
reaching you.

He paused for awhile and stared at the girl. "See you," she whispered. 

Wonwoo smiled back, trying to get the message through that he treasured her so much that he actually wanted to stay. Screw all those photoshoots, he just wanted to spend a day with his bestfriend. But he was immediately brought back to reality as he felt another vibration in his pocket, signalling another message from Mingyu. 

"I'll see you."


That was the last time Eunsol saw Wonwoo for the week. For the next month or so, Wonwoo was out filming for "One fine day" and apparently their comeback, and he missed a ton of lessons, leaving the girl to do all his note taking and homework collection. Since during the filming he had to surrender his phone, they didn't manage to contact each other, other than the short calls he made using the telephone provided during the filming. Instead of addressing her by her name, he pretended that she was his distant cousin who stayed in his parent's house for the weekend. Calling someone other than a family member was pretty risky if it got aired, and he didn't want that to happen. For the time being Eunsol tried her best to occupy herself by studying and working her part-time job at the nearby retail store. 

"I'll be leaving first, Jina eonni!" She told her manager as she closed her locker. "Ok then, see you tomorrow!" Jina greeted back and waved. 

Eunsol closed the back door and glanced at her watch. It was already 10pm, but knowing that she wouldn't have Wonwoo keeping her company at home since she lived alone, she decided to head to the night cafe for a short rest and maybe even hit the books. 

She entered the cafe, making the bell chime and ordered a caramel frappe before taking a seat facing the roads of Hongdae. 

Not far from where she was, a SEVENTEEN member observed her from behind. He straightened his coat and approached the girl. His hands found its way to her face, covering her eyes. Eunsol jumped at the contact. "Guess who?" The boy asked cheekily. Eunsool smiled and held his hands, "Jisoo oppa!" she exclaimed and turned to see the californian flower boy grinning at her. He was wearing almost everything black, a black cap and a navy mask covering half of his face. 

"Hello," he chimed, making her swoon a little. Who wouldn't when such a handsome man was right infront (or rather behind) you?

Joshua took a seat beside her. "What are you doing here Jisoo oppa? Here in Seoul I mean?" she asked. 

"We just got back from Yeoso-do about 2 hours ago, so we kind of have free time and I just decided to have some proper caffeine," he stated. Eunsol nodded. Two hours ago, she thought. Wait, that means... she unlocked her phone to see if she had missed any missed calls or unread messages. One message from Soonyoung telling her that they've arrived back, but that was it. 

Joshua seemed to notice her change in expression. He pulled down his mask to reveal his mouth. "Um, how should I put this..." Eunsol looked up at him curiously. "Wonwoo actually saw his ex at the terminal, and he isn't feeling at his best right now. That's probably why you haven't received anything from him yet." 

Eunsol frowned, she knew how much Wonwoo's past relationship affected him. She felt at fault since she was partially the reason of their breakup. She knew Wonwoo genuinely liked his ex-girlfriend, Dasom who was now a part of 2EYES. Because of the frequent visits Wonwoo paid when Eunsol had appendicitis, it caused Dasom to be overwhelmed with jealousy, despite the countless times that Wonwoo tried to make up with her. Now that he had seen her again, he might think of fixing things between them once more, and deep inside Eunsol didn't want that.

"Earth to Sol?" she snapped out of her thoughts and blinked at Joshua. 

The boy chuckled. "Do you want another frappe-" he eyed her almost finished drink, "- or shall I send you home?" 

Eunsol blushed. She was glad that Joshua was matured and that he knew how to easily grasp the situation. "No I'm fine. You can go back to your dorm if you're tired," she said and gave him a soft smile. 

The californian shook his head, "I'm fine being in your presence. Besides, it's way too early to be going back. The boys will just be watching movies that I'm not really fond of." 

The girl raised an eyebrow. "What kind of movies? I thought you liked horror?" 

"Well some are really offensive to the bible," he stated, making Eunsol stare at him with much amusement. "Okay, i hear you Jisoos Christ," she joked.

The two continued chatting until around 1am until Eunsol decided to yawn in front of the idol. 

"Tired already?" Joshua asked as he pet her head. 
Eunsol nodded, "Yeah kind of." 

The two stood up from their seats and left the cafe. They started walking towards the direction of both seventeen's dorm and her apartment since they were only a few blocks away from each other. After walking a short distance, Joshua stopped in his tracks. 


Eunsol tilted her head at the sudden break. "Why?" 

"We have a fansign event this Friday, I thought at least Hoshi would have told you," he said as he eyed her flashing phone. She followed his gaze and sure enough, it was another message from Soonyoung, or rather a screenshot of their event, and an added message. 

