Chapter One Hundred Nineteen: Paris with Friends (Paris avec des amis)

Finding Love... Keeping Love


Soon enough, the group was going to be reunited once again. Kim and Gerald drove to the airport to pick up Matt, Mel, Jon and Tanya.

Kim: There they are babe!  Pinsan! Sis! Matt! Jon! Over here!!

Kim & Gerald: Beinvenue a Paris!

Girls: (jumping up and down, hugging) YEAH!!!

The guys were just watching the girls with amusement on their faces. They turned to each other and gave each other high five handshakes and hugs. Everyone was excited to be together again and even more so, they were together in Paris, France.

Gerald: Does everyone have their luggage? Let’s go here where I have a van waiting for us.

Matt: Thanks for meeting us here at the airport bro!

Gerald: Have to give you a proper Paris welcome.

Kim: The only thing we hope you forgive us for is that we are not going to have you guys stay with us at the apartment. Unfortunately, it’s only a 2 bedroom so not all of us will be comfortable. So, Gerald reserved you guys suites at the hotel which we hope you will love because it is located on the Champs-Elysses where the Arc de Triomphe stands.

Tanya: How romantic! Comment romantique!

Mel: We’re good guys! Thank you! I do want to see your guys’ apartment though. I want to see how you guys have been living here in Paris.

Kim: You guys need to see it. Our view is this beautiful gothic church right near the markets. We love the neighborhood and have gotten to know a lot of people. They have been very helpful to us in getting to know Paris on a more local level. We love it.

Gerald: Partons! Let’s go guys! I think everything is loaded onto the van. 

In the van…

Kim: So… what would you guys like to do first after we get you settled into your rooms? Food? Sight-seeing? Napping?

Jon: FOOD!

Gerald: We thought so. (laughing) We’re right on the Champs-Elysees where there are plenty of restaurants and cafes. It’s a little touristy but cool to chill.

The van took the group to the Anderson Parisian Hotel where the staff immediately checked in the two couples. While they were getting settled in, Gerald and Kim stopped in at their offices to make sure that everything was going well and to check their messages. They all met in the front lobby about 30 minutes later.

Gerald: Okay guys. Let’s see Paris! (grabs Kim’s hand)

Matt: Bro! The rooms are awesome. We didn’t need a suite.

Gerald: Hey! If I can’t give you perks then what kind of friend would I be?

Mel: Thank you Gerald. The room is amazing and most especially the view. We love it!

Jon: Seriously bro! The hotel is pretty awesome.

Gerald: Andersons International aims to please.

Tanya: Aren’t your guys’ offices here too?

Kim: Yes. Our offices are located on the 3rd and 4th floors. It’s pretty cool to come in and work at the hotel. You wouldn’t even know that there are offices located here.  We’ll take you on a tour later. Let’s go feed you guys.

The group headed out of the lobby and walked down the street to one of the cafes.  They settled in to catch up and people watch and enjoy the Parisian scene. Everyone was having a great time just hanging out.  They ended up walking up the street to the Arc de Triomphe where they took pictures and jumped on a subway to the Eiffel Tower.

Gerald: To help you feel like you are in Paris, I present to you, Le Tour Eiffel.

Mel: O-M-G!!! This is so awesome!!

Kim: Do you guys want to go up?  You guys are going to laugh at us but Gerald and I haven’t been up here yet either.

Tanya: Are you kidding me!! What is wrong with you two?

Gerald: We never got around to it.  Do you know how many things there are to do here in Paris?! It’s crazy.  I guess we’ve been acting more like locals than tourists.  This is our chance to play tourists now that you guys are here.

Kim: But we promise you some local flavor too.

Matt: Let’s go up!

Mel: Please!!!

Tanya: I can’t believe we are here.  This definitely tells you we are in Paris!! B? You seem so quiet.

Jon: (sweat on his forehead)  No reason. This is pretty awesome. I guess I’m just soaking it all in.

Tanya: You feeling okay? You’ve been quiet since we came here.

