CH 1

Pure Heart



Two months later...


“AHHHHH!!” another dream invaded his sleep. Ryeowook jolted up from his bed; looking around, seeing the white ceiling and walls surrounding him, his sweat trickling over his forehead, his hands are shaking from the dream he had.

Everything happened that night mingled throughout his mind. Cries, fear, blood, and Ryeowook felt himself tensed up as he remembers his mother’s eyes. Being unconscious for days, just to know that they have buried his parents without him, just to know that all of this was done by a maniac for revenge, Ryeowook can’t help than thinking that everything is so unfair.

His wounds, most of them are healed; however he could feel how they burned from time to time. Nowadays, his father’s construction company is handled by his uncle and her mother’s law firm crumpled down after what has happened. He still remembers how his uncle spurted out words of encouragement but after the right of management laid down onto him, the latter has stopped caring of him; all he got is monthly allowance due to his share in the company.

Feeling a sudden nausea up to his chest, Ryeowook got off from his bed; glanced at the alarm on his nightstand. 2 in the morning. His thirsty throat forced him to get out of his room and reached the living room. He took a deep breath, looking at a spot, his eyes tear up. Hs mind clogged with the image of his mother dying; on the spot.

Feeling ragged, without him knowing, his feet moved, running out of the house. He ran as fast as he can in the deep dark night for minutes and stopped when his breath hitched; just to realise that he is not inside his house anymore. “Oh my god...”

Ryeowook looked around; tensed up. He is at a park and is standing in front of a lake. Soft wind blows, sending chills to his spine and he hugged himself as coldness invaded. “This is not good.” Remembering the time which is at 2 in the morning and being alone, Ryeowook quickly turned around just to notice a man standing near a tree. Ryeowook looked down, trying to stay low as possible but the latter started to move, nearing him. Nervous, Ryeowook tried to run again, when the man stopped him; blocking his way

Immediately, Ryeowook caught the thick smell of alcohol. This is not good. Seriously not good! Ryeowook tried to step away, avoiding looking up and his arm was grabbed, “HELP!” Ryeowook shouted in shock. The man quickly covered his mouth, muffling his voice.

“Shut up!” his voice is full of venom.

Hearing it, Ryeowook’s mind flashed the bad memories, blood splattering inside his mind, as he clutched his hair in depress. “No! No! No!” his whole body started to shake. “Please let me go!” he tried to say in muffled voice. His hands pried off his hair, grabbing the man’s hand covering his mouth.

“It is your fault to be here. I’m looking for fun and such a cutie in front of my eyes, how can I let it pass, right?” The man said in slurred voice, totally drunk. He pushed Ryeowook to the ground by both hands.

Ryeowook started to tear up. All he can see is the man’s smile, reminding him of the murderer. “No! No! No! Please don’t kill me! Please don’t kill me!” scuffling backwards. “Please don’t kill me...” the words keep repeating.

The man kicked him in the stomach, sending Ryeowook lying on the grass and immediately he was trapped between the legs of the man hovering up to him. His face full of tears and the man chuckled. “Tsk tsk tsk...a cute face shouldn’t cry. You will enjoy it.” he said, whispering to the smaller one’s ear. Ryeowook shrivelled; eyes wide in fear.

“We will have fun together.” The words continued. Ryeowook tried to struggle out just to be hit on the face, slapped hard. He can feel his lips stings but he tried again; pushing the man away, turning his body around to escape but his head was grabbed quickly and smashed to the ground. “Seriously...”

Opening his eyes, his fear raised when a knife appeared in front of his face. “!” he shouted before the knife was pointed to his eyes. He could feel the breath of the man near his ear. “If you shout once again, just once, I will take your eyes out.” A hit on his head then sent him weak.

The sharp blade outlined his spine, as it pierced through his cloth. The man tore his pajama apart, his hand, roaming through the slim body of Ryeowook, as Ryeowook is shaking with fear; head heavy and eyes fluttering, trying to not lose his consciousness. “Please... don’t kill me...” Ryeowook’s voice small and quiet. He can feel himself getting nauseas, dirty as the hand touched his whole body; the man’s lips touched every part of him, grabbing him without a hint to stop.

Why is all this happening to me? Why?

