BONUS CHAPTER : 3/4 (Part 2)

"Kookie ~ I'm Pregnant"

Hey guys, so this is Part 2 for chapter 3 ^^ I hope it's good enough .. Happy reading lovelies =) *half-edited(28/1/17)*


“Faster daddy! Faster!” Hyuk Joon said excitedly from back.

“Mommy! Mommy! We’re going to meet mommy. Faster, daddy!” Hyuk Jae said happily and clapped his hands.

“Alright! Alright! Daddy knows that you guys are excited to meet your mommy but driving too fast is very dangerous. We could get into accident,” Jungkook replied.

“Sorry, daddy. We are just excited to meet mommy”.

“We’re sorry daddy!”

“No need to be sorry sweethearts. Daddy just want you guys to know that it’s dangerous to drive too fast and don’t worry we’ll meet mommy soon,” Jungkook said and smiled.

“Okay daddy! Daddy, please drive safely,”Hyuk Joon said cutely.

“Drive safely daddy~”

“Okay! Okay!” Jungkook chuckled.

After about 35 minutes, they arrived at the airport. Jungkook guides his sons to the arriving hall. The twins were already excited and started to run around.

“ahh...not again!”

“Yahh! Stop running!” Jungkook chased after his sons. Luckily, they weren’t many people so it’s not that hard to chase after them. He finally caught his sons that are giggling and carries them to the seats nearby.

“Aigoo~ don’t run sweethearts, it’s dangerous. You guys might bump with others. Now, sit here quietly. You guys are good boys right?”

“Yeah! We are good boys,” Hyuk Joon and Hyuk Jae said happily and giggled, funny to see their daddy’s expressions.

“What’s so funny huh? You brats!” Jungkook ruffles their hairs and began to giggle too.

“Alright. So, your mommy should be here in 15 minutes,” Jungkook said while looking at the monitor.

“Yeay!Mommy!Mommy!” Both of the twins clapped their hands happily.

“Joon hyung~ Jae hyung ~ Uncle Jungkook ~” The three of them immediately turn to look at the owner of the voice.

“Seung Hwannie!” The twins exclaimed. Seung Hwan waved his tiny hands. Areum also waved her hands at the twins.

“Hyungs!” Seung Hwan said excitedly towards the twins after his dad put him down. The three of them hugged each other. Areum also joined them.

“Hey Jungkook. How long have you been here?”Yoongi asked Jungkook.

“nahh~ We just arrived here. 10 minutes? Yeah~ something like that,”J ungkook replied. Yoongi just nod and took a seat beside him. The kids also took their seats and began to chat happily.

“They should be here by now,” Yoongi said while looking at the entrance. Then, he saw Taehyung and Jimin walking side by side while waving their hands towards them.

“They’re here!” Yoongi said happily causing all the kids to run towards their mommy.

“Careful~” Jungkook said, also making his way towards Taehyung and Jimin.

“Mommy! Mommy!”

“Mom!” The kids jumped into their mommy’s embrace excitedly.

“Mommy! We miss you!” the twins said together and kissed Taehyung’s cheeks.

“Yeahh! Mommy miss you guys too”. Taehyung chuckled and kissed them back.

“Welcome back, baby. I miss you” Jungkook kissed Taehyung’s lips. Taehyung blushed and kissed him back.

“Gosh! Yes Kookie honey, I miss you too”. The twins giggled and closed their eyes with their hands.

“Mommy and daddy are kissing..hehe~”. Jungkook and Taehyung laughed.

“Let’s continue this later. In our bedroom ~,”Jungkook whispered ily in Taehyung’s ears causing Taehyung to blush more. He hits Jungkook chest.

“Mom! Hwannie miss you,” Hwannie said cutely and cling onto Jimin’s neck.

“Areum miss mom too!” Areum said and hugs Jimin tightly. Jimin chuckled.

“Yeah! I miss you guys too,” Jimin replied and kissed their cheeks.

