
Jihyo Day Everyday

Characters: Song Jihyo, Bang Yongguk

Genre: Mystery, Supernatural, Angst

Word Count: 3105

Rating: PG13

Summary: In which six vampires must find their Eve.





Everyone knows that you shouldn’t trust strangers.


No matter how trustworthy they seemed, or how kind they were, or what they gave you and claimed, or how dangerously attractive the stranger, if they ever asked you to come with them, the obvious answer was that you should never, ever go with them.




Yet Jihyo, even with her mother’s teachings, themed fairytales, and the news which traumatized and completely spooked her poor heart, here she was; a teenager in the house of six men.


All of which she had met today.


Her mind tells her it was never okay to come. Her mind thinks of the consequences and every scenario that could possibly happen. With crisp details, and a high definition quality you wouldn’t dare to imagine in the theaters, the scenarios all play out in her head. For some reason, those thoughts do not scare her.


And if she comes back alive and her mother is worried, trembling and in tears, she feels that she will not feel scared, or guilty.


After they had reached out to her, something in her, she knows, had changed.


There’s only apathy.




six hours prior.


“Wow, look at the ocean!”


The voice rings loudly in Jihyo’s ear. She groans and squeezes her eyes shut when Rara practically slaps her in the face with her arm. Rara, her friend and classmate, is too busy pointing at the scenery to notice she’s hitting Jihyo’s face continuously with her excited jumps, or at least, as high as she could jump while seated.


“It’s so pretty! I have to take some pictures!”


What are we, elementary students? Jihyo thinks before blearily opening her eyes. She barely glances at the scenery outside of the KTX. She can only see an endless sea of crystal blue water, something they wouldn’t usually see in Seoul. It’s pretty, that’s for sure.


Jihyo shakes her head, remembering why she initially woke up.


“Hey, Rara, you were hitting me with your arm.”


“You’re up? Sorry Jihyo, I just got really excited.” Rara busily replies, playing with her phone and opening the camera app. “Let’s take a selca,”


The shutter clicks a few times, and Rara makes sure to take an image from every possible angle while including the window. Jihyo manages to sheepishly smile, but when the selca session is over, autonomically frowns. “I was having a really good dream you know,”


“This is going to be our last high school field trip. Why are you sleeping?” Rara says, looking through the pictures. “I was so bor-- Oh! I look good in this one.”


Jihyo shrugs. She doesn’t know why she sleeps so much either. She wasn’t a busy person, because her mom, unlike her friends, did not force her to study or sign her up for any extracurricular classes. She didn’t even need to go to cram school.


“I’m just tired.”


Rara laughs, “what are you, a vampire? I think yo--”


She suddenly pauses when the intercom comes on.


“Thank you for using the KTX. Passengers remain seated until the doors open…” Blah, blah, blah. No one was listening by this time and already standing up to grab their belongings. The high school students eagerly wait by the doors and exit in no time.


They’re outside in the train station when Rara loudly squeals as the teachers call them to gather around. “We’re finally here!”


Jihyo yawns and follows behind Rara. The teachers inform the students of the basic information, such as it’s better to stay in groups, the meeting place, what time and where, etc.


Anyone who doesn’t follow these rules would be an idiot… Jihyo absently thinks as everyone breaks apart and goes in their own directions.


“Jihyo, do you have a group you’re going with? I was going to go with my boyfriend…” A tinge of pink appears on Rara’s cheeks. “I was going to tell you this, but you were asleep and I got distracted by the ocean… anyways, Haejin confessed to me!”


“Oh really.” Jihyo deadpans. In any other situation she would’ve have jumped up and down in glee for her friend, but right now she was pissed. Not only was she awoken from her wonderful nap, now she’s being ditched.  Well… it wasn’t like it was out of the ordinary for Rara to do something like this. Jihyo sighs but then smiles. “Don’t worry, I’ll figure something out. Go ahead, your boyfriend is waiting for you.” Jihyo gestures to Rara’s boyfriend and is immediately hugged.


“Thanks! I’ll sit with you on the train, okay?” Rara waves. “Bye!”


When Rara leaves, Jihyo stands around and looks at the groups still left. None of which she was close with. “I guess I’ll find something to do.” She murmurs and ends up following where the minority went: Busan’s BIFF Square.


Food stalls were lined up enticingly and colorful neon signs of shops could be seen in every direction. Jihyo hadn’t really planned out what she would be doing here. That was all to be done by Rara, because she never let Jihyo have a word in what she wanted to say anyways. But it didn’t bother her, anywhere was fine as long as it was fun.