“Please....” his voice choked with tears. Please...

As the man tried to flip him, his body then freed from any touch and looking up next to him, he saw the man’s feet floating above the ground, choked voice can be heard.

That is when his eyes met a pair of sapphire blue eyes, shining in the dark looking right into him. The possessor of the most beautiful pair of eyes he ever seen is holding the with one hand, up above the ground.

The latter tsked, a smirked appeared. “Such a bad heart.”

The started to flail his hands around, as the strangling hand tighten, invading him from breathing. His hand which is holding the knife; suddenly pierced into the other’s arm.

The man hissed, feeling frustrated. “You are dead.” His voice, deep and merciless.

Suddenly, his eyes turned all black, darkened. The started to choke more and more, when his body stopped moving. His eyes widened, feeling his blood circulated faster and his senses hitched with an unbearable pain. His eyes couldn’t look away from the black eyes and all he feels is how his soul was out of his body. His skin scrunched, it's wrinkled, feeling dry every second.

As seconds passing, Ryeowook’s eyes have been wide, looking unbelievably towards the scene in front of him. The body started to shook violently, his drying skin fading each second until suddenly every part of him turned into dust. All left is his clothes, dropped to the ground.

What happened? He burst into dust. Into dust...

Looking at the blue eyed man, he noticed the black eyes changed  as he removed the knife penetrating his arm calmly and Ryeowook started to feel intrigued when the man stepped towards him. He shuffled backwards, fear invaded again. “Please....don’t kill me...” he begged.

The man however, shook his head in denial. “No no no. I wouldn’t kill you.” His deep fearful voice turned soft.

“Please! Please! Don’t kill me!” Ryeowook started to act frantic, his hands clasping together. “Please!”

The man approached Ryeowook, feeling sympathy by the shaking body. “I wouldn’t.” He grabbed Ryeowook’s hand, crouching in front of him. He took off his jacket, putting it over Ryeowook. “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t hurt you.”

Ryeowook however, was taken over by his fear, just tried to struggle, kicking the man away. Trying to stop the latter, the man took the smaller body into his, hugging him tight. “It’s okay...nothing will happen.”

Ryeowook started to push him away, punching his chest. “Please! Please! Don’t kill me!”

The man tightened his hug, trying to stop the struggle; just letting himself being punched. As time passing, Ryeowook’s sobbing voice started to fade slowly, his punching hands stopped and dropped. “Please...” his voice mumbled the words; heartbreaking. His eyes fluttered close until he completely fainted.

As the voice fading, Cho Kyuhyun loosened his hug, looking down to the wet face caused by tears. He wiped the tears; still slipping downs the latter’s eyes. He looked long and deep, trying to figure out the reason. The reason of...

I can’t see your heart. Why can’t I see your heart?


He parked his car into the garage. He opened the door quickly, almost hitting the car next to his in the process. “Whew...” he sighed in relief. Heechul will kill me if it hits.

He then quickly shifted to the back seat; looking at the boy he just saved. Only after the latter has fainted, he realised that he doesn’t know what to do next. He doesn’t know where to send him, he doesn’t know the boy’s house. He doesn’t even know who the boy is. And here he is taking the boy into his arms, picking him up into the house. In his mind, he hoped that everyone has gone to sleep, not wanting any attention.

Reaching the door, he realised he cannot open it and huffed in annoyance. “Geez.. what should I do?” he debated on putting the fainted one on the floor or not. “Should I break the door?”

“You shouldn’t.” A voice appeared behind him, shocked him to death.

“Hyung!” Kyuhyun yelled, wanting to kick the latter.

Leeteuk laughed cheekily and stopped, realising a body in Kyuhyun’s arms. “Oh my god! You killed him!”

Kyuhyun kicked him again. “He fainted for god sake! Just open the door for me, hurry!”


Putting the boy onto his bed, Kyuhyun sighed. He pulled the blanket over the latter. Sitting next to the bed, checking the latter’s face. No cuts were found, only a small one by his lips and a bruise on his cheek.

“Ehem!” Kyuhyun has almost forgotten the older guy leaning to his door, with his arms crossed; face full of questions. “Who is he?” Leeteuk asked.

