
New Thing
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Chapter One: Mix-Up

Sunhee held up two different brands of toner for Taehyung to choose from. He sighed.

"I don't think it matters. Just pick one." he said. In Sunhee's opinion, the store was quite cute. She'd grown up close to it and even when she left home, she didn't go very far. The aisles were jam-packed with products sorted by colour. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw another man in the same aisle as us. He was covered almost from head to toe, all she could see was his reddish hair sticking out from his hat and his almond-shaped eyes, which were scanning the snack section. He must've noticed her staring, because he met her eyes for a moment before squinting at her then looking down again. Needless to say, he made her slightly uncomfortable, so she turned her attention back to Taehyung's hair crisis.

Nara grabbed one of the skinny boxes out of Sunhee's hands and started to walk towards the cashier, which was next to the entrance. "Got it. Let's go." She and Taehyung started to follow but stopped when they heard yelling from behind them.


Before they could even turn around to see what was going, they heard someone else shout aggresively, "MOVE!"

Suddenly Taehyun and Sunhee were both knocked aside by the man Sunhee had spotted earlier - clearly making a break for the exit. Taehyung ended up landing on the ground completely from the sudden push, while Sunhee managed to stay standing but crashed into the side of the aisle she was facing, causing a flood of hair products to fall to the floor. Sunhee looked up to see that the man had stopped in shock, staring right at her, face uncovered. He realized his vulnerability and muttered something under his breath, tucking his face back into the top of his jacket and sprinting out of sight.

"HEY! BEANIE AND STUPID HAIR! DON'T LET HIM LEAVE!" Nara and Sunhee both looked to Taehyung, who was only just starting to get up before one of the store's employees jumped on top of him. He grunted as he landed while the employee yelled for help, refusing to let Taehyung go. Two other young boys rushed over to his side, wearing the same green uniform the first one was.

"Hoseok-ah! Let this guy go! The thief got away!" the much older-looking one said. Sunhee and Nara simply gaped at the scene in front of them. Hoseok refused, fueled with anger. It was his father's convenience store, and he didn't let these things go lightly. "Hoseok!" he repeated. Taehyung was putting up a struggle at first, but gave up and started to cry.

"This is the worst day ever.", he said through his tears. The two girls' hearts began to ache for him.

"Okay..." the shortest one said. "Hyung, seriously, the guy's crying now. Just let him go."

Hoseok looked up at him. His nametag said Jungkook, Sunhee noted. The other one's said Seok

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