The Crash

Flight 336

"So." I stand up. "I'm C-Casey. Casey Kim. My dad's the pilot." I shyly wave at the thirteen boys sitting infront of me. 

Seungkwan laughs. "Nervous are you?" 

I blush. "Um.."

Vernon interupts me, "Hello, Casey. I'm Vernon." Ha. As if I don't all ready know that. 

They all introduce themselves. I sit down in my spot next to Seungkwan. There's an akward pause, untill Hoshi starts cracking jokes. The jokes are all pretty dumb, but somehow they are still funny. I stand up and walk over to the window. 

The dark blue of the ocean is mezmorizing. I feel like I could get lost in it forever. I snap out of my trance when the plane makes a dive, sending me falling to the floor. 

"Dad?" I call, and rush into the cockpit. "Is something wrong?" 

Dad doesn't look at me. "Casey- not now. Please. Just go sit down."

Ok, something is definitely wrong. 

As I enter the main room, all four of Seventeen's men immediately stand up. 

The tallest man looks at me. "What's going on?" He asks in a thick Korean accent. "I can't have anything happen to these boys." The Seventeen memebers look worried with frowns on their faces. 

"I hav-" I'm interupted mid-sentence by a flashing red light above the cockpit, paired with a high pitched beeping. Now I really start to panick. "Dad!" I yell. There is no responce. Dad and his co-pilot are fumbling for the controls. I can hear him say something into his radio. 

"Clearance untied three six six, ready to copy IFR. Tower, this is flight three six six, mayday. Main engines are failing." 

Failing? Are we crashing? 

The strange thing about seeing your life flash through your eyes is that you're caught up in those memories, you don't understand what's actually happening around you.

The ocean was above me and the sky was below me. I heard screaming, but soon I realized it was my own voice.

My life changed in a blink of an eye, but it felt like a decade for me. Or maybe a century. I don't know, or really care. 

I was about to die.

This was the best day of my life, untill it turned into the last one I would ever have. 

I completly lost track of time, place, or surrounding. I would never get to see my family again. Or my friends, or my teachers, or my coaches. These people would hear about my death on the news later that night, I guessed. 

I can't feel. I can't see. I know this plane is going down. 

7 seconds.

My step-mother, step-sister. 

6 seconds.

My dog, my bed, my apartment.

5 seconds.

Grandpa Bruce and Grandma Bev.

4 seconds.

Katie, Amanda, and Emma. My best friends.

3 seconds.

Mrs. Joann, Coach Steve.

2 seconds.

Aunt Claire, Ben, and Kylie.

1 second.


The jet hit the water with such force it shook my bones. I was surprised I wasn't dead already. The water was slowly sinking in, pulling the metal coffin to the bottom of the ocean. There it was, the emergency exit. I truged through the rising water towards the exit. While pulling my body through the door I could see a yellow life raft a few feet away. I was completly out of the plane. 

I made it.

Well, not quite yet. I swam towards the raft, and four strong arms lifted me on.

"Dad?" I asked hopefully. I looked up. Seungkwan and Vernon. My clothes were soaking wet, my hair a mess. But it isn't my biggest problem right now. I turned towards the sinking vessle, searching for and signs of my father. The jet was almost completly submerged. 

I take a deep breath. Is my dad... dead? I can feel tears rolling down my cheeks. How embarassing. Wiping my tears, I survey the raft. Eight others surround me. Wait.. only eight? 

"Where are the others?" I ask

"They.. they didn't get out in time." Joshua solemnly responds.

Joshua, Hoshi, Vernon, Jeonghan, Seungkwan, Dino, Mingyu, and Woozi.

We are the only ones left. 

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Joir3C #1
Chapter 4: WOAH. Thats all i have to say. Update soon, this cliffhanger is going to be the death of me!