EPISODE 2: BTS – Secret Meeting!

Behind The Scenes - Where Did You Come From?
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EPISODE 2: BTS – Secret Meeting!

Song of the day: War Of Hormones!


Selina: But, you know we need to redo your make-up right? Your mascara is smudging… Well we can leave it that way, it gives of a homeless drunk addict kind of vibe but it might attract some people who knows…

Sam: What? You must be kidding me! Let me see!

You took out your hand mirror and checked. She was not kidding, that mascara was everywhere… But it kind of gives you a puppy look and you like puppies, so it didn’t bother you as much.

Sam: Ouff…it’s not so bad

Selina: But how come my mascara is intact and you’re is all over the place? Did you cry or something?

Sam: I did

Selina: What? When?

Sam: At the start of the concert…at the middle… at the end… I just cried a lot

Selina: Why? You didn’t like it?

Sam: No… I just couldn’t contain my feels, it was too strong, they were so beautiful… so I just cried

Selina: You’re crazy… hopeless cause…hey! let’s go there I think they serve hot chocolate!

Sam: All right! Ajjaa!~

You were anxiously waiting for 11:30 pm to come. You finished your drink in a minute, while Selina is sipping hers slowly not a bit excited or worried. You started thinking, why would she be worried? You are the one tagging along here… What if Rap-Monster hates you for ruining there secret meeting. Well, if it wasn’t for you Selina would be long gone and asleep by now! But what if? Imagine he brings other members with him! Imagine he brings JIN OPPAH~~~ !!!


Selina: You should… If you don’t want to ruin your life time chance to talk to them, normal person to another normal person.

Sam: Normal person? Who? BTS? ARE YOU KIDDING ME! How can I act natural in front of these heavenly creatures!?

Selina: You know they poop to…

Sam: No they don’t, Angels don’t poop!

Selina: Ow, okay… I’m sorry I didn’t realize I was talking to an empty jar.

Sam: Hey I’m not an empty jar… I’m a jar full of luuuuv~~

Selina: Oh here we go again… No but seriously let’s practice you acting normal in front of them. Change your mind set right now. You’re not a fan anymore, you are at the same level from now on okay! Sam what is BTS?

Sam: LIFE~

Selina: seriously!

Sam: Normal people…. Like me… same same….

Selina: Good!

You continue practicing like that for the rest of the time until 11:20 pm. The concert was over at 10:30 pm, so there were not much people left in front of the building. You started carefully making your way to the side of the building in a dark alley. Now your insides are screaming, you can’t control your anxiety! You just hope you wont make a fool out of yourself. OMG What’s that? Is that a person standing there? Why is it so dark in this dam alley? You can’t see a thing!

Selina: Is that him?

Sam: I don’t know, I can’t see! OH MY!!! IT’S HIM, IT’S RAP-MON!!!

Selina: Shut up and act normal!

Sam: OH MY! I can’t…. I can’t breathe

Selina: Don’t screw this up behave yourself and let me do the talking!

Sam: GOOD IDEA! You know what? I’m not feeling so well at the moment… I think I’m just gonna wait for you here…

Selina: Are you kidding me? Tell me you’re not serious right now!!!

Sam: I can’t walk…. My legs wont move….

Selina: oh well… it can’t be helped…then let’s leave!


Selina: Then let’s do this, come on you can do this! This is nothing! You are Sam Freaking Styles! You got this!

Rap-Monster: euhh…excuse me?

Selina: WHAT?

Sam: Oh my… oh my… oh my………

Rap Monster was standing 2 meters away from you, looking as confused as you were shocked.

Rap monster: I was waiting for you… I gave you the message, that’s why you’re here right?

Selina: Yes I got the message… and I am here because my friend here forced, OUTCH!

You pinched her as hard as you could! She was going to complain how you forced her into this and she rather be sleeping now! She has no social skills and was trying to give you advice! Wooow! YOU NEED TO DO A DIVERSION! THINK! THINK! SAM! CALM DOWN AND THINK!

Sam: Sup Rap-Monster, what’s popping?

Rap-Monster: Sorry?


Sam: hmm nothing sorry…

Selina: Hi my name is Selina and this is Sam, she is a bit shy and awkward sometimes but she doesn’t bite

Rap-Monster: Oh Hi Selina and Sam, my name is Namjoon.

Sam: I know!

Rap-Monster: Hhahahaha I see, you like BTS?

Sam: Yes! Your songs are the best!

Selina: …….

RM: And you?

Selina: Well I came with her so… you’re great I guess

RM: Outch hahahah, Sam is your friend always this cold?

Sam: She does have an attitude but it fades away as you grow closer

RM: Ahh! Just my style! Hahahahha

Selina: you know I’m here right? I can here everything…Should I just leave you guys, you seem to enjoy yourselfs talking about people and stuff

RM: Wahhh! I already made you angry in less then 3 minutes of meeting… that’s a record!

Selina: I’m not mad, so what do you want?

RM: WOW! Hahahha… I was hopping you would give me your number and we can meet later?...

Selina: …..

RM: Or just talk if you want, I’m a patient man, once I know what I want, I don’t give up!

Selina: What a bunch of BS nonsense talk…

Sam: SELINA! She’s just playing hard to get, don’t get offended!

Selina: I AM NOT!

RM: It’s okay, I think you two are very funny, you have better alchemy than most comic duos hahahah!

Sam: Right! We have known each other since kinder garden, if you want to know anything about her I will tell you, just ask me, I’m gonna give you her number to!

Selina: HEY! EXCUSE YOU! I will give my number when I want to and to who I want!

RM: WAAAHH! I love this attitude! So spicy!

Selina: You sound like an old creeper!

Sam: Here take this it’s her number!

Selina: HEY!!!! DON’T

Selina tried to steal your phone but Rap-Mon was quicker and raised it sky high. She started to jump to get it back, but Namjoon is way taller than her. He started entering her number on his phone. Grabbed her by the shoulder took a selfie with her and set it as background for the contact. This guy is unbelievable, he is so quick, you’d think he’s been doing that all his life or something.

Selina: Did you just take a picture of me? Without asking? I’m gonna sew you big time my friend! erase it and I’ll reconsider not sewing you!

RM: HAHAHAHAH NO WAY! Let’s take it to the court so I can see your angry expression again!


Your eyes where popping out as you witness what just happened in front of you. The guy just KISSED HER! ON THE LIPS! HE ACTUALLY KISSED HER! He grabbed the back of her head so she wouldn’t escape and kissed her! She was more surprised than you! You knew her eyes where big but didn’t know they could become this big! She looks like a fish right now! EXACTLY A FISH! It was a quick peck on the lips, but it was enough to make you loose it! How could he actually do that, in public, there is no one here, but woooow that was crazy! Selina will rage!

RM: Bye Babe! Thank you Sam!

He gives you back your phone and start making a run for it, before getting beaten up by Selina

RM: I’ll call you (he said while running back in the building)

Selina was just standing there, looking as confused as Dory in Nemo. Somehow you wish she was raging right now… This calm aura is very heavy. You want to say something, but can’t bring yourself to it… Imagine she takes it out on you! Oh you just want to make a run for it too… Selina lost her balance and fell on the ground. She started crying very loud! WOW that was not what you were expecting! Now you are in complete panic… What to do? What to do? Do something?

Selina: That was my first kiss……. Waaaaaaa

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Mymibell #1
Chapter 2: This is Epic! When Is chapter 3 coming out?
Lifebreather #2
Chapter 1: I bet this story is gonna be like every fangirls fantasy >▼<
Already LOVIN it!!