Chapter 2

Everything's Gonna Be Ok


It was their first day officially dating and Ryeowook took Victoria out. He didn't let her walk because she could trip over a crack or something so he gave her a piggy back ride.


"Are you ok? I'm not heavy, am I?" Victoria asked.


"Are you kidding? I hardly noticed you were there!" Ryeowook said.


Victoria laughed.


Ryeowook took her to the beach. Victoria always wanted to go there but she never had because her parents were afraid that she might drown in the water.


"We're here!" Ryeowook said and put her down. He was sweating by then.


"Where are we?" Victoria asked.


"At the beach." Ryeowook replied.


"You walked all the way here? Why didn't we go on a bus or something?"


"I wanted to be manlier. If I carry you every day like this, then when you get your eyes fixed, I'll be all muscular and y for you." Ryeowook said.


Victoria laughed and said, "Hurry! I wanna go play in the water!"


Ryeowook grabbed her hand and interlocked their fingers together. Victoria couldn't help but smile as she felt his hand.


"Okay, lets go!" Ryeowook shouted.


Victoria took her first step onto the beach and felt the ground become unstable.


"Wh...Why is the ground so weird feeling?" She asked.


"Oh! It's sand. It feels nicer with our shoes off. Here, sit down for a moment."


Victoria sat down and let Ryeowook take off her shoes. Her hands felt the sand and she smiled, "This is how sand feels like?" She said, "I like it! It tickles my fingers!"


Ryeowook smiled.


Victoria stood up barefoot and felt the sand go in-between her toes.


"The sand feels so cool between my toes." Victoria giggled.


Ryeowook grabbed her hand sand said, "C'mon, lets got into the water!"


They slowly made their way through the sand. Victoria was still unstable, walking on sand, so she almost tripped a few times.


While they were splashing in the water, Ryeowook paid special attention to Victoria to make sure she wouldn't go too deep into the water or trip.




Ryeowook and Victoria sat in the sand to dry off and her head lay on Ryeowook's shoulder as he played with her hands.


"I love the beach." Victoria said. "Because the only memory I have here is with you, on our first day officially dating."


Ryeowook laughed, "I prefer the music shop though."


"...Ryeowook, what's the sound of waves crashing? My mom always told me stories about it but I don't know what it sounds like." Victoria said.


"Be very quiet and listen." Ryeowook said and the two of them sat there listening quietly for a while.


"Did you hear it?" Ryeowook said and imitated the sound.


Victoria laughed and nodded, "It's calming, just like my mom told me."


The two of them sat in the sand quietly listening to the waves when Ryeowook asked, "Hey, how come I've never seen your dad around before?"


"He's always busy with work so he's hardly home." Victoria said, "My mom said he has to stay there so he could protect us."


"Protect you guys?" Ryeowook questioned.


"Yeah. She probably means the bills and everything." Victoria said.


They sat there quietly listening to the waves until Victoria fell asleep and so Ryeowook piggy backed her home.




Victoria's mom let Ryeowook in and brought Victoria to her bedroom. When Ryeowook placed her on the bed, he was tempted to kiss her lips, but he kissed her forehead instead and whispered goodnight.


Suddenly, Victoria grabbed him before he could leave. She almost missed him, but she got him.


"That's it?" Victoria asked.


"What?" Ryeowook said, confused.


"The kiss."


Ryeowook turned red and made an excuse, "What am I supposed to do? I don't want to take advantage of you when you're sleeping."


"Well, I'm not sleeping anymore." Victoria replied, shyly.


Ryeowook laughed and said, "You naughty girl!"


"What? I just want a kiss!" Victoria said defensively.


Ryeowook leaned over and planted a kiss on her lips, but it was short. Victoria frowned.


"Next time it'll be longer, I promise. Your parents might be wondering why I'm talking so long in here. Good night Victoria." Ryeowook said and left, closing the door behind him.


Victoria smiled and put her hands over her lips, her heart was thumping against her chest as if pleading to get out and let Ryeowook take it.




The next morning, Victoria woke up to an excited scream from her mom.


"Victoria! Wake up, baby! I have exciting news!" Her mom said.


Victoria sat up sleepily and said, "What is it mom? I'm still tired."


"The doctors found you a pair of new eyes!" Her mom shouted.


"W...What?" Victoria said in shock and started crying, "Th...That means I'll be able to see for the first time?"


"Actually... Victoria... You weren't always blind..." Her mom said.


"What?" Victoria asked with shock and curiosity.


"...Never mind. I'm going to start packing. We'll be going to America tonight!" Her mom said.


"America?" Victoria asked.


"Yeah, to get your eyes fixed."


"B...But why so far?"


"Don't worry, as soon as you're healed, I promise well come straight back home." Her mom said and left.


Victoria, having nothing to do, lay in her bed and thought about going to America. That means that she has to leave Ryeowook here.


After a bit, there was a knock on her door.


"Come in." Victoria said and sat up.


The door opened and she asked, "Who's there?"


Ryeowook, who was frowning after hearing the news from Victoria's mom, smiled and said, "I heard you're going to America to get your eyes fixed. I'm so excited for you!"


Victoria recognized Ryeowook's voice and frowned, "I wanted you to be the first person I see when I wake up."


A tear slid down Ryeowook's face and he laughed, "Stupid! All you have to do is call me. We could have a video chat."


"How do I do that?"


"I'll teach you when the time comes."


Victoria smiles and opened her arms up, wanting Ryeowook to hug her.


Ryeowook walked into her arms and hugged her tightly, taking in every moment because he won't be seeing her for a while.


"I don't wanna leave yet!" Victoria said in his arms, "This is only our second day together!"


