Battle; Final


He remembers nothing about what happened for him to have them here. He was used to having to see snippets of all of them, but now feels permanent to him. H-How did all of them—

"Oh, it's Jin Hyung!" He turns to look at Jin, who was waving his hands at them.

"H-Hyung" He stammers, but those words don't come out of his mouth. Instead, he finds himself hugging the latter with everyone around him.

This isn't supposed to be happening. It can never happen, not until I have another life.

"This place seriously feels like a safe haven!" Jimin says as he goes about exploring the small dry pool-like space. Taehyung is confused inside, but he doesn't listen to himself and went with them. He was happy with them.

"Isn't there any other reason?"


"Are you sure? Because that's what it seems like"

"He isn't the kind to do this!"

"We could never be sure until we get to hear from his side"

"I'm saying that isn't what happened! Someone pushed him over the edge! He isn't the person to commit suicide or whatever!"

"Ow!" Namjoon cries out as everyone piled above him, making their very own human sandwich.

Taehyung is liking this as time passed. After all, this is what he wanted ever since it happened: Happiness.

"Okay, okay! Get up you all! I'm being crushed here!" Yoongi yells as everyone hops off from Namjoon's leg, Yoongi being the third to get out of the sandwich.

"That was fun that was fun!" Jimin grins— a bit too unnaturally— to Taehyung. A flash of realization passes through his eyes, but is soon replaced by the smiles of everyone.

He watches everyone play among themselves, and notices Namjoon coming towards him. "Hey, you do graffiti, right?"


"Come on! I always wanted to do it!" With that, Namjoon pulls the younger to one of the walls and sits down. "Draw my outline"

"Well... if you want" Taehyung shrugs and takes out the spray can and draws a messy outline of Namjoon, filling it with horns atop the head and a devilish smug smile on the face.

"Yah I'm not a devil!" Namjoon yells and chases the younger all over the place. Taehyung could see Jimin and Hoseok cosplaying as swordsmen, Yoongi and Jungkook just being with each other in silence watching over the rest.

This is what he wanted for all these days.

"We found this diary in his room. Did you have any idea about it?"

"Diary? He never wrote personal diaries" 

"Do you think he was depressed after the accident?"

"Well... he had PSTD but that was cured with therapy two months ago"

"Did you know anything about these pills I found in his room?"

"Pills?" Seokjin asks as he gets the bottle of pills from the Officer. They were weird, not like the usual, normal pills taken for fevers or anything. There was a small, very small butterfly engraved in each of the pill. "I... I don't know anything about this"

"I think these were the reason for him to commit—"

"I told you he didn't commit suicide! I was just away for a moment! There was no way he could have committed suicide!" Seokjin cries as he almost breaks the bottle in his hands. He knows that he was forcing himselfto believe his own words, but he doesn't want to believe that it was already time to let the only other go.

"Should we... go here?" Seokjin asks as he holds the polaroid out to everyone around him. Taehyung nods eagerly, but also notices Jimin hesitating. He decides not to ask about it because oh well everyone have their own fears they don't want to tell anyone else.

Taehyung remembers the place: it was Jungkook who first found it and brought everyone. The place is desolated but held a unique beauty of itself. He likes the place because it held a profound peace to it. It helped him self-reflect on the things he regretted doing; like fighting with Jimin, not listening to the four elder boys, and just being ignorant of everything. Even now, he has decided on reflecting over the biggest mistake he had done: 

Push all of them to death, letting only two escape of the seven.

Jungkook puts off the fire from Yoongi's lighter and looks at the elder with a smile, mouthing a 'no' to him. Yoongi knows; he knows this wasn't where they belonged. Yet he liked the feel of it. He liked the fact that he still existd in someone's dreams; that he was still alive.

The seven stopped by at a gas station: the one Namjoon worked at. Namjoon gets off from the car to fill the car, while most of them were asleep. In a peripheral vision, Taehyung could see Hoseok coming out from the grocery store, buying the rest of things for their small 'picnic' at the seaside place. As he places the things on the back of the semi, he pulls up the blanket, covering a sleeping Jimin from the cold. Namjoon takes a polaroid of Jin where Yoongi intervenes, or what people call 'photo-bombing'. He then keeps the picture inside the dashboard of the semi, almost mentioning not to touch it.

The most weird thing is that Taehyung is asleep, yet he sees everything as if he is actually watching it with his eyes.

Another flash passed through his eyes, now with pictures of the gory scene from the accident.

