BONUS CHAPTER : 3/4 (Part 1)

"Kookie ~ I'm Pregnant"

Hey, this is Part 3. But i decided to make it into two parts because it's too long to write all of it in a single page ^^

Happy reading lovelies >< *not edited*


Today is the first day where Jungkook is going to take care of his sons alone. Taehyung already left to Jeju island last night. So, Jungkook woke up early this morning to prepare the breakfast.

“ahh~ what should i cook? Fried rice? Pancakes? Toasts?” Jungkook said to himself as he opened the refrigerator. He is a good cook because he learnt from his wife, so he got no problem to cook.

“hmm..i’ll just cook fried rice”. He took out the ingredients from the refrigerator and started to cook. After about 20 minutes , he finally finished cooking.

“It’s already 8:30.. time to wake the twins,” Jungkook said and made his way to the twins’ room.

He knocked the door twice before opening it slowly and he could see that the twins are still sleeping. He walked to their bed and sit on it.

“Hyuk  Joon-ah, Hyuk Jae-ah, wake up sweethearts. It’s morning already. Wake up sweethearts,”Jungkook said as he kissed their cheeks. Both of them stirred a little.

“hmmphh...Wake up guys! Wake up! It’s morning!”Jungkook said again and this time he shook them a little.

“uhh..da-daddy!”Hyuk Joon said as he tried to sit up while rubbing his eyes cutely.

“Finally, good morning Joon-ah!”Jungkook said as he opened his arms. Hyuk Joon immediately smile and jumped into his daddy’s arms.

“Daddy! Daddy! Good morning, daddy!”Hyuk Joon said happily and kissed his daddy’s cheeks. He let out a soft giggle. Jungkook smiled and kissed him back. He glanced over at Hyuk Jae that is still sleeping.

“Hyuk Joon ahh, your brother is still sleeping. Help daddy to wake him up please,”Jungkook said cutely to his son. Being a kind son, Hyuk Joon immediately went to his brother’s side and tried to wake him up.

“Jae-ahh! Wake up! Wake up! It’s morning!”. Hyuk Joon said loudly and jumped a little on the bed causing the sleeping boy to wake up.

“ahhh..Joon hyung! Stop! Let me sleep more,”Hyuk Jae whines  and rubbed his eyes.

“No more sleep sweetheart, let’s take a bath now,”Jungkook said as he kissed Hyuk Jae’s forehead and carry him to the bathroom while Hyuk Joon following from behind.

“Daddy no!” Hyuk Jae whines as Jungkook attacked him with kisses. Hyuk Joon just clapped his hands happily. After finishing the shower, the three of them went to the dining room to have their breakfast.

“Fried rice!”Both of the twins exclaimed, looking excited.

“Yeah! Daddy cooked special fried rice for my special boys,”Jungkook said as he helped the twins to sit on the chair.

“Yeay! Hyuk Jae loves fried rice.”

“Hyuk Joon too!”

“Alright! Alright! Let’s eat,”Jungkook said as he took his sit.

“thank god they didn’t realise that Taehyung is not here” Jungkook thought.

“Daddy where is mommy?”Hyuk Joon suddenly asked causing Jungkook to feel a bit nervous. Last night when Taehyung leaves, the twins were already sleeping, so they didn’t get to exchange goodbyes and Taehyung just kissed his sons not wanting to wake them up.

“Mommy? well.. mommy ..mommy is...”

“maybe i should just tell them the truth” He thought.

“You see, mommy has left to Jeju Island last night,”Jungkook said nervously.

“Mommy? Mommy left us?”Hyuk Joon asked, voice cracked.

“Mommy? Mommy left because mommy don’t love us anymore?”Hyuk Jae said too looking as if he will cry anytime. Jungkook began to panic.

“oh no! Oh no!” He immediately rushed to his sons, rubbing comforting circles on their backs.

“No sweethearts! No! Mommy didn’t left you guys and no, mommy loves you guys very  much. He won’t left you guys,”Jungkook said trying to comfort his sons.

“But..but..why mommy didn’t say goodbye to us?”Hyuk Jae said while sobbing. Hyuk Joon also sobbed silently.

“Sweethearts, don’t cry please. Mommy did said goodbyes to you guys. But, both of you were sleeping by that time. Don’t cry please. Mommy will be back tomorrow,”Jungkook said and he kissed both of his sons.

“Really? Mommy loves us and will come back tomorrow?”Hyuk Joon asked looking sad. It pains Jungkook to see his beloved sons crying. Well, it’s the first time for the twins to be away from their mommy.  So, it is understandable that they cried.

