
Pure Heart

Okay, before i started the story, i just wanna say im so sorry. i used abit of my time to go through some blogs of kyuwook and found some blogs of readers asking where have my stories gone to. my old username is loveydovey93 where i wrote some stories such as beautiful but dreadful, a cliche story of a ghost (the story of kyuhyun is a civil war army ghost falling in love with ryeowook) and some others.im not really sure if you guys remember. at some point of writing these fics, ive got some problem of copyright where a girl copied my story and admitted it as hers and made me as a defendant. i was upset and plus suddenly problems accumulated, my family, my relationship, my study, everything is in mess. i deleted all my fics, i deactivated, i threw off my lappy onto the floor, i exploded and left my house for over a year. im sorry that i left without words and even deleted everything. im sorry guys. i regretted it, some of it since i nowadays of starting new, i cant write as good as i used to. huhu T_T

whatever it is..i hope you guys enjoy it XD




Everyone can have a bad day; a bad moment that they wish to disappear. People take a lot of effort, courage and bravery to prevail over their dire experiences. Some will forget, some will keep it in, some will let it out, some will let go, some will lose themselves dreadfully, some will scream and there are some that kill. All of these come from one cause, one reason – the bad day.

Believe it or not, Kim Ryeowook, a 17 year old high school student, is having a bad day today. His alarm did not work as it supposed to, his clothes wrecked from inability to iron them, his knee was injured from a beautiful fall he made in front of the school gate and now he is standing outside of his class, being punished over his unfinished homework. Life could be harsh; he knows but today seems to be his bad lucks coalition meeting. His hands hurt from being hold up too long and his leg numbed from the one leg stand the teacher has instructed. His lips already red from the biting he made when he is embarrassed and his eyes watered as he remembers the chocolate under his table that could be gone by now, eaten by Shindong.

Looking at his side, one of his classmate also known as bestfriend, struggling to keep his balance for over one hour, sweat trickling over his forehead as he clenched his lips. Eunhyuk is an athlete at this Seung Jin High School but even the latter is struggling, making Ryeowook’s mind to be totally blurred and collapsed. He cried, huffing along the pained experience and at last his legs gave up when he found his body slid down the wall and flopped himself on the floor. “I’m dying...I’m gonna die and no one gonna know.”

Eunhyuk, who is still struggling, looked at Ryeowook in jealousy and cursed as he decided to join his bestfriend panting on the floor. “If you die, I die Wookie.” Eunhyuk sounded sincere and flashed a pair of shining eyes.

“I’m not willing to die with you.”


Ryeowook sighed heavily, looking far into the wall opposing both of them. From inside the class, the loud voice of Mr. Shin; their mathematics teacher, can be heard. Deep inside, he does feel embarrassed by the out of class kick but he never really paid any attention into mathematics. So, the punishment is not totally so bad.

“Wookie.” Eunhyuk called as he put out his smartphone, scribbling over the screen.


“Look at this,” showing his phone, Eunhyuk’s gummy smile can be seen as Ryeowook averted his attention onto the white phone in his hand. After a few second of screening and processing the information he sees, Ryeowook blinked his eyes while his lips curved into a big smile. He looked at Eunhyuk in pure joy before his arms flew; wrapping the latter’s into a hug.

“Oh my God! At last?!” Ryeowook solicited as Eunhyuk replied the hug. He knows how much Ryeowook has been hoping for this to happen and now seeing this happiness of his bestfriend, made him additionally happier. “Since when?”

The hug was separated and Eunhyuk’s cheeks grew into red blush as he hold his phone tighter, looking at the picture of him and his new boyfriend, Lee Donghae. “Yesterday.” He replied slowly, the smile grew bigger with Ryeowook’s.

Ryeowook cupped his own cheeks, feeling himself blushed over the statement. At last, Eunhyuk and Donghae are together. As far as Ryeowook remembers, those two has been keeping their feelings to themselves for two years. Even though, Sungmin, Shindong, Zhoumi and he himself has been trying to get them together before, both of them have never wanted to confess their feeling, afraid of rejection. Thinking about that Ryeowook wondered who has confessed first. “Who confessed first?”

“Donghae.” Eunhyuk smiled cheekily, still having his eyes stuck to his phone’s screen. Looking at how butterfly emitted from Eunhyuk’s eyes, Ryeowook pouted and slid his head onto the other’s shoulder. Ryeowook has always been like this; once he is happy and once he can be moody without notice.

