"It's alright, just enjoy it."

Dating? That's No-No.

As I’m sleeping, I start hearing my phone going off. I look at it and quickly jump up from my bed. “OH ! Lilly wake up! We’re going to be late!” I threw my teddy bear at her and ran to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Lilly half awake rushes to the bathroom after me. We have an hour to get there. I try not to panic. “Lilly you’re going to have to drive.” Sadly, I’m a twenty two year old without her license. We finally get to the airport with 15 minutes to spare. We finally took our seats and boarded.


Bobby’s POV:


My aunt’s restaurant started to become more busy ever since I joined YG and won Show Me The Money 3. I try to help her out when i’m not busy with schedules. I finished up doing the dishes, so she insisted that I quickly leave and return back to my schedule.I decided to go get some coffee before I headed back to YG. As I enter, I see a girl who ordered a drink but didn't have any money. I looked at her confused and wondered to myself why would she order if she didn’t have money.


“Oh … I forgot to exchange currencies. “ I heard her say in English. She closes her eyes and touches her forehead and apologizes and proceeds to leave. I go up to the register and pay for her drink. I followed her out and luckily she didn't get far. I caught up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She turns around with a frown. It seemed like she was going to swear and hit me.


“Hi?” She says. “Here’s your coffee.” I handed it to her. She smiles and happily takes it from me. “Thank you. I will gladly pay you back once I change currencies.” She says. “It’s alright. Just enjoy it”. She smiled again and kept walking. Shen then stops, and asks me for my name. I answered and then we went our own way.I realized I didn't have my drink, so I went back to get it and finally made my way back to the studio.


“What took you so long?” B.I. questioned and took the drink out of my hand. “Hm nothing, let’s start practicing.”


“Sometimes, I think you’re secretly dating someone. You go off at random times and take long.” B.I. said in sarcasm. I snatched my coffee back and started writing lyrics. I stopped and looked at the ceiling. I thought about how the girl that I bought coffee for didn’t know who I was or she was good at pretending who I am. I wonder where she’s from since she didn’t have any korean money on her. AH! It’s been a while since I dated anyone. Mostly because we aren’t allowed to date. Tablo hyung is lucky he’s married and has a family already. I let out a grunt. B.I stops practicing and glares at me.


“What’s wrong?” He asked with concern. “It’s nothing.” I nervously laughed. “Let’s go shopping later.” I suggested. “Um, I don’t want to. Sorry. Take Mino hyung with you.” I shrugged and decided to go alone.


Silvia’s POV:

I entered my dorm room, surprisingly Lilly wasn’t my roommate. Somehow she always ends up in my room or presence.


“I forgot to exchange for won before I went to get coffee. Luckily this one guy bought it for me.”“Oh, you already getting hit on and you’ve only been here for less than a day.” She says in sarcasm.“Shouldn’t you be unpacking and setting up your room?” I said rudely. She didn’t say anything and left. I smiled as i drank my coffee. “Wow this is delicious.” I went on facebook and I kept seeing posts about IKON or bobby. Some of the people on my newsfeed are huge kpop fans.


“Bobby?” I said talking to myself. My eyes widen and I realized it was the guy who bought me the coffee. “Should I tell Lilly this?” I googled him again and just read random articles about him. It’s so weird how he looks like the guy I used to date. They are really doppelgangers. Bobby is probably a better and caring guy. “Damn, I should've gotten his phone number.” I snapped my fingers out of disappointment.


Buzz Buzz.

Lilly: Let’s get out of the dorm and go explore.


I grab my phone, purse, and keys. I met Lilly in the lobby and we were debating to take a taxi or just walk.


“I think we should walk. You need the exercise.” She laughs and walks ahead of me. I glare at her and put my hands up, like I was going to slap her head. I just followed her around and we walked into different stores and boutiques. We walked past the ADIDAS store, I turned around and entered. I never had any items from there so I was excited to check them out. The sales associates were really nice. Nicer than the ones compared to back home. I just smiled and told them I didn't need any help. I found a jacket, I really liked. I tried to reach for it, but my short self could not grab it. I was going to walk to the sales associate but I hear a voice. “Excuse me,” He hands me the jacket, I was about to grab it. I looked up and it was… BOBBY once again.

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I'm a bit rusty. I haven't written in about two years or so...


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