Jon: This has been pretty awesome. I guess I never thought we would ever come to Paris. I’m glad we’re here.

Tanya: (looks at him quizzically) Okay, I guess. Come on, let’s go!!

The group headed up to the observation deck all the way at the top. The views were beautiful despite the grates. They walked around the deck and took pictures, at one point, while the group was taking in view of Sacre Couer, they noticed that Jon was standing back.

Gerald: Hey Jon. You okay?

Jon: I’m cool man.  I’m just getting my courage together.

Gerald: Huh? Are you afraid of heights or something?

Jon: No.  Can you take video of what’s about to happen? Please.

Gerald: Shut up?! (taking the video camera from Jon)

Tanya: (looking out at the Sacre Couer) B?!! You need to some see this!!! I definitely want to go visit there!!

She finally turned around to find Jon on bended knee with a ring box open. She gasped. Mel, Kim and Matt turned around to find the same scene. Mel and Kim started jumping up and down squealing! Matt had a huge grin on his face.

Jon: I know you are not graduated yet. But I figured, if you say ‘yes’, you will have time to figure out what kind of wedding you want to have. I figured this is probably the most romantic place to be to ask the girl I love so desperately with my heart to marry me. I also figured that I needed our friends for support, not only to capture the moment but to also bear witness to my profession of love for you here in Paris, France on top of the Eiffel Tower. I didn’t realize we were going to come here so soon but I promised myself I would ask you the first time we went up here. I wanted you to have a memorable moment and the opportunity to say that I proposed to you on top of the Eiffel Tower, cheesy yet romantic. I know I’m rambling but I have one more thing I want to say. I was scared that with me moving to San Jose and you being in school still that it might break us apart. However, what I discovered was a strength we both had in making sure our relationship worked. I know we’ll always have that for the rest of our lives together. Tanya Reyes, I love you with all my heart and being. Will you please marry me?

Tanya stood there with tears running down her face in shell shocked silence. Mel and Kim were off to the side crying too.

Jon: Tanya. You can say ‘no’ if you want and I’ll understand. I don’t know if I’m going too fast but…

Tanya: Shut up you big oaf! YES! YES! YES!

Tanya ran up to Jon’s open arms and held on to him for dear life as everyone on the observation deck applauded them. Jon slipped on to Tanya’s finger a beautiful princess cut 2 carat diamond ring set in a platinum setting.

Tanya: OH –EM-GEE!!!! B!! It’s gorgeous!!!

Kim & Mel: Let me see! Let me see!!! Congratulations Sis!!!!

The girls were crying and admiring Tanya’s beautiful ring while the guys were giving each other handshakes and congratulating Jon and Tanya.

Matt: This calls for a celebration.

Gerald: Let’s head back to the hotel. I’ll call up the staff right now.

They all headed back to the Metro station to return to the hotel. Everyone was in such a festive mood with Tanya and Jon’s recent engagement. The girls were just giggling to themselves the entire time and the guys could not stop teasing Jon due to his nervousness prior to popping the question. And as promised, once they arrived at the hotel, they headed to the restaurant where there was a table reserved for them with bottles of champagne and dessert, fruit, cheese and crackers laid out for them. The staff poured champagne into everyone’s glasses.

Gerald: I would like to propose a toast to our newly engaged couple. I think all of us can agree that we are not surprised and that we are so honored to have been witness to your profession of your love for Tanya. We have all been blessed to find the love our lives. We are also blessed to find true friendship among all of us. To Tanya and Jon and their love for each other! Congratulations! Cheers!

Everyone else: Cheers!!

Tanya: B? We need to call our parents.

Jon: Let’s go call them. Order your dinner first.

Jon and Tanya ordered their dinner and then headed back to their room to make their phone calls to their parents. Matt, Mel, Gerald and Kim could not stop laughing about their first afternoon in Paris. They also began to make plans for the next few days to see Paris and other parts of France. Jon and Tanya soon returned and were in such a happy mood. Everyone ate their dinner and then parted ways for the evening. They all decided to meet up after breakfast the next morning.