“Yes sweethearts. Mommy really really really loves you guys so much. Don’t worry, mommy will be back tomorrow. Anyway, daddy is here. So, how about we do something fun and go to the park this morning?”Jungkook said trying to catch their attentions by mentioning the park.

“Really? We go to the park?”Hyuk Jae asked excitedly. He already stopped crying.

“Park? We go to the park, daddy?”Hyuk Joon asked too and also stop crying.

“Yes, we’ll go to the park but on one condition”.

“What is it daddy?”Both of the twins said together. Jungkook chuckled and ruffles their hairs.

“Only if you guys finished your breakfast and behave well. Remember what mommy always say, good boys will get rewards. So, can you guys finish your breakfast and be a good boy?” Jungkook asked.

“Yes daddy!”Both of them said together and continue to eat their breakfast.

“Good boys!”

After they finished the breakfast and changed into suitable clothes, they went to park nearby.

At the park

“Careful!”Jungkook said as he helped Hyuk Joon to get out of the bicycle carrier/trailer.(A/N: idk what to call it, it’s like the one that Song Ilkook used in the Return of Superman for his triplets)

”Thank you daddy!”Hyuk Joon said as he get out of the bicycle carrier/trailer safely.

“You’re welcome”. Jungkook ruffles his hair and Hyuk Joon giggled. After that, he helped Hyuk Jae too.

“So, today we are going to run,”Jungkook said to his sons.

“Run? Yeay! Joonie like to run”Hyuk Joon said excitedly.

“ Yeay! Dasi run~run~run~”Hyuk Jae sang playfully. Jungkook laughed.

“You’re so like your mom Jae-ahh,”Jungkook said and ruffles the boy’s hair. Hyuk Jae just giggled.

“hmm..So, how about we have a race? You guys will be in a same team and compete with daddy. Then, the winner gets to eat ice cream,”Jungkook said.

“Race? Ice cream? I’m in dad!”Hyuk Joon said happily.

“How about you Jae-ah?”Jungkook asked Hyuk Jae.

“Me too! Hyung and me are going to win this daddy,”Hyuk Jae said and clapped his hands. Well, both of them are athletic like their parents and competitive too. So, Jungkook thought by doing this both of them could build a great teamwork.

“Alright! That’s the spirit. Come on boys, let’s warm up first so that you won’t hurt yourself later”. Then, the three of them began to warm up.

“Okay. Now, you guys ready?”Jungkook asked looking as excited as his sons.

“Yes daddy!”The twins answered excitedly.

“Okay, so the finishing line is at the cones over there,”Jungkook said while pointing towards the cones.


“Yes daddy!”

“Okay.. Ready! Set! Go!” With that the three of them began to run. The twins are leading while Jungkook is following right behind them.

“they are so cute” Jungkook thought. Suddenly, he got an idea.

“Ah! Ah! Hyuk Joon-ahh, Hyuk Jae-ahh .. help! Help daddy!” Jungkook laid on the ground and clutched onto his right arm. Both twins stopped running and instead they ran towards their daddy.


“Daddy! What’s wrong?”

“ahh! Daddy’s right arm is injured. Ahh! Help me, boys”Jungkook said and groaned. Too immersed in his acting.

“Right arm?”Hyuk Joon  said worriedly.

“Daddy, don’t worry..hyung and me will help you,”Hyuk Jae said too. Hyuk Joon began to massage Jungkook’s arm and Hyuk Jae kissed his arm.

“W-what about t-the race? Y-you guys nearly m-made it to the f-finishing line?”Jungkook asked still acting his best.

“It’s okay, daddy is more important,”Hyuk Joon said and still massaging Jungkook’s arm with his tiny hands.

“Yeah, daddy. You are more important. We just don’t want daddy to get hurt,”Hyuk Jae said and hugged his daddy. Hyuk Joon also hugged his daddy.

“Daddy, don’t get hurt,”Hyuk Joon said. Jungkook is so touched and he almost cry but he didn’t because he’s still in his acting mode.

“my sons are so kind. Taehyung and me raised them well. I’m so proud”

“Daddy, is it still hurt?”Hyuk Jae asked and kissed his daddy’s arm once again.

“No sweethearts. My arm is not hurt anymore. Thanks to you guys,”Jungkook said as he hugged his sons tightly and kissed their foreheads.

“Really? That’s good,”Hyuk Joon said happily.

“Please don’t get hurt again daddy,”Hyuk Jae said too.

“Okay. Daddy promise that daddy won’t get hurt again as long as my heroes are here to protect daddy. Will my heroes protect me?”Jungkook asked.

“Yes daddy. Of course, hyung and me will protect daddy and mommy forever. Right, Joon hyung?”

