Chapter 08

A love story
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-V likes a high schooler -Jungkook shout on the street, people looked at him weirdly, some laugh, some others gave him bad looks but he didn't care, he just wanted to bother me


-So tell me V how does it feels to like a high school girl? -Jimin asked me placing his arm around my shoulder


-Nothing, it's like liking another girl -I said knowing that Irene wasn't just like any other girl, she was special and unique


-V are you sure you don't want to date a girl from your course? -I geard Namjoon saying, so I looked at him and deny it


-Bro, they're not like Irene, she's cute and nice, the girls in my class are just looking another guy to get in bed and I'm sick of that


-You're sick because you made out with all of them? -I heard Jin said, and maybe he was right, but I didn't want to Irene be one of those girls, I donnt want to hurt her, I want to take care of her


-Maybe -I said in a serious tone. He reached YoonGi's place in silence. Once there we left our thing in his room and went to the yard to play basketball. I felt good playing again sharing a good moment with my buds


Finishing the game we were exhausted, I heard my phone ringing inside my jacket, so I took it and read my mom was calling


-Oh! Not again -I thought while answering her


-Kim Taehyun where the hell are you?!! -Heard her scream at the other side of the

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