Chapter One Hundred Fifty-Six: Now the Marriage Begins

Finding Love... Keeping Love


Gerald and Kim left Venice through Marco Polo International Airport and flew straight to New York.  They rested during the flight and went through their digital camera to relive some of their moments. They were giggling and teasing each other. Though they were in first class, Kim would stay close to Gerald and would sleep on his shoulder.  Eventually they landed in New York with no problems. 

Jenkins was waiting for them outside of baggage claim.

Kim: Jenkins! (gives Jenkins a hug)

Jenkins: Mrs. Kim.  You look absolutely wonderful.

Kim: Thank you Jenkins. It is good to see you.

Gerald: Hi Jenkins! (gives Jenkins a hug)

Jenkins: Sir Gerald. Both of you look glowing. I take it that your vacation went well.

Kim: Italy is absolutely amazing Jenkins.

Jenkins: That it is Mrs. Kim.

As they were talking to Jenkins, they noticed a younger man dressed in the same uniform as Jenkins loading their luggage into the limo.

Gerald: (whispering to Jenkins)  Who’s that Jenkins?

Jenkins: Oh forgive me sir.  Sir Gerald, Mrs. Kim, please let me introduce your new driver, my nephew, Philip. I am here teaching him the ropes as he gets acclimated to his new job. Gerald, your mom and dad knew that you needed a driver once you returned so they made arrangements for a driver for the two of you. I guess they didn’t want to give me up. (smiling)

Gerald: (shaking hands with Philip) Welcome to the family Philip. I’m going to have to thank my parents and Jenkins for bringing you on board.  

Philip: Thank you very much Sir Gerald. Mrs. Kim.

Mrs. Kim: Welcome Philip.

Philip: Everything is loaded sir.

Gerald: Wonderful. (turned to his wife) So babe, ready to go home?

Kim: Ready baby. (smiling up at him and grabbing his hand)

Philip and Jenkins drove them back to their Gregorian mansion located in Upper East Side. Kim and Gerald snuggled in the back of the limo. Once they arrived at the house, Gerald helped Kim out of the limo and quickly picked her up in his arms. Jenkins and Philip could not help but smile.

Kim: Babe! Put me down!

Gerald: No way! This is the first time that we are home and I’m carrying you over the threshold as a proper husband should do.  (kisses Kim’s protests away)

Kim: (laughing) I can walk you know.

Gerald: Tradition babe. Tradition.

As they neared the door, Philip rushed forward to open double doors.  As Kim and Gerald crossed the threshold of their house, they were welcomed by their house staff. Everyone was so excited to have them back home. Kim and Gerald walked through their home.  It was weird because it was the Anderson home but now it had more of the personal taste of Kim and Gerald. They were pleased with what the designers did while they were gone. They also found their shower transformed almost exactly like the huge walk in shower they had when they stayed in the villa in Hawaii. The house was beautiful.

Gerald: Do you like how everything turned out?

Kim: Absolutely. Do you?

Gerald: As long as you do, I do.

Kim: Babe. Seriously, is there anything that you don’t like?

Gerald: No. I was just thinking this feels more like us. Though it’s a mansion, it has that homey feel I loved about the town house back in Davis.

Kim: I was thinking the same thing. Babe. I’m tired. Would you mind if I took a nap?

Gerald: As long as you don’t mind me taking one with you.

Kim: Come here baby.

Kim led Gerald to their bed and had him sit at the edge.  She then took off his shoes and pushed him back on the bed.  Kim then climbed into bed and settled into his arms. They both fell asleep immediately.  They did not wake until after midnight.  When they went downstairs to the kitchen, they found that the staff had left them snacks for them to eat when they were ready. 

Gerald: So babe… honeymoon over. Now the marriage begins. Do you think we have a chance?

Kim: (smile leaving her face)  Are you seriously asking me that? Why? Do you think we do?

Gerald busted up laughing.

Gerald: Babe you should see your face! (laughing even more)

Kim: (throwing a piece of fruit at him) Punk!

Gerald: Hey! (throws a piece of fruit at Kim)

Kim: Aah! That’s it!

Kim begins to throw pieces of food at him. Gerald grabbed one of the tubs of ice cream and began flicking ice cream at Kim. Kim grabbed the other tub and began flicking ice cream back at him. They were laughing and running around the island in the kitchen. Each trying to avoid ice cream flying in the air.