Ryeowook lifted her head up and leaned down to kiss her on the lips. Victoria slowly closed her eyes and kissed him back




Two guys were thrown to the ground, all beaten up.


"We...we didn't mean to!" one said, "It wasn't our fault boss!"


"Shut up!" their boss yelled, "How the hell does five of our men die in one place then, huh?"


"Kibum oppa!"


The boss, Kibum, turned around to see Jenna running towards him and clung onto his arm. He smiled, "You're back early babe."


Jenna frowned, "What's wrong oppa? You look upset." she saw the two guys on the ground and said, "Did Teukie and Eunhyukie do something bad?"


"These two idiots killed five of your men!"


"W...we didn't mean to! wasn't our fault! Jenna, you understand us, right?" Leeteuk said.


"What do you mean it wasn't your fault? You were the ones who recruited them!" Kibum yelled angrily.


"Oppa!" Jenna whined, "Don't yell at them like that! You know they're your best men! Just give them another chance!"


Kibum looked at Jenna's face and sighed, "Ok, fine. But you two better find new recruits soon! Now leave!"


Eunhyuk and Leeteuk scurried away as fast as lighting.


Once they left, Kibum put his arms around Jenna and she giggled...




Ryeowook's phone rang while he was lazing off in his room and he immediately answered the phone, knowing it was Victoria.


"Hello baby." Ryeowook said.


Victoria laughed, "Baby?"


"Yeah, I figured we should start calling each other by pet names." Ryeowook said.


"Ah, ok, oppa."


Ryeowook sighed, "Ah, it sounds so nice when you call me that! Usually you'd just call me Ryeowook. Why just Ryeowook?"


"Because." Victoria said, "Anyways, I'm going into surgery in five minutes. What if something goes wrong?"


"What are you saying? It'll be alright. I promise you. Everything is going to be ok." Ryeowook said, "I'll be waiting for your call."


"Ok... Goodbye, Ryeowo... oppa!" Victoria said.


"Goodbye baby." Ryeowook replied.


Victoria put her phone down. Her heart was stinging at his words. She doesn't know why, but his goodbye bothered her. She started dialing his number again but then the nurse came in and said, "Are you ready to go, miss?"


Victoria sat quietly for a bit and then thought to herself, "Ryeowook said everything's gonna be ok..." She put her phone down and nodded.




Later that night, Ryeowook's parents came to knock at his door.


"Ryeowook, we're going to go eat out tonight! Get dressed, it's cold outside!" His mom yelled through the door.


"Ok mom!" Ryeowook said and put on his jacket.




Eunhyuk and Leeteuk got into their car, both drunk. They started drinking ever since they had left Kibum's place and they were laughing like crazy.


"Lets go have some fun tonight." Leeteuk said.


They drove off, swerving a whole lot, headed downtown.




Ryeowook got into his parents car and asked, "Where are we going to?"


"Downtown, to your favorite little restaurant." his dad answered.


As both Leeteuk and Eunhyuk and Ryeowook and his parents were just about to reach downtown. Leeteuk spotted their car and decided to mess with them. He was far ahead and no other cars were around so he made a u turn and was driving at full speed towards them.


Ryeowook and his parents were busy looking at extra coupons they just found for the restaurant and then Ryeowook noticed a light in front of them and looked up to see a car coming towards them.


"Dad! Look out!" Ryeowook screamed, but it was too late and they collided.




After a couple minutes, Eunhyuk and Leeteuk came to and realized what had happened. Both of them were bleeding and scared. They've never hurt any innocent people before, only people who had harmed them.


"Oh no...Hyung...what did you do?" Eunhyuk said.


"I...I didn't...I thought they would chicken out and turn away!" Leeteuk said, "Why didn't they do anything?"


After a bit, the two got out of the car and went to check if the people in the other car were ok.


"Ah! Hyung...the two in the front seats are dead!" Eunhyuk panicked and quickly went to check Ryeowook in the back seat.


"Oh hyung! He's still breathing!"


Leeteuk's eyes widened, "Hurry! We better take him with us! We can't let anybody be alive! Hurry!"


Eunhyuk carried Ryeowook and they ran away on feet.




Victoria was excited. The doctor was slowly unwrapping the bandage around her head and she was going to see for the very first time.


"Ok Victoria. Don't open your eyes too quickly. Your eyes too quickly. Your eyes won't be able to adjust to the light so fast." the doctor said.


Victoria slowly opened her eyes and saw the world for the first time.




That was her mother's voice.


"Victoria, can you see me?"


Victoria smiled and nodded. Her mother shouted in joy and hugged her. She hugged her mother back and said, "I can see! Mom, I can see! Wh...Where's dad?"


Victoria's dad smiled and waved at her. She smiled back and threw her arms around him.


Victoria ran out of the room to find her other room, but she was lost, so she closed her eyes and she felt more comfortable as she counted her steps to her room. She found her way to the bed and sat down, remembering where she placed it, and when she grabbed it, her eyes opened to see a mall square shaped thing in her hands, full of color. She started crying tears of joy and dialed the only number she knew by heart, which was Ryeowook's. She didn't know what the numbers on the buttons were, but she knew the pattern of the buttons to get to Ryeowook.


Victoria placed the phone over her ears and waited for Ryeowook to pick up. Finally he picked up the phone


"Hello?" Victoria said.

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Thank's for the comments ZeeNix and rain_shawdow14!!<br />
I only posted this for my DiBSKay girls, I didn't expect any comments. <br />
Comments really can make people feel good! <br />
ZeeNix #2
i'm never imagine the story will be end like this,,<br />
<br />
Why must wookie decide to suicide,,?<br />
This so heartbreaking,,,
Such a sad ending! X( nice story though