“Yeah daddy. We will protect daddy and mommy forever”.

“Gosh! I love you guys so much”. Jungkook hugged his sons tightly.

“Now! Let’s go and eat ice cream,”Jungkook said as he got up.

“Ice cream?”Both twins asked.

“Yeah. Ice cream. Let’s eat ice cream”

“Ice cream! Yeah!” the twins jumped happily. Jungkook laughed watching his sons. Soon, after they had their ice cream, the Jeons went back home happily.


“So, what should we do now?” Jungkook asked his sons that were playing with the lego blocks in the living room. They both stopped playing when they heard their daddy’s question.

“Hmm..mall! mall! Let’s go to the mall, daddy”Hyuk Joon said excitedly.

“Toys! Toys! Let’s buy toys at the mall!”Hyuk Jae said too looking as excited as his hyung. Jungkook thought for a while.

“Ok! Let’s go to the mall and buy toys”.

“Yeay! Daddy is the best”Hyuk Joon clapped his hands happily.

“Yeay! Yeay! Yeay!”Hyuk Jae began to jump. Jungkook just shook his head, too used to his sons’ behaviours.

“Alright! Alright! Let’s get changed”

At the mall

“Daddy, can we eat first? Jaejae is hungry,”Hyuk Jae said cutely when they arrived at the mall.

“Sure, let’s eat first. What do you want to eat?”Jungkook asked Hyuk Jae and ruffles his hair.

“emm...McDonalds! I want to eat McDonalds”.

“How about you Joonie?”

“Same daddy, same”.

“your mommy will be mad at me if he knows that you guys ate fast foods. Ughh..just today ..just today..i’m sure he’ll understand” Jungkook thought.

Well it’s true that Taehyung does not encourage their sons to eat fast food because according to him, the foods are not that healthy for the kids. He’s a caring mother especially when it’s about food. Healthy foods are always the first priority. Yeah right, who’s not caring of their kids?

“Okay! Let’s eat McDonalds. Now, hold daddy’s hands”.

“it’s okay right? It’s once in a while” Jungkook thought again. Then the three of them made their ways to the fast food restaurant. Jungkook ordered Happy Meals for his sons and Big Mac for himself. The three of them enjoyed their lunch happily.


“Now, let’s go to Toys’R’us shall we?” Jungkook asked his sons.

“Yeah, let’s go daddy”Hyuk Joon said and hold his daddy’s hand.

“Go! Go! Go!”Hyuk Jae said happily and hold his daddy’s hand too.

“Okay! Let’s go!”

At Toys’R’us

As they entered the store, the twins began to run happily. Well, the store is so big and it’s like a toys heaven for the kids. So, the kids can’t control their excitement after seeing so many toys in the store.

“it’s going to be a long day” He sighed and chased after his sons.

“Daddy, let’s buy this,”Hyuk Joon said excitedly as he showed the Iron Man figurine to this daddy.

“Daddy, let’s buy this,”Hyuk Joon said excitedly too as he showed the Captain America figurine to his daddy.

“Okay! Okay! Pick whatever you want,”Jungkook said and ruffles both of his sons’s hair.

“Really?”Hyuk Joon asked.

“Yes, pick whatever you guys want,”Jungkook said and smiled to his sons.

“How about that nemo? It reminds me of Uncle Chimin. Can we buy it for him?”Hyuk Jae asked cutely as he points towards the stuffed ‘Nemo’ on the shelves. Jungkook laughed upon hearing his son.

“Sure, let’s buy for Uncle Chimin. He will surely like it,”Jungkook answered still laughing.

“Mommy! Let’s buy something for mommy too,”Hyuk Joon suddenly said.

“Yeah! Mommy! Mommy! Jaejae wants to buy something for mommy too,”Hyuk Jae said too.

“Just mommy? How about daddy?”Jungkook asked and made a sad face.

“emm..Just mommy, daddy no need,”Hyuk Joon said playfully and began to run while laughing. Hyuk Jae also laughed and began to run after his hyung.

“Yah you brats! I’m the one who’s going to pay for the toys. Aishh.. Don’t run! You’ll fall. Aigoo~ ”

After about 45 minutes, the finally finished shopping for the toys. Jungkook end up buying two Iron Man figurines for Hyuk Joon and himself, a Captain America figurine for Hyuk Jae, a set of Hot Wheels for both of the twins, a lion 

plushie  for his wife, a stuffed Nemo for Jimin, a bear plushie for Yoongi because the twins said the bear is so similar to their swag uncle and a set of Lego for the Mins siblings.

“Okay! Done with the toys. Now, let’s go back to our home,”Jungkook said to his sons.

