A simple phone call

I can see your halo

GD was still sitting in the chair, even after the men had left the room. Hongbin was laying on the ground, hands still tied, crying silently. Suddenly, GD heard a loud sound, reminiscent of a gunshot from a movie. He moved to try and loosen the ropes around him, but to no avail. He was trapped. 
"Hongbin-ah?" He asked, hoping the younger was able to respond.
"Yes?" He heard a slight whisper. If it had been any lower, he wouldn't have been able to hear it.
"Are you alright?" GD asked, trying to get a good look at the other boy.
"It hurts so much." Hongbin whimpered, and GD felt the guilt for not being able to protect the younger boy. 
"Where does it hurt?" GD asked. He waited a few seconds for a reply, but it didn't come. He repeated the question.
"Everywhere." The younger replied, his voice almost nothing. GD looked at the door, hoping that the gunshot had not hurt anybody. But seeing the position everyone was in, he doubted that any of the intruders had been shot. No one knew they were in trouble, not even their companies or their groups. They could die here, and their groups would know nothing about it...

With Minho and Luhan, practically everything was quiet. The only sound was the sound of their breathing. Suddenly, however, the silence was broken by a sound that would otherwise have been annoying, but at the moment, it was strongly welcomed. It was the sound of luhans phone. Luhan reached into his pocket, grabbing his phone, and accepting the call, before the phone could alert the intruders.
"Hello?" Luhan said, as quietly as possible.
"Luhan? Why are you whispering?" Suho asked.
"Suho, help. Some people invaded the house. They have guns. Inform the other groups. Please." Luhan begged the leader, who seemed to understand the severity of the situation.
"Are you alright? What about the other visuals? How many people are there?" Suho asked, trying to get as much information as possible from the visual.
"I'm okay, but there was a gunshot before. I don't know anything. I think there were 6 people or so. Please hurry, I'm scared." Luhan said. 
"Okay, Luhan stay calm. I'll contact the other groups, and then I'll contact the police. I promise we'll save you guys, stay calm." Suho adviced. At that moment, the door opened and a man stepped in.
"Hey you there?" He said, running over and grabbing the phone from Luhan. He broke the phone in half, ending the call and any future calls. He pulled out a gun, and aimed it at luhans head.
"Do as you are told, brat, or you might lose your head." The man said, walking out of the door, leaving Luhan's broken phone on the floor. 

With Himchan and Jin, Himchan was laying on the floor, holding tightly onto his injured leg, tears streaming down his face.
"Help him for gods sake. He could die, help him." Jin yelled at the men standing around them, but no one moved. All that happened was Jin, receiving a hard slap to the face, making him shut up. Suddenly, another man opened the door. 
"One of the others called their groups. The police could be here any second." He said. Jin couldn't help but pray that Namjoon would come and save him from this hell.
An- a little Namjin here at the ending. Some of the other pairings will appear later on. Next chapter will most likely focus on each of the groups receiving the news of their visuals being in danger. Please subscribe, vote and comment❤ ️

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parkn20 #1
Chapter 14: This is so amazing! I love your stories and can't wait to read more!
FlyingPurplePenguin #2
Chapter 14: I can't wait for your next story! This story is literally the greatest :)
Is it over? It's kind of hard to tell
FlyingPurplePenguin #3
Chapter 13: This chapter was really cute! :3
notes_of_hell #4
Chapter 12: I have to say this is actually a really great story but maybe you can write more about their feelings? Like YG must have been shocked to see that Himchan was shot & he must have panicked & how are they going to live with that not only Banghim but the others too & the Rest of the Members - like take a little better look at how they feel &everything you know what I mean? But anyway a really great story!
LuttySerizawa #5
Chapter 11: Oh my gosh this is amazing I like this kind of dark story and your cliffhangers are perfect, it's a torture to wait for the next chapter..! Keep up the good job !
FlyingPurplePenguin #6
Chapter 11: Oh dang. OH DANG! There's a bomb now!?
Chapter 10: Himchan was shot so B.A.P is going to be upset but oooh I hope Himchan confesses! Or Youngguk does it first<3
Chapter 9: YG is going to murder everyone looool

I think BAP is going to be worse because hey! someone SHOT their member :'(
FlyingPurplePenguin #9
Chapter 9: holy , like, I can't even right now.
Like, woah
This is so intense and I'm trying not to freak out cause my parents are home but god the intense!
I really want to know what happens next cause I really like these kinds of stories and this one is really great and dgsnodjfgnose!