Eunhyuk who heard a grave sigh coming from Ryeowook stopped his going to be wild imagination and replied by wrapping the smaller’s shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze at the end. “Anything bothering you? Even this news cannot make you happy today.”

“It’s not that.”


Ryeowook let out another sigh. “You look so happy.”

Feeling weird by the proclamation, Eunhyuk asked, “You don’t like seeing me happy?”

“No, of course I like it.” Ryeowook’s hit the other’s chest lightly. “I’m just jealous. I want a boyfriend too.” He added, looking up towards Eunhyuk with eyes shimmering in pitiful tears.

Eunhyuk smiled, feeling the misfortune that fall upon his bestfriend. He slowly raised his hand, quietly and, “awwwwww!” a flick inflicted Ryeowook’s forehead out of the blue.

Ryeowook hissed in pain, quickly rubbed his pathetic forehead as he stands up quickly. He pointed towards the giggling boy on the floor, feeling annoyed. “Yah! That’s hurt!”

“It’s supposed to hurt, idiot.” Eunhyuk stood up, tapping his pants from the dust.

“I’m not an idiot!”

“Yes you are!”

Ryeowook puffed his cheeks, crossing his arms; showing his sulking heart. “I’m not!”

Eunhyuk chuckled. “If you aren’t an idiot, you would already have a boyfriend by now. You are cute and a lot have confessed but no...” Eunhyuk shook his head, “you are too picky.”

Ryeowook’s mouth gaped open. Eunhyuk arched an eyebrow.

“I’m not picky!”

“You are!”

“You too!”

“At least I’ve got a boyfriend.”

“Shut up!” Mr. Shin’s voice boomed from the class’s door shocking the two friends from their childish bicker. Ryeowook and Eunhyuk quickly raised their hands up, putting one leg up; immediately continuing their punishment.




“Here we go, the ultimately delicious crab soup!” Mrs. Kim announced; happily looking at the two males sitting at the dining table. The smell of the soup sipped through the room, giving the father and son big smile as they waited for rice to be scooped.

“What’s with the occasion, honey?” Mr. Kim asked, getting his bowl of rice within grasp. Ryeowook also switched his attention towards his mother, eyes as if asking the same question. Being a lawyer, Mrs. Kim is a very busy career wife and mother. Usually, the maid would cook for their daily meals but today his mother sent the maid home and made a delicious dinner for them.

“It is nothing. I suddenly thought of cooking.” Mrs. Kim took a seat once she handed Ryeowook’s his rice.

“Really?” Ryeowook asked.

Mrs. Kim smiled genuinely, taking up her spoon. “Sure my son.” She nodded. “I’ve won a case today and fortunately have a spare time to cook.”

“Anyway how’s school?” Mr. Kim changed the topic.

“Good.” Ryeowook responded with a pout.

“What’s with the pout?” Mrs. Kim noticed.

Ryeowook put down his spoon, supporting his chin with one hand. “Eunhyuk got a boyfriend.”

“So? You like him?” his father asked, munching the kimchi deliciously.

“No. But...”

Mrs. Kim smirked. “If you don’t like him, then what’s the problem?”

“I want a boyfriend too,” Ryeowook sighed.

Upon hearing their son, the parents almost burst out into laugh. “It’s impossible,” the father said instead.

“Ah why? Dad, I am a grown 17 years old boy.”

His mother looked at him attentively, “But your brain isn’t,” she said as a matter of fact; receiving big laughs from her husband.

“Mom! My brain is fully developed!”

“Your brain is all thinking about tall, sculptured, handsome, nice, smart, caring, and lovely and in one word, perfect guy. Here by, I may conclude that you are totally living as a bachelor for your whole life,” Mrs. Kim concluded, just like a lawyer. His father in the other hand seems to support his mother by nodding to every feature said, mouth full with rice.

“Mom! Is this a court?”

“Well, do you want to be the defendant?”

“I’m gonna be the plaintiff.” Mr. Kim interrupted.

“Dad!” Ryeowook retorted. His word then impeded as the bell of their front gate rang loudly.

“Would you take a look Wookie?” Mrs. Kim said, putting her spoon down.

Ryeowook nodded, quickly ran towards the front door. He muttered as feeling weird of the guest at nine in the night. Hit by a gust of cool wind as he opened the door, he almost trampled over but reached the gate safely. Using the intercom, Ryeowook tried to identify the guest but he failed when the guest is covered with hoodie. “Who is it?”

