tea you later

this emotion (i feel it)

actually got my inspiration from a test post: "one time i got a sample from a tea store at the mall and as i walk away the guy said "tea you later" and his coworker smacked him" ehe (not proofread yet)




Yoongi was strolling aisle by aisle,doing his weekly grocery shopping. He looks at his cart,checking if he's got all the food he needs to stock for the week. Being alone in a small apartment on a crowded city isn't really as appealing but he's getting used to it. He just needs to live and find a steady job,Yoongi tells himself everyday.

He snap out of his thoughts as he hears salesmen and women circling around the huge grocery store,telling people to try some of their stuffs. Booths of various food stands side by side.

"Sir,want to try our new tea?" Someone came up to him. The voice sounds cheery,of course it has to be,Yoongi says to himself.

"Sorry,I don't-I'm not much of a tea person." He declines slowly walking away from the guy.

"B-But tea is good for your health. Maybe,just try out our free sample." He sees a hand out in front of him with two packs of green tea. Yoongi looks at the guy,who is awkwardly smiling at him.

Yoongi stops his track and looks at back at the hand in front of him,"Yeah?"He smirks looking at the guy now. "What may be the benefit of it for a tiresome lad like me?" He contimues with a soft and innocent voice.

He looks back at the guy,seeing his adam's apple bob in nervousness,"W-Well...it helps you relax?...or something." Yoongi nods,as if he's not agreeing with what the guy was saying. The guy sighs and straighten himself,"Okay,uh,sir look. I'm not really that good at talking to people but trust me when I tell you that this tea is very very refreshing. I believe that you're tired a lot because of too much work,and I tell you,this tea will wind down your body..i-in a good way...Just drink this tea and you'll be refresh!" He ends with a wide smile.

Yoongi raised his eyes,amused. "You're so eager,giving those free samples. Why?"

"First day on the job." He puts his head down. And Yoongi tries not to laugh at how adorable the guy looks right now.

"Ah," He starts as he grabs the two free samples that the guy was still holding out in front of him. "I'll take that." He smiles when saw the guy lifting up his head to look at him.

"Do you want to taste it out? We have some free samples in out booth!" The guy beams pulling Yoongi over to their booth,his cart left behind next to the dairy section.


"Hoseok,where have you been? You know we're the onlyone on duty today!" The guy on the booth,handing out tea samples to other people as well.

"Sorry,hyung. Uh," Hoseok looks at Yoongi asking for his name.

"Min Yoongi-uh,just Yoongi."

"Oh,yea-Yoongi,sir,here wants to taste some of out tea."

The guy at the booth nods and hands Hoseok the mini cup,which he hands to Yoongi. Yoongi nods after sipping the tea and looks at Hoseok,"Uh,Hoseok,isn't it? W-What flavor is this? It's...kinda my taste." He smiles sheepishly.

Hoseok moves to stands next to his co-worker,"Lemon tea,sir. See! I told you,you would like it!" He chirps,smiling at Yoongi. His co-worker nudges him,"You're too loud."

"Hm,well,thank you for this..." Yoongi toss the mini cup to the garbage can next to the booth and nods at the two of them,"I might buy some of this,might need something refreshing like this." He adds,earning a beaming Hoseok.

He waves them goodbye,going back to his cart.


"Oh,tea you later,sir!" He hears Hoseok shouts. Yoongi smiles fondly at how happy that guy is. So eager on his first day of his job.

"Hoseok!" He hears the other person hiss,and a smack probably for Hoseok.

"Sorry,Jin hyung."



Yoongi walks away with his cart after re-checking the foods inside it. He looks back at the booth and smiles. 


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Chapter 3: Omg yoongi you stalker XD he's so cute I'd love to see a oneshot or even a whole fic of yoonseok for this chapter, it's be great~~ I love all these drabbles omgg
woosansweetkins #2
Chapter 1: Hahaa so cute
Chapter 4: lmao, tea you later. It's actually really good. Tell me if you going to make it into one shot or chapter fic so that i could subscribe it and read! c;
ellinaannisa #4
Chapter 3: OOHHMYYY this is good!!i would love to have a chaptered fic of this particular chap (chap 3)..cuz it's really cute!!thanksss
ellinaannisa #5
Chapter 2: is there gonna be another chap??