Chapter 9

Everything's Gonna Be Ok


A month later, Ryeowook got a private call.


"I got your girlfriend in my hands, Seungri! You better come and get her or you know exactly what we'll do to her!"


"Hey! Who's this?" Ryeowook asked.


"B2ST... Does that right a bell?"


Ryeowook's eyes grew wide and he yelled, "Hey! You better not do anything to her Doojoon!" But Doojoon already hung up.


Ryeowook traveled all the way to the other side of Korean for Victoria by foot. He had no money, no car, no nothing but the clothes on his back, since he spent it all to go that far to avoid Victoria. Ryeowook didn't even want to waste a moment in stealing a car in case he gets caught by the cops because when he's worried, his mind doesn't work so well.


Victoria arrives at a broken down building, wondering what it was that her dad wanted to tell her. She knocked on the door and her dad's friends opened it for her, looking so serious, but once they saw her, they smiled. Victoria noticed their serious face which she's never seen before and thought it looked really scary.


"Hey Victoria! You're here! I'll take you to your dad." One of them said.


Victoria smiled and walked inside. As they were walking towards where her dad was, Victoria hear yelling.


"Where is she? What have you done to her?!"


Victoria's eyes grew wide, that voice belonged to Ryeowook! She ran and opened the door where his voice was coming from and Ryeowook really as there.


"Victoria!" Ryeowook said, relieved that Victoria wasn't hurt.


"D... dad... what are you doing?" She said to her dad.


"Huh? D... dad? Doojoon is your dad?" Ryeowook said. (A/N: just pretend that Doojoon is old ok?)


"That's right!" Doojoon said, "I'm her dad! I was going to come after you for killing most of my men until I saw how in love my daughter was with you, but you betrayed her so I'm going to make you die right in front of her!"


Victoria's eyes started tearing.


"Dad, no! Please!" Victoria begged, "Why are you doing this? I thought you were a good person!"


"I'm not a good person Victoria. Throughout my whole life, I've always been living as a bad person." Doojoon said, "The reason you got blind is because of one of my gang rivals. I remember how badly you cried that night, and you were not even one year old! Ever since then, I swore to myself that I'll kill anybody that hurts you!"


Victoria looked at Ryeowook and then back at her dad, "But.. But I love him, dad. If you kill him, you'll hurt me!"


Ryeowook then took that moment as a chance and grabbed the person behind him's gun.


"Hey!" The guy yelled.


Victoria and her dad turned their heads to see Ryeowook holding a gun at his own head.


"Victoria, I'm sorry but I can't be with you... not in this lifetime." Ryeowook said.


"No! Oppa, don't! Please don't! Victoria begged, her tears starting to fall.


Ryeowook looked at Victoria with his sad eyes and took a deep breath.


"I love you Victoria." He said, looking into Victoria's eyes.


Gunshots rung throughout the neighborhood, followed by a sad, piercing scream.




At the funeral that Victoria held for Ryeowook, since he had no other family that could provide for him, all day long, she cried and cried and never left his corpse side. Even when the funeral was over and Ryeowook was buried in the ground, her dad's men had to take her away.


Victoria stayed up at night, crying and holding her phone with the Xiah Keychain and the DBSK CD Ryeowook bought in her arms. They were the only things she's gotten from Ryeowook. As she was crying, she looked at the keychain and noticed something sticking out of it. It looked like a piece of paper.


Victoria pulled it out and it was a small note with Ryeowook's feelings on it. It said:


          Hello Victoria. I don't know if you feel the same, but I want to tell you
          that I love you anyways. I've always had feelings for you from the first
          time I saw your beautiful smile in that CD store. Even If you never do
          get your eyes fixed, I will still love you. I doesn't matter if you're blind
          or not. As long as I can see your smiling face, everything is gonna be


Victoria sat up as more tears stained her face. She now understood why Ryeowook said that it had his love for her inside.




Victoria appeared at work the next day which surprised her two best friends.


"What are you doing here?" Luna asked.


"I'm here to work, duh!" Victoria said playfully, with a full smile on her face.


"Are you sure you'll be ok?" Sulli asked


Both girls were thinking it was weird that Victoria could already smile so brightly.


"Yeah. Everything's gonna be ok. Ryeowook promised me."



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Thank's for the comments ZeeNix and rain_shawdow14!!<br />
I only posted this for my DiBSKay girls, I didn't expect any comments. <br />
Comments really can make people feel good! <br />
ZeeNix #2
i'm never imagine the story will be end like this,,<br />
<br />
Why must wookie decide to suicide,,?<br />
This so heartbreaking,,,
Such a sad ending! X( nice story though