Seokjin cries as he watches the last interview of them; the last and final interview of the remainder of BTS, which was the two. They were having an individual interview, and Seokjin was finished with his. He remembers watching Taehyung behind the camera, his heart clenching at the boy's inability to speak properly. Every word of his came out hiccupped; everything he said made less to no meaning. He was known to talk nonsense, but to Seokjin everything made perfect sense. The boy was filled with guilt. The guy's hands trembles as he tries to remember their last moments: after all, they were engraved on their minds, haunting them for a whole year.

Seokjin remembers trying to barge in between to protect the boy, as an instinct of an elder brother said him to. He doesn't remember the person pulling him behind, as the interview was probably going to be used for getting high TRP ratings. After all, the media was all about advertising; nothing was heartfelt. He, although, remembers a very, very familiar voice telling him to just let the boy be. To let him cry; to let him get everything out of his system. There was only so much guilt and blame that a person can hold.

He watches is despair as Taehyung, in the TV screen, breaks down helplessly. The channel never played this part of the interview, since it contained too many emotions; a bit too much for just an interview. As ironic as it might me, their song 'Moving On' was playing as the background music, Jimin's last part filling the place. The channel had given them the final tape for checking everything and editing it themselves, and the company told them to not air it, not even the slightest bit. Since the channel put in a lot of hype for this one interview, they aired thirty minutes of the originally three-houred interview.

"I-I just... want to be with them.... At least once. I-I wan-t to te-ll them th-that I'm so-so sor-sorry..." Taehyung hiccups each word as more tears choke his throat. His make-up was ruined, but no one cared more. And very strangely, Seokjin remembers no one saying anything to stop recording that.

As if a switch was in his mind, everything suddenly makes sense to him. The reason for Taehyung's condition now, the entries in his diaries, his sudden change. He suddenly became as if nothing ever happened. Seokjin had yelled at the boy once, telling how he could so easily forget about what happened. Indirectly, he is a part of the reason for Taehyung's condition right now.

In the Hospital. Struggling between life and death.

And another gory image engraved in his mind, ready to haunt him to death.

Taehyung is the first to wake up. The car was stopped long ago, but he remembers less to nothing about it. At a distance, he sees Yoongi with Jungkook, watching over the horizon silently. Silence was the only common thing between them, and which made them bond over a series of quiet nights with twinkling stars. They perfectly fit each other, filling in the empty space of each other. Taehyung looks at them with a smile over his face. He then gets off from the open backside of the car and goes to the front. He randomly ruffles around the dashboard and opens the box, suddenly remembering the small polaroid yesterday. He takes it out, but is shocked to see the drastic change in it. He could literally see Yoongi disappearing  the picture, slowly yet surely.

He feels that everything is going to come to a brutal end. And suddenly, he feels as if everything disappears for a second.

No... Seokjin thinks as he rushes past the doctors, nurses and people thinking he was crazy to run so fast.  This isn't happening. No, I cannot lose him... I cannot lose anyone again. 

With that in his mind, he runs with all his force towards Taehyung's room. Everything slowed down as he saw the only one he had with him, on the verge of losing to death.

To him, Taehyung is the only one who he had to share everything. He didn't rely on his parents' shoulders, he wants Taehyung's. Only those two could understand how much they've been through together, the same thing going on in their minds. At the end of the day, it was Taehyung who made him feel a bit sane and responsible to have their lives going on.

Taehyung realizes that this is the end. He spaces out as all the others get down, smiles plastered to their faces. You need to survive, he hears Namjoon mutter as he walks past him.  Beyond them, is the never-ending horizon of the sea. It makes him think a lot about whether this is actually true enough. As he turns to Jin, he sees the latter give an all-knowing smile, almost like telling him it was time.

"Sir, we need you to stay out!" The nurse argued as she pushes Seokjin outside the ER where he barged in, shocking everyone.

He hears them so clearly— the erratic beeping sound of the machine beside Taehyung. It is deafening enough. "No! I am not leaving him alone!" He yells helplessly as two more security guards pull him out, with him fighting against them to just be with Taehyung, if this was supposed to be his last moment.

He looks completely helpless as they force him to sit down on one of the chairs outside, not minding his cries. The whole corridor turns towards them but he has much more to care about. Taehyung. That is the only thing in his mind and heart right now. You said we'll go through this together. He thought as more tears flowed out from his eyes.

The seven sit down on the wall which was slightly above the sea level, and just look over the horizon calmly. Jimin and Hoseok are still playing with each other. The two fit each other perfectly, just like how Yoongi and Jungkook do. While they are the 'silent' type, these two are more on the 'loud' type. Hoseok is usually quiet but whenever with Jimin, he is the loudest. Both of them are the jokers of the group, the ones who bring the word 'happy' and 'carefree' in an otherwise simple group. Without them, the other five would've been the most boring group ever as said by themselves.