“Daddy, can we eat Baskin Robbins?”Hyuk Joon asked his daddy with puppy eyes.

“Yeah! Ice cream! Baskin Robbins!”

“Please!” Both of them made a cute face with puppy eyes.

“But, you guys already had ice cream at the park remember? Your mommy will be mad if he knows that both of you had ice cream twice today,”Jungkook said trying to win over his sons.

“But daddy. Please, just this time”.

“Yeah daddy! Please, pretty please”. Both of them stared at Jungkook with puppy eyes.

“here they go again. Those puppy eyes.. Aishh.. i can’t win over them”

“Alright. Just, don’t tell your mommy,”Jungkook said.

“Okay daddy”.

“Don’t worry daddy”.

“Fine. Let’s go”.

After they had their ice creams, the three of them head back to home.

In the night

The Jeons are watching ‘Hotel Transylvannia 2’ in the living room. The twins really like this movie. The three of them were watching the movie silently until Jungkook’s phone ring.


“Boys, its mommy!”Jungkook said excitedly.

“Mommy! Mommy!” Both of them said excitedly and sit on Jungkook’s lap. Jungkook received the call and put it on loud speaker mode.

“Sweethearts! It’s mommy here”Taehyung said.

“Mommy! Mommy! We miss you!”Hyuk Joon said excitedly.

“Mommy we miss you very much!”Hyuk Jae said too.

“Mommy missed you guys too!”Taehyung replied.

“hmmphh..How about daddy? Daddy missed mommy too!”Jungkook said sadly. The twins laughed.

“Well, mommy missed daddy too!”Taehyung replied and chuckled.

“How are you guys? Did you guys behave well?”Taehyung said again.

“We are fine mommy. We behaved well.  Joonie and Jaejae are good boys”Hyuk Joon replied cutely causing Jungkook to ruffles his hair.

“Really? It’s good then. Mommy will gives rewards to you guys later”

“Yeay! Good boys get rewards!” Hyuk Jae said happily. Taehyung laughed from the other line.

“Mommy, when are you coming back?”Hyuk Joon suddenly asked.

“Tomorrow sweetie. Mommy will be back tomorrow. Oh, it’s already 10 p.m.. You guys should go to sleep now,”Taehyung said.

“Yeah! You guys should go to sleep now. Say bye to mommy,”Jungkook said.

“Bye mommy! Good night! We love you! See you tomorrow!” Both of them said together and even waving at the phone’s screen as if their mommy could see it.

“Good night baby, see you tomorrow,”Jungkook said.

“Alright, good night too sweethearts. Mommy loves you too.  Sleep tight. See you guys tomorrow”. With that Jungkook ends the call. He turned off the TV as the movie already ended.

“Daddy, can we sleep with you?”Hyuk Joon asked cutely.

“Of course you can. Come on,”Jungkook replied and carry them to the bedroom.

In the bedroom

“Okay sweethearts, come here,”Jungkook said while motioning them to lay on the bed. The twins run happily from the bathroom and jumped on the bed.

“Okay! Okay! Now, go to sleep”. Jungkook pats their stomachs slowly as they laid on the bed. Their positions are Jungkook on the right side and the twins on the left side.

“Daddy, can we go to the park and mall with mommy next time?”Hyuk Joon asked cutely and rubbed his sleepy eyes.

“Of course. We’ll go with mommy next time,”Jungkook answered still patting their stomachs.

“Daddy! Sing for us!”Hyuk Jae said cutely.

“Okay!” Jungkook began to sing the lullaby that he used to sing when the twins were still in their mommy’s wombs. After a while, he could hear soft snores indicating that they have fallen asleep.

“Still works. Goodnight sweethearts,”Jungkook said while smiling a little and kissed his sons’ foreheads. Soon, he also fall asleep while hugging his sons.


Sorry if this chapter is boring and lame T_T ..ughh~ I hope you guys still enjoy it. I'll try to update the next one ASAP ~ Thank you for reading and subscribing =) Comments are appreciated ^^ Till we meet again. Bye ~

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kazuikazami #1
Chapter 7: This gives me diabetes but I forgave you cause this is so cute.
And Top Kook for life! XD
Chapter 1: I frickin love this story...the first fanfic I have ever read....always my fav
Chapter 1: This is soo ccuuutteeee >.<
Chapter 1: *gets strucked by fluffines* AWWWWW this is so cute
Taaekook #5
Chapter 8: top jungkook!!
It was so cute!!!! Especially the ending!! I loved it!!!
yep_permata #8
Chapter 8: Yeayy you were coming back!!!
Top kookieeee pleasee