Kim: Okay! Okay! Uncle!!

Gerald: Babe… we made a mess.

Kim: We have to clean it up.

Kim and Gerald stood at the center of the kitchen looking at the mess they had created. They turned to each other and busted up laughing. Kim went to get towels and began cleaning up the mess. Gerald took a towel from her and began to help her. They worked in silence but would look at each other, giggling about the chaos they created in the kitchen.  Once they were finished, they looked at each other and busted up laughing again.

Gerald: You should see how you look babe.

Kim: You should see how you look.

Kim tiptoed and Gerald’s chin where some rocky road ice cream was smeared. Gerald then kissed her shoulder were vanilla ice cream was dripping.

Gerald: Ummm… you taste good – with or without ice cream.

Kim: (giggling) Do you want to try out our new shower?

Gerald: Let’s go. (kisses her neck, more vanilla ice cream)

Gerald and Kim enjoyed taking a shower together but enjoyed even more off the ice cream all over each other’s bodies. Once they finished with their showers, they changed into pjs and sat on the bed.

Kim: Babe?

Gerald: Yes…

Kim: Do you have doubts about us?

Gerald: (turns to Kim) Baby.  I’m sorry.  I was just joking around. I didn’t mean…

Kim: I… we…

Gerald: Babe… I have no doubts in my mind that I am going to grow old with you.  We are going to have many babies, travel the world, live every moment, travel this journey together and live happily ever after

Kim: Are you…

Gerald: (pulls Kim onto his lap)  Babe. I am more than sure. I’m sorry for playing around like that.

Kim: I just want you to be happy.

Gerald: I am happy. Sobra. But more than anything I want you happy.

Kim: I am but…

Gerald: Baby… damn it! I’m sorry. This is what I get for messing around. Baby, this is forever. When I said those vows in front of God, our family and our friends… when I said those vows to you… it was a brand. A brand for forever. I found this love with you and I am keeping this love with you. No doubts. I love you baby.

Kim: I love you too.

Gerald kissed Kim to seal the deal between them.  They returned to sleep holding each other tight through the night. Over the next week, they became acclimated to the time zone once again.  They lounged and settled into their home.  They planned to take a quick flight to California to visit Kim’s family and their friends to drop off gifts. They also did a quick stop to Missouri to do the same with Gerald’s parents.  It was so convenient having their own private plane.

Eventually, Kim and Gerald returned to work.  As they settled into their work life, they settled into a routine with one another. Breakfast, lunch together when possible and leaving together at the end of night.  Gerald was slowly making his mark as President of Andersons International.  If he had an issue, he consulted with the department heads, however, the one he trusted the most was Kim.  Kim continued to work under Jeremy in the same capacity as Karen.  Kim enjoyed working with Karen once again even though she was still based in the Paris, Andersons’ European headquarters.

About five weeks after they returned from Italy, Kim was lying in bed and not normally getting up bright and early like she normally did. 

Gerald: Babe. Are you okay?

Kim: I don’t feel good babe.  My stomach is not feeling good and I don’t know. I am so tired. Maybe I’m coming down with something.

Gerald: Why don’t you go to the doctor?

Kim: Nah. It’s probably just a head cold or maybe a flu because I’m just lethargic.  I’m going to rest today and not do much else. If it goes on longer, then maybe I’ll go.

Gerald: Do you want me to stay home? I can work from home.

Kim: No. No. Go to work.

Gerald: Maybe I’ll just stay home.

Kim: If you stay home, I’m going to get ready for work. I know you have many things going on at work right now. I’ll be fine.

Gerald: Okay but can you call every once in awhile so I know that you are okay?

Kim: Yes.

Gerald: Promise?

Kim: Promise.

Gerald: I love you and please take care of yourself. I’ll have the staff bring up some chicken .

Kim: Not right now babe.  My stomach is still churning.

Gerald: How about some crackers or bread.

Kim: Okay.

Gerald: I love you baby.

Kim: I love you too.