Kyuhyun shifted, facing the latter. “I don’t know but I saved him.”

“Saved him? You? You saved him? You?” Leeteuk’s eyes turned big. He knows how nonchalant Kyuhyun is; he doesn’t really care about his surroundings. “From who? You?”


Leeteuk raised his hand. “Well, then what happened?”

“I went to the park, getting some fresh air and he was getting by a drunkard.” Kyuhyun explained.

Hearing it, Leeteuk’s mouth gaped open. “Getting ?!” he ran towards the bed, pushing Kyuhyun off. “Oh my god, such an awful thing to do.” He checked the boy’s face and caressed the bruise he found.

“I don’t know where his house is. And bringing him to hospital might be a bit difficult.” Kyuhyun scratched his head.

“What’s difficult?” Leeteuk asked, now comparing the temperature. “He is not having a fever...” he mumbled.

“Well....” Kyuhyun walked off to the other side of the bed.

“Kyuhyun.” Leeteuk sensed something.

“I kinda get angry and...” Kyuhyun avoided Leeteuk’s eyes.

A pillow flew hitting right onto Kyuhyun’s face. He caught the pillow, gulped as he looked at Leeteuk. “You killed him don’t you?”

Kyuhyun nodded. “You killed him and he saw it right?” Leeteuk said, pointing to Ryeowook.

Kyuhyun nodded again.


Kyuhyun ran out of the room, immediately locking himself inside the study room. Outside, the booming voice of Leeteuk can be heard, saying things of the nuisance he has created. Only, until Heechul dragged the fuming man away that Kyuhyun able to return to his room.


The morning sunlight hit his face, Ryeowook scrunched his face; his hand reflectively covering his eyes. His head feels heavy and his cheek felt numb. Blinking his eyes, his ears caught the sound of soft snores. Reflectively, Ryeowook looked to his side just to find his face just an inch away from another face; one eye covered with deep brown hair.

“WAAAAAA!” in shock he kicked the latter, sending him rolling with his eyes wide open right onto the floor. “Y-Y-Y-You!” Ryeowook got himself out of the bed, grabbing anything he can from the nightstand. His mind remembering the accident of the night before. He looked around, noting that he is not in his room.

A groan can be heard as Kyuhyun picked himself up, rubbing his head. He looked in front of him, meeting the eyes of another one’s who is holding a table lamp in his hand. “Hey...are you awake?”

“Y-Y-You! You killed him!” Ryeowook burst out, throwing the lamp towards Kyuhyun.

Quickly, the latter avoided it, crawled up onto the bed again just to get to Ryeowook on the other side. “I was just trying to save you.”

“You turned him into dust! He just disappears!” Ryeowook shouted, feeling himself in danger. He grabbed another object in hurry just to notice that it’s a pen.

“So you were willing to be rather than being saved. And you know what, a pen can’t kill me.” Kyuhyun chuckled, his mind thought about the fun he is having.

Ryeowook trembled. “Don’t come near!”

“What if I do?” Kyuhyun smirked.

Ryeowook flabbergasted. “Don’t you dare!”

Kyuhyun ignored the warning, moving nearer towards Ryeowook. “AAAAAAAAAAA!” making the latter screamed loud.

“Kyuhyun! What’s wrong?!” the door wide open to reveal Donghae standing with worries on his face. Both Kyuhyun and Ryeowook looked at him in shock. Ryeowook’s mouth gaped open, noticing that he knows the latter which is now pointing at him. “Wookie?!”

“Donghae?!” The pen in his hand fell to the floor.

“What are you doing here?” Donghae asked. He looked at Kyuhyun who is shifting his attention in between both of them.

“You know him?” Kyuhyun asked.

“You know him?” Ryeowook questioned Donghae, pointing to Kyuhyun. Looking at Kyuhyun, Ryeowook quickly ran towards Donghae, just to hide behind him. “Hae! It’s dangerous over here! We have to run!”

Donghae looked at Kyuhyun, arching his eyebrows in question. Kyuhyun shrugged, his lips forming another smirk. He turned to Ryeowook who has been trying to drag him away. “Wook, what is dangerous?”

“Hae! Here is dangerous!” Ryeowook retorted, pulling his arm. “You don’t know what he has done last night!”