“I am here to meet Mrs. Kim Lina.” A deep voice answered.

“Wait a minute,” Ryeowook unlocked the gate.

That is when he decided, how he regretted opening the gate. He should not have opened it, allowing the man in front of him to place a gun near his forehead in no time. From under the hood, Ryeowook can see a smirk outlined as he was pushed back into the gate. Ryeowook tried to scream but his voice starting to be blocked by the terror he felt. His body shook violently seeing the man pointed his gun onto his face.

“Let’s get inside, shall we?” the voice is threatening, dangerous and Ryeowook cannot even breathe normally looking at the big figure in front of him. Getting no reply from the trembling Ryeowook, the man held him by the neck when a voice from inside the house shifted his attention.

“Wookie! Why are you taking so long?” Mrs. Kim voice echoed before Mr. Kim appeared at the front door looking at the scene Ryeowook is having. Her voice was brought to a halt before she screamed. “Ryeowook!”

Mr. Kim directly tried to run towards Ryeowook when a shot was released, sending him dropped onto the grass. “Honey!” Mrs. Kim ran towards her husband.

“Dad!” Ryeowook also ran towards his father. As he reached his father, his hands were quickly enveloped by a pool of blood, sending him to shivers. “NO! NO! NO!” Ryeowook cried. His mother who’s holding his father tight cried as her calls wasn’t replied by the supposed man. Ryeowook tried to shake the limp body but instead noticed that his father was shot right on his neck. “Dad! Dad! Please... wake up!” Ryeowook tried to block the flowing blood on his neck, his hand was frantic until it was hold by his mother. His mother, without a word, pulled him up and dragged him away towards the house.

“Mom! Dad is...” coincidentally looking back, Ryeowook watched the approaching man. “Mom! Dad, we can’t leave him!”

“He’s dead!” with a chocked voice, his mother pulled him hard into the house and from behind both of them can hear the sound of fearful laugh belong to the killer, satisfied by his killing. Ryeowook however stunned by his mother words, losing words as a result. His father is dead. In front of him, his father is dead.

Running into the house, the man followed behind locking the door in his way. Mrs. Kim however managed to grab her phone and tried to call the police when the murderer approached them. With shaking hand, the number was dialled but then the phone fell to the floor. The killer approached both of them, with the mother hid her son behind her back. “What do you want?” she asked, although terrified.

“You killed him.” The killer replied, grabbing the fruit knife on the front desk, keeping it into his jacket as another hand pointed the gun. “You killed him!”

The killer suddenly forwarded and grabbed the mother by the neck, keep repeating the sentence over again. Ryeowook who is frightened tried his best to pry the big hands off his mother when he was hit by the gun; hard. He flopped to the floor with a loud thud, his head throbbed and hot. “Wookie...” the mother cried in a chocked voice.

“Let her go!” Ryeowook got up again, holding the killer’s legs but then kicked hard at the head, making him realized that he is bleeding. Ryeowook who’s his world is spinning, however did not give up, hearing to his mother’s ragged breathing. He got up again, reaching to the strangling hands. “Let her go! Why are you doing this?!”

Distracted by Ryeowook, the killer let go of the out of breath Mrs. Kim and pushed Ryeowook hard to the wall. He shoved the gun up into his jacket, punched the latter hard; on his face, stomach and chest over and over again. “Your mother killed him!” Ryeowook, who is becoming weak over seconds then heard a crack inside his chest, confirmed that the punches broke his ribs.

“Wookie! Stop! Please!” Mrs. Kim begged, crawling on the floor trying to reach her son. “Please stop...”

The last punch sent Ryeowook flopped down onto the floor, lying on his stomach almost breathless. His eyes flooded with tears, pain and fear inflicted his conscious mind. His whole body cannot be moved no matter how hard he tried. He coughed hard, blood trickling by his lips. The killer snickered over the pitiful scene, and turned over to the mother but abruptly stopped when a hand hold a pinch of his trousers. Looking down, he smirked; noticing Ryeowook’s shaking hand at the hem of his trousers.

“Freaking dumb!” he stepped on the hand causing Ryeowook to let out a painful shriek.

“No stop! Please!” Mrs. Kim approached, holding the killer’s legs. “You can do anything to me! Please let my son go!” Mrs. Kim cried.