Gerald left for work though worried about his wife.  Kim just went to sleep and even continued to sleep when one of the staff came up to bring her crackers and tea. Kim pretty much slept the entire morning past lunchtime. At lunch, one of the staff came and brought her arroz caldo, but noticed that she was still sleeping. Gerald called the house and was told that she was still sleeping. Gerald continued to worry. He came home early that day to find his wife still in bed in another nap but at least she had eaten the arroz caldo.

Gerald: ( her cheek) Oh baby… I hope you are okay.

Kim stirred in her sleep.

Kim: Hi babe. (eyes still closed)

Gerald: Hi baby.  How are you feeling?

Kim: I’m feeling better. I’m starving though.

Gerald: What do you want for dinner?

Kim: Anything! (smiling up at him)

Gerald: I’ll go see what’s for dinner and bring it up to you.

Kim: I can go downstairs.

Gerald: No. I want you to stay in bed.  I’ll bring you dinner. I love you baby.

Gerald kissed Kim on the forehead and headed downstairs to get dinner for the both of them.  He returned with a light dinner for the both of them.  The staff had kept it simple with Kim not feeling too good. Gerald stayed upstairs with Kim and both of them just lounged as they watched TV together. Kim fell asleep not long after that. Gerald tucked his wife in and settled in next to her. Gerald could not help but worry. Kim was never this tired before. He was determined that she go see the doctor the next day if she doesn’t feel better by morning.

The next morning…

Gerald: Baby… how are you feeling?

Kim: I’m so tired baby.  My stomach is churning again.

Gerald: I want you to go to the doctor today.  I’ll take you.

Kim: No you don’t.  Go to work.  I’ll have Philip take me.  Okay.

Gerald: I would rather take you.

Kim: Babe. I’m a big girl. I can go to the doctor on my own. Okay? I’ll promise to call you once I’m finished.

Gerald: Okay. But you’ll call me right after.

Kim: Yes. Now go to work. I love you. Have a good day.

Gerald: I love you baby. Please take care of yourself.

Kim: I will.

Gerald left for work. Kim got ready to go to her doctor’s office. She was lucky to get an appointment right before lunch. When she got to the doctor’s office, they saw her right away.

Dr. Delaney: Kim, how are you?

Kim: I feel silly Dr. coming in but Gerald is adamant that I come in.

Dr. Delaney: Don’t feel silly. We need to make sure everything is going well.

Kim: Well, I’ve been feeling really tired. My stomach has been churning like I’m about to throw up. I haven’t thrown up yet but I just feel gross.  I’m thinking that I might have some stomach flu.  But regardless, I haven’t lost my appetite.  I just need time before I eat in the morning. 

Dr. Delaney: Hmmmm. So what do you do to settle your stomach?

Kim: I eat a couple crackers and then I’m okay but yesterday I must have slept all day.  The only thing that woke me up was that I was hungry then I went back to sleep.

Dr. Delaney: Kim. I’m going to check your lungs, ears. Your temperature and blood pressure is fine.  You could use to gain some weight. But you seem perfectly healthy. I’m going to have some tests run on you just to rule out anything else.

Kim: Okay. Should I worry?

Dr. Delaney: No. We’re just taking extra precautions. I’ll need you to take a urine test and we’ll draw some blood to make sure you’re not fighting an infection. Okay.

Kim: Okay.

The nurse came in and drew Kim’s blood and then she was instructed to provide them with a urine test. After she was finished, she returned to the patient room where she waited for the doctor to return. 

Dr. Delaney: Kim, it is what I thought it was. When was your last menstrual period?

Kim: (eyes widening)  Oh my gosh. I’m late! My last menstrual period was almost at the beginning of our honeymoon. Are you saying that I am…

Dr. Delaney: (smiling at Kim)  Pregnant?

Kim: (tearing) Am I?

Dr. Delaney: Congratulations Kim.

Kim: Oh my! Oh  wow! Oh my!

Kim began to cry and placed a hand on her belly.

Dr. Delaney: (giving Kim a tissue) Is this good news Kim?

Kim: (nodding her head)  Yes. I’m sorry. I’m blubbering. Gerald is going to be so happy. I… wow… I’m just feeling so blessed right now Dr. Gerald is going to be so happy.  I said that didn’t I? Shoot. What am I going to do? He wants me to call him right now.  I don’t want to tell him over the phone.