“What did you do?” Donghae glared at Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun raised both of his hands. “Look, I didn’t do anything. Not towards him of course.”

“He turned a man into dust! Dust!”

“Because I was trying to save you! And all I got is this?! Not even a thank you.” Kyuhyun pouted. “I’m sad, my's hurt,” he said vividly.

Donghae shook his head. No wonder Ryeowook looks so scared. “Wookie, it’s okay.” Donghae said, grabbing the latter’s shoulder. “There’s nothing dangerous here. It’s my house.”

Ryeowook gaped. “Oh my god! All this while, you have been living with him?!” Ryeowook’s eyes wide open. “Nor can do, we have to run!”

Donghae tightened his hold. “Wook, this is my house. Everyone here is no different from him.” Donghae shifted his attention to Kyuhyun; sitting near the bed. “You should have explained it to him.”

“I tried to, but he...” Kyuhyun pointed to Ryeowook. “He broke my lamp! My freaking 100 years old lamp! Do you even know how much it cost?”

“I don’t care!” Donghae retorted, looking back to Ryeowook. “Look Wookie, I will explain everything but first you have to cool down. Let’s go to my room.”

Upon going, Heechul showed up at the door, scratching his blond bed head. “What’s happening? You guys are so loud in the morning.” He yawned until his eyes fell onto Ryeowook. “Omo! My god my god! Who is the cutie?!” he squealed. “Are you cheating on your human, Donghae?”

“Of course not, hyung.” Donghae flabbergasted. “I’m in hurry, just ask Kyuhyun.” Donghae replied, pulling Ryeowook with him.

Heechul stared at the smiling Kyuhyun. “What’s wrong with you?”

Kyuhyun’s smile got bigger. “Isn’t he cute?”

“So, he is the one Leeteuk was talking about all night? The one you saved?”

Kyuhyun nodded. Heechul sighed. “But his heart...”

“I know...” Kyuhyun sighed.

“Isn’t that weird?”

“I thought so. That’s one of the reasons I brought him here.” Kyuhyun bit his lip.

Heechul smiled, crossing his arms in the process. “Well, it's kinda fun. Not being able to see someone else’s heart.”

“It’s freaking fun.”Kyuhyun smirked. “He is fun.”

“Don’t tell me....” Heechul trailed off.


Heechul shrugged. “Nothing.” A smile appeared.


Donghae smiled, seeing Ryeowook with his clothes after his bath. Ryeowook is folding the sleeves as the shirt is quite big for him. Donghae can sense that Ryeowook still has a lot of questions in his mind, thus the latter has been keeping his eyes on Donghae, not even once blinked. Donghae patted the spot next to him; indicating the curious one to sit next to him.

“What happened last night? How did you meet Kyuhyun?” Donghae started.

So, his name is Kyuhyun... “Ermmmm...I was  kinda getting some fresh air and something happened.”


Ryeowook scratched his head. “Well...there’s this man, tried to do something to me.”

“Do what?” Donghae took the towel, trying to dry off the smaller one’s hair.

Ryeowook bowed his head in response. “He tried to ....well, do something inappropriate.”

“And Kyuhyun?”

“He kinda turned the man into dust!” Ryeowook tried to peek for Donghae’s reaction trough the towel just to find that the latter just smiled. “I’m telling the truth Donghae!”

Donghae stopped, hanging the towel around Ryeowook’s neck. “I know, I believe you.”

“Then, you know how dangerous he is!”

Donghae sighed. “He is not dangerous. He did that to save you.” Donghae stated, sincerely. “You should thank him.”


“Wook, I am no different from him.” Donghae cut him off. “I’m just like him. Because that is what we are. Everyone here is like him.”

Ryeowook’s breath hitched. “What are you saying?”

“It’s too long to tell you the history, but we are called Ammit or soul-eater.”

Ryeowook looked at Donghae weirdly. “You are saying you are not human?”

Donghae nodded. “Yup and simply I can say that, we feed of human’s source of soul, the heart. Not every single day though. We can survive without it for a month.”

“So, you have to kill to survive?” Ryeowook’s face changed; feeling scared.

“We kill what we should. We choose the heart, the impure one.” Donghae held Ryeowook’s hands. “Don’t be scared, I believe you are not anywhere near the impure heart.”