“Hey babe, welcome back,” Yoongi said and pulled Jimin for a hug.

“I’ve been missing you babe,”Yoongi said again and kissed Jimin fully on his lips.

“I know. I’ve been missing you too hyung,”Jimin replied as they broke the kiss. Soon, after they exchange goodbyes and agreed to meet again next week, both families separate to their own way.

During the ride back home

The twins were excitedly telling their mommy about their activities during his absence.

“Mommy! We went to park”.


“Yeah and we raced with daddy, but daddy got hurt”.

“Your daddy got hurt?”

“But my heroes are there to help me, so daddy is fine now”Jungkook suddenly spoke.

Taehyung looked at his husband and Jungkook just gave a i’ll-tell-you-later look to him. Taehyung just nod and continues to listen to his sons.

“You guys helped daddy? sons are so kind and big now”.

“Yeah mommy! We helped daddy and daddy treated us ice creams!”Hyuk Joon said proudly.

“We are daddy’s and mommy’s heroes!” Hyuk Jae said. Jungkook chuckled.

“oh! oh! We also went to the mall”Hyuk Joon said again.

“Yeah! Mall! We bought toys !” Hyuk Jae joins his brother.

“We ate ice creams too!” Hyuk Joon said happily.

“Ice creams? Twice?”

“Daddy bought us Baskin R...”

“Aigoo..our sons are so kind and they behaved well too”. Jungkook said while chuckled nervously as he decided to interfere Hyuk Joon before the boy tells everything.

“Taehyung shouldn’t know about this”

Taehyung eyed his husband suspiciously but decided to brush it off.

“Wahh! Seems like you guys were having so much fun without me”.

“ fun because I let them eat ice cream twice a day and I had to run after them in the store” Jungkook thought.

“It’s fun because daddy was there with us”.

“But, it will be more fun if mommy was there too”. The twins giggled happily.

“Because we love mommy so much! We’re not perfect without mommy”. The twins said together and blow flying kisses towards Taehyung at the front seat.

“Gosh! Where did you guys learn saying those cheesy things? Must be your daddy,” Taehyung said and he pretends to catch the flying kisses. The twins just laughed.

“Well, that’s my boys! I’m proud of guys,” Jungkook said proudly and faked sobs.

“tchh..nothing to be proud of”. Taehyung rolled his eyes and Jungkook chuckled.

“Mommy, we are good boys right?” Hyuk Joon suddenly asked after he stopped laughing.

“Of course,you guys are good boys. Why?” Taehyung replied seemed confused by the sudden question.

“emm..mommy promised that good boys get rewards right?” Hyuk Jae said too.

“Yeah. So?”

“Well, can we get our rewards,”Hyuk Joon said happily.

“Sure, what is it? Tell me,” Taehyung said. Hyuk Joon gave a look to his twin. Both of them nod together seeming to understand each other.

“We are big boys now. So, can we have dongsaengie?” Hyuk Jae said cutely.

“Yeah mommy, daddy, we want dongsaengie. Please! We are good boys,” Hyuk Joon said with puppy eyes. Jungkook laughed and Taehyung froze on the spot.

“That’s my boy! Yeah mommy, we should give them dongsaengie. They’re big boys now. Please mommy,” Jungkook said cutely and laughed.

“yahh..Just focus on your driving”. Taehyung hits Jungkook’s arm causing him to laugh more. Taehyung looked at his sons.


“We promise to be good boys!”

“Well, okay” Taehyung said calmly but inside he felt like running at the field.

“Really? Yeay! Thank you, mommy!” The twins said happily and clapped their hands.

“Yeay for dongsaengie!” Jungkook said excitedly.

“mansae~mansae~mansae~” Jungkook sang in his head.

“Shut up Kookie! Just focus on your driving will you?”Taehyung hits Jungkook’s arm once again.

“Ouch! Okay! Okay! Sorry!”