Dr. Delaney: (smiling)  I would call him and just tell him that everything is okay.  And that the doctor prescribed just lots of rest, eating properly and come back for a check up in a couple of weeks. I’m going to prescribe you prenatal vitamins. You could buy over the counter but these will be easy to swallow knowing your hatred of pills.  I want to see you regularly at least every month in the beginning. Just listen to your body.  Rest when you can.

Kim: (wiping tears from her eyes) Thank you Doctor. (giving her hug)  Thank you so much. 

Kim left the doctor’s office smiling and yet still crying at the same time.  She was so happy! I needed to find a way to tell Gerald.  First, she had to call him.

Gerald: (picking up his cell phone)  Excuse me everyone. Hello?

Kim: Hi baby. I just got out of the doctor’s office.

Gerald: (worried)  That took too long babe. Is everything okay?

Kim: Everything is okay. (trying not to cry) The doctor said that I just needed to rest.  They took some blood work to make sure everything was okay and everything was fine.

Gerald: That’s good to hear.  Just go home and rest. I’ll be home soon.

Kim: It’s okay babe. Take your time. I am feeling a little bit better now that I’ve seen the doctor.

Gerald: Okay. That’s good. You had me worry babe. Take care and I’ll see you soon. I love you.

Kim: I love you too sobra, baby.

Kim hung up the phone and once they reached the house, she went straight to see the cook to talk about tonight’s menu.  She wanted Gerald’s favorite food prepared and the dining room set in a romantic atmosphere. The staff sensing something special put a lot of effort into Kim’s plans.  Kim also started cooking in the kitchen, making a carrot cake from scratch for Gerald. She then went upstairs and got ready, putting on a floral tea length dress and applying her make-up carefully. She then went downstairs and waited for him, knowing he was going to come home early. Right as her foot hit the bottom stair, the front door opened and Gerald walked in.  He didn’t notice his wife standing there looking at him. When he finally looked up, he rushed to her.

Gerald: Babe! What are you doing out of bed? You should be resting. How are you feeling? Are you okay?

Kim: Babe. Didn’t I tell you that the doctor said I was fine and that I just needed to rest?

Gerald: The doctor said that you should be resting and that’s what you should be doing… wait. (finally noticing Kim)  Wow! You look gorgeous baby.  Why are you all dress up? Are we going somewhere?

Kim: No. I just wanted to have a nice dinner with my husband. I’m sure you must be starving. Come on. (grabs his hand)

Gerald and Kim walked into their formal dining room that was lighted entirely by tea light candles. Two formal place settings were set using the china that Kim’s dad gave them as a wedding present. 

Gerald: Wow! What’s the occasion?

Kim: I wanted to have dinner with my husband. I missed you today and I know that you have been worried about me so I wanted to take care of you today. Let’s sit.

Gerald: Baby. Before we do, can I give my wife a kiss?

Kim: (smiles up at him) I’ve been talking so much that I didn’t get to properly welcome my husband home. I love you baby.

Gerald kissed Kim, loving the feel of her lips against his.  They both sighed into each other.

Gerald: Wow… I love coming home to you.

Kim: I love you coming home to me.  Sit down.  I know you will like dinner.

The staff, on cue, dressed up in their formal service uniforms, came out with covered platters.  Gerald was amazed at all the food. One of the servers poured Gerald a glass of wine and only lemon water for Kim. 

Gerald: Babe?  You don’t want any wine. 

Kim: Not tonight baby.  I’ve been given some pills by the doctor to help me so it is not advisable to drink any alcohol. (smiling at Gerald)

Gerald: That makes sense. (pausing in between bites) Babe, you’ve outdone yourself. You cooked all my favorites. So what’s going on?

Kim: Nothing. I just wanted to have dinner with my husband. Ready for dessert?

Gerald: Sure.  What is it?

Kim: One of your favorites and I baked it myself.

Gerald: (rubs his hands together) I can’t wait.

Kim: I’ll be back.

Kim got up and headed towards the kitchen. She carefully picked up the cake she baked and decorated for Gerald. When she returned to the dining room, she placed the cake right in front of Gerald.

Gerald: (looking up at Kim)  This looks and smells good babe.

Kim: Great. I’m sure you’ll like the taste.  How did I do on my decorating?

