Chapter 06

A love story
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-Excuse me -I heard a whisper coming from her and opened my eyes again, I was still in the library, I look at the front and there she was   -What? -I said with a husky voice for waking up ans sat up correctly   -Can you help me with something? -I nod and she handed me her book and took it   -Kim Yerim -I read at the top of the page, I continue looking at the rest of the page and notice that it was a math excersice, I made a frown because I wasn't good on math; she pointed me the excercise where she needed help and I read it while analyzing it, after a few seconds a nodded a 'no' in response   -Sorry, I can't answer it -She looke at me with dissapointment -Look Yerim, math is not my stronger asignment -She just smiled and thaked me, I felt and impulse to flirt with her but Irene's smiling face appeared in my mind and stopped that impulse I had -Bye Yerim, hope you can answer the excersice -I got uo and left the library, I reached the garden that divided high school from junior school and I felt an impulse tongo to high school and search Irene, I looked at my phone and notice that it was 1:30PM   -Hour and half Taehyung and you can go and find her -I said to myself, I knew which one was her locker so I knew I can find her there, I smiled and went to my classroom, when I entered I found Jimin talking with a girl, ehich was sitted on my place, when I arrived ti my palce both looked at me and the girl smiled flirtly    -Hi Taehyung -She smiled and took my hand and put
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