Over the next few days, the group visited Musee d’Louvre, Musee d’Orsay, Versailles, Disneyland Paris, Montmartre where the Sacre Couer is located, River Seine, Notre Dame, La Saint Chapelle, Les Halles, Puces de Vanves- Paris’ best flea market, and Jardin du Luxembourg. They hung out at Kim and Gerald’s apartment and would sit and talk at the local café. On several of the nights, they went out to the local clubs. They even went to see an opera at the Palais Garnier.  Everyone was having a blast exploring Paris.

Kim: Gerald and I have been talking and was wondering if you guys want to explore a little bit of France. We were thinking because it’s hot, a lot of the Parisians head over to the French Riviera for the summer months. Shall we?

Mel: Definitely!! I would love to see the French Riviera.

Tanya: Wait. Does that mean we have to look at men in speedos? Eeeewwww.

Jon: Should we do as French do?

Tanya: Oh no you don’t. Should I go topless?

Jon: Oh no you don’t!

Everyone busted up laughing.

Gerald: That goes for you too Kim.

Matt: Same to you Mel.

Mel: No thongs? (teasingly)

Matt: Oh no you don’t!

Everyone busted up laughing even more.

Gerald: So back to the French Riviera. We can go to Saint Tropez or to Monaco. Your choice. We’ll go for 3 days, 2 nights. I know it’s short but I figured we’ll get a taste of the Cote d’Azur.

Matt: I am loving this vacation. Jammed packed yet relaxing. Sounds good to me bro.

Gerald: We’ll leave tomorrow morning. I’ll make arrangements right now.

The group headed the next morning to Saint Tropez. Instead of booking rooms for them at the Anderson resort, Gerald rented a yacht where they could just lounge and enjoy the view. Everyone was shocked even Kim.

Kim: Wow! Babe, I thought we were going to stay at the hotel.

Gerald: I thought we would do something different. I hope you guys are cool with this.

Matt: Bro! You spoil us too much. I feel like we are living the lifestyle of the rich and famous. This is too much.

Gerald: Mom and Dad use the rental company when they come here. I was able to use it.

Kim: Thank you babe.

Gerald: You’re okay with this? Sorry I didn’t talk to you about it first.

Kim: Babe. It’s all good. This is great! I agree with Matt. I feel spoiled but then again that is nothing new with you. I love you! (puts her arms around Gerald’s neck and kisses him)

Tanya: Hey you two! Come on, let’s explore the yacht.

The group enjoyed their 3 days on the French Riviera. They were able to visit the famous Monte Carlo casino and walk around Monaco. They jet skied around the coast and just lounged on the yacht. Eventually, they headed back to Paris after having a fun, relaxing time on the Cote d’Azur.  They had 3 days left in Paris when they returned and decided to continue to explore the city. They would have picnics on Seine and continue to explore the Louvre and the carnival near it and just walk the city. On their last evening in Paris, Gerald set up a dinner at Le Ciel de Paris located on the 56th floor of the Tour Montparnasse. It had the one of the best views of the city and some of the best traditional French cuisine.

Mel: This is gorgeous. Gerald, you are the most attentive host. Kim, you guys have been the best tour guides. I am so in love with Paris because of the two of you guys. Matt and I have felt that we are on our second honeymoon and we just went on one.

Tanya: I feel like I’m on my honeymoon even before the wedding.

Kim: How awesome is that! (laughing) You know what’s weird about this whole experience. It really feels that Gerald and I live here in Paris.

Tanya: Sis. You guys do live in Paris.

Kim: We’ve only been here not even 2 months yet. It just feels comfortable and real. My French is getting better. I actually feel like I am your tour guide despite not having seen many of the places we went to for the first time. It’s weird. I love our whole experience here in Paris and I’m really glad you guys came. This has been so beyond awesome!

Mel: So when are you guys coming back to California? All your talk about loving Paris is scaring me. It feels like you guys are going to move here permanently.

