EPISODE 1: BTS – Concert

Behind The Scenes - Where Did You Come From?
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NOTE: So this is the first episode! I’m sorry it’s very long… Because it’s the introduction to the main characters and there are a lot of background information I needed to add, so you can enjoy a full realistic fan meeting celebrity experience. I focus a lot on the main lead Sam and her friendship with Selina in this chapter… But I promise you we will focus more on the boys in the other episodes.



EPISODE 1: BTS – Concert

Song of the day: Dope/Sick!

 Mom: Sam! Saaaam!!! Your phone is ringing! It’s the second time, I think it’s pretty urgent honey… I SAID YOUR PHONE IS RINGING I SWEAR IF YOU DON’T GET DOWN IMMA BEAT YOU UP.

You run towards the kitchen quickly and pick up your phone where you left it.

Sam: “Wow mom honey and beat you up in the same sentence is a bit…” you say while looking at your phone to see who’s calling “it’s just Selina, she is supposed to come today after noon, she will sleep over, so we can go early tomorrow”

Mom: Tomorrow? What about tomorrow?

Sam: “The concert, mom, the concert…. BTS…. K-pop…? Korean pop….?” She seems clueless so you add “The gay ones…?”

Mom: “OHHHHHH THEM! Are you seriously paying money to go see them? How much? How come they are in the US? You’re not the only one who likes that stuff? I’m amazed, pffttt times have changed…”.

Your mom continues talking to herself about how men in her time (like 200 years ago) were manly and strong, and how guys these days wear make up. So you decide to go back to your room and call Selena.

Selena is your best friend! You have known her since forever. She is like the sister you never had, and you love her very much. Despite the fact that she has a y attitude and is a bit of a snob to other people, with you she is precious, she is very protective of you… sometimes you feel that she treats you like her child…

Selena has always been one of the popular kids not just thanks to her attitude but also she is drop dead gorgeous. She is tall (168 cm – 55kg), nice body, nice curves, long wavy black hair, pale skin, big blue foxy eyes, nice style…she is simply beautiful.

On the other side you have always been one of the geeks, you are timid, you don’t talk much, unless you have something to say. You have a simple style, T-shirt, jeans and flats. Your hair is not short nor long and is brown like your hooded eyes, your height (163 cm – 50 kg) and body are average. Despite your average looks, people compliment you a lot on your personality and your smile.

Sam: Hi Selina? You there?

Selina: Why didn’t you pickup the first two times I called?!

Sam: What two time? I don’t know what you’re talking about…

Selina: Never mind! How is your brother? Is he going to be there tonight?

Sam: Be where?


Sam: Witch brother?

Selina: Sam… Do I look like a e to you… would I be interested in you’re 12 years old baby brother Nathan? I am talking about James of course!!!

Sam: Ah… yeah sorry… I actually don’t know if he’s going to be there, he doesn’t come home early these days…why?

Selina: Why? Because if he’s going to be there I have to be perfect! My plan E is to kill him with my iness

Sam: Plan E already? What was plan B again? Cute concept?

Selina: No that was plan C! Plan B was my Smart concept

Sam: Wow, and you say I am obsessed with BTS, I don’t even…. Pfffttt, you are way deeper than me in you’re James obsession!

Selina: Tsk, tsk, tsk, sorry my friend but this is not obsession this is Luuuuuv~~~ At least I know the person, and talk to him, and laugh with him, and eat with him, and share good times with him, and… well I’m out of inspiration but you get it

Sam: Inspiration…, inspire…. INFIERS!?

Selina: …. Is that one of there crazy engrish?

Sam: Yeahh, Suga! My second role model

Selina: Who is the first?

Sam: Rap monster, the one you hate

Selina: Hate is a strong word… I just don’t like rap, especially his parts…

Sam: Wow how can our taste be so different…? The fact that we are best friends seems hallucinating to me…? Excuse me miss, who are you again?

Selina: Hey don’t go overboard! Me or BTS?

Sam: Wow you already know the answer, why you trying to act cute with me, of course my answer will always be BTS HAHAHAHHAHA

Selina: …

Sam: Just kidding Oh Ma Gawd…When are you coming? next week? It’s already 2pm… ow 2pm!

Selina: Yeah I know but… I don’t know what to wear…and I am not ready yet…

Sam: Ready what ready, just come James is not home yet, get ready in my room

Selina: But you don’t even have a mirror in your room, how am I supposed to prepare without a mirror… girls basic needs….

