EPISODE 3: BTS – Music Mates!

Behind The Scenes - Where Did You Come From?
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Note: Sorry for my english...

EPISODE 3: BTS – Music Mates!

Song of the day: Hip-hop Lover


You started getting ready for the evening. You grabbed your school bag and put your music sheets and demos in it. You still can’t get over the fact that you’re going to meet the boys. Again! Wahh! This is truly unbelievable!!! Wait…. But Selena… She must be very sad and unstable right now, isn’t it selfish to just think about yourself and go…? She had her first heartbreak today… She needs to rest and a friend to stay by her side…

Sam: You know what? Let’s not go… Let’s go to your house and watch twilight!

Selina: Are you kidding me? I just got you an opportunity of a life time!

Sam: I know but… What about you? You’re barely standing… The day was rough and I don’t want you to…

Selina: Oh shut up will you! I am FINE! Well… I will be fine! And you’re right. I shouldn’t stay at home crying and feeling sorry for myself. I should go out, have some fun, have a good time, meet a hot stranger, make out…

Sam: Wow… she’s losing it big time…

Selina: Sam… I am not fine… but I really want to distract myself… I am not going just because of you, I want to have fun, maybe find a rebound haha…

Sam: Really? But you are so vulnerable right now… what if…

Selina: Jeez…. You’re doing it again! Overthinking! I am 20 years old honey! I know what I’m doing!

Sam: Where did you get all that confidence…

Selina: Stop wasting time we are leaving in an hour!

Sam: So early? Why?

Selina: The earlier the better! So you can have time to socialise and show your work.

Sam: But…

Selina: No but! Hurry! Wear simple clothes today, you have to appear professional… NOT that simple… put the white blouse and your black jeans.

Sam: Okay… and where are we meeting them?

Selina: At the hotel ________, they are staying there till Monday.

Sam: Isn’t that a bit… Meeting them in a hotel I mean…

Selina: Well… yes a little bit, but it can’t be helped… Let’s not get any ideas

Sam: Well, if you go wearing that! I can’t help picturing a lot of weird things happening…

Selina: Is it my fault if everything I wear looks amazing on me? Don’t worry about stuff just get ready and don’t forget anything!

Sam: Okay Miss…

One hour later:

You finished organizing your things and are now ready to go out. You two got out of the house straight to the subway. After 20 minutes you got out of the subway and took the bus for another 30 minutes. Then you walked for another 20 minutes before getting to the hotel. Why is this dam hotel so far? You two thought you were lost several times before getting there…

Selina: I don’t care what’s going to happen next but when we go back home we are taking a taxi!

Sam: Good Idea, I don’t care if I’m broke! I am not doing this again… Sight

You two stopped in front of the hotel and looked at each other with excitement and anxiousness for a moment. You took each others hand, took a deep breath and faced the hotel.  

Sam and Selina: Let’s go!

You enter the hotel and looked around in the lobby for a familiar face. Selina unlocked her phone to see the time, it’s 5:45 pm… you are 15 minutes late. Selina dials Rap Monster’s number…

RM: Hello~

Selina: Hi, we are here

RM: Yes, I know! I see you hahah!

Selina: Where are you? I don’t see…Is that you? With that ugly hat?

RM: it’s not a hat it’s a… yes that’s me… I will go first and just follow me… be careful not to draw to much attention, I nearly passed out when I saw you hahaha

Selina: Pffftttt please! Hanging up!!!

RM: hahahaha okay~~~

Selina started dragging you, to where the elevators are

Sam: Where are we going?

Selina: Shhhhhttt…. Be quiet and follow me!

Seconds later you were standing next to this cute American couple and a tall man wearing an all black style, the elevator doors open suddenly and you get dragged in by your friend. The man and the couple follow’s you inside and you wait silently as Selina requested, while the elevator goes up and stops at the 7 floor. The man in black goes out and so do you as you get pushed by Sell, again… As you attempted to turn around to question your friend where you were going you hear a familiar voice…

RM: WOAHHHH!!! This is so thrilling; I am breaking all the rules now…

Sam: RAPMON!!!!??

RM: Yes, hahaha how have you been Sam?

Sam: GREAT GREAT!!! (He remembers my name!!!) And you?

RM: Yes, I am good thank you! So… (Savagely interrupted by Selina)

Selina: I hate to disturb what you two have going on, but… are we going to stay outside for someone to notice us… or…?

RM: OH! Right! Sorry I was so exited I almost forgot, this is dangerous! Follow me it’s this way. By the way there is Suga hyung in the room… he is a little bit… Tired…so yeah haha, Hoseoki is there too but he’s not a problem.

