// Puzzle

Scattered Apart

Byul-yi pulled her hand through her newly dyed hair. She had been talking and joking about going lighter for a long tim, but she wasn't sure if anyone had actually believed her when she said that she would. Well, it happened that she had booked an appointment and five hours after arrivig at the hair salon, she left with blonde hair. 

She was extremely happy with it herself, it suited her, she thought. Also, every one in Korea has black hair, it doesn't stand out. So she made a change and she liked it.
What was left now was to see if Yong would like it.
The now-blonde girl was sitting on the bus, on her way in to town to drink boba with the girl she may or may not be dating. Their situation was confusing, they hadn't sat down and talked about it together, made a real answer of what they were. They weren't only friends, but they weren't together either. If Byul-yi would call it anything, it would be the awkward state between those two things.
After ten minutes, the bus stopped at her stop and the younger girl got off. Pulling her hand through her hand one more time before putting on a pair of big sun glasses to protect her eyes from to summer-sun, she made her way over to the boba-shop, where they would meet.
As soon as she got close enough to see the shop, she spotted her. She could spot her in a crows of thousands, she stood out like a burning sun on the clear sky. The oldest obviously didn't see her, she was probably looking for the usual black haired girl.
Making her way closer but still couldn't get any contact with the oldest, Byul-yi figured she didn't regocnize her. A chuckle escaped , before moving closer to the brown haired girl.
She walked so she stood at Yong's side, making sure she didnt see her, slightly behind her, before leaning a bit in towards her.
"It truly hurt my feelings that you didn't notice me. Then again, a beautiful girl like you probably already had a boyfriend, am I right?" Yongsun practically shot up, startled. Without seeing who it was, she turned around to scould this mysterious person; who thought it was okay to get that close to a stranger and whisper such a thing?! 
"Ya, what are you do-" Yongsun said annoyed, but she quickly recognized the girl standing there with a big grin on her face.
"Ya, you dont even recognize me anymore? Tch, tch." Byul-yi pretended to be offended, but she still had a smile on her face.
"What happened to your hair?" Yongsun asked. It didn't mean to be rude, but it still came out sounding a bit rude.
"Ahh, unnie, you don't like it? I thought I would try something new so I could finally get you to like me." Byul-yi said, back again with her greasiness. It seemed like she never put it away, every opportunity she got to make the oldest cringe, she would take.
Yongsun pushed the youngest a bit, flustered as expected, before looking at the hair a bit, making a 'hm im thinking' expression.
"It looks great on you." She said after a long break, giving a thumbs up to show her approval. And she did mean it, it looked great on her.
"Ahh, thank you thank you" Byul-yi said jokingly while bowing overdramatic, like she just won an award or something.
The youngest giel put her hand around Yongsun and they walked into the boba-shop together.




Byul-yi slowly opened her eyes. The sun was shining through the window and she could feel it warm up her bare skin. It also blended her, but not to much to. The pillow underneath her head was soft and her blanket was covering her up to her waist. Blinking carefully a couple of times to get used to the light after a good night sleep, she let her eyes wander to the girl next to her.
Her lose brown hair laying around her shoulders and down her back, her chest slowly lifting when she breathed in her sleep. The sun hit her face and if Byul-yi wanted, she could count all of her eyelashes. Every detail of the girls face was exposed for Byul-yi to look at.
She felt nothing but love in her. The birds were singing outside along with the busy traffic noise of a busy Saturday morning, and she was here, with her one true love.
Carefully, she moved closer to the older girl and put her arms around her waist, hugging her from behind. She let her head rest on her shoulder and stayed still like this. She could have stayed like this forever, so close to the one that she cared for more than anything else. But time flee by so quickly, and suddenly the oldest one started moving a bit. 
"Morning sunshine. You look beautiful as ever." Byul-yi whispered, starting of the day nicely with some grease.
Yongsun turned around and put her hands around the younger girl as well, so they were laying in the bed, hugging. 
"You were looking at me sleep Byul? Creeper." She whispered back with a tired voice, and Byul-yi let out a little chuckle.
"Yong, it's only because you are pretty."


