06 - How To Save A Life

Defying Gravity
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And I would have stayed up with you all night
Had I known how to save a life     It is 2 in the morning and Junhoe insists his body to stay awake. His second album materials should be submitted due the day after and he’s still way far from finish. Headache starts attacking but he cannot care less about his health right now. Were his boss to be the person that can buy a negotiation, he probably would be sleeping at peace.   Junhoe walked slowly from his studio to the living room. Guitar is in his embrace before he places it carefully to the couch. He then only walks back and forth from the edge of the room to the other edge with his index finger etched to the chin, frown grows on forehead, and eyes sometimes shut. From the first look, people can easily tell that he is in a deep frustration. He groans loudly and being completely unaware when flying his hands to each side, causing a photograph on the table near his standing spot slapped by his left arm. It made quite noise when it fell and Junhoe is in state of panic afterwards. He quickly takes the photograph of him and Chanwoo in the high school graduation and silently thanked God that there was no damage taken. Chanwoo was right when choosing the frame for their photo, it should be having no glasses since Junhoe would break everything in their house. He cannot help but to look at the photo for some seconds when he tries putting up the frame. They both looked very happy and free, and there coming again the time when Junhoe missed the days without deadline.   It’s been five years since their graduation in high school. Chanwoo just finished his medical study last year and started the residency years. Junhoe, as Chanwoo has expected, auditioned for an entertainment company once he graduated. Junhoe decided to live together with Chanwoo and Yunhyeong once he dropped his first album which was nearly three years ago. Yeah, it didn’t take long for Junhoe to debut because even the company admitted that the boy is a talent himself.   “What are you doing?” Chanwoo gets out from his room to find the flustered Junhoe that holds the photograph of them. The scene he witnessed in the first second got him raised one of his eye brows, confused.   Junhoe, who got surprised by the sudden sound of the creaking door, flattens his expression once seeing Chanwoo. He shrugs his shoulders, “Looking for inspiration.”   “—by looking at our photo? I’m flattered.” Chanwoo shortly said in cynical voice. Junhoe rolls his eyes and plops himself on the couch, beside his guitar. Chanwoo sits on the other empty couch and turns on the TV in front of him.   “I thought you slept.” Junhoe opens a conversation. Chanwoo holds the remote and presses from one button to the others, feeling unpleasant with all channels that he has seen through, “I cannot.”   Silence develops as both are busy with their own activities. Junhoe probably now jogs around his mind to crush the writer block, he keeps muttering words in simple melody that sounds like a guide son
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iahm0126 #1
Chapter 9: im still waiting for the update until now..
Chan_w00 #2
Chapter 9: It's 2019 and I'm still waiting for this akfkckcks pls update this year ?
GeorgeousPie #4
Chapter 9: One step more to the final, but....aaarrrggghhh..... *crying*begging* Please author-nim, give our twin monsters a happy ending
wgshppr #5
Chapter 9: you need atleast update this story
Planetoceng #6
Chapter 9: I want even product what ending will u give us. But pls update soon
Planetoceng #7
Chapter 9: I want even product what ending will u give us. But pls update soon
noname101 #8
Chapter 9: When will you update the last chapter author?? :(
I'm soooo curious and dying to know the next chapterrrr :')
Please update soon ^^