
hwayangyeonhwa: the vkook anthology

BTS chose to celebrate their own Christmas party before they go home to see their respective families. But Jungkook felt so betrayed and bitter because he put so much effort just to buy Taehyung a new and customized watch, but the other doesn't have anything for him.


"Just wait. Maybe Taehyung got something for you and he doesn't want to give it at this time." Jin assured. Jungkook sighed, his back resting on the soft sofa. What if he really didn't get something for me? The thought entered his mind. He's acting so girlfriend-like, not minding the fact that he and Taehyung are not in that kind of relationship.


Yes, they're friends but it hurts for Jungkook to keep all his feelings for years. At first, he was planning to quit BTS before they debut, until V was introduced as their final member. Jungkook felt so awkward because he likes the guy but eventually, he got used to it, knowing that he falls even harder for Taehyung.


Taehyung was happily giving gifts for the members, and of course, not giving one for Jungkook. Jungkook got jealous and went out of the room, biting his lips to stop the tears from flowing.


"Where did he go?" Jimin asked.


Taehyung shook his head in amusement, but the nervousness still plastered on his face. This was the first time he'll be doing this, and he's so damn nervous like he's going to faint or something. But he thought this would be a chance and there's no time to waste. He went out of the cottage, leaving a confused Jimin who just shrugged his shoulders and went to his Yoongi hyung. Taehyung saw the familiar figure he was looking for standing not that far from the party place, looking at the ocean. He slowly walked towards the latter, then he suddenly back hugged Jungkook without any warning.


Jungkook's body stiffened, and breathes heavily. He wiped his tears, ignoring his rapid heartbeat, then when he was about to break free, Taehyung's grip on his waist got tighter.


"You know, I've always wanted to do this." Taehyung said, his chin over Jungkook's shoulder. "Back-hugging you, while we look at the ocean. It felt so sweet and comfortable, right?"

Jungkook hesitantly asked. "W-what are you---"

"Let me talk first." Taehyung cut off the trail of words. Jungkook reluctantly sighed, still feeling awkward at their position. But he chose not to squirm anymore, because it felt comfortable to be wrapped in Taehyung's body heat in the cold evening.

"I-I'm sorry." Taehyung started. "I knew you're angry because I have no gift for you, but I have something to confess. I don't expect that this would cover up your anger, but I think this would be the right time to tell you that..."

Jungkook faced Taehyung, not minding his tear stained face. "What?"


Taehyung had the urge to wipe away the tears and kiss the adorable maknae in front of him, but he thought it was too aggressive so he held it back. "That I love you. More than what we are right now. I love you, Jeon Jungkook." Taehyung looked directly into Jungkook's eyes.

It took a moment for Jungkook to register everything that the latter said. He can push Taehyung away but he can't. He's shocked and he can't believe what had just happened.

"And I will never let this day pass without giving anything." Taehyung pulled a rose hidden in his back pocket. "Keep this rose with you. Just remember that I love you. I knew, y-you like someone else. And I'm not asking for an answer today, okay? Haha. Sorry about this. I thought my love would be enough but this rose might be something you could keep as remembrance for my failing confession right now." He laughed nervously. "J-just think about it. If you're ready, I will be here. Always." Taehyung took a step backward, before turning away, afraid of hearing Jungkook's reaction.


When he started to walk, two arms stopped him from doing so. "Who said that I like someone else?" Jungkook muttered under his breath. "I like--- no. I love you too, stupid."

Taehyung turned around to see Jungkook crying, but a smile plastered on his face. Taehyung ran his thumb on Jungkook's cheek, wiping the tears. "I thought you---"

"Who told you? Whoever he is I'll punch him." Jungkook creased his eyebrows. "I love you too, Kim Taehyung. I've been keeping this for years since pre-debut but I never thought you feel the same way. I don't mind any materialistic gifts. Sorry for being jealous earlier, but I think this rose is the most precious thing I received for the past Christmas celebrations I had." Jungkook giggled, looking at the rose he was holding.

"You know, the customized watch was beautiful." Taehyung said, his hands went on Jungkook's waist. "Thank you for that, but I wanted something more."

"What is it?" Jungkook raised a brow.

"Let me kiss you."

Jungkook shook his head while giggling, before wrapping his arms around Taehyung's neck. "Gladly."


Taehyung smiled before leaning for a kiss, his lips brushing against Jungkook's other pair. It was slow and sweet, their heads moving for better access. Taehyung pulled Jungkook closer, and he was so sure that everything will change after this day.


Because his life works so differently since Jungkook came into his life.


Jungkook was the first one to pull out. "Maybe this kiss would be the best Christmas gift ever."

Taehyung grinned. "For now. Let's go?" He reached for the younger's hand and held it tightly.

Jungkook let out a soft giggle before returning with his lover back to the cottage.



"So, what did you get for this Christmas?" Jin sat on the couch beside Jungkook, while Taehyung and Namjoon are busy making the bonfire.

Jungkook smiled at him. "A boyfriend."



disclaimer: any similarities to some works are a coincidence, all of it came from my mind.

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dhaifinafa #1
Chapter 3: cuteness overloaddddd ugh ;_; all of ur drabbles are so cuteeeee *squeals*
Tae_kook #2
Chapter 3: Omg u should write more about jungkook's preggy xD its kinda cute tho
Chapter 2: Sooo QTttt...but i wish there is no top!kook excuse but i'm a top!tae trash. But if there's gonna be top!kook please let us know in the beginning of the chapter, :-) lookin' forward for the next update
Tae_kook #4
Chapter 2: Love it ! Omg they are really cute xD