later I found myself at the corner of my mind. The sensation that I'm feeling is unexplainable. I knew that I am angry. But the action of my body is not my doing. I can see everything through my eyes but it feels like I'm watching through the window. The Red fossils stopped attacking us, they're just floating above the roofless house. Luhan came to me and he used his telekenesis power to lift the concrete out of my leg. But when that thing is already gone, my hands captured Luhan's neck choking him badly. I tried to fight it, but I think something is possesing me. A sudden jerk at my body cause my physical mouth to let out a growl. My one who possessed me using my body harshly threw Luhan and turned attention to Chen. Using my fist, it punched Chen in his stomach. It grabbed the lighting summoner's hair, and using my power we shot up to the sky. I can't see what the others are doing because my physical eye's is focused at Chen, but I can hear their faint shouts.

"Kris!! Come back to your senses!!" Chen shouted, struggling to break free.

"You'll die here." My possessor said, instead of my original voice, it came out with a different voice. A voice that made a shiver run to my spine.

"Ugh you idiot bring me down!!"

My lips formed a deathly smile and finally let my grasp at Chen's hair loose. The high cheekboned guy's eyes filled with shocked and horror. No! Seeing his figure falling is numbing me.

My vision started to blur when something electroculated me. My body started to fall also, while looking above I saw a red fossils exited from me. I can't make my mind to function.

Before my eyelids drop, something massive that's flapping its leathery wings and breathing a steam out of its nose appeared from nowhere. Its huge blue eyes locked with mine as its huge scaly hands caught me. I don't know why but I smiled before I lose my conscious. It saved me. The dragon save me.



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