However Rara isn’t here, obviously, so Jihyo is at a complete loss.


...It was really boring to be alone.


Jihyo ends up circling the plaza and checking out the shops they had to offer. There were a lot of pretty things, but none of which Jihyo cared for. Maybe food would be a good distraction. She finds that the fragrance of ddeokbokki is irresistible and heads over to the stall.


“Hello ajumma, how much is this?”  


“200 won for a cup!” The ajumma smiles while mixing the pot. “Are you going to buy some?”


“Yes please,” Jihyo says and reaches in her pocket for her wallet. But it’s void of any feeling, aside from the rough texture of her light denim jeans. There is not the feeling of paper, or coins, or anything. Did I forget? Or maybe it’s my other pocket… “Um, one moment,” she says, checking her back pockets, and the front again.  


The ajumma is getting impatient, Jihyo can tell by her eyes and the way her eyebrows slightly furrow.


So embarrassing! “Um, I guess I didn’t bring--”


“I’ll pay for her, oh, and one for me too, please.” A male walks next to her and hands the money to the ajumma. He’s not a high school student, but he looks like he could be a university student.


“Alright, here are two cups of ddeokbokki.” She says, and then looks at Jihyo. “This is just advice, but you should be more prepared when you come here. How are you going to enjoy anything without money?”


“Um, yes ajumma.” Jihyo put her head down in embarrassment.  


The ajumma opens to say more, but before she can, the stranger who had paid hands the ddeokbokki cup to Jihyo. “Here.”


“Oh… thank you.”


“It’s no problem.” He smiles and turns to leave. Jihyo watches the stranger's back, deciding to window shop in the meantime.


“Wait,” the stranger turns around, catching Jihyo still watching him. “If you really want to thank me, would you eat with me? It’s kind of embarrassing to eat alone, don’t you think?”


Is he trying to be considerate? Jihyo ponders, noticing that she was the only high schooler by herself. Even if that weren’t the case, he bought her food and saved her from embarrassment. It was the least she could do. Besides, what would be the harm in eating with him?


She nods, “Sure.”


“Hm… then let’s eat over there.” The stranger points to a wooden bench in front of the ddeokbokki stand. Jihyo follows two steps behind him, she didn’t feel comfortable enough to walk by his side. “So what’s your name?” He asks after they are seated.


“Jihyo. I’m here on a high school trip... how about you?”


“I’m Yongguk. A college student here in Busan.” He smiles,” I’m searching for something here.”


“Oh.” She says awkwardly, “Um… what are you looking for?”


“A person.”


“Were you supposed to meet them here?”


“Hm… yeah, I guess.”


You guess?


There is a momentary silence between them. Jihyo is not the type to initiate conversations, and she’s quite bad at it, so she says nothing. She was hoping he would say something, or leave. But both were eating their ddeokbokki very slowly. Despite the ajumma being upset, she gave them quite the generous amount.


“So… this story just came to mind when I saw you. You’ll probably think this is cheesy, but… do you want to hear it?”


And suddenly it was storytime. Jihyo mentally sighed, but said, “let’s hear it.” Silence or a story, well then she preferred a story. Since he couldn’t eat while telling it, she could quickly finish her food and then excuse herself.


“Okay, well this is based on a true story... though you might not believe it.” Yongguk coughed, “Anyways, it starts with six boys, all of them are from different families and… vampires.” He looks to Jihyo expecting a reaction, and she coughs.


She wasn’t really into supernatural stories.


“Yeah, I figured you would be weirded out,” he laughs. “Well these six boys are apart of pureblood vampire families. Pureblood vampires are one of the strongest creatures out there, and depending on if they can find their “Eve” they can become the strongest. So… you know the story of Adam and Eve, right?”


Jihyo nods, not exactly sure where this is heading.


“Well, it’s not exactly in the sense of Adam and Eve being punished and taken to earth. It’s just the metaphor that Adam cannot be without Eve and vice versa. And where I’m getting with this is… for pureblood vampires to be the strongest, they need Eve. But there is only one Eve, one which the prophet chooses and finds.


“In order to find this Eve, the boys need to be of age… at least 14 years old.  And this Eve, usually she’s someone with special blood. It’s rare for it to be a human… but sometimes that’s the case. The pureblood vampires just need to court her, and if they drink enough of her blood, they become the strongest vampires. And eventually, when the vampire king dies, then they will be next in throne.


