the secret

blanket mail | yoonmin

Curiously, he throws the blanket back onto the mattress and kneels down to pick up whatever has just fallen down. His gaze finds two folded pieces of white paper. Jimin's heart is pounding like mad as he grabs the papers and turns them around to look for a hint what they could be. There's no name, no title, nothing written on the outside. These could be lyrics. Or fan letters. Or just some doodles. But why would he hide them like this? Maybe these pages can offer an explanation for his weird behavior lately... The clueless boy is about to unfold one of the papers as conscience pricks him. No. He can't just read what's not his. That'd invade Yoongi's privacy. But... Just a little glance on it, just to see what it is, would that be okay? Certainly not. No. That's what his mind tells him. But his gut tells him something else: Open it. Look for clues. You might find out the reason for his bad mood. Help him.
   Gut instincts above brains, he slowly opens the mysterious thing in his hands, only revealing half of the text. He just wanted to check it out. Not read it. But his heart skips a beat as he reads the first line: to the one I love,
Oh god. Is this a love letter from a fan? Jimin quickly puts it aside. No. You can't do this. But he refuses to do what his head tells him to. He picks it up once again and continues reading.
   I am not good with words in a spoken way, so i write them down. not for you to read them but to release and capture them once again, here on this paper.
Aha, so she decided to send the letter anyway? Jimin is slightly confused but absorbed by the words at the same time. That fan talks as if she has already seen Yoongi. Maybe she's been to a fansign. When Jimin has finished the first paragraph, he forgets that he just wanted to "check it out" and completely opens the sheet.
   love, turning into poison, killing me from inside, I'll go insane, I can finally admit to myself that I am in love with you.
Aww that's so melancholic but cute. I would love to receive such a letter and keep it in my blanket too. He's so immersed in the words of the writer that he doesn't notice the name in the last and final line at first. in love, yoongi.
Yoongi? He reads the ending again. This must be a mistake. He blinks a several times but it says black on white in love, yoongi.
The brown haired boy frowns and slowly puts one and one together. It feels like he's struck by lightning as he understands it all: Yoongi's rude attitude, his sleepless nights and why he didn't want anyone to touch his stuff. Sadness grips Jimin's heart and he folds the letter. His hyung is lovesick and in another life he might be together with that girl. Everyone would fall for such affecting words and thoughts. A warm sensation even ran through Jimin's own veins when he read them. If someone loved me like this... I would be the happiest person in the world. Now knowing what the two pieces of folded paper are about, he can't hold himself back anymore. He wants to know what's in the second one, he just needs to know. So his hands gently take hold of the other letter and he deeply breathes in and out. One upward move of his thumbs and the entire content would be revealed to him.
   to the one I love, finally,-

hello dear readers! i am very sorry for letting you wait this long and your anticipation might already have faded. but since i've been very busy, i just couldn't continue this story. i still am busy but today i thought, i would have to update. bangtan's comeback is so close and i'm getting more and more excited. so i decided to share two chapters with you. tell me what you think about them, if you want to (i love reading your comments!!!) have a great day/night ;)





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ayMaiMai #1
Chimslunatic #2
Chapter 4: OMG PLS UPDATE!!
abbeyj31 #4
Chapter 4: this is cute af ugh :))
Infiring_Trash #5
Chapter 4: Gosh darn it that cliffhanger ahhhh
Chapter 2: update now! like right now! i know you have more chapters, don't you?! why do you keep torturing me like this!?!? *cries*
Chapter 1: omg. this idea is amazing. how do you even write like this *stares at you*
kkktmr #8
Chapter 2: OooooOOOHHHH
You should make a book, Yoongi. The melancholic love story of Min Yoongi
Chapter 1: Can't wait to read more. It seems good so far
this sounds really unique! i'm excited to see where you take it!