“So, when can we get our dongsaengie?” Hyuk Jae asked innocently.

“Well first, your mommy need to get pregnant. Then, mommy will give birth to your dongsaengie. Your mommy will be loud at night. So, make sure you guys sleep early ”. Jungkook answered instead of Taehyung. The twins just nod their heads as if they understand about the ‘loud’ part. Blush starts to creep on Taehyung's cheeks.

“ughh..Kookie, stop it already!” Taehyung hits Jungkook’s arm multiple times.

“ouch! ouch! ouch! Okay! I’m sorry ! I’m sorry !” Jungkook said while hissing and Taehyung keeps hitting him.

“Mommy and daddy are cute!” Hyuk Joon said. Both of them giggles watching their mommy and daddy. After about 35 minutes, they finally arrived at their home.

In the night

“Go to sleep sweethearts!”Taehyung said to his twins as he tucked the blanket over them.


“Alright! Alright!” Taehyung kissed his twins on their foreheads.

“Good night! I love you!”

“Good night mommy! We love you too!”

Taehyung switched off the light and made his way to his bedroom. He opened the door slowly and walked into the room. Jungkook is laying on the bed reading a magazine or pretending to read the magazine. As soon as he saw Taehyung, he immediately went to him with a worried face.

“Baby, does your left eye hurt?”Jungkook asked worriedly.

“Why?”Taehyung asked back while touching his left eye.

“it looks fine just now” Taehyung thought.

“Because you’ve been looking right all day,” Jungkook replied ily and peck Taehyung’s lips. Taehyung began to understand and he immediately blushed.

“Gosh honey. Stop it!” Taehyung slaps Jungkook's arm.

“Now, move. I want to use the bathroom,” Taehyung said as he pushed his hubby and walked to the bathroom. Jungkook smirked because he knew that Taehyung is trying to run away from him.

“Wait baby! You forgot something!”


“You forgot me! Bring me together with you!”

Taehyung immediately runs to the bathroom and slammed the door. Jungkook broke into a fit of laughter.

“my baby is so cute. Just you wait baby”

“Gosh! That Jeon Jungkook will never stop teasing me. Ughh.. and why am i still blushing..ughh” Taehyung talked to the mirror and began to do his night routine.



Bang (its the knocking sound not a gun sound)

“Baby! Faster please!” Jungkook said from outside impatiently.

“Wait! Wait! I’m almost done” Taehyung replied.

“it must be urgent. Hehe ~ i’m going to stay longer” Taehyung chuckled.

“Oh my god! Please baby, I can’t hold it anymore”

“Almost! Almost! Can you please wait?” Taehyung laughed a little.

“but, what if he really needs to use this bathroom ?” Taehyung thought again and decided to open the door as he already finished his ‘business’ a while ago.

“I’m done..wha- what?” Taehyung is shocked as he is being hugged tightly by Jungkook.

“Honey, didn’t you just said that you can’t hold it anymore. Why are hugging me? Go use the bathroom,” Taehyung said still in Jungkook’s embrace.

“No baby, it’s just that I can’t hold it anymore because I miss you,”Jungkook said and kissed Taehyung’s forehead. Taehyung just face palmed on the spot.

“ smelled like vanilla”. This time Jungkook kissed his lips and sneaked his hands around Taehyung’s waist. Pressing them closer together.

“hmmphh..K-Kookie..anghh” Taehyung tried to free himself from his husband but Jungkook just tighten his hold and deepen their kiss. Then, Jungkook carried Taehyung and laid him on the bed.

“Baby, I miss you so much!” Jungkook said huskily and began to attack Taehyung’s exposed collarbone.

“I-i miss you too, but wait! S-stop!”Taehyung said with difficulty as Jungkook began to bite his neck that surely will left purple marks tomorrow.

“Why baby?” Jungkook stopped his doings.