“Usually Eve knows nothing of this. She does not know she is Eve, nor the story of the vampires. Her blood is usually normal, until someone comes along to change it to it’s true form. And so there’s a special technique used to awaken her blood.”


“Oh…” Jihyo nods with genuine interest this time. “So, how do you awaken it?”


“She’ll fall asleep and when she wakes up, her blood will have awakened to its full potential. All you need to do is look her into the eyes… like this.” Yongguk grabs Jihyo's shoulders and holds her in place. For a second, something in his eyes flicker and there's a strange buzzing noise in her ear. “...Well, something like this.” Yongguk laughs.


Jihyo releases a breath she didn't realize she had been holding. The flickering and strange sensation is forgotten, it was a second too short to remember and felt like a momentary dream. However, she feels different. Next to Yongguk she feels… right. He seems like a good person.


She laughs. “For some reason I was expecting something.”


“Sorry to disappoint,” Yongguk grins, ruffling Jihyo’s hair. “Hey, do you think you could come to my place and help me with something?”


“Okay,” Jihyo smiles, “But what is it you need help with?”


Wait. Okay? Did she just say okay without hesitation?


But why wouldn’t she say okay? It’s Yongguk. Yongguk is important to her. He’s the man… the man she loves…?


But I can't… I need to go back home. Mom is waiting for me, she's still sick… The train, when will it be here?


“It's a secret.”


Yongguk’s voice shakes her out of her thoughts. He grabs her hand and leads her to his car, she's next to him as if it were a natural thing and she’d known him his entire life.


The car is parked closely to the BIFF Square. It's a pristine white convertible, as if it's never been used, there were no scratches or smudges. Yongguk opens the door for Jihyo and she gets in, without any doubt or fear.


“Sleep, it’ll be a long time until we get there.” Yongguk gently commands. Jihyo gets drowsy and falls asleep in only a matter of seconds.




“Is she really Eve?” A tall, lean male with pink hair asks, laying back on a maroon leather couch. He was in a relaxed position and rather haughtily regarding those around him, which were five other males, including Yongguk.


“I wouldn’t lie, Zelo. I could feel it clearly when she was awake… there was something about her.” Yongguk answers from the couch directly across from him. There are two other males seated next to him, one is on his phone and other, who stands up.


“We’ll probably see if she is when we do the ritual,” The one who had stood heads towards the halls, probably where Jihyo is being kept in. However before he gets any further, Zelo holds him back.


“Who says you’re going to, Himchan?”


“Someone has to,” he glares, and Yongguk intervenes.


“I’m the one who found her, it’s obvious I should do it.”


“It doesn’t matter who performs the first ritual, what matters is who she chooses as Adam in the end.” The male who had been sitting next to Himchan says, still busily on his phone.


“If you’re so indifferent to this, then why don’t you choose someone, Jongup? Or Youngjae?” Himchan says and looks towards Jongup, and then Youngjae who is sitting in thought.


Jongup rolls his eyes. “Then let Yongguk do it. Like I said, it doesn’t matter who performs the first ritual, it’s who she chooses as Adam. What makes you think you’ll have an advantage? Just because you get to her blood first…”


“I agree, unless Eve is that simple-minded…” Youngjae joins in, “but she is human, so I think it’s likely.”


“I don’t even want to do this stupid race...”


A dark blue haired male says, sitting on the edge of the couch Zelo was laying on.


“Then don’t Daehyun, it makes becoming Adam that much easier for me.” Himchan grins, obviously provoking him. However Daehyun shows no reaction, disappointing Himchan and causing him to frown.




Everyone’s attention moves towards the girl standing at the lounge entrance. It’s Jihyo. She blinks and stares back. She had followed the voices and found her way to their lounge. It was a huge house, and she is still fascinated by everything, but upon seeing the six males, along with Youngguk, there is only confusion.


“You’re awake?” Yongguk’s arm slithers around Jihyo’s waist. She gasps, because when had he appeared? From his sudden appearance, she is startled and tries to struggle out of his grasp. But then he does it again. His eyes flicker and… her thoughts change… “Should we go back to my bedroom?”


And then they suddenly disappear.




In one blink, Jihyo finds herself in the supposed bedroom of Yongguk. She is laying down on his bed, it’s a king size, with red satin sheets and gold rimmed pillows. It feels better than any bed she has ever slept in. Jihyo then notices Yongguk is standing, staring at her. She can’t find herself to look at him and looks away.