A big taunting laugh echoed. The killer kicked Mrs. Kim away from his legs, as he pulled out his gun again and pull the trigger, sending bullets right through Ryeowook’s right shoulder and legs. “AARRRGGHHH!!” a scream of pain left Ryeowook’s body and his eyes started to flutter, his eyes flashing the scene of his father getting killed in one shot.

“Ryeowook!!! NO!!” Mrs. Kim tried to get up again when a shot drove through her stomach; sending her lying flat on the floor. Hearing the gun shot, Ryeowook’s eyes turned big, looking right toward his mother.

“Mom...” his voice weak, losing blood time by time. His arm moved, trying to reach his mother but to no avail. He coughed again and again, blood oozing out as he did so.

The killer gave no time when he stepped the mother on her stomach, watching the other getting weaker. Blood started to paint her white blouse and trickled by her lips. “You killed him. My one and only...” the man said, anger, rage and resentment filled the air around him, clouding his mind. “Because of you! He died!” a bullet was shot to the right arm. “He was supposed to live!” another shot up the mother’s left arm. “And you killed him!” a bullet reach Mrs. Kim right in the middle of her chest.

Ryeowook who was watching the whole thing, blurred with silent tears, his arms flailing trying to reach his mother but no matter how hard he tried, his body failed him. He clenched the carpet, heart racing as a bullet by bullet was shot at his mother. “Mom...please...” his tears muffled his words; pleading everything to stop. “Someone... help...”

The killer then stopped the shooting, crouched down to Mrs. Kim holding the gun up right to the lawyer’s head, “And now it’s your turn, .”

By then, Ryeowook’s cried has become frantic and loud, pleading everything to stop. His palm hitting the floor, trying hard to move himself when his mother turned to him, eye’s right into his.

“Ryeowook...” her voice ragged with sadness. Her lips pulled into a smile, eyes full with tears.

“I love you...” she said softly as knowing her time has come.

Without hesitation, the man pulled the trigger. Ryeowook’s cried turned louder, watching his mother’s eyes losing the light and lifeless.

The ruthless murderer turned to crying Ryeowook; readied himself to pull the trigger when loud sirens filled the surrounding. He took a quick peak by the window, knowing police cars filling up the street in front. In dash he tried to run away when the front door and the back door were broke open, trapping him inside the house.

“Freeze! Put down your gun!” the officers warned.

Stubborn, outrageous and resented by the situation the killer pulled the gun’s trigger, shooting blindly. However the gun eventually ran out of bullets, he was tripped by the polices, cuffed as he laugh, turning crazy by time. “I killed her! I killed her Seung Joon!”

His laugh continues along with Ryeowook’s cries which silenced as his eyes fluttered close.

Still, the tears wouldn’t stop.

And one heart wrapped deep into darkness, refusing to reveal how once it used to shine brightly.

At last, it is still a bad day after all.



it is just an epilogue. thank you everyone for reading, commenting and subscribing and voting <3



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kyunaleixu #1
Chapter 4: Why I haven't found this story earlier? This is freaking good and mysterious.
Thank you for coming back to the aff world and for writing this amazing fic as your debut.kkkk
It's a pity you've deleted your previous works but I'm positive that you will successfully go through this time.
I hope they won't do anything to Wook like taking away his heart from him cause it only belongs to kyuhyun.hahaha
Will always look forward for your update^0^.
jayrock #2
Chapter 4: I love your story keep up the good work
Chapter 4: Oh No!!! Please let our baby Wookie be okay.. To think he was having fun after all those 2 months.. Please rescue Wookie Kyuhyunnie! But...... I wonder what will happen once Siwonnie finds out about Yesungie being with the Kangs.. tsktsktsktsk.. Your treading a dangerous path there Yesungie..
jesyuchiha #4
Chapter 4: Tienes que continuar ~ se esta poniendo interesante... Para que quieren a ryeowook espero que no le hagan daño!!
Chapter 4: Amazing! Hope Wook will be alright. Please update soon ^^
butterfry90 #6
Chapter 3: This story is good! Looking forward to the next chapter. Please update soon!!
Chapter 3: Wait! Yeye and Siwon? But they are of different families.. Jessica Jung? About the prophesied one, could it be KyuWook? The hidden heart is Wook and the immortal is Kyu? But the key? Hmmmmm.. Can't wait for the next update!