"I really don't want to talk about it, just leave me alone!" Byul yelled at the older one, her voice eccoing in the empty streets, 2 o'clock at night.
"You always do this, you are so selfish and dont see people around you. Gosh, sometimes I wish you could see yourself Byul-yi!" Yongsun yelled with just as loud voice, following her right behind. Makeup was smeared out and her anger-tears didn't help much either.
Byul-yi turned around and looked Yongsun right in the eyes.
"You know what, if you hate me so much, why are you still with me? You can walk away at any moment." Refdering to both the current situation they were in and their relationship.
"Stop trying to make it seem like I'm the readon for the problem here!" Yongsun's voice was fulled with frustration.
"Oh, so you're saying I am? You aren't exactly a walk on roses yourself Kim Yongsun!" Byul-yi said, before making a huge frustration sound and turning on the heel, starting to walk away again.
"Just leave me alone!"


A peaceful day in the park; while listening to music, Byul-yi was strolling along, not minding any other than herself. 19 years old and still in school, this Sunday was a perfect day off, just what she had needed. The cold November air hit her face, and it felt peaceful. In her own world, she wandered about.
Suddenly, out of nowhere came a girl. She probaby didnt come out of nowhere but from in front of her, but Byul-yi hadn't noticed that, and as they collides, the mystery girl fell right to the ground on her bum. Byul-yi, being lucky, managed to stay up.
"I'm sorry!" Byul-yi blurted out quickly, before starting to help the other woman up again.
"Are you okay? Did you get hu-" but she stopped talking when she saw who it was. It was the girl from the shop. The girl that had tried on that same perfume as her, and they had "fought" over the last box of it aka. Byul-yi telling her she could have it. She was just as she remembered her, beautiful. Long, dark brown hair and deep eyes. She didn't have a name to connect to the face, but it was a face that wasn't easily forgotten.
"Oh, I'm fine, i'm fi- Oh! It's you again!" The mystery girl exclaimed, seeing the face of the younger one.
"Fate really must want us to get to know each other, huh?" Byul-yi joked. It made the slightly shorter girl laugh.
"It sure does. Do you want us to fulfill it's wish?" She asked, taking out her hand so Byul-yi could shake it.
"Hm, shall we? Just this one time?" The black haired one smiled and the oldest noticed her nose wrinkles.
"I'm Moon Byul-yi." She took the hand and shook it politely.
"I'm Kim Yongsun. Pleasure."



"Moving in together? You're moving in together?" A short haired blonde girl said, eyes open.
"For real?" The other girl, with a dimple and a beagle face said, voice full of excitement.
"Not yet though" Yong said, before looking over at Byul.
"This one right here needs to tell her parents about it. Right, Moon?" To which Byul made an 'ops, he he' facisl expression to. It was bo secret, Byul-yi's parents wasn't the midt open-minded. But they lived their daughter and Yongsun had hope they would accept her. Byul-yi didn't.
"So we may move in together next month or next year, it all depends on expenses and other problems like that - but yes, the plan is to move in together." The beagle girl let out a squeel of excitement, before jumping up and down around the two oldest and ending it with a hug.
"Aaah, I'm so so sooo happy for you guys!! Finally my ship is sailing for real!" She exclaimed. Byul and Yong looked a bit confused at the short blonde haired girl.
"Does she actually have a sh-"
"No, it's a geek thing." The beagle girl was quite a geek, but that's one of the reasons why Byul-yi loved her, and therefore chose to give her a big hug.


She gently used her thumbs to whipe away Yongsun's tears that was quietly running down her cheek. The public handicap toilet they were sitting in wasn't big, but it was late and no one had disturbed them yet. Cruled up into a ball, Yongsun continued crying in silent, with her eyes fixed on her knees and the younger sitting on the floor next to her. Byul-yi was worried, the oldest wouldn't talk to her, no matter shat she tried.
"Hey-" Byul-yi said softlt. "Please don't cry. I'm here now, so don't cry." Her voice was gentle and kind,  trying to calm down the oldest. Gently placing her hand on top of hers, in an attempt to make the crying stop.
"I'll always be here, okay? Life is a rollercoaster with ups and down, but it's much better to ride it if you have someone by your side. And I will always be by yours." Byul-yi continued. Yongsun carefully looked up at her, to which Byul-yi used her thumb to wipe away her tears from her skin, being very careful with the touch.
"They are my parents, Byul-yi." Yongsun managed to get out, her voice breaking a bit towards the end. Byul-yi scouped even closer to the oldest so their legs were touching.
"Hey, just because they don't approve doesn't mean I'll leave. And it doesn't mean you have to leave either. I hope you know that." Byul-yi carefully comforted the older girl who still continued to cry silently.
"I love you Yongsun. And I'm here. No matter what." 