You are now walking towards the room, and you start feeling your legs shaking, you’re going to meet Suga and J-Hope!!! Suga is like your second role model, you really appreciate his songs and mixtape... and J-Hope is just so adorable… you felt yourself losing it so you started breathing slowly trying to relax as you reached the room. You felt your heart beating so fast, you could hear it resonating in your head. BOOOM! BOOOM! BOOOM! Namjoon Opened the door and enter the room with Selina next to him. You followed them inside slowly and froze at the entrance. You heard the door close behind you witch startled you.

RM: Suga hyung?

Suga: mmm….

RM: (in Korean) they are here…I told you to change… ahh… seriously

Suga: (in Korean) who? Ah… I don’t know… tiresome….

RM: (In English) Come guys, so this is Suga hyung, Suga hyung this is Selina and Sam!

Suga was lying on his bed laptop on his belly looking as dead as his autumn leaves. He’s gaze moved to meat ours and back to he’s laptop… wow… He does not like us…

Sam: Hi! (you said shyly)

Suga: Hey…

Selina: Is he retarded or someth? AWWWWW!!!!! WHY!!!?? DON’T EVER PINCH ME AGAN THIS ISHH SERIOUSLY HURTS!!!

Sam: Shut up! (you whisper quietly)


Suga annoyed by the sudden loud noises gives you a deathly stare, (did he understand? I don’t think so… he’s not that good in English)

Sam: (In Korean) We are really sorry, to barge in like this I am sure you are all very busy, we should probably go, have a nice day.

Suga’s death stare turned into a surprised one as he didn’t expect you to speak Korean and to speak it fluently. You remembered the same thing happened at the hi touch event.

RM: NO you are not leaving! You just got here, if he is not happy he should leave hahaha… I am the leader here! But WOW SAM!! Your Korean is awesome, how come??

Sam: Well it just happened hahaha…

RM: Well now I don’t feel bad leaving you here with Suga hyung and Hoppy, I actually planed to take this lady out, I made a reservation at a quiet restaurant… (savagely interrupted by Selina. Again…)

Selina: HOLD UP! Wait a second my friend, I am not leaving with you anywhere especially in a quiet place, and you stay away from me! See this? This is my personal space witch you are not allowed in, that’s right! 1 meter, 1 whole meter, Respect!!! And I am not leaving my SamSam here with this weirdo, who knows what he might do…

RM: HAHAHAHAHAH, this is hilarious!! I can only like you more and more!! Suga wont do anything to Sam, I mean look at him… He doesn’t even have energy to stand up… And I promise to respect that 1-meter rule! I Won’t be naughty! I’ll behave! So…Please? I was just hoping to get to know you better and maybe you can get to know me too…

You really didn’t like the idea of Selina leaving with that erted monster and you certainly didn’t like the fact that you would be left alone here, with a rock as company… But somehow the way Namjoon talked… especially that last sentence he was staring at the ground, blushing shyly as if he was a middle schooler confessing to his first love… it looked sincere…And you could see that your friend was actually starting to blush too… You have to do something.

Sam: Yeah you guys should definitely go, I’ll be fine here, I will practice my Korean with this dude, and order some pizza. IT WILL BE FUN! This room is to small for all of us anyways…

You tried to look as happy as possible, and somehow you even believed yourself. Selina was looking at you with questioning eyes. You assured her it was fine and to have fun! And then…They actually left… It didn’t take them much time… Rapmon advised Suga to take care of you till they come back and to order some food later...

Suga quickly got up from his bed and come toward were you were standing; you froze as he held one of his hands up while walking faster. Is he actually going to beat you?? You close your eyes and waited for the punch, but a loud noise behind you startled you, you turn around to see what is going on. Suga was knocking loudly on a door.

Suga: (In Korean) Yeaaaa!!! Get out, I need to peee!!!

Voice: Hyung wait!

Suga: GET OUT!!!! (knocking more vigorously on the door)

Voice: aaaahhh… I am going out…

The door opened and Some-one wearing a beauty mask get’s out… You couldn’t recognize him, maybe a manager… but he doesn’t look like their manager… wait…that hair… that voice… is that…!!!! J-HOPE!!!! OMG!!!! As soon as he get’s out Suga pushes him and goes directly to the toilet not caring to close the door… J-Hope starts to nag at his hyung and slams the door for him. He turns around and screams as he notices you. He was startled by your presence and started jumping to the

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Mymibell #1
Chapter 2: This is Epic! When Is chapter 3 coming out?
Lifebreather #2
Chapter 1: I bet this story is gonna be like every fangirls fantasy >▼<
Already LOVIN it!!