author's note


Whoa heLLA LOT OF aNGST THERE /fans self/ sorreh people, idk what got into me

i honestly feel like i'm trying to be swag with my way of writing this note but i cannot help it ;;

soooo! explaination time!

BTS are still a k-pop group, and somehow Taehyung's mischief in the car ride drove them into an accident which resulted in only him and Jin surviving and the other five cruelly dying. Tae gets PTSD and blames himself for almost everything he does or results after that, and Jin has a hard time trying to get him to feel fine and not blame himself because it was just an accident. that is when he gets these 'butterly-engraved' pills from an unknown sender, who tells him to take these to live the life he wanted. Tempted because of those words, he continuously takes the pills but they aren't available anywhere outside. ofc they're drugs but he doesn't know that and is happy that he gets to live life the way he wanted at least in his sleep. but one day Tae decides to become suicidal and jumps off the rooftop, with Jin watching everything. and there starts his suffering. he's stuck in his dream world and he seriously is enjoying it, and almost forgets about reality before he sees the polaroid in which Yoongi is disappearing. meanwhile Jin in the real world reads his personal diary got from cops-knew-where and gets to know about the pills, and also remembers the hidden interview after the accident. He's sure that Tae's living-- stuck-- in his own dream and not willing to get out. from that you know what hapens ;D

i hope you really liked this one ^^ more coming up from your's officially bangtan-crazy TypicalAuthornim! ^~^

so long!

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red_knight #1
Chapter 1: This is really beautiful!! !
Alkimnindya #2
Chapter 1: I think I lose my breath just like seokjin.... haha this is sooooo beautiful and tiring hehe tiring because I can get the feels of the story and afraid to death just like jin do... good job^^
Chapter 1: Whoaaaaaaa. Whoa. That's like all I can say... whoa.
I didn't understand some parts but nonetheless it was good!!
kookiegirl17 #4
I just wanna cry out loud that THIS IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!