Sunggyu's Detour Part. 2

The Unseen Love

(Narrator's P.O.V)

"L...I've decided, you're just not good enough for me!" Dongwoo said sadly.

"HUH?! WHY?!" Myungsoo asked.


"But...Dongwoo..I loved you!"

"There goes my dignity..." thought Myungsoo.

"Sorry, but, goodbye."


By now everyone was doubling over laughing.

"Ok let's stop there. I want to keep my manliness intact." said Myungsoo.

"That was great acting. It's amazing how you two can just throw away your dignity like that so easily," commented Sunggyu.

"It's not like I wanted to do this," said Myungsoo.

"Anyway, let's spin the bottle," said Sungyeol and spun the bottle.

"Congratulations Sungjong," said Hoya.

"Curse you bottle," Sungjong sighed. "Gimme a truth."

"Ok then," Sungyeol grinned evilly. "If you had to kiss one of us here, who would you choose?"

"That's such an awkward question to ask a male," laughed Woohyun.

"Bah who cares, this is Truth or Dare."

"Uh now that I think about it, it's getting pretty late. So seeya hyungs!" Sungjong waved goodbye and cheerily headed home.

"Damn that Sungjong, he just wanted to avoid the question," said Dongwoo.

"Well, that was a pretty awkward question he got asked. If I were him I would do the same," Hoya protested.

"I think I'll be going home now," Sunggyu said. Everyone turned to stare at him.

"Not you too Hyung!"

"Sorry I have to get home before my parents start getting suspicious. Bye! I'll see you guys at Uni." 

"BYE SUNGGYU!" yelled Woohyun as Sunggyu was only just out of sight.

"I guess this neighbourhood isn't too bad huh," thought Sunggyu to himself.


(Hyesu's P.O.V)

You learned that there was Hayoung, the maknae, Namjoo, the lead vocalist and lead rapper, Yookyung was main rapper, and Na Eun, who was the visual, rapper and lead dancer. Then there was Bomi, the lead vocalist/main dance and Chorong the leader. You already knew Eunji, so there was no need for another introduction. (A/N: I'm not sure if this is 100% correct. Please correct if I'm wrong)

"What are the odds that we would meet someone who's going to S.N.U," Na Eun chuckled.

"Do you guys have special vocal training or something?" you asked.

"No we're just talented," grinned Eunji. Hayoung playfully swatted Eunji on the head.

"Like once a week we go to vocal training, but it's in a group," said Hayoung. No wonder they're so good, you thought. You suddenly remembered Yoona. A feeling of panic came over you.

"Um sorry I'll be right back, I forgot about someone I had to meet."

Apink looked at each other in confusion, but didn't say anything and just nodded.

"Do you think she's meeting a guy?" said Namjoo.

"Brohohoho no," Chorong said sarcastically. Namjoo smirked in reply.

(Yoona's P.O.V)

"Hyesu Hyesu ARGH!! You ditcher! Did you meet some cute guy and ditch me?! Where is she?" I thought, panicking. I wondered if someone had kidnapped my sister. I guessed I was probably overreacting, and tried to calm down. Breath, I told myself in an attempt to regain composure of myself. 
It didn't work. Plan B: just speed walk around desperately looking around.
Actually, it would be better to ask my parents.
I scanned the area and eventually found my parents, who had just finished talking to a few people.

"Um, Appa, where is Hyesu?" I asked tentatively.

I got given a rather cold look from my dad. "Shouldn't you know?"

I thought about explaining the idea to him, but I had another idea.

"Oh sorry...I'll go find her now."

I rushed out to the place where I last saw Hyesu, and found her desperately looking for someone.

"Hyesu! There you are. Why'd you leave me?!"

She gave me an apologetic look and said all in one breath, "As I was waiting for you, somehow I had a conversation with one of the Apink members, and I discovered that they were going to S.N.U too, and then she introduced me to the rest of Apink, but then I remembered you and came back here."

I took a few seconds to process what was going on.
"What?!" I shrieked. "You met Apink!?"

Hyesu shrugged. "It's not like they're famous or anything yet. Do you want to meet them?"

"HELL YEAH!" Secretly I wondered if she was playing a prank on me.

Hyesu led me backstage to a plain room. There I saw 7 girls looking at me questioningly. 
HOLY FUDGE it actually is Apink, I thought. So Hyesu wasn't lying...
I bowed to them at a 90 degree angle.

"This is Yoona, my older sister. Sorry about just randomly bringing her in here."

"It's ok Hyesu. Shall we introduce ourselves?" suggested Chorong to the other Apink members. 

When they had finished introducing themselves, I said, "Please take care of Hyesu," and bowed. I threw a coy smile at Hyesu. They all smiled and nodded graciously. I threw a overly pleasant smile at Hyesu and she glared at me. 
We had to leave at 9 o'clock. I checked my watch. It read, 9:00. Time to go.
Everyone said their farewells and went home.

On the way back, Hyesu complained, "There wasn't much food..."

"Just deal with it Hyesu," snapped Umma. Hyesu shrank back into her seat and said quietly, "Sorry."
She looked quite hurt, so I tried to cheer her up a little.

I nudged her, "At least now you won't be a complete loner at Uni."

"Yeah that's true." Hyesu muttered.

And hopefully you'll find love too... 

Yay it's finally finished. I was feeling kinda guilty about not updating in a long time. Thanks for reading.

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pupils #1
Chapter 12: UPDATE SOON!!!!!!
it's been a while..
Lol, update and apologize. The chain of our bubbly XD
Oh Sunggyu, so smooth *claps*
@Beautifulove, oh okay then~
I love this fanfic~!!
I sound like a jealous person a lot but i'm not really that extremely jealous ok Cookie?
And to new readers Hi, i'm the co-author but i'm just helping a bit! If you don't know I have 12 stories but I try my best to help bubbly here~! ^^
New reader~ woot you updated :D please update soon~^^
*Squeals* YOU UPDATED <3<br />
Haha, Hyesu's I am not amused face and APINK's curiosity XD<br />
Lol, regain some sanity by talking to Yoona XD<br />
Woot Woot, good luck~
Lol, have fun at camp, maknae XD (With lehh eldest unniehh XD)<br />
It feels like Eunji is closest with Hyesu ^^<br />
Now whenever I see the poster it feels so plain ;_; *stabs myself*<br />
Also, @beautifulove, as bubbly mentioned you have like 50 subbies, no need for jealousy XD