Sam: I do have a mirror, It’s just full of posters and stuff… I’m going to clean it up for you, just come, I want to see you, I’m soooo excited for tomorrow and need you’re help to decide what to wear and everything!!!

Selina: Okay I get it, I’ll leave now so I’ll be there in an hour, and clean your room please, it’s always a mess when I stop by!

Sam: Okay, Okay! Don’t worry just hurry!!! And buy me ice cream on your way

Selina: Oh okay hun, see you in a bit!

Sam: Mmmkey love you

You hang up your phone, jump on your bed and lay there smiling happily at the sealing, suddenly you remember…

Sam: OH! I need to clean before the crazy woman shows up

You start cleaning your room immediately.

One hour later:

You’re almost finished, you just need to organize your music sheets and lyrics; you place them on your piano. Place your guitar on the holder and Done!

You look at your phone…It’s already 3:15 pm, Why isn’t she coming!?

You text Selina:

Sam: Where are you now?

Selina: Eating Ice cream with Nathan in your living room

What? She is here? What Ice cream? My Ice cream??? You run out of your room and down the stairs straight to the leaving room.

Selena: Sup!


Nathan: I eat it all… sorry… sis

Sam: What? Why?..... it’s okay… Nathan did nothing wrong….sniff…

Selena: Hey don’t…did someone die stop that crying nonsense, yours is in the fridge, wow so childish seriously, you’d think she’ll die or something, are you filming a movie?

Sam: Really!? Assaaa ow yeahhh~~~!!!

Selena: Let’s go to your room I need to get ready!

Sam: mmmmmkkkayyyy~

Back in your room, Selina is putting on make up and stuff… Seriously why is she so hooked up on James, the only one who doesn’t see her as a woman… She can have anyone but no, let’s fall in love with the one who’s not the least bit interested… ahhh.... I will never understand the psychology of the woman’s brain…

Sam: Why do you like James?

Selina: What is there not to like? He is nice, smart, tall, handsome, sweet….

Sam: eew…. I’m gonna puke

Selina: Why do you like what’s his face in BTS?

Sam: You mean Jin? Cuz he’s flawless~~~ He can sing, cook, he is tall, handsome, waaaahh~~~

Selina: Now I am gonna be sick… Hahaha so what are you going to wear tomorrow? Did you prepare something?

Sam: Well… I did but I’m not sure… Look.

You show her what you are planning to wear for the concert…and …. She is yelling now…

Selina: ARE YOU KIDING ME? JEANS AND A T-SHIRT???? WAHHH!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS? WERE YOU PLANING TO SUICIDE AFTER THE CONCERT OR SOMETHING?...waahhhh I can’t believe this…. You know what? just stay home, don’t go…

Sam: Why? It’s my BTS T-Shirt, to show my support…

Selina: Oh my…. Oh Lord… sweet patience… Hey do you want to be invisible tomorrow? Do you want them to look at you and think, oh another fan…?

Sam: No…

Selina: Well you need to make a good lasting impression!

Sam: But It’s not like I am delulu enough to think one of them might actually notice…

Selina: That will never happen honey, but you need to upgrade your outfit seriously… What is this guard robe, are you a tomboy? You don’t have anything decent?

Sam: okay… but I want to be comfy… no crazy mini skirt or…

Selina: Shut up and try this, it’s the only decent thing I found.

You try the cute white dress that Selina took out from your closet. Your mom bought it for you because it was pretty and on sale… but never wore it because you didn’t have any accessories to match it with.

Selina: that’s good you just need to add some socks in this flat chest of yours, give your bra some usefulness

Sam: HEY! Don’t!

Selina: huhuhuhu just kidding… I will style your hair and do your make-up for you tomorrow morning. I will lend you this pink bag and my pearl earrings. That’s enough I think.

Sam: Thank you~~~

The night went by quickly, Selina was very disappointed that James didn’t come home for supper but quickly forgot about it as you were too busy having a good time talking about you’re plan to attract Jin’s attention at the concert. You two decide to go to bed early, tomorrow is a big day after all…

Next morning:

You and Selina woke at 8

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Mymibell #1
Chapter 2: This is Epic! When Is chapter 3 coming out?
Lifebreather #2
Chapter 1: I bet this story is gonna be like every fangirls fantasy >▼<
Already LOVIN it!!