When I heard you.

Stages of Love

4. When I heard you

Taekwoon scribbled on his notebook without paying too much attention to what the teacher was saying, probably they were receiving a lecture of their future and how important going to college was. Not that he really cared, he still wasn’t sure of what to do. Not that he had a lot of options either.

The teacher dismissed the class and all the students hurried to leave as if their life depended on it; he glanced toward Hakyeon’s empty seat, how lucky of him to not assist to the CSAT’s extra classes that day. He have missed class due to an unexpected trip, his sister that was living in Japan had an accident, nothing serious but still his family decided to visit her as soon as they received the news. Taekwoon wished he could do the same; those extra classes were killing him.

He sighed and took his belongings walking with the crowd of students to the school’s gate when he felt someone grab his arm; he gasped at the sudden action and turned his head to look at the responsible. His eyes widened at the guy in front him.

“Wonshik” He whispered.

The boy only smiled at him slowly losing the grip on his arm.


“What are you doing here?” It sounded harsher than what he intended to, but Wonshik’s classes had ended a couple of hours ago. The boy’s smile disappeared.

“I wanted to talk to you.”

A frown adorned Wonshik’s face and Taekwoon bit his lower lip anxious, if Wonshik had stayed waiting for him for three hours it must be something important. The younger boy sighed. “Let’s go for a coffee, my treat.”



Taekwoon fidgeted in his seat wandering his gaze around the already known place, it was rather strange that the younger boy have waited for him to talk when they could do it the next day or even through chat. No matter what they would’ve been talking about, it had to be something important. Wonshik came back with two cups of coffee and a slice of cake, placing them on the table and handing him his cup.

They stayed in silence for a few minutes; it wasn’t the comfortable silence that used to surround them but rather a really dense one, so dense that he bet if he had a knife in those moments he could cut through it. Taekwoon took a bit of the cake immediately frowning at the taste; it was sweet, too sweet for somebody like Woshik who hated sweet things. The cake was brought for him.

He put the fork down and took a sip of his coffee; it was obvious that the younger boy wasn’t going to start the conversation any time soon.

“To be honest...” He said grabbing Wonshik’s attention. “…I still haven’t decided what to study.”

“What about soccer?”

“You heard the doctors… I can’t… at least not in a professional way.”

“You were so good though.” A hint of disappointment showed on his words and Taekwoon almost felt grateful for that, he was tired of people’s pity that disappoint seemed much better.

It was a couple of months ago.

The team was having a pretty intense match, the mark was on their favor and then when Taekwoon was about to score again, it happened. Out of nowhere he received a tackle, so horrendous and strong that shattered his left foot. He had injured himself a lot of occasions in the past, but this time was different. The doctors did what they could, but his foot wasn’t the same. So he had to say good-bye to his professional soccer player dream. It was hard at the beginning but he started to get over it.

“You could be a pediatrician. You like children.”

Taekwoon looked dumbfounded for a moment still processing what the other guy had just said.

“I hate blood and I couldn’t stand watching them suffer.”

“Veterinarian then.”

“I do hate blood.” He repeated stating the fact.

“What about music?”

This time Taekwoon didn’t say anything back, instead tried to find any signal in the other’s face that could tell him he was joking but found none. Wonshik was being serious about the subject.

“Music?” He asked not too convinced.

“Yeah, music, you play the piano and can sing. You even write songs!” Wonshik looked rather more excited with the idea than himself. A blush creped on his face and he had to bit his bottom lip to stop a shy smile poke out.

“I do only for fun. I’m not even that good.”

The younger boy half laughed half scoffed at this, certainly not agreeing with his comment.

Taekwoon grabbed his cup and took another sip; the atmosphere wasn’t awkward anymore. They remained in silence for a while, just enjoying each other’s company; Wonshik didn’t seem to be ready to talk about his issue yet and Taekwoon wondered if it was right to ask about it. He glanced at the clock on the café’s wall discovering that they’d been there for almost one hour and a half.

Wonshik scratched his nape, and the older boy knew he was ready.

“I’m gay.”

But he wasn’t prepared to hear that for sure, as he let some coffee slip from his mouth. The unexpected news had him in shock and his reaction seemed not to be what the other hoped for since he stood up ready to leave the place. Taekwoon wiped his mouth with his shirt’s sleeves standing too and tucking Wonshik’s shirt.

“Wait… I’m sorry.” He murmured with a ghost of despair.

Wonshik’s shoulders dropped at those words clearly affected by them, and then they sat again; Taekwoon noticed the redness in the other’s eyes and a feeling of uneasiness overwhelmed him, he didn’t like to see Wonshik cry less be the reason behind it. He nibbled at his lip unsure of what to do, not too sure what to say either. “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to react like that.”

“Don’t.” Wonshik shook his head. “It was me, I think I overreacted… Sorry, it’s just… I was so afraid of rejection.”

Taekwoon nodded.

“What did the other guys say?”

“That… well, you’re the first one I’m telling.” To say that he was happy to hear that was the very least –though he tried to not show it–, it made him feel special; Wonshik had chosen him to be the first one to know about something really important of his life.

A significant secret was shared to him; and still he didn’t know what to reply.

“I’m sure they won’t mind.”

“You think so?”

“I’m sure.”

Their friends were nice guys, a little bit crazy but still nice. He knew Wonshik’s uality wouldn’t be an issue for them.

“You don’t mind?” A hint of nervousness was heard in Wonshik’s voice as he waited expectant for the answer.

“Why should I mind?” There was a brief silence. “A person is not defined by their uality.”

The younger boy looked relieved at the response as a glimpse of smile appeared on his face. “You’re right.”




After his revelation, a couple of weeks later in the cafeteria of the school Wonshik’s boyfriend was introduced to them.



Okay, I'll be honest... this was not how I imagined it... T.T I'm sorry... and I'm sorry to break your kokoro too... There are like 3 chapters left... also, thanks for your comments~ 



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Chapter 5: wow. I just found this masterpiece. I beg you to continue
w0nt4ekLR #2
Chapter 4: Author nim.... what happened to the other 2 chaps ㅠㅠ really not updating ?ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Waiting for your update authornim...:")
AsukaD #4
I'm obssessed with this story, i will be always waiting for an update, Wontaek is life!
Chapter 5: Noooooooooo! My WonTaek feels! Wae?!
KTsuki-chan #6
Chapter 5: Please update sooon~~ ╥﹏╥
Don't want to see our precious Wontaek apart ╥﹏╥
Chapter 5: Ughh...Sometimes, you need to speak up for your feelings Taek even if it'll hurt so bad....... :(((((
Chapter 2: Ohhh! the first "miss"....
Chapter 1: Gaaaaaaahhhh!! Wonsik is just so cute!
kimminseok96 #10
I'm commenting again xD please don't give up on this story... I'm an author myself and I know It's demotivating if people don't comment or not many people read your story. But let me tell you your writing is amazing and the story line is awesome... so as a fellow author don't let me down :( I really love this story I just found it a few minutes ago but I love love love it