Hyesu's Torture Part. 1

The Unseen Love

(Narrator's P.O.V)

Sunggyu watched the bottle anxiously, wondering who it would point to. He breathed a sigh of relief when it stopped at Myungsoo. Myungsoo hardly reacted and simply said, 'Dare.'

"Oh I have a good dare," Dongwoo snickered. "Do a break up scene with one of us."

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" This didn't sound too good...

"Like pretend someone's breaking up with you, and you're the guy."

"Uh ok then..."

"I volunteer to be the girl who's breaking up with you," Dongwoo smirked. "Hehe, this is gonna be fun..."

Myungsoo just derp faced and hoped this wasn't going to ruin his reputation.



(Hyesu's P.O.V)

"Curse the day dinner parties were invented," you thought sourly.  Social gatherings were boring to go to, as you weren't a particularly sociable person. You wondered why Yoona loved attending these outings so much. Your parents seemed much less cranky than usual, much to your surprise. They never really gave you any affection or anything like that. When you were younger, they gave you and Yoona lots of affection and hugs, but as you and Yoona grew older they ceased to love you. Maybe it was because they were having trouble financially, and the stress made them turn cold. Or maybe it was their marriage with each other that was deteriorating. Who knew.                 

Your parents, Yoona and you got in the car and your dad started driving. 

"Hey Yoona, do you think that I'm going to meet anyone that's going to go to SNU?" (Seoul National University)

"Um sure sis," Yoona said uncertainly.

"I don't want to be a complete loner when Uni starts."

"Of course you won't be, you're a nice, friendly person." Now that, was something you had to roll your eyes at.

"...Sometimes," Yoona added as an afterthought. "I'm sure you'll make some friends at Uni. It's always on the first where you think you're going to be friendless, you find that you're wrong. Like when I first went to highschool, I knew no one. Sure enough I made lots of friends. Don't get depressed over nothing Hyesu."

Yoona's attempt to make you feel better was enough to make you smile, even though it didn't work. At times like this, you were thankful she was your sister. Oh well, at least she tried. In an uncharacteristic act of skinship, you half-hugged Yoona. It was kind of hard to hug her while you had your seatbelt on. Yoona eye smiled at you and hugged you back. 

Your family and you went to the building that was rented especially for the occasion. Everything looked way more grand and expensive than you thought it would have been. Initially you assumed it would be just a casual social outing. How wrong you were.

"The person who's the host must be very rich," you thought. Your parents were going around greeting the people they knew. You had never seen them this cheerful before, it was like they were completely different people. Soon, everyone had finished taking their seats and getting organized. A middle aged lady who looked very respectable - like everyone else - went up the the microphone at the end of the hall and started to say a speech.

"Welcome ladies and gents, thankyou for coming. Today we're holding our annual Christmas celebration. There will be lots of musical presentations and the like. As you can see we have food prepared already on your plates, but if you're still hungry there will be more food after the performances. So sit back and enjoy our first performance: Apink!"

You looked at the food on your plate. There was fried squid and chicken. Fried squid had always looked so scary to you, so you had never tried it.
"Oh, so it was a Christmas party, I should've known." Yoona checked the list of performers. "Hey who's Apink?"
"I don't know, don't ask me," you said irritably.
"Sheesh calm down Charlie Brown." 

"I. Must. Not. Snap," you muttered to yourself. Yoona heard you and snickered. "So childish..." you thought.
The group called 'Apink' went up to the stage and took their positions. They were an impossibly beautiful group of 7 girls dressed in outfits resembling school girl uniforms.

(A/N: I've made them all them same age as you. It's easier that way :P)
As they started to sing your jaw almost dropped open at how good they were.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWaT201-M3U <<------ Apink's performance)

Everything was perfect from their vocals to their looks to their dancing. Their beauty was doll-like, yet you were sure their faces were 100% natural.
After their perfomance had ended you said in disbelief, "Oh my gosh Yoona how are they so good?"

"This is the power of asians!" 

"Lol Yoona..."

After all the performances had finished, everyone was free to go around socialising. You sighed, this was the part of dinner parties that you hated.

"Sorry I need to go to the toilet right now, wait for me." 
You looked up and saw Yoona heading over to the toilet. 
It got really boring for you to just sit there and wait, so you started reminiscing about Apink's performance.

"I wonder how they're so perfect," you mumbled quietly.

You heard an amused chuckle. Holy crap!! You felt like your heart was going to escape out of your mouth any second. It was was one of the Apink members. She was the one that had the blunt cut bangs.
"Oh fudge oh fudge," you thought to yourself while panicking.

"Nah not really. We're not perfect at all," 

You started stuttering and blushing in embarrassment.


(Eunji's P.O.V)

She seemed like a nice person to talk to, so I attempted to continue our awkward conversation.
"We're just a bunch a bunch of teenage girls who decided to make a girl group together."

To my relief, the girl seemed much less flustered.

"Really?! I thought you guys were pros."

'Lol no not at all, we're still in University."

"Which Uni do you guys go to?"

"Seoul National University."

Suddenly, as I said that,  she started freaking out on me.

"Oh my freaking gosh...that's where I'm going!!!"

Woah, to think that I would meet someone here who would be going to the same Uni...it must be fate! As corny as that sounds...

"Eh, really?!"

She nodded. I guess it was time to properly introduce myself. After all, I would be seeing her a lot more now.

"I'm Eunji, glad to be your aquaintance." I flashed a grin at her and she grinned back.

"My name's Hyesu. Im Hyesu."

"I'll introduce you to the rest of Apink since we're all gonna go to the same Uni."

"Oh ok..." Somehow, as Hyesu spoke she seemed much less confident.


(Hyesu's P.O.V)

You started freaking out at the thought of meeting the rest of Apink. It was sort of like meeting a celebrity to you, even though they were just a rookie girl group currently who did performances mostly for fun.

"Haha Hyesu what are you scared of?"

"Uh, nothing," you said unconvincingly.

Eunji lead you backstage to see the rest of Apink.


You were so nervous, that you forgot all about where Yoona was...

What up bros :D i hope you all had a good christmas. I hope you enjoyed reading the 6th chapter of my story. Thanks for reading :D

I forgot to mention..something terrible happened O_O my brother happened to come across my story. D': The shame, the shame... wah I wonder if I'll ever get over this. XD

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pupils #1
Chapter 12: UPDATE SOON!!!!!!
it's been a while..
Lol, update and apologize. The chain of our bubbly XD
Oh Sunggyu, so smooth *claps*
@Beautifulove, oh okay then~
I love this fanfic~!!
I sound like a jealous person a lot but i'm not really that extremely jealous ok Cookie?
And to new readers Hi, i'm the co-author but i'm just helping a bit! If you don't know I have 12 stories but I try my best to help bubbly here~! ^^
New reader~ woot you updated :D please update soon~^^
*Squeals* YOU UPDATED <3<br />
Haha, Hyesu's I am not amused face and APINK's curiosity XD<br />
Lol, regain some sanity by talking to Yoona XD<br />
Woot Woot, good luck~
Lol, have fun at camp, maknae XD (With lehh eldest unniehh XD)<br />
It feels like Eunji is closest with Hyesu ^^<br />
Now whenever I see the poster it feels so plain ;_; *stabs myself*<br />
Also, @beautifulove, as bubbly mentioned you have like 50 subbies, no need for jealousy XD