
Parallel Lines

The music was booming in the room of the club as Jong Kook cleaned up a case. He stood up to shake hands with one of the dealers as the items are exchanged. He was about to exit as he heard man yelling down the dance floor up the stairs to the hall. He saw a petite figure run up to him and men after it. His men came in between as the men demanded he give them the person.

Jong Kook looked down to see a drunk Bora in his arms.

“Pl-please help me.” she slurred. She looked as if she was drug as he tried to shake her awake. “P-please.”

She started vomiting as Jong Kook held her in his arms. The men charged forward when Jong Kook gave them no response. His men fought with the random guys. One charged toward them as Jong Kook let Bora sit on the floor and fought the guys with his men. He combo punched with his boxing stance, back swing kicked and hit their temples with the edge of his knuckles.

One slipped back and tried to drag Bora away as she struggled and he punch her stomach. He was about to carry her away as Jong Kook blocked him and beated him up. He grabbed Bora as she was about to fall down the stairs. He turned to them as his men rounded up the men and the owner of the club came in.

“What are you guys doing?!”

Jong Kook glared at the men as he held the unconscious, weak Bora in his arms. She was dressed in a tight short and red sleeved shirt.

“You’re Python’s gang right?” Jong Kook examined their tattoos.

“Look at this b*st*rd trying to sound smart. If you know then give us the girl.” the thug bit on the cigarette between his teeth.

Jong Kook chuckled as the men tried to come in and his men stood sturdy and shoved them back. The owner was stuck in between.

“You’re going to destroy my club, you want a piece of me?!” the owner, Hong Jin Young screeched.

“We’re leaving.” Jong Kook announced as he pulled Bora up against his body.

“Not so fast, you have to pay for the damages you’ve done here.”

The thugs only snickered as Jong Kook glared at her. “I was in that room the whole time and my check is already taken.” He pointed at the VIP hall. “I don’t know what kind of service is going on but I think you should be getting the rest of the bill from those punks.”

Jin Young opened in surprised as she saw him earlier. “Oh my.”

“As for you punks, how dare you touch my woman?! I am going to report you to your boss.”

“Hahaha, you think you can scare us? We are from a gang. Do you know what that mean?” they try to taunt him but he coldly chuckled.

“Seung Hoo, be sure to contact the leader of Pythons after you guys teach them a lesson.” he ordered before carrying Bora in his arms in bridal style. His gang shoved the thugs out of his way.

“What about my club????” Jin Young whined.

“We’ll take care of the bill madam.” Seung Hoo told her. Then they shadowed toward the Python group as Seung Hoo smashed a glass bottle on one of the thug’s head that tried to hit him.


Jong Kook took Bora to a top star hotel. She was unconscious and he didn’t want to bring her to her brother or Ji Hoon, in case there will be another misunderstanding. He didn’t want to see any of them to be honest.

He laid her on the bed after taking off her 6 inch heels. He rubbed his forehead.

“You are so bothersome. You won’t ever leech off me huh?” he lightly poke her head.

He took off his blazer and got a wash cloth to clean the side of from the vomit earlier. As he folded the sleeve of his shirt, and tucked her hair away from her face, he then observed her closely. Her olive skin glowed and her black ombre hair fitter her perfectly. The teenage girl he used to made fun of has grown so much.

When you’re quiet and still, you are beautiful. Whether you are fat or skinny, beauty is in the eye of the beholder you little piglet.

He gently wiped her face and went away. He looked at the way she was dressed, in such short shorts and cut up shirts those thugs must have wanted to do something bad to her. He worriedly look at her.

Then he saw her moving and getting up slowly. He quickly tend to help her but she pushed him away.

“G-get away f-from me.” She weakly retorted.

“It’s me, Jong Kook.” He tried to wake her up as she tried to push him away. “Yoon Boora, it’s Kim Jong Kook.” but still she didn’t respond to him and drag herself to the other end of the bed. He pulled her back more forcefully this time.

“It’s tofu-cut!” he shouted louder and moved closer as she turned around and they crash. She confusedly stared at him as he did the same. He was about to get up and remove himself from her but suddenly, she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him for a kiss. Their lips met as Bora pulled him to her and he tried to wiggle away.

She on his upper lip and worked her tongue to his. Jong Kook tried to struggle but a lingering feeling lured him closer. As much as he wanted to pull away, the urge to stay still pulled him.

He heard her moan under him and bit his lips. He was enjoying it. He opened his eyes to look at her carefully and harshly pulled himself away.

What am I doing? She is not in her conscious state. Damn you Kim Jong Kook! He face palmed himself. He felt a pair of hand crawling under his arms and a warm body leaning his back. He quickly stopped her hands and pulled away but she snatched on his shirt.

“Bora.” he called her but she resisted so he pulled himself away as she almost fell off the bed as he went back to help her up. She grew instantly weak and he tried to help her up as she held him tightly. He patted her back as he heard her choking. “Are you alright. He cupped her face to see her face.

There he saw her crying. Why was she crying? Was she hurt? Jong Kook panicked and quickly wiped away her tears. “Why are you crying? Does it hurt you anywhere?” He tried to check for any injuries.