Kim looked at Mel and Tanya with no expression on her face. The guys were having their own separate conversation and weren’t paying much attention to what the girls were talking about.

Tanya: Sis! Are you serious? You guys are moving here to Paris?

Kim: No. (smiling at them)  But we did talk about moving around the world depending on where Andersons International needs Gerald. Gerald has decided to go into the family business. We both are going to apply for graduate school first to get our MBAs but I think Gerald is really invested in the company and has enjoyed his work with them. He also figures that his engineering background is also going to be a plus for the company.

Mel: Wow!

Kim: It’s just talk right now guys. We still have graduate school. We are not engaged either.

Tanya: That’s just a technicality. We know it’s going to happen.

Mel: I agree. It’s a matter of when.

Kim: You know. I never thanked the two of you for meddling into our love life. If it wasn’t for you guys, I don’t think Gerald and I would have gotten back together. So thank you. That man is everything to me.

Mel: We know. We’ve known since the moment you guys met and couldn’t keep your eyes off each other. The two of you when together are often in your own worlds. It’s sweet to watch and painful when you two were apart. We did it not only for you guys but also for us.

Tanya: I hear you girlfriend. Can you imagine if we have one of our Sunday night dinners and Gerald brought someone else and Kim brought someone else? I think all of us would throw up. Talk about awkward moments.

Kim: Don’t worry. That’s not going to happen. (shuddering at the thought)  Gerald is the only man for me. You think you love a guy and then bam! You love him even more.

Mel: I think we both know how you feel.

Tanya: Here comes our food. I love you guys and by the way… Maid and Matron of Honors. Mel, it’s time to help me plan my wedding.

Kim: (laughing)  I can’t wait!! You’re getting married sis!

The girls were laughing. The guys finally turned their attention to them, smiling at the women they loved.

Gerald: (whispering to Kim) What are you ladies talking about?

Kim: How much I love you.?

Gerald: Great topic. (gently kisses Kim) Can I add how much I love you?

Kim: How much?

Gerald: Tu es ravissante, ma cherie. Je t’adore beaucoup.

Kim: Je t’adore beaucoup aussi. Tu me rends dingue.

Gerald: Je te rendrai dingue plus tard

Kim: Promesse? (smiling at him)

Gerald: Promesse. (bringing Kim’s hand to his lips)

Jon: Okay. I think the two of you need to stop because for some reason, I think I need a cold shower.

Everyone busted up laughing. They enjoyed their dinner and the spectacular view from Le Ciel de Paris. The group talked about all the memorable moments they had exploring Paris and other parts of France. The night finally came to an end and Gerald and Kim dropped off Matt, Mel, Jon and Tanya at the hotel and then headed back to their apartment.

The very next morning, Gerald and Kim returned to the hotel to pick up the group and take them to the airport for their return flight to California.  They all said their good-byes at the airport with the promise to get together once Gerald and Kim returned to California at the end of August. It was a wonderful vacation in France for all. 

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TheArvie99 #1
thank you for this story (ff).... you took me to places that i have never been ... very good imagination ... hope you make another story ... by the way i read it 3 times :) ... thanks again
angel_fire06 #2
the story was amazing,.though it took me a couple of days to read it..:)
pinkpanther #3
every chapter super gandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)) ilang ulit ko pang binasa to kahit mahaba :))
labelle82 #4
OMG! I love you for posting that story. That's my favorite Kimerald story of all time. So thank you
lai_alyssa #5
i love it like all the KIMERALD FF's! and this one is an amazing story!i reallly love it!keep writing and inspiring fans like us!inspite of kimerald's current situation,FF's make us kilig pa rin =D! blessings!thanks for this FF :D<br />
<br />
PS: and i so love when they speak in French i speak French and ur French is great here (tho may konting wrong grammar )
Yvanne888 #6
Wow, a coincidence or what? I actually reading this FF at this time, I saved it on my laptop. In case I want to read it again, and in this current status of Kimerald, I missed them a lot, so I decided to read it, hmmm. I missed Kimerald.