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Sweet Potatoes
SWEET POTATOES are sweet and healthy, so is this...
Reviewed By:
mictest & sabi-chanmi03
fantasy, fluff, mystery, romance
Reviewer's Message:
  Hi~! This is MicTest~! You must be really confuse because of the reviewer part, yes? Actually, your review is assigned to Sam, but she dropped the request due to some circumstances. I decided to keep some parts from her review. So that solves the mystery of the reviewers XD
  If we were harsh, I am sorry for that. Don't take the words to heart, and even if you do, take it as encouragement and strenght to continue on forward with your story. I am expecting a lot from your writing skills, and I'm sure if you apply some of our advices, your story can show more color and hue that you planned to show.
  I hope you'll request again, and don't forget to credit the shop with our banner~! -^_^- ♥


Title [4/5]
Very relevant and apt. The title is perfect for the story. I'm afraid I'll have to dock a point for originality,though, since the title is rather cliché and everyday. One other thing, instead of square brackets and all uppercase letters, a hyphen and sentence case letters are more grammatically correct, and would be more aesthetically pleasing, too.

Description & Foreword [8/10]
Your description is quite interesting and it's really good. The foreword is descriptive and accurate. But as I read your story, the more curious I am to why you wrote your description that way. Maybe it's the fact that your story is still unraveling its forms, so the description doesn't show, but that doesn't come as an excuse for your description being a little off from your story.

Plot [17/20]
I love how you combined two powerful plots together, maing it merge into one! The best part that I  like about your plot though is its voice. I can almost hear you narrating the story, and that's a good part. Your plot is flexible in many ways, I can imagine it as a conflict to romance, but I can also see it as a helpful weapon on crimes. Your choice of plot was pretty good!

Flow [11/15]
The flow is somewhat jumpy, don't you think? It seems to be going in fits and starts, and then it just went back to normal. It somehow seems a bit abrupt, there was too many flashbacks and it's just the beginning.

Characterization [12/15]
The characters are lacking at some point. I don't really see the color in Mina's character, she needs a few more description and details. What irks me is she becomes the narrator sometimes, yet I still don't know a lot about her. I like Sungjae's character though, playful and mischievous. Something's a bit off from Momo's character. I thought she was just a minor character, but the way Mina mentions that Momo had never emit a positive color bothers me. A lot. I feel like she has a big role, and if that's what you're planning, you're doing a good job with it.

Grammar [12/15]
I can sense verbosity and there's a few misspelled words. I suggest you recheck your chapters, because from all we know, those misspelled words might be typos. Your misuse of comma is another thing. I just can't stand it when I have to stop reading for 2 seconds during a good time. 

Readability [4/5]
The font size is too large. Sometimes, the color's a bit too bright. I have to squint my eyes sometimes while I read your story.

Personal Enjoyment [14/15]
I enjoyed your story. I like how you keep the readers in to thinking, like, why does Sungjae emits purple, why can Mina sees colors, what does purple mean, why are there fireworks in Sungjae's emotions (the colors are emotions, right?) and who's Bae Woo Hee? There were a lot of questions that enters at every chapter, and I like it that you can keep the "mystery" going. I am expecting more from your writing. You just need to show your potential for your story to be great. 


Overall Grade: 82/100
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