She touched her chest while crying. “It hurts *hicks*.”


“Here.” she pointed to her heart. “I-It hurts… so badly.” He was confused. “My heart hurts oppa *hicks*.”

“What do you mean? Tell me clearly. Are you sick?” She pushed his hands away and slapped him.

“Are you pretending not to know?” She started sobbing weakly. “Don’t you see my love for you, you idiot!?” She hit her chest and clutched onto it.

Jong Kook froze upon the news. What? She loves me? No way. She-

She threw a pillow at him. “How can you do this to me you jerk? *sobs*”

“I-I…” He was too shock, a little guilty to hear her confession.

“I must be a fool for loving you when you never had your eyes on me.” She continued sobbing as Jong Kook tried to comfort her but she pushed him away and knocked out in his arms.

“Bora? Yoon Bora.” he tried to wake her up but she was asleep so he let her be.


Jong Kook drank the cup of brandy and stood by the window then looked back at Bora who slept on the bed.

“Do you really love me?” Jong Kook asked the thin air.

What do I do now? He clutched onto his hair.


‘Who do you want as your ideal husband when you get older?’ Jong Kook asked.

‘Not you for sure.’ Chubby teenage Bora exclaimed as they ate the fruits.

‘Chih, as if I will want you either.’

‘Good to know then.’


‘Are you really leaving?’ teenage Bora asked Jong Kook who was going to leave to the states.

‘Why? Are you going to miss me?’

‘A-ani~. Why would I?’

‘That’s good then.’

‘But how long will you be gone for? Where in America are you going?’

‘I don’t know. Oppa don’t know.’

Bora grew teary as Jong Kook noticed and pinched her chubby cheek.

‘Don’t pout you fattie.’

‘Yah!~’ she pushed his hand away but he used the other hand and pinched both of her cheeks. ‘Ah!~ Let go of me you jerk!’

‘When did you learn to call me that huh?’

‘Because you are one you jerk!’

‘Call me Oppa.’ he commanded.


‘Call me oppa now.’

‘I said no!’

‘No right?’


‘Alright.’ Jong Kook let go and pushed her cheeks up into a fish mouth and pinched her nose before taking away her fan bag of the boyband pictures.

‘Yah tofu-cut! Give it back!’ Bora ran after him as he was obviously taller and played around with her height.

‘You fattie. Bora is a piglet, a fattie, she’s going to be an old maiden, she likes to eat a lot, even hang her wet underwear in the front yard!’ Jong Kook announced as Bora jumped and failed. So she punched his stomach and he cringe in pain as she stepped on his foot. ‘Ah!’ He let go of the bag as Bora shoved him and ran away with her bag and stuck out her tongue before disappearing.

‘Yah you cheeky little-‘ he started but chuckled to himself. ‘I’ll miss you, you little brat. Take care of your brother and sister-in-law.’


Jong Kook walked out of the shower after taking a shower as the sunlight hit the room. He wore a white bathrobe and busying himself, changing his clothes.

“AH!” a loud screech filled the room and made Jong Kook jump. Bora? He ran to the bedding area to see a flabbergasted Bora holding onto the covers. They only look at each other curiously as Jong Kook turned away, remembering last night. He was about to walk away, “Wait!”

Bora gather the covers around her and got to him. “Why are you here and why am I here? How did I get here?!” She demanded as he only turned away from her.

“You were drunk at the club.” Jong Kook mutter. Bora thought to herself for a while and started scratching her head.

“I did…?” She mumbled to herself. “Hold on! Who changed my clothes???” She demanded for an answer again.

“It wasn’t me.”

“Then who did?” Jong Kook looked around the room as if he was searching for someone. Bora pushed him back.

“It was you huh?” She started hitting him.

“I said it’s not me!” Jong Kook tried to block her.

“How can you do this to me, you en *ssh*le!” Bora didn’t listen to his rambling explanation and only hit him. She was dressed in a big white dress shirt and a pair of yoga shorts. They stumbled on the bed as she landed on top of Jong Kook.

Now that she was on top of him, Jong Kook grabbed both of wrists to stop her but she started banging her head and kicking her knees at him so he flipped her over during the struggle. Jong Kook pushed her down with his weight and tried not to touch body. TH reenactment of their first kiss and last night came back to Jong Kook.

Her petite but curvy body laid below him, her eyes shimmering. He felt weird, his blood pumping, his hands grew sweaty and clammy. His heart was even pounding. They both stopped struggling and stopped and stared. Jong Kook felt a different sensation took over his body as he leaned toward her face. She kept her eyes on him, slowly closing them.

“I’m back!’ a cheerful voice came in as the door open. They quickly realize the situation and position they were in and departed as Jong Kook pushed her on the bed and backed up about 10 feet away. Clara walked in with a few bags in her hands.

“Oh, you’re up?” Clara asked as she reached the bedding area.

“H-Hello.” Bora got up and greeted her.

“Good morning.” Clara smiled and turned to Jong Kook. “What’s this? You haven’t changed yet, oppa?”

“Uh… I-I’m going right now.” Jong Kook rushed out to the bathroom.