Gerald looked back at the cake and noticed writing on the top.  Half the cake was frosted in pink frosting. Half the cake was frosted in blue frosting.  In the middle was a huge question mark that followed the words ‘Hi Daddy’. Gerald looked up at Kim with a question in his eyes.  He looked back at the cake and then looked back at Kim once more. 

Gerald: Really? (tears building in his eyes)

Kim: Are you okay with this?(tearing)

Gerald stood up right away and embraced Kim, tears running down both their faces.

Gerald: Am I okay with this?! Yes with a capitol ‘Y’ ‘E’, ‘S’!!! Baby!!! We’re going to have a baby!!

Gerald knelt in front of Kim and placed his head on her belly and wrapped his arms around her.  He kissed her belly and began whispering…

Gerald: Baby, this is Daddy.  We haven’t met face to face yet but know that I am so excited to meet you.  I have been waiting for you.  Please take care of mommy.  You’re going to love her as much as I do. Please take care of yourself in there. I love you little one.

Kim continued to tear as Gerald continued to talk to the baby. She held Gerald’s head in her hands. She thanked God for the many blessings that she had been given. She had never been so happy in her life.  Gerald was everything and now she could not believe that inside her was their creation. A part of Gerald and a part of her.  She felt so overwhelmed that her tears could not seem to stop.

Gerald: Baby… are you okay with this?

Kim: Babe… I’ve never been so happy in my life ever since I met you. Now we’re going to have a baby.  Our little honeymoon gift. I was thinking babe. We have a baby growing inside me that’s part you and part me. It made me think of our plane. Kimerald.

Gerald: Are you thinking of naming our child ‘Kimerald’?

Kim: (laughing)  No! No! No! You should see the look on your face. I was just thinking it could baby’s name until he or she is born.  Do you care about the of the child?

Gerald: No. Do you?

Kim: I don’t think I want to find out until the baby is born. Are you okay with that?

Gerald: Baby, whatever you want.

Kim: Are you sure you can wait 9 months to find out?

Gerald: Just knowing we are going to have a Baby Gerger or Baby Kimmy is all I need.

Gerald finally stood up and hugged Kim close, once again.

Gerald: Shall we have cake? You just made me the happiest man on earth. You continue to fill my heart baby. It’s amazing.  I think I can’t be any more happier or any more luckier and then bam, you hit me once again.

Kim: I know what you mean baby.  Thank you for you. (kissing him) Let me slice you a piece.

Gerald: No. No. You made it. I’ll slice it and serve you.  Have a seat beautiful.

Kim: Thank you baby.

They transferred to the family room where they lounged and fed cake to each other. They talked and talked about the baby.  They conspired their plan in how they were going to announce the news to their families. They sat there talking about their past together. They sat there and talked about their future together.  They were just amazed at the journey they shared together.  They realized that throughout their relationship, all the wonderful things have always been together with each other at each other’s side. They talked about the road bumps along the way that not only strengthened them but made them love each other more.  Every step was a learned experience. Every step was movement that propelled them forward. Every step was filled with so much love.  Kim and Gerald could not help but feel so blessed to find love but felt even more blessed knowing that they would do everything in their power to keep their love. They were in this together for the long haul.

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TheArvie99 #1
thank you for this story (ff).... you took me to places that i have never been ... very good imagination ... hope you make another story ... by the way i read it 3 times :) ... thanks again
angel_fire06 #2
the story was amazing,.though it took me a couple of days to read it..:)
pinkpanther #3
every chapter super gandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)) ilang ulit ko pang binasa to kahit mahaba :))
labelle82 #4
OMG! I love you for posting that story. That's my favorite Kimerald story of all time. So thank you
lai_alyssa #5
i love it like all the KIMERALD FF's! and this one is an amazing story!i reallly love it!keep writing and inspiring fans like us!inspite of kimerald's current situation,FF's make us kilig pa rin =D! blessings!thanks for this FF :D<br />
<br />
PS: and i so love when they speak in French i speak French and ur French is great here (tho may konting wrong grammar )
Yvanne888 #6
Wow, a coincidence or what? I actually reading this FF at this time, I saved it on my laptop. In case I want to read it again, and in this current status of Kimerald, I missed them a lot, so I decided to read it, hmmm. I missed Kimerald.