The Thief

New Thing
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Chapter Two: The Thief

"What'd you get?" Jimin questioned, looking directly at his friend's pockets.

"Whatever I could. Like I said, I got caught."

"Let's see." Namjoon reached into one of Yoongi's pockets himself, pulling out a packet of popcorn. He sighed and closed his eyes. "Please, don't tell me that's everything."

Yoongi said nothing, staring at the popcorn.

"Should we go back?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi immediately scolded him. "No! Are you stupid? I'd definitely get caught then. And even if one of you went, I'm sure their guards are up now. Think a little, Jimin-ah."

Jimin nodded in response - of course, Jimin had no idea of the real situation at hand. Yoongi and Namjoon were desperate. They'd been living together for about a year, but it was nothing to be proud of. Their place was run-down and near empty. They only had the bare necessities for furniture, and bought ramen packages in bulk for dinner everyday - when they did have money with them, which wasn't often. Yoongi didn't think much of it. He was still young, after all. He had plenty of time to make it big if he so chose to. He didn't know how, but again, that was up to the future to decide for him. Namjoon, on the other hand, was growing tired of barely getting by. Though he was with his best friend through it all, he never imagined such a life for himself. He thought of himself as smart and charismatic, and wondered how he and Yoongi had managed to make such a mess of themselves. It was all adding up for him.

Sulking, Namjoon suggested he and Yoongi walk Jimin home, then go home themselves, to which everyone agreed.

After Jimin left, Namjoon had a chance to talk to Yoongi one on one while they walked.



"You ever feel like... maybe we shouldn't be doing this type of thing?"

Surprisingly enough, Yoongi chuckled. "What do you mean?"

"Just in general. This." he gestured all around him. The two of them stopped walking and Yoongi looked at his friend intently. He shook his head in confusion.

"What? Just say it, dude."

"Like... what are we doing with our lives? We're broke, our apartment , we don't talk to anyone apart from each other, I don't know - are you getting what I'm saying?" Namjoon grew increasingly anxious. Though Yoongi seemed to be a very calm person from afar, he had a temper - all of them knew that. Namjoon didn't foresee the conversation lasting very long.

"No." he said, turning away from Namjoon. Luckily for him, Yoongi still seemed generally calm. "I don't. What's wrong with what we're doing? We're having fun."

"Look, man. You robbed someone and all you could get was a bag of popcorn. I don't even think we have a microwave. There's more to life than this!" He looked at his senior hopefully. "There's gotta be. And Jimin-"

Yoongi's eyes locked onto Namjoon's, "What about Jimin? Hold on - are you saying you're ready to just give up when gets a little tough? After everything we've been through, and everything I've taught you? in' weak."

"Stop acting like you're some kind of mentor for the kid. Or me." Namjoon snapped. He immediately felt regret, but consoled himself with the fact that knew he was right in saying so.

Yoongi imitated a buzzer with his voice, "Wrong! Both of you, dude. I'm your ing master, that's a fact." Yoongi growled. He took a step closer to Namjoon, making the latter straighten up.

"I'm not going to fight you over this. I'm trying to talk to you." Namjoon closed his eyes to avoid his friend's cold stare for a few seconds, but opened them to Yoongi shoving him with force. He tumbled back, looking at the older with disbelief.

"You don't wanna fight? Choose your words carefully then." Yoongi began to walk away, but turned around to say one more thing. "No matter what, you could never get on my level." He pointed at himself. "I own you two. Don't forget that." Without looking back, he walked on, Namjoon assumed to their place. He decided to follow along slowly, to make sure they didn't meet again on the way there. Namjoon definitely wasn't the confrontational type.

Under his breath he muttered, "I don't wanna be you. Stupid... ." He scowled and kicked a rock where his friend stood moments ago.


~  ~  ~  ~  ~


It was still early in the day when the group got home after the convenience store ordeal, being only about the beginning of the afternoon. After using the toner on Taehyung's hair, it came out slightly orange still, but 'much less disgusting' as Nara described it for him. It was now a peachy colour which he seemed to enjoy. Nara's phone, which was on the table next to her, began to ring and vibrate. When she saw who was calling, she instantly picked it up and ran to her room, shutting the door behind her. Taehyung and Sunhee looked at each other with a smile, knowing exactly who it was. What they didn't expect was for her to run out of her room as quickly as she went in, dressed up and out the front door.

"I guess it's just us now." Taehyung broke the silence. This was nothing new. The pair often found themselves alone ever since Nara had started dating her most recent boyfriend. She thought very highly of him, clearly, considering how completely she was wrapped around his finger. He came from some rich family, with a mansion somewhere

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