Chapter 01

A love story
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-Let's take a walk around high school -I told Jimin and Jungkook. We were the youngest among our group, the oldest was Seokjin, then Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok   -V -That was the nickname my friends gave me; they said it was easy to remember a letter then my hpwhole name -We will be here in a few months and we will see this everyday   -Jimin don't be a party-killer, come on! -I look at them and smile starting to walk so they can follow me, I like to be a "leader" among us three. We start walking and cross the garden which divided middle school from high school. We try to mix up with the people around there, we were walking with some guys making some jokes about high school and suddenly one of them hit my chest making me lose my balance and crashing into someone, I looked around to find the girl I was crashed into. She was thin, pale skin, long light brown hair and then I felt something when I saw her; I got up quickly and grab her elbow to pick her up, she cleanes the duat on her pink skirt and looked at me, I picked up her books and gave them to her   -Thank you -She said looking at the floor putting some hair around her ear   -Sorry -I say -I didn't see you -Her friends looked at me then at her   -Yes, I notice it -I heard her sweet voice filling my ears and then I fell something inside me, again, she made a funny smile and I smile too -Tell what does a middle school guy doing here? -Ask raising her books   -I... -I started to talk -I'm getting used to everythin
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