Her memories were coming back. But not in the right order. Byul-yi could tell that, they didn't make any sense if they were in the order she remembered them. In some she loved this Yongsun from heaven and back and in the next she didn't even know she existed.
It was like her mind wanted her to play a puzzle game. Giving her some pieces and as soon as she had figured out where they would go, she got the next one. It became confusing, because she was missing so much in between to make some sense out of some of them. Many were still blurry and no other names could be remembered besides Yongsun and Byul-yi. This girl, Yongsun. She saw her in every single memory. In every single puzzle piece, she was there. A part of her was on every piece, like the whole complete picture would have her all over it. 
In every memory, she would hear the girl call out her name, one way or another. 'Byullie' 'Moon' 'Byul-yi' 'Moonbyul'. The mist commin one was 'Byul'. She often remembered her as 'Yong'. 

So much time had went by, she was sure of it. It had to be many hours by not, if not a whole day. So why wasn't she tired, or hungry? The only feelings she could feel on her body was her leg and her head, feeling like they would kill her with pain. Why did they hurt so much? When she had examined her leg, nothing seemed wrong about it. No bruises, no swollen stops, nothing. But despite this, every single step shot a painbullet through it. This has caused her to say seated near the door, with back against it. Shw couldn't and didn't want to move. It would also give her a chance to run to find Yongsun as soon as someone opened the door. All her memories with the girl wasn't back yet, but the modt important was; she loved her. "She must be worried sick wondering where I am, who knows how long I have been gone. Maybe I'll be one of those mysterious kidnapping cases, where they never find the victim again?" She let her imaginarion run wild, while closing her eyes. Maybe if she got some rest, her leg and head would stop hurting so much.







She couldn't sleep. No matter how long she layed there with her eyes closed, she didnt fall asleep. It was like her body couldn't do it anymore. She hadn't eaten anything either in god knows how long, but she wasn't any hungry.
Byul-yi sighed, before using her elbow to knock on the back of the door. Harder and harder, but no response, as expected. No one would let her out, it seemed like. Almost as if she would be stuck her forever.
But she couldn't be stuck forever. She needed to get out. She needed to find Yongsun. She needed to finish this puzzle in her head, figure out how she got here and why. She needed answers.




au; i hope you like this fic so far! do sny of you understand what situation byul is in? i hope not, im trying to keep it a mystery for now! haha, if you have any feedback, please let me know!! until next time then!





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Rmrocks #1
Chapter 5: Usually I don't like angst and I don't want to read it. But I did for this. And I teared up. But kinda liked the ending. Since they still manage to get together. It's just sad. Really really sad though. I feel bad for wheein and hwasa.
joody107 #2
Chapter 5: Wow. That was something I was not prepared for. I really thought Solar was gonna accept Taemin's feelings omg if she did. This was one big rollercoaster of emotions
I just finished reading this masterpiece. It's so good! Angst is always my cup of tea and my plate of pasta. Btw i want to share my opinion about this great story. It's awesome, indeed. But maybe it would be more 'reasonable' or 'real' if you left it just without the epilogue. Because... the epilogue part is kinda a turn off. I mean it's great, but it would be more 'hurt' and heart clenching if you left it in 'reality' part. Hehe just sharing my opinion tho. Thank you for this awesome peace!
Radish_nyoom #4
I hate you so much for making me feel, author-nim. You really have a talent, No piece of literary ever made me this sad in my 16 years of living. Thank you.
Chapter 5: It's been a long time since i cried for a fic but this one... wow i cried for two chapters straight!
Good job author-nim!
Chapter 5: *Yongsun voice* "Tears"

I am crying and was really captivated by your angsty fic. Thank you for making me a sad mess at 3 AM.
I'm looking forward to your next fics. :D
Chapter 5: Thank you so much
Awesome epilogue
jcxii_ #8
Chapter 5: damn it! I hate you author-nin for making me cry at midnight but that was hell of a story. I started to get nervous that Solar will accept Taemin's love buf hopefully she didn't.Yey! I may sound crazy and a lunatic but this story made me cry so much wishing that my mother won't come in my room to check me up. Thank you author-nim for this story :)) I'll cherish and remember this forever. I might reread this again but too much sadness bruh. Thank you again and hwaiting author!