
The Bet
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Waking up with a raging headache wasn’t that new to him, but unlike Mark, he didn’t get sick so easily.


The person he didn’t like, not one bit. He was attracted, and for him, there was a difference, a big one. Being attracted meant that he was more on fascinated, but not really liking the person.

Nothing made sense.

He sat up from bed, stretching his arms. He could hear someone playing basketball outside, who was probably Henry. He would probably join his best friend to get things off his mind for a while. He stood up and went inside the bathroom.

“Of course I want to be with you, Joey.”

Wait, wasn’t that Mark? He slipped his head through the slightly opened door. It seemed that the blonde haired boy was talking to his brother. He squinted his eyes, and saw another person from the screen. Was what the name of that guy again?

“You said you were coming home soon, Mark.” Joey whined. “Don’t you want to be with me?”

“Of course I want to, Joey. I really, really want to be with you.”

“Then, why don’t you come home?”

“Joey, you have to understand that Mark’s still studying there.” James said. He rolled his eyes. Playing prince charming, are we? “He’ll be here soon.”

It was time for his presence to be felt. He pushed the door a bit more so he could enter the room. He stood behind Mark.

“Hey, Joey” He said. “I’m Jackson, your brother’s friend.”

“What are you doing?”

“Trust me” He took the coin from the blonde’s table. “See this coin?”

Joey nodded, while James gave him a sceptical look. He placed it on his palm, balling his hand into a fist.

“Now, I will make the coin disappear.” He said. “All I need is a scratch. Mark, please scratch my hand.”

And, the blonde did what he was told. Like magic, he pulled out the coin from the back of Mark’s ear. He could see the siblings smile in awe, while the James guy seemed unimpressed. He didn’t care, really.

“Wow, how did you do that?”

“Sorry, kid, but a magician never reveals his secrets.”

“Please, tell me! I can keep secrets.”

He smiled. “Let’s make a deal. I will teach this to your brother, so you have to wait for him to come back. Would that be okay?”

“Of course!” Joey said. He couldn’t remember the last time he made someone happy. “I’ll be waiting, Mark!”

“We need to go, princess. I promised Joey that we’ll go to Disneyland today.”

He could see the change in interest from the kid. Well, how could he even compete with something like that?

“Thanks, James. I owe you big time.”

“Don’t worry, princess. I am very easy to please, a kiss would be enough.”

He rolled his eyes. What about him? Didn’t he at least deserve something as well?

“Maybe when I get back, James.” The blonde said in the most flirtatious way Jackson had ever seen. “Take care of my brother, okay?”

With that, the video chat ended. To say that he was disappointed was an understatement, he was beyond that. The only thing he wanted right now was to get out of the room. How could Mark be like that towards him? Did the blonde really dislike him?


He stopped, but did not face the other. “Yeah?”

“Thank you”

Wait, was he hearing this right? He turned around and inched closer to the other. “What did you say?”

“I said, thank you.”

“What for?”

“For making my brother smile” The other said. “Only a few people could do that, really. It only meant that Joey liked you.”

“It was nothing, Mark.”

He gave Mark smile before retreating back to his room. He closed the door, and ‘til that time, he was still smiling. He wasn’t sure why, but seeing the blonde smile like that made him feel all bubbly inside.

There was a knock from the door. “Hey, man”

“What’s up?”

“You have to see this”

“See what?”

Henry dragged him to the other room. It seemed that his best friend was watching a video, but he wasn’t that interested really. His mind was clouded with Mark’s smile.

“Look, man, I’m not interested.”

“But, man, you have to hear this.”

He shook his head, pulling away f

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Blue82 #1
Chapter 10: I really hope that Jackson lets Mark know about the bet. It will be too cliche for Mark to find out and have a big misunderstanding. Right now they have plenty of angsty drama even without that angle.
Chapter 10: MarkSon is just so adorable together I cannot... ♡
angelicabq #3
Chapter 10: This is soooo cute. Seriously its the best tbh. Im really looking forward
wheres-my-cookie #4
Chapter 10: Yess you updated! :D Jackson really does just do whatever he wants hahaha! Hope their dinner goes well and nothing bad happens ><
wheres-my-cookie #5
Chapter 9: I'm glad Jackson decided to abandon the bet and hopefully Mark doesn't find out >< And finally Mark isn't so cold to Jackson anymore after the shoe incident! Hope you'll still update this! :)
peachpetals #6
Chapter 9: "Maybe, he did like Mark, more than a little bit" aw jacks, be careful with mark charm.. you'll fallin easily~ XD
Lunaywolf #7
Chapter 1: Where did you see this ..what Jackson said..and what Mark said..was it an interview?. .which one? I like to see it..strange because Jackson has said before they have been very close since trainees years..if is true then you right they faught over something that cause them not to be very close anymore...but real friends will get over that..eventually. .I mean they always give it up. .lol cause they know eachother too well.
Omg i love your work i loooooove u :3
And I'm sorry for the inconvenience but can u tell me where jackson said that about his relationship with mark pleeeaaase! !
peachpetals #9
Chapter 8: finally jack give up about the bet, but still if mark know he will dissapointed..
Dukiepoopie #10
Chapter 8: Awwwwwww ermigish this is sooooooooo cuuuuute!! *^* I can't handle the close proximity to something so amazing!! Really though, this is really good and I hope you'll update soon. ~^_____^~