"I'll be looking my best so please look forward to seeing me! ><"

Eunsol chortled. "Please do come, maybe you'll have a chance of cheering Wonwoo up." 

She looked back at Joshua, meeting his eyes. 

"I'm sure he'll be fine without me. Besides, he has Mingyu." Joshua gave her a look. "-And you guys!" she added, laughing. 

Joshua chuckled, "We'll do whatever we can as well." 


By the time Joshua sent her home, it was already a quarter to 2 considering the snail pace they were going at, talking about how the filming went, or seventeen's future plans, how her assessments were going. They rambled on and on and before they knew it, they had already reached the bottom of her apartment. Eunsol smiled. She liked spending time with Seventeen members in general. They were all lovely people who acted like boys despite the fact that they were already soaring idols. 

Eunsol had just finished bathing, wearing a huge sweatshirt and her hair in a bun. She was on her laptop looking at some fan photos from My Wooniverse. She already knew her best friend was goodlooking, but the more she stared the more she was captivated. How lucky she was to befriend such a king of visuals. She remembered how they started out, actually before Wonwoo was even a part of Seventeen TV Season one. Before he was a part of anything related to being an idol. She remembered how STIFF he was back in middle school, that second embarrassment she felt for him when he danced to Rainism and Breathe for their school talent show. She remembered how he used to be this skinny geek, but nonetheless still decent looking. She remembered how he had girls having crushes on him back in middle school but surprisingly she wasn't one of them. She remembered how they sat side by side in class, him asking her questions about english and she asking him questions on math. How their friendship blossomed from there and how they both had the same goals. She remembered how he told her after the school concert that he'd try to audition into pledis for experience but got the place in the end. She remembered how his face was like after he ended a whole day of training.

She remembered how she 'monitored' his progress when he asked her to keep up with him in Seventeen TV, his extra roles in Raina and San E's stages, his short cameos in the Hello Venus and NU'EST music videos. Looking back she realised how far they've gone, how much they've been through together. 

Her phone vibrated on her bed and Eunsol sat up. 

Are you home safe? -Wonwoo 

Eunsol's eyes widened, after she realised that the message was from none other than Wonwoo himself, but sent by Mingyu's phone. 

Eunsol stupidly grinned at her phone, you i miss you so much.


She replied.

I'll see you soon. SLEEP. NOW. 

The girl giggled. It was funny of how he tried to sound stern.

In your dreams you idiot. 


third coming soon!  

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Chapter 7: I was so shocked to hear this in the morning and when I got back home, he already sent an apology letter. I don't really think it's wise to hate on a kid who was like 10 years old doing these things. They were kids, children. They don't know anything. I can't even remember what I did when I was 10 and it's only been a few years. Let alone Wonwoo, he's 20 now. It's been 10 years. I doubt he even remembered he did those kind of things. I don't really find anything wrong with him hating on SNSD, cuz honestly I did too but now, I just don't care. I listen to their songs and yeah, I don't think I hate them. It's so unfair for people especially K-netizens to hate on him for an incident he did when he was 10. Although what he did was wrong and rude, kids at that age are all rude. They don't know anything. I feel sorry for him because he has to write a letter and I'd hate it if people would hate on him but he apologized and if people don't take it. Then, it's not his fault. He definitely apologized and to me, it seemed sincere. I just hope fans would continue supporting him and loving him. I don't want them to do a black ocean or something like not including his name during fanchants. They should shout even louder to support him and give him strength. He probably needs it. he must feel so sorry for the other members. I'm just pissed off why this issue had to be brought up during this time. It could happen when they debuted. Is it because SVT's getting popular now? I just hope he stands strong. A lot of people still love him.
Chapter 6: sweet af!!!
Chapter 6: awwwww so sweet
Chapter 6: AAAAHHHHH THIS WAS SOOOO CUTE!!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH! Too bad it already ended but it's a really good ending. AND SEVENTEEN'S COMEBACK!!!!!! AHAHHHHHHHH! IT'S JUST IN A FEW HOURS FROM NOW!!!!
Aah it's over... But, yeay for the ending!
I enjoy reading this because it's fiction still with reality in it :-) Also each characters and the way you write it, it's neat and nice for me. For such a //shy// man for Wonwoo to confess in third person like that, I really like that part teehee.
Hope you write more svt fics in the future! :))
thanks for the love!! xx
Thank you!!
Chapter 2: I really like it so far! Do continue this please! hehe <3
Chapter 2: This is so cute,I'm glad to found this sooner