Taehyung looks at the tall structure beside him, eyes squinting at the brightness from the sun shining above them. For a second, everything turns into a color of monotoned grey for him, and in the fraction of a second come back to its own colors. He suddenly hears voices: voices of the six but not about what they were talking.

See you soon, Taehyung. All of them say at once in his ears. He gets up, his body not in control of his mind, and goes near the structure.

Seokjin feels the harsh reality hit him as the nurses and doctors rush in and out of the room, fighting for Taehyung's life along with himself. He tries to stop anyone and ask them, but they just ignore him as if he didn't even exist. His hands join together and he prays ever so diligently for Taehyung. He might be childish or selfish, but he just wants to feel relieved for once. Losing five people at once was harsh enough, now losing the only remaining one is like a cruel slap to his face, knocking him into darkness for life. 

"Please... Just be with me" He begged.

He finds himself atop the structure, looking over the sea with a much higher view than the rest. By now, everyone have noticed that he climbed up to the top, and yell for him to come down.

All he does was give a smug smile to them, especially to Seokjin. The latter does nothing and just shoots it with the camera which is always on his hand, as if they were memories to be treasured.

Seokjin hopes against hope for the tension to subside, for Taehyung to just live for some more time. 

All of a sudden, he hears a voice— voices, to be exact. All the voices come out muffled, but are desparate yells for sure. "Stop!" He yells as he falls down, hands clutching his head in pain. It was deafening.

"Taehyung, get down!" He heards himself yell the loudest. As if something snapped inside him, he stayed still for some time, his mind blank.


As soon as Taehyung's legs touch the sea water, all the yells and cries for him mute out. In a flash, everything about his life goes through his eyes. The happy times he cherishes, his deepest nightmares, and ust everything about them as seven passes through his mind. And the once-blue water turns grey. 

He finds it hard to breathe. His lungs were filled with water, and all he sees in not the blurred image of the sun, but the image of the seven. Happy smiles decorating their faces naturally, the image before him looks eternal to him.


As he tries to ignore the growing pain in his head and see through the small transparent glass, into the ER, he feels a wave of horror crash through him as his eyes see Taehyung jumping up and down uncontrollably, holding onto the possible last breaths of his life. It looks so hectic, and even more desparately calling for him.

In a blink, everything stops. Even the doctors who were trying to hold him into place are startled at the sudden stop in his movements.

Seokjin is afraid that the thing he feared the most had come true. He slumps down, not even bothering about being hurt or anything. He only hears a wave of gasps before his ears block any sound from outside in shock. He sits as pale as a ghost, eyes hollow from fear. Some try to help him come back to his senses, but his eyes never leave the ER. His breaths become shorter and shorter with the passing minute, and he desparately wants air. He could see everyone panicking around him, worried about him now, but he just couldn't move on himself.

Taehyung sees the virtual world and the reality merge against each other. It was almost like an animation before him, the view of colors and black&white mix with each other to give a distinct color of grey. In that single second, his mind is filled with things he had piled in his heart: regret, hope, anger, sadness. The sounds of a long beep was bcoming closer and closer. He remembers how he came into this place in the first place.  He had jumped off from the rooftop, a dangerous move for anyone but a move of desparation for him. He remembers the smile of Seokjin, which was finally genuine after a long time. He remembers everything that happened before what he had done.

And it was time to go back and set things right.

"...'s alive! He's alive, Seokjin!" Seokjin could see his parents shake him to bring him back to reality, but he is still as pale as a white sheet. He finds it hard to breathe. "Taehyung's alive!"

Snap. His ears suddenly hear everything, and his color returns back to normal. He finally moves after what feels like an eternity. "W-What?" He asks weakly.

"He's alive! It was for just a second, Seokjin! What happened to you?"

Seokjin ignores whatever they were saying and dashes through the familiar route to the ER. How could he forget it after walking through it for almost three months?

He opens the door loudly, panting for breath. He is sweating even in the cold December night, but the smile on his face now can warm up even the thick glaciers. It was a look of pure bliss, of just pure, unrequited happiness that his friend was good and alive.

All they shared were some years and smiles, but to Seokjin they are the precious things he could hold onto for life.

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red_knight #1
Chapter 1: This is really beautiful!! !
Alkimnindya #2
Chapter 1: I think I lose my breath just like seokjin.... haha this is sooooo beautiful and tiring hehe tiring because I can get the feels of the story and afraid to death just like jin do... good job^^
Chapter 1: Whoaaaaaaa. Whoa. That's like all I can say... whoa.
I didn't understand some parts but nonetheless it was good!!
kookiegirl17 #4
I just wanna cry out loud that THIS IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!