Kiss Cam


It had started out as any other fun outing they had as a group. But with fanservice turning a little too real, the fun quickly wore off for Chunji and L. Joe. Now Chunji had to deal with a lot of feelings he didn’t know he had before. Will this become the end of their friendship?


There on the screen Chunji's own face was staring back at him. Whoever was in charge of the cam today must’ve seen them and decided it would be fun to put them in a horribly embarrassing situation. He looked back at L. Joe and gulped. He could hear all the people around him yelling for them to kiss and could faintly hear the announcer count down for their kiss. Chunji panicked, what should he do? He was an idol, people knew him, hell the girl a few rows over was filming! Beside he couldn’t kiss L. Joe, that was way too weird. But the countdown was rapidly reaching its end and he still didn’t know what to do. Then the countdown reached zero and all Chunji’s common sense had left him. On auto pilot he grabbed the back of L. Joe’s head, briefly he registered the look of utter shock on his friend’s face before he crashed his lips on the other’s.



Hello everyone who clicked on this!

This is my first Chunjoe fanfic, which of course had to be a non-au story so I hope the timeline is somewhat right. The story is based on one of the Chunjoe moments on youtube (you can find it by searching for Chunjoe moment #56 - Screen time), which happens sometime before To You came out. Personally I think the idea is quite obvious when you have seen the moment, but I've never encountered a fanfic about it (if there is then I'd love to read it as well!). I also decided to ignore the fact that Chunji and L. Joe aren't their real names (I honestly stopped knowing when to use which name when I did try to use their real names so... no xD ). Finally English is not my mother language, but I think there shouldn't be that many errors (though I always get confused when to use -'s or just -s behind a word)

Enjoy! And if you liked it please leave a comment, I love reading those! ^^


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joymiddung #1
Very nice description and foreword. It captivated me and so, made me continue reading. ( I normally read only the description then decide whether to go on or skip to the next fic) Ang omg this is CHUNJOE! Anything that concerns Teen Top should be in my list! :)
Chapter 3: This is sooooo cute :') ❤ I hope you write more Chunjoe ~~~~~
strafield #3
Chapter 3: so cuteee
thankyou for completing this storyyy <3
Chapter 2: Chunjoe on To You is such a memorable scene..
strafield #5
JongKeyTaoRisIlJae #6
Chapter 1: So cutee!! Please update soon!!!
Chapter 1: This is nice, I enjoyed it~~ can't wait for the rest~!!
morning-to-morning #8
i'm excited for this!!