“But still...”

“It is what we were made for, Wookie. We have seen everything, how human’s revolution taking place. How it impure the heart. This is what we do.” Donghae smiled. “I understand though, it’s too much to take in one day, Eunhyuk reacted the same.”

“Eunhyuk knows?” Ryeowook’s eyes got bigger.

Donghae nodded. “I can’t keep any secret from him.” That makes Ryeowook smiled a bit. “By the way, you haven’t been to school.”

Ryeowook looked down. “I’m not feeling good to go to school.”

“You are still hurt anywhere?” Donghae asked with concern.

Ryeowook shook his head. “I’m just...” his hands trembled inside Donghae’s

Donghae tightened his grip, giving a reassures encouragement. “My monkey has been worried about you. He said you wouldn’t open the door.” Donghae said, referring to Eunhyuk.

Ryeowook’s eyes started to flood, feeling guilty. “I know...I’m sorry...”

Donghae shook his head, slowly wrapping Ryeowook into his arms. “Don’t be, it’s not your fault.” Rubbing the latter in the back, soothingly.

Ryeowook burst into tears, he always wanted someone by his side but he avoided them. He avoided his friends and locked himself inside the house, just to find himself getting lonely each day.

Donghae sighed in worry. After what has happened to his family, this is the first time he met Ryeowook. Feeling how his friend has lost a lot of weight and now crying, he can’t keep himself calm about it. He also noticed how he is unable to see into Ryeowook as he used to, now he can’t see the pure heart shining inside the latter anymore. Not that the other’s heart has turned dark since he can’t see anything like that too.  Did everything has happened caused this? Clouding his heart?

“Ryeowook, I think I know who my next food is.” Donghae whispered, his eyes turned light blue, anger filling up his mind.


Donghae cooled his mind immediately; eyes quickly changed back into their original brown as he was letting go of his friend. “Nothing, I hope you are hungry. Let’s meet everyone, they are having breakfast I believe.” Donghae smiled his sweetest smile.

Ryeowook scrunched his face. “You guys eat breakfast? What breakfast? Human flesh?” his mind imagining all sorts of human parts lying on the dining table.

“Hey!!! We still live like human Wook.” Donghae said, hands on his waist. “We eat normal breakfast and normal lunch and normal dinner! We go to school if we want to, we drive cars and ride motorcycle and even bicycle if we want to. We wear clothes and we sleep and watch TV and DVD and even , especially Heechul hyung and Kyuhyun like games so much and we also can have . I did a lot with Eunhyuk, and we did it like how human did it. We kiss and then...”

Ryeowook covered Donghae’s mouth. “Stop! I don’t wanna know the detail."




i hope you enjoyed it. thanks for subscribing, commenting, and voting and especially reading <3




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kyunaleixu #1
Chapter 4: Why I haven't found this story earlier? This is freaking good and mysterious.
Thank you for coming back to the aff world and for writing this amazing fic as your debut.kkkk
It's a pity you've deleted your previous works but I'm positive that you will successfully go through this time.
I hope they won't do anything to Wook like taking away his heart from him cause it only belongs to kyuhyun.hahaha
Will always look forward for your update^0^.
jayrock #2
Chapter 4: I love your story keep up the good work
Chapter 4: Oh No!!! Please let our baby Wookie be okay.. To think he was having fun after all those 2 months.. Please rescue Wookie Kyuhyunnie! But...... I wonder what will happen once Siwonnie finds out about Yesungie being with the Kangs.. tsktsktsktsk.. Your treading a dangerous path there Yesungie..
jesyuchiha #4
Chapter 4: Tienes que continuar ~ se esta poniendo interesante... Para que quieren a ryeowook espero que no le hagan daño!!
Chapter 4: Amazing! Hope Wook will be alright. Please update soon ^^
butterfry90 #6
Chapter 3: This story is good! Looking forward to the next chapter. Please update soon!!
Chapter 3: Wait! Yeye and Siwon? But they are of different families.. Jessica Jung? About the prophesied one, could it be KyuWook? The hidden heart is Wook and the immortal is Kyu? But the key? Hmmmmm.. Can't wait for the next update!