“Quickly, I got us some food.” She pointed to the bags. “You should change too Bora. I brought some extra clothes.”

“Nneh.” Bora got the bag of clothes as Jong Kook rushed away. “But unnie, did you by chance….”

“Yes?” Clara asked with her innocent dolly eyes and notice Bora holding onto her clothes. “Ah… Don’t worry. I was the one who changed your clothes. Last night, Jong Kook oppa called me over. He slept on the couch while I slept with you on the bed. Hehe don’t worry, nothing happened.” She assured Bora and set the bags at the small table.

Although Jong Kook was dressing in the restroom, he could still hear them talk. “Tsk~ I told you so.” he hissed at himself toward Bora as he rubbed his hard chest. But he felt a strange beating in his heart, a little fluttering like butterflies.

He crept out of the bathroom and sat at the table as Clara ushered them to come eat. They avoided each other’s gaze but Jong Kook was quietly waiting for her to say something. At least apologize or something, but to his dismay, she didn’t even look at him as he peeked at her. They only continue eating with Clara trying to make them talk and talk with Bora about the entertainment industry, in which they had a strong enthusiasm while Jong Kook was bored and started analyzing last night’s event at the club.

Why was Bora at the same club he was at? Why were the Python Gang after her? Did she cause trouble? Or did they just try to cause problems with her? Was she really drunk? Jong Kook only shook his head as he look at the two ladies chatting happily.



Thank you for the subscribers. This chapter is a bit short but to put it together in case anyone is lost, I'll summarize what hapened so far. If you already understand it then no need to read the upcoming message below.


Kim Jong Kook, Yoon Kye Sang, and Ju Ji Hoon are highschool buddies. KJK was a rebellious perons and play, YKS is a nerd who is shy but decisive, and JJH is the funny one who has more conscience. KJK fell in love with Honey Lee but didn't know that YKS also had a crush on her, which KJK unknowingly pushed them together. After finding out his best friend and crush are dating, he distanced himself from them, therefore faking a fake girlfriend, Clara. After 3 years, the love birds got married.

KJK moved away to America for 5 years without contacting his friends until the day he heard that Honey was injured and decided to return to South Korea. However, Honey had already passed away, leaving KJK in anger and vengence. He created an underground gang to revenge her while he had disputes with his two buddies. He met YKS's little sister Yoon Bora, who he used to play around, bully, and help exercise with from highschool til he left. They have an unending cat and mouse relationship. KJK then became aquatinted with the underground gangs and saw YB at the club, where he got drunk and they had their first kiss.

He met YKs at the unviersity building where YKS pointed the gun at him while he returned him his confession letter to Honey from years ago. Angry and misunderstood, KJK was upset at YKS. However he met Clara again and she told him to get back with his buddies, that it was not right, only a misunderstanding. He was ready to forgive YKS but found the video of Honey's torturous death and vowed to not forgive or have mercy on anyone. He told YB, when she confronted him about betraying her brother's trust, off about his plan to kill her sister-in-law's killer and her brother for Honey as revenge out of anger. He then met her again after having another dispute with JJH. SHe was at the club and folowed by a bunch of thugs. He saved her and brought her back to a hotel to rest, where she confessed while in her drunk condition to him as well as kissing. Now, Jong Kook is conflicted in what to do. Will he forget about revenge once and for all and maybe settle down or will he continue it to the end?

.....Yeah.... >.<

See ya bunnies!

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spadenoace #1
Chapter 13: Wow thanks you for the story! Had fun reading it but I guess I gotta check out that other one sometime
spadenoace #2
Chapter 12: That's sad after getting revenge he is left with nothing.
But really a red mansion like that mistake be so ooo inconspicuous. And why did Bora die? That was kind of out of nowhere but it seems sad like right after he has the permission to marry who he wants
spadenoace #3
Chapter 11: Woop woop go Clara atta girl it must have been so sad to standem up for him and her like that except on this case she does love him but he doesn't love her.
You did the right thing girl go find someone that deserves you
spadenoace #4
Chapter 10: Nice wrap up and yeah moments like thus makes me root for the whole JK and Kye Sung bromance. It's such a. Classic though being in a gang together through tough times and then fighting and later making up like
spadenoace #5
Chapter 8: The parallel between Clara and Honey and JK and Borax was pretty cool that's a good way to think about it
spadenoace #6
Chapter 7: Thanks for the summary btw! I actually didn't get that feeling from Joo Ji Joon though the more funny and one with more conscience kind of feeling through the chapters but it's nice to know what kind of character you designed up for him

spadenoace #7
Chapter 6: Nooooo the friends like this they slowly crumble Holy the part where Kakashi? Used honey as a ashtray was really cruel wow
spadenoace #8
Chapter 5: *raises eyebrows at the strange mix of morr korean sounding names and like fully Anglo Saxon ones like Clara... and Honey*
Interesting so far. You have good dialogue I really like how it shows the personality and dynamic between two characters
spadenoace #9
Chapter 4: That bit about how they are the law and the twist it and bend it to their own will was so so cool wow
dewiwi #10
Chapter 8: Nice story...I like Jk character in here... Keep writing!