“No, it’s just that is it true that you’re hurt? Well, our boys said in the car earlier. You’re hurt? You promised to tell me right?” Taehyung asked as he tried to sit on the bed. Jungkook chuckled.

“Oh that! But, please kiss me first!”Jungkook said cutely.

“haishh..this husband of mine” Taehyung shook his head and placed a quick kiss on Jungkook’s lips.

“Now tell me,” Taehyung said as he bounced on the bed. Jungkook ruffles his hair.

“aishh..he’s like a kid” Jungkook quickly steal a kiss from Taehyung and laughed a little.

“Okay! Okay! Don’t be mad ,baby. You’re just so hard to resist and your clothes seriously doesn't help at all,” Jungkook said ily. Well, it’s true that Taehyung’s clothes doesn’t help at all because he just wore a blue shorts and a loose white shirt that are too revealing.

“aishh...just tell me the story now,” Taehyung whines cutely and laid his head on Jungkook’s broad chest. Jungkook wrapped his arm around Taehyung and kissed his forehead again.

“Okay! So, yesterday we had a race at the park. But, suddenly an idea popped into my mind so I pretended to get hurt.  Actually I just wanted to see their reactions. You know what baby? They are so sweet. Hyuk Joon began to massage my arm while Hyuk Jae kissed my arm. They are just so cute and fluffy. They also told me not to get hurt and that they are our heroes that will protect us forever. I’m so touched and I almost cry”. Jungkook finished talking but Taehyung just remained silent.

“Baby, are you asleep?”Jungkook asked Taehyung.

“No, I’m not. It’s just that I’m feeling proud of them. They are big boys now,” Taehyung replied and snuggles closer to Jungkook.

“I know right!”

“Thank you honey!”

“No baby. It should be me who thanked you. Thank you for coming into my life. Thank you baby for bringing them into this world. I love you Jeon Taehyung. I really love you. Because of you, I laugh a little harder, cry a little less and smile a lot more. It’s because you’re the most special person in my life, baby. I love you. Please say you love me too,” Jungkook said cutely.

Taehyung is so touched with Jungkook.

“I love you too Jeon Jungkook. I love you so much! Gosh! I felt like crying. This is all your fault,”Taehyung replied and buried his blushing again face on Jungkook’s neck inhaling the sweet scent. Jungkook chuckled and ruffles Taehyung’s hair.


“Yeah baby”.

“Lets make another Jeon,” Taehyung said timidly.

“What? Say it again”. Jungkook smirked.

“You heard it. I don’t want to say it again. It’s embarrassing,”T aehyung replied and sit on the bed.

“No! I didn’t hear it. Say it again”. Jungkook also sit on the bed facing his embarrassed wife.


“Baby, slowly”.

“hmmphh.. I said let’s make another Jeon!” Taehyung jumped onto Jungkook’s lap and started to attack his lips.

“Like right now! Let’s make it now, honey~”Taehyung said ily. And that night a new history was created.


Finally, Part 3 is done *claps* ..the next one will be the last one =( But, i'll update it next week because currently i'm busy preparing for my interview. It's this Saturday !! Wish me luck guys =D 

Btw, BTS new MV already out !!! Forever Young ! I love it and i'm fangirling alone right now and it's like 12:52 am 

So, Thank You for reading and subscribing lovelies ^^ Comments are appreciated >< Till we meet again ~ Bye

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kazuikazami #1
Chapter 7: This gives me diabetes but I forgave you cause this is so cute.
And Top Kook for life! XD
Chapter 1: I frickin love this story...the first fanfic I have ever read....always my fav
Chapter 1: This is soo ccuuutteeee >.<
Chapter 1: *gets strucked by fluffines* AWWWWW this is so cute
Taaekook #5
Chapter 8: top jungkook!!
It was so cute!!!! Especially the ending!! I loved it!!!
yep_permata #8
Chapter 8: Yeayy you were coming back!!!
Top kookieeee pleasee