Sunggyu's Detour Part. 1

The Unseen Love

(Sunggyu's P.O.V)

I laid awake in my bed not doing anything. I didn't really feel like doing anything anyway. Hmm what time was it? I'm pretty sure it's been at least one hour that I've spent just lying here. I checked the alarm clock next to me. Holy crap! It's 9 o' clock already?! I rushed out of the room to greet my parents.

"Annyeong!" I said to nobody in particular.

"Gyu you've slept in so much," said my mum. I cringed. My mum needed to stop calling me that. 

"Argh mum..."

"Good morning Gyu," mocked my dad playfully, emphazing the 'Gyu' just to annoy me.

"Grr. I'm going to go out now, seeya!" I said quickly and headed for the door.

"Gyu wait!" Damn there my mum goes again with the 'Gyu'.

"Yeah what is it?"

"Where are you going?" My dad suddeny interjected for mum.

"I'm just walking around cause I'm really bored."

"Ok then son, bye!"

"Bye," I waved back at my parents. As I was leaving I heard a "Don't get kidnapped!". I chuckled to myself as I heard it.

I scanned the street hopefully. I'd hoped to see Hyesu here, but it didn't matter if I couldn't talk to her. She wasn't the main reason that I came out here anyway. The last time I saw her, it seemed like she was avoiding me. Is that what they call, 'hate at first sight'? It wasn't me that hated her, it was her that hated me. Did she? Yeah she probably did. But why, I didn't do anything to her. D:

I sighed wearily. Seeing that Hyesu wasn't here, I walked out to the park. The park was pretty boring, to be honest. If you were a loner like I was, that is. 

Everywhere I looked, there were kids running around laughing and people sitting down having picnics. I was thinking about heading back home, when an unidentified flying object came rocketing at my face.


My face endured a full on collision with a soccer ball. Ow ow my poor face D:

I was pretty sure that my face had a red mark on it.

"You ok hyung?" said a voice. Who was that? And why was he calling me hyung?! I didn't even know him!!

"Yeah I'm ok, thanks," I said and handed this mysterious person the ball in an attempt to be polite, despite me being very irritated. "You sure are good at kicking balls..."

"Hey sorry about that."

"Nah it's fine don't worry about it." I stopped feeling pity for myself and decided to man up. (A/N: Aussie slangs FTW!)

My name's Woohyun." He said while holding out a hand for me to shake. 

"Hi! My name's Sunggyu," I smiled and shook his hand.

"Aren't you part of the family that just moved in this area?"

"Yeah I am."

"That means you're going to Seoul National University right?"

"Yep!!" Nice, this guy was going to the same Uni as me. Woohyun grinned at me and gestured at something behind me.

A group of guys around their late teens approached us. The most feminine looking one spoke up, "What is it hyung?" (A/N: It's Sungjong if you haven't guessed)

"I've found someone who's going to the same Uni as us!" Woohyun said. Uh, I think he meant me. Time to introduce myself :D

"Hi, I'm Sunggyu, nice to meet you."

They introduced themselves as Dongwoo, Hoya, Sungyeol, Myungsoo/L and Sungjong. That was good, at least I'd know some people when I went to university. 

"Do you want to join us in our game of soccer Sunggyu?" asked Hoya. My face was still sore and I wasn't keen to get hit in the face again.

I was about to decline the offer when Sungyeol interrupted, "No, I have a better idea! Let's play truth or dare!" He snickered and let out an evil laugh. 

Oh hey I love that game. Hehe, you can learn virtually everyone's secrets just by playing that game once.

We all got into a circle and asked if anyone had a bottle. Sungyeol immediately volunteered to lend his bottle of coke.

It felt kind of childish doing this, though it didn't hurt to do truth or dare once in a while ;D


Let the games begin...

And there is the 4th chapter. :D

I apologize for Hyesu not really having much of an appearance in this chapter. The next few chapters are meant to develop the main characters' personalities. They're gonna have some time separated from each other so that I can build up their character. If you have any suggestions on how I can improve, feel free to give me your advice.

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pupils #1
Chapter 12: UPDATE SOON!!!!!!
it's been a while..
Lol, update and apologize. The chain of our bubbly XD
Oh Sunggyu, so smooth *claps*
@Beautifulove, oh okay then~
I love this fanfic~!!
I sound like a jealous person a lot but i'm not really that extremely jealous ok Cookie?
And to new readers Hi, i'm the co-author but i'm just helping a bit! If you don't know I have 12 stories but I try my best to help bubbly here~! ^^
New reader~ woot you updated :D please update soon~^^
*Squeals* YOU UPDATED <3<br />
Haha, Hyesu's I am not amused face and APINK's curiosity XD<br />
Lol, regain some sanity by talking to Yoona XD<br />
Woot Woot, good luck~
Lol, have fun at camp, maknae XD (With lehh eldest unniehh XD)<br />
It feels like Eunji is closest with Hyesu ^^<br />
Now whenever I see the poster it feels so plain ;_; *stabs myself*<br />
Also, @beautifulove, as bubbly mentioned you have like 50 subbies, no need for jealousy XD