Falling Into You

Who's To Blame???

Chapter 8

Next day at the office…


“Morning. Please don’t tell me the boss is in already?” said Jackson to the secretary.

“Morning Jackson. Yes Mr. Tuan is in his office.”

And here I rushed to work to surprise him with some breakfast. Guess I wasn’t early enough.

“This bag is for you. Quick question, how’s his mood?”

“Nothing out of the norm.”

“Hmmm…okay. Thanks. I’ll be going in then.”


As Jackson walked into room, Mark didn’t even look up from his computer. So you’re not even going to acknowledge me? Real mature.

“Morning boss. Your favorite employee brought you some breakfast,” teased Jackson.

Mark finally looked up, even though he knew of Jackson’s presence the moment he entered the room.

“Thanks, but no thanks. I already ate,” lied Mark.

“Mark we need to talk,” sighed Jackson.


“Yesterday. I called you thousands of times and even texted you even more. I need to explain,” pleaded Jackson.

“Let me stop you right there. You called me during non-work hours, so therefore it can’t be anything work related. I’m not even going to ask how you got my cell phone number. But from now on, our relationship at work is strictly professional; like how it should’ve been from the start. If you can’t do it, let me know now and I’ll void our contract,” responded Mark.

“Are you serious right now? You’re not even going to hear me out?” asked Jackson.

“If it’s not work related, then there’s no need,” rejected Mark.


So that’s how you’re going to be? I’ll play your little game for now. But don’t think I’ve given up that easily.

“Whatever you want Mr. Tuan. I’ll be at my desk working, if you need anything.”

That’s it? I honestly thought he’d put up more of a fight. Guess I’m not, I mean, it’s not that important to him. Why can’t I help but feel disappointed though?


The day dragged on with no inappropriate outbursts from Jackson. Mark caught himself looking over to see if he was even in the room with him.

“Mr. Tuan, can I be excused for the day?” asked Jackson.

Mark looked at his watch, pretending not to know what time it was. But he definitely knew. I hate it when he calls me Mr. Tuan. But it is what you asked for, so stop complaining.

“Of course. It is 5,” replied Mark.

“Great. Have a good night and I’ll see you tomorrow,” said Jackson.

“Umm…goodnight,” echoed Mark.


Usually Mark would stay late and work, but he didn’t feel like it today. Plus he barely slept last night, thanks to a certain someone. I’ll just get some dessert from Boom and head home. Doesn’t matter if Jackson took me there; food before pride.


Feeling a little better after buying more dessert than he can possibly eat by himself, Mark finally made it home. He was walking up to his front door when a hand grabbed him from behind and covered his mouth.

“Don’t scream,” threatened the voice.

Mark dropped the bags in his hands and stomped on the stranger’s foot, which caused the person to let go of him. Mark then swung around and punched the intruder in the mouth, which caused them to stumble back. Mark was going to continue with the assault until he heard, “Owww Mark!!! That hurt!!!”


“Oh god. Jackson is that you?” asked a surprised Mark. “What are you doing playing around like that? You could’ve gotten seriously hurt. I’m a black belt you know.”

“More than I am now?” pouted Jackson. “Remind me to never get on your bad side.”

“Too late for that. What do you want Jackson?” asked an annoyed Mark, as he picked up his bags checking to see if his precious dessert was okay.

“We need to talk Mark.”

“Oh it’s Mark now? Not Mr. Tuan? Didn’t you understand what I said earlier today? Aside for work, there’s no reason for us to talk.”

“I heard and understood you loud and clear. Your exact words were “our relationship at work is strictly professional”. So here I am outside of work,” smirked Jackson, clearly impressed with himself.

“Ugh…that’s not what I meant. No normal person would’ve came to that conclusion.”

“So are you going to invite me in or not?”

“For what?”
“Well for one, to nurse the cut on my lip. Two, so we can finally talk. And three, to share all that dessert that I see you went to Boom for,” teased Jackson. Mark got red and tried to hide the evidence in his hands.

“Why do I have a feeling if I say no, you’ll just cause a scene and I’ll have to hear my neighbors complain?”

“See you know me so well, yet you won’t let me get to know you at all,” said Jackson.

“Fine. I’ll nurse your lip even though it’s not my fault. Can’t have an employee dying on me.”

“Was that a joke? Did Mark Tuan really just make a joke?” chuckled Jackson.

“For your info, I do have a sense of humor. It’s just around the right people,” retorted Mark.


Inside Mark’s condo…

“Have a seat and don’t touch anything. I’ll go grab the first aid kit,” said Mark.

“Yes boss,” smiled Jackson. My plan worked, even though I had to get hurt. It’s worth it though.

Mark applied the alcohol to the cotton. “The cut is really deep. This is gonna hurt,” warned Mark.

“It’s okay. I can handle it,” replied Jackson, not so sure. Mark barely swiped the cut.

“Oww…are you trying to kill me,” yelped Jackson.

“I barely touched it you big baby. Plus you have no one to blame, but yourself.”

“If I’m not mistaken you were the one who punched me.”

“Yea in self-dense. You’re lucky that’s all I did.”

Jackson grabbed Mark’s hand. “Well if you weren’t so hardheaded and listened to me at work, I wouldn’t have had to do what I did now would I?”

“Don’t try to blame this all on me. Now let go of my hand.”

“Not until you promise to listen to me.”

“I don’t have to promise you anything.”

“What are you going to do? Order me? This isn’t during work hours Mark.”

“Let go,” ordered Mark, as he tried to pull is hand back.

“No,” said Jackson. “Not until you hear me out.”

“Let go,” said Mark, as he pulled again. Jackson pulled Mark’s hand back and in doing so caused Mark to fall on top of him and their lips to touch.


Mark’s face got red when he realized what just happened and tried pulling back instantly, but Jackson’s arms were fastened around his waist.

“If you wanted to kiss my boo boo to help it heal better, all you had to do was ask,” teased Jackson.

“Shut up. Nobody wants to kiss,” said an embarrassed Mark.

“Yet you’re still on top of me,” smirked Jackson.

“Well if you let me go, maybe I can get up,” struggled Mark.

“Not until you promise to hear me out. I know you overheard me talking to my mom at Boom.”

“There’s no need,” said Mark.

“Mark please. I need you to understand,” pleaded Jackson.

“Look Jackson, I’m saying there’s no need to talk about it cause I understand. I admit I was somewhat disappointed and hurt at first, but then I thought things through. I can only imagine what you’re going through with your parents. I lucked out with my parents and I realized not everyone is as fortunate as I am. So can you let go of me now?” said Mark.

“Really? You’re not mad at me anymore? Can things go back to being the same at work?”

“About that,” said Mark. “I think we should keep it that way.”

“But it’s no fun that way. You don’t know how crazy I was going not being able to speak to you all day even though you were just seating across from me. Torture I tell you torture. So I’m not letting go until you promise,” threatened Jackson.

Mark slithered his leg up and Jackson thought Mark was just being frisky until he felt the knee to his groin. Jackson let go of Mark instantly due to the pain.

“Serves you right,” said Mark. “Now you can lay there and watch me eat my dessert.”

“I don’t know what’s more painful,” choked out Jackson. “My balls or no dessert.”

Mark just laughed as he sat there his spoon while Jackson wiggled in pain.


So Markson finally shared their first kiss. Even if it's indirectly and cliche. Lolz!!!

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Chapter 8: Awww please continue<3 Them quarrelling is the most funniest thing ever.
andie41225 #2
Chapter 8: Awww I'm lovinggg thisssss :))
jjongine #3
Can't wait to get my reading on with this :P
lulu104 #4
Chapter 3: Haha drunk Mark. Sure would love to see that :D
Chapter 1: i'm ready for both markson & jinmark !!! ❤︎
pinkissmonsta #6
is this Markson or markjin I don't want to get fooled anymore with the tags ;;
the tags are only Markson but I wont let you all authors fooled me again I can't handle the disappointment ;;

anyone please tell me before I read this otl
Alexienst #7
Chapter 1: New story!!! Yay!!! Cant wait already
konpiset #8
No worries. All my stories are Markson only. Lolz!!! All my readers should know that by now.
Joker_hyphen #9
Is it Markson? Because I don't ship markjin as a couple at all... I wouldn't want to read a whole story and then it ends as a markjin. I really like your stories, this is why I'm asking in advance ahahah I don't care about spoilers, but other people might, so if you don't mind would you tell me maybe in a PM? I sound so crazy gosh ahahah