Chapter II

I Know What You Did Last Summer

A/N: This story will be switching between the past (summertime) and the present (where Wonwoo and Mingyu are now). Everything in italics means that the chapter is in the past. 

Wonwoo looked at the number on the card while sighing out loud. It had been a week since that masterpiece of a human walked into his flower shop. And since the moment he walked out, Wonwoo began an internal war of calling him back. Since that day, Wonwoo had made a Tumblr account just so that he could stalk Mingyu (or beauitfultrainwrek as he was known on the website). Jeon Wonwoo’s username was iamaflowerboy. Very creative. Although is page was simply reblog after reblog of sayings and aesthetic pictures of places he’d only dream about, Wonwoo somehow felt closer to Mingyu by this.

Wonwoo knew nothing about him Mingyu and yet he made Wonwoo feel something. Was the bad? There was actually a feeling in his heart for someone. Someone other than the girl he’d promise he’d marry. And also it wasn’t a girl he felt such feeling for. It was a man he barely knew. No, a man he knew nothing about besides his name! Jeon Wonwoo didn’t believe in love at first sight. That was a ludicrous idea; love at first sight.  How could you irrevocably and complete attach yourself to a person you just happened to lay your eyes on. Wonwoo thought was certain that the notion was in itself impossible. But now here he stood on the edge of everything he told himself: love did not exist. This man just sauntered into his life and began turning it upside down.

“H-Hello? Is this Kim Mingyu?” Wonwoo spent the previous hour staring at his phone and having a conversation with his inner monologue about calling Mingyu.

“This is the photography studio of world famous artist Mingyu. For booking, press 1, for personal phone, press 2, for leaving a message, press 3.” Wonwoo was a bit taken back. Was Mingyu really that famous? Suddenly, the other line went off, “Seungkwan stop that! You are not my assistant. Hello, this is Mingyu.” Even the sound of his voice over the telephone gave Wonwoo chills.

“…” Wonwoo was silent. His heart rate increased, his hands hands became clammy, a knot formed in his throat that prevented him to speak. Wonwoo couldn’t understand why he was like this. Suddenly he turned into some love struck teenage. Before Jeon Wonwoo had met Kim Mingyu, he felt like there was nothing holding him down to earth. That if one day when the wind picked up too much, he’d just float away. Now Wonwoo had something weighing him down. There was a tether making sure he wasn’t gone with the wind. It made Wonwoo sick. “Oh, hello.” The man said after a few moments of silence. “This is Jeon Wonwoo.”

“Wonwoo! I was really hoping you’d call. Your modeling is fantastic. Did you want to set something else up?” It was like Mingyu read Wonwoo’s mind.

“Um, yes. But whatever time is good for you. Maybe tonight at the beach, or tomorrow in the poppy field or never at all if you’re too busy.” Just looked at him! Since when was he this huge stuttering mess! Wonwoo was usually a cool collected guy but now he was acting like a child.

Muffled soft laughter was heard on the other line. Wonwoo knew he was embarrassing himself but his word just forcefully came out. “Wonwoo, I’ll you tonight on the pier. How does seven sound?” Kim Mingyu was so calm about everything. It impressed Wonwoo.

“That sounds great. Is there a certain color you’d prefer me to wear?”

“Grey. I bet you look amazing in grey. I’ll see you at seven.” Wonwoo hung up the phone. Would this have been considered a date? An indirect date maybe? Even if it wasn’t, the whole of idea of it all made Wonwoo ecstatic. How come he never felt this way when he when out with his girlfriend? Yejin loved to plan little dates and activities for the couple but none of their outings ever made him feel this way. It was a bit funny. As soon as Mingyu said that they could meet up, Wonwoo smiled widely. He smiled brighter than he had ever smiled in his entire life.

Wonwoo flopped down on his bed while looking out the window. A few cotton candy textured clouds floated in the sky. Their pure color contrasted the deep pastel blue of the sky. Everything just seemed livelier now.

“What makes you so happy?” Yejin opened the door then plopped down adjacent to Wonwoo. Could he possibly tell her the truth? The truth that he was happier meeting a man than he had ever been with her.

“Oh nothing. I’m just excited for our anniversary this week. I’m actually going out tonight to find you something special.” That was the first lie he had ever told her. “Although there is no gift perfect enough to give you for you are the definition of the word.”

It was weird. Wonwoo felt no guilt about lying. No guilt that he loved someone else. He felt nothing but a need for Kim Mingyu.

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Kim_HyeRin #1
Chapter 3: I like it ! ^-^ Keep updating & fighting ! :D
asianmomo #2
Chapter 2: keep update!! ∩__∩
Chapter 2: Please continue this one, it is good. :)