Why was she here again…?


Yongguk hovers over her body and practically whispers. “Remember when I told you that I had to look into Eve’s eyes to awaken her blood?” Jihyo blankly nods. “...That was a lie. In truth, I have to…”


He moves to straddle her and her breath momentarily stops. His arms begin to reach for the buttons of her white collar shirt. One by one, he removes them until her pink bra is exposed and stops. Yongguk smiles at the sight. Jihyo holds down a blush, however she feels… nice.


“I just need to your blood.” He trails a finger along her neck and down. “Right here, below your collarbone… It's okay with you, right?” He smirks when she silently nods again. “I thought you'd say that… I'm kind of hungry too.” He says, his lips.


He begins to his own collared shirt. And within that short amount of time, Jihyo’s mind is struggling to process just what exactly is happening to her. Why does she feel different, whenever he looked at her?


Had she fallen in love so quickly?


That wasn’t like her though...


It seemed like the effect of his eyes wasn’t as strong as at the BIFF plaza, because she couldn’t even think of what was happening. But now, what is this? When she had awoken she had overheard the six males talking about her being Eve. So then, before, when Yongguk had told her the story…


She was Eve?


But what was Eve?


The bed creaks as Yongguk leans in to kiss Jihyo’s collarbone. From her perspective, his face is hidden and the only view of him is his spiked, black hair. Her neck is ticklish with every exhale, however every breath also makes her shiver. “You’re beautiful,” He softly speaks.


And all is forgotten again. This man, at this moment felt like her lover.


His teeth pierce into Jihyo and she finds it’s a completely new experience. It is not one she would enjoy if she was sane, however right now she’s not and that is why it’s absolutely thrilling. The feeling of being needed by this man felt wonderful. This stranger, when he had called her beautiful made her overjoyed.


Why, oh why, would she feel such a way though? It’s a mystery she decides she does not want to dwell on. All she wants is to enjoy the feeling of his arms tightly hugging her waist, and the of her lifeforce.


Jihyo is staring at his head the entire time, fascinated by the fact that she’s able to satisfy his hunger and how immersed he is in enjoying her blood. And as Jihyo keeps staring, it’s only a matter of time before she realizes the drooping of her eyes and the lack of strength felt throughout her entire body.


Her vision blacks out and the next thing that happens when she opens her eyes…


She was in a completely different place.


Author's Note: I didn't want to drag this on so I left it as a cliffhanger. I'm thinking of allowing my more popular one-shots become a series, so if you like it just say so in the comments :) Also, feel free to give constructive criticism. No bashing.  I realize I rushed it towards the end, so maybe later if I have time I'll revise it. P.S. I usually read my stories out loud but then I got to the bed scene I got embarrassed HAHAHA 

Inspirations: Diabolik Lovers, Black Wolves Saga, Ladies Codes Mystery album, 2PM's My House, my mind.

From here on out, there will be a one-shot updated everyday!

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I lied, sorry I'm unable to upload another chapter today T_T


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Happy_woman305 #1
Chapter 2: Pls update authornim ❤️ your so good at making fanfics
Foreverminho #2
Chapter 2: Omg! So funny @aisyazulkefle hahahaha..
Btw..that's why i feel like some scene is like cheese in the trap but just opposite character ^^
ivoryy #3
Chapter 2: I was like going "awww, urmmm, hmm, umphh, hmpph, aaahhh, ohh ohhh, " in frnt of my friends n they stared me like whattheareyoudoing.areyouhavingwithyourphone. Lol. That was how amazing this one shot was. Aaahhh ottokke.. I can't move on from ilwoo and jihyo. It's all your fault authornim! ;-)
Foreverminho #4
Chapter 1: Why..why..why you make cliffhanger?? Huhuhu..hope u continue ^^
Love the first chapter btw ;)
shuishui #5
shuishui #6
ivoryy #7
Chapter 1: Woah this is really good ! Really hope this could turn into series. I seriously couldn't get enough! Although I'm not so familiar with bap´s members, but I really really wnjoy this one ! Can't wait to read more from u! I'm a fan of u now, authornim ;-)
I'm looking forward to your stories ^^ <3
sourjongie #9
I'm so exited- since Jihyo unnie is my ultimate bias. I hope you can make the best stories of Jihyo unnie. Hwaiting!