Foot In Your Mouth

Who's To Blame???

Chapter 1


Tuan Corporation…


“Hold the elevator,” shouted Jackson, as he rushed towards the closing door. The guy in the elevator either didn’t hear him or didn’t care enough to actually press the Door Open button. Jackson had to use his foot to keep the elevator door from closing on him.

“Thanks for nothing,” said Jackson. “Can you at least press the 7th floor for me?” The guy just gave Jackson a blank stare. “Ugh…never mind,” responded Jackson, as he used his elbow to press the 7 button.

“Hello? Ma? Can you hear me?”

“Yes, I just made it here.”

“I know I’m late. There was traffic.”

“I promise I’ll get this account. I know how much we need it.”

“Tell Dad not to worry. Rumor has it the CEO is just a gay rich kid who inherited the company after his parents passed away. He’s stupid if he passes on my proposal. And if push comes to shove, I’ll just turn on my charm.”

“I know I’m not gay. But he doesn’t know that.”

“Okay Ma. I gotta go. I’ll call you after the meeting.”

Jackson felt guilty about lying to his parents about being gay, but he knows they’ll never accept it. Hopefully they’ll come around soon, he knows he can’t keep up the facade forever. 


“Hey, do you know where the CEO’s office is?” The guy from the elevator pointed towards two huge wooden doors. Before Jackson could say anything else, the guy disappeared. I didn’t even get a good look at his face. Oh well. Jackson looked at himself in the hallway mirror, swept his hand through his platinum blonde hair, and fixed his crooked tie. Looking as good as ever. Here goes nothing. You can do it Jackson.


“Hi I have a meeting with Mr. Tuan for 1:30,” said Jackson.

“You’re late. You’ll have to reschedule,” said the secretary, without looking up from her computer screen.

“Is there any possible way, if you could check to see if he’ll still see me.”

“Look Mr. Tuan doesn’t like it when people are late. You’ll have to re….,” her words cut off as she looked up and finally saw who she was talking to. She was clearly taken aback by Jackson’s good looks. He seemed to have that effect on both women and men. Jackson gave his best smoldering look.

“Mr. Tuan doesn’t have anymore meetings for the rest of the day,” replied the secretary. “I’ll see if he’s available.”

“That’ll be greatly appreciated,” said Jackson, as he his lips.

The secretary stumbled and then rushed off towards the CEO’s office. Gets them every time thought Jackson, as he laughed to himself. 


“You’re in luck Mr. Jackson.”

“Jackson. Just call me Jackson.”

“Ah yes…Jackson. Mr. Tuan seems to be in a good mood. He agreed to see you. You can go on in,” said the secretary. “Good luck.”

“Oh I don’t need luck,” replied Jackson, as he winked before entering the door. 


Jackson enters into a huge office. And from the quick glance, Jackson liked what he saw. He seems to have good taste. There’s no way he’ll deny my proposal. 

“Hello, I’m Jackson Wang. Thanks for seeing me today,” said Jackson, as he bowed to the figure seated before him. Mark got up from his seat and bowed back.

“Please have a seat,” said Mark.

Wow he’s hot thought Jackson. That silver grey hair. Those full, pink lips. Definitely my type. I’m going to like working him, I mean working with him chuckled Jackson.

“Something funny?”, asked Mark.

“Oh nothing. I was just thinking of something,” lied Jackson. 

“Well let’s get started,” said Mark. “As you know, l’m looking to renovate this building. I would normally build one from the ground up, but this place has sentimental value to me. Let’s take a look at some of your designs.”

“Of course,” said Jackson, caught off guard from looking at Mark. He handed his portfolio over to Mark. 

Mark flipped through the pages nonchalantly. It’s nothing he hasn’t seen before, so he wasn’t impressed. 

“Thanks for your time, but I’ll have to pass on your proposal,” said Mark.

“What? That’s it? Are you kidding me? You barely looked at my proposal,” said Jackson, shocked. 


“I’ve seen enough to know that there’s nothing special or new about your designs.”

“I think you should really reconsider your decision Mr. Tuan. I think you’re making a huge mistake,” retorted Jackson.

“Well what do I know? After all I’m just a stupid, gay rich kid who inherited my parent’s company right?”

Jackson’s face dropped. How did he know what I said to Ma on the phone? Wait…was that him in the elevator?

“Mr. Tuan, please let me explain what you might have heard and misinterpreted.”

“Is this the part where you turn on your charm and try to seduce me,” laughed Mark, dryly.

That was definitely him on the elevator. Jackson was at a loss for words; something that rarely happens. 

“Cat got your tongue,” smirked Mark. “I think it’s best if you leave now Mr. Wang before you embarrass yourself any further.”

Under normal circumstances, Jackson would’ve left. But he really needed this high end account. Plus he didn’t want to leave without putting up a fight.


“I’m not leaving,” said Jackson.

“Excuse me?”

“I said, I’m not leaving until you hear me out and let me explain.”

“What is there to explain? Not only were you late, you insulted a potential client, and to top it off your designs aren't even spectacular to offset your rude behavior. Now are you going to leave willingly or do I need to call security?” said Mark.

“Gosh...are you always this stubborn? Well since you won’t hear me out, by the time security gets here I’ll be done with what I wanna do to you,” teased Jackson.

“Oh really? And what is that…” Before Mark could finish his sentence Jackson grabbed Mark by the hand, pulled him in, and kissed him aggressively. 

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Chapter 8: Awww please continue<3 Them quarrelling is the most funniest thing ever.
andie41225 #2
Chapter 8: Awww I'm lovinggg thisssss :))
jjongine #3
Can't wait to get my reading on with this :P
lulu104 #4
Chapter 3: Haha drunk Mark. Sure would love to see that :D
Chapter 1: i'm ready for both markson & jinmark !!! ❤︎
pinkissmonsta #6
is this Markson or markjin I don't want to get fooled anymore with the tags ;;
the tags are only Markson but I wont let you all authors fooled me again I can't handle the disappointment ;;

anyone please tell me before I read this otl
Alexienst #7
Chapter 1: New story!!! Yay!!! Cant wait already
konpiset #8
No worries. All my stories are Markson only. Lolz!!! All my readers should know that by now.
Joker_hyphen #9
Is it Markson? Because I don't ship markjin as a couple at all... I wouldn't want to read a whole story and then it ends as a markjin. I really like your stories, this is why I'm asking in advance ahahah I don't care about spoilers, but other people might, so if you don't mind would you tell me maybe in a PM? I sound so crazy gosh ahahah