Living on Campus

The Unseen Love

"Oh and I forgot to mention, you people all have the choice to live on or off campus. That means you can choose to stay here and have dorms. I hope you all know that already," said Mr. Kwang. 
You and Yoona knew about this before and had already made the decision to live on campus. Apink had also chose to live on campus.

It was time for your first lecture on Economics. The teacher wasn't there yet. His name was Mr. Gyeong, according to your timetable. You scanned the room to look for someone to sit next to. It was Chorong and Namjoo sitting together. The rest of Apink weren't there because they were in different lecture halls. You took a seat next to Chorong, who was nearest to you.

"This hall is pretty big," you commented.
"Of course it has to be big, since it's supposed to hold like a thousand people." said Namjoo.
"Woah hold on there, I don't think there's going to be a thousand people in one place," said Chorong.
"Well ok how about 200?"
"Mmm that sounds about right."

Everyone hushed immediately hushed as Mr. Gyeong entered the hall. He looked like he was in his 50s and his hair was thinning quite a bit.
"Ok, everybody get out your books. Economics is the social science that studies the production, distribution and consumption of goods. It teaches up about the relationship between demands supplies. I hope you people know that. I'll be teaching about why inflation is an economic problem. Remember to write down notes, and no slacking off," he said.

Suddenly someone burst in the doors, gasping for air. It was Sunggyu. 
"I'm really sorry about being late, I got lost," he panted to Mr. Gyeong while bowing deeply.

Mr. Gyeong sighed and said, "That's understandable. Uni is a big place." He looked around for a spot to put Sunggyu in.
"Take a seat next to that girl over there," he directed at Sunggyu.
This was of no interest to you. You looked away boredly and started day dreaming about what you were going to have for lunch. 

Sunggyu took a seat next to you, to your surprise.
What the fudge is he doing here?
You realised My. Gyeong was talking about you, when he told Sunggyu to sit next to someone.

"Why can't you sit somewhere else?" You hissed, keeping your eyes to the front.
"The teacher said to sit here." He shrugged casually, as if he was trying to tease you.
You glanced around and saw many seats. Mr. Gyeong was now officially your most hated teacher of all time.
You wanted to bang your head on the table, but the embarrassing attention wasn't worth it.
"Hyesu what's wrong, you look like you could kill someone," Chorong whispered, taking down the notes that was on the interactive screen.
"Nothing." You mumbled bitterly, taking your attention away from Sunggyu and now to the interactive screen in front of you.
Although you were staring at the screen, you never really payed attention to the lecture, daydreaming was more of your style.
Now Sunggyu's arrival had made you much more bitter, you really wanted lunch to come.
"Hyesu, lecture's over." Namjoo nudged you, breaking you from your daydream.
You nodded and stood up, "Hey, is he coming with us?" Chorong pointed to Sunggyu who was standing next to you the whole time.
You jumped in surprise, away from him that is and shook your head, "He's not coming with us." You hastily pushed Chorong and Namjoo in front of you, who looked at each other with mischevious glances.
"Okay, we'll go first." Chorong waved casually, bringing Namjoo with her. This left a perfect chance for Sunggyu to talk to you privately. 
Just great.
 He grabbed your wrist and turned you around, his grip was too strong for you to shake off, "What is it?" 
"Do you want to---"
"HEY SUNGGYU HYUNG!" Infinite entered the lecture hall with much enthusiasm, making him let go.
"Cya." You waved coolly and went off, leaving a dumbfounded Sunggyu.
"Hyung, did we do anything wrong?" Woohyun asked, confused at what just happened.
"No, now let's go eat lunch." He replied a bit hurriedly, pushing the Infinite members out with him.
"Yo what up Hyesu," greeted Hayoung when she saw you coming.
"Nothing much."
Namjoo and Chorong snickered to each other.
"Huh? What's so funny?" Yookyung asked. You shot Namjoo and Chorong a warning glance.
"Er..nothing," said Namjoo.
" seem very suspicious."
"Come on what happened? Did someone fart during the lecture?" Eunji asked, suddenly taking an interest.
"Ew no," laughed Chorong.
"Then what?"
"Sheesh, it was nothing. Some random guy went up to ask me something. That's all." You were pretending that you didn't know who Sunggyu was.
"What did he ask you?" badgered Yookyung.
"I don't know, he got interrupted by some people and then I just left him." Truthfully, you felt a bit bad about doing that to Sunggyu. But somehow, you always found yourself being either rude or cold to him.
"Hyesu! Why'd you do that?!"  said Bomi.
 "Argh who knows, can we just drop the subject? Please?"
But nobody was listening to your pleas to end this conversation.
Your facial expression was like this:
How did she know it was Sunggyu? She didn't even see the scene between you and him.
Always jumping to conclusions Eunji.
"Hey is he your boyfriend?" asked Na Eun.
"Urgh...Na Eun, I wonder what possesed you to ask such a thing..."
The questions were fired at you one after the other for the rest of lunch. You were certain that you were going to go crazy soon.
Later, when you met up with Yoona to regain some sanity, she said, "Hey Hye, how's the first day of Uni going?"
You replied with a tortured look on your face, "It's...colourful."
"Lololol I guess it's a bit different compared to highschool. Don't worry you'll get used to it,"
"I guess."
In hushed tones she whispered, "How's things with Sunggyu going?"
Inwardly, you groaned. Why did he have to annoy you even when he wasn't there?
"Hey stop acting as if we're romatically involved with each other or something."
Yoona stuck her tongue out at you, "Merong!"
"Well anyway, I've gotta go. Hwaiting!" she fist pumped the air and went off.

YES IT'S FINALLY DONE. Sorry I think it's been more than a week since I've last updated. :D sorry for the delay
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pupils #1
Chapter 12: UPDATE SOON!!!!!!
it's been a while..
Lol, update and apologize. The chain of our bubbly XD
Oh Sunggyu, so smooth *claps*
@Beautifulove, oh okay then~
I love this fanfic~!!
I sound like a jealous person a lot but i'm not really that extremely jealous ok Cookie?
And to new readers Hi, i'm the co-author but i'm just helping a bit! If you don't know I have 12 stories but I try my best to help bubbly here~! ^^
New reader~ woot you updated :D please update soon~^^
*Squeals* YOU UPDATED <3<br />
Haha, Hyesu's I am not amused face and APINK's curiosity XD<br />
Lol, regain some sanity by talking to Yoona XD<br />
Woot Woot, good luck~
Lol, have fun at camp, maknae XD (With lehh eldest unniehh XD)<br />
It feels like Eunji is closest with Hyesu ^^<br />
Now whenever I see the poster it feels so plain ;_; *stabs myself*<br />
Also, @beautifulove, as bubbly mentioned you